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by Michael War


  By Michael War

  Published by JMS Books LLC

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  Copyright 2018 Michael War

  ISBN 9781634866491

  Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

  Image(s) used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.

  All rights reserved.

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  This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which might be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published in the United States of America.

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  To my husband Rocco, who continues to think I can do this crazy thing called writing.

  * * * *


  By Michael War

  Stranded. How far, Marcus couldn’t be certain. All he knew was, if he wanted to keep from being some strange creature’s next meal, he needed to get out of there before nightfall. What made things worse was that with all his advanced degrees and training, the only thing Marcus could think of right now was to find the cave that he stumbled into that led him to this place. All he wanted was to go to an exotic location and relax. Half of his wish came true.

  “Come on, think,” he roared in frustration. Something roared back even louder in the distance. Marcus looked around anxiously, cowering down a bit as if somehow, he could shield himself from whatever was out there. Nothing. Everything around him seemed still; not a single leaf wiggled in the vast green that surrounded him. Marcus was safe, at least for now.

  Marcus wasn’t exactly sure how he ended up in this jungle-like place, and the very thought of how he was going to get back was killing him. He knew the cave had something to do with it, yet he wasn’t sure how. All he really remembered was veering off the road and chasing someone into the cave. That’s right, someone was there, he remembered. He almost plowed right into him, then followed the mystery man to the cave to make sure he was okay. Marcus knew this was stupid, but he had to make sure the guy was okay.

  But unfortunately, that good nature led him here. The only thing that Marcus hated more than disasters was not knowing what to do about them. But now, here he was alone without the slightest idea on how to get out of this jam.

  Perhaps Daniel was right, he mused, surprised those words entered his mind. His thoughts turned to his colleague and ex-boyfriend Daniel, and how for the first time since their breakup, he truly wished Daniel was next to him. It wasn’t that he was a particularly awful boyfriend; he was just so predictable. Marcus okay with some routine, but not when it came to love. Apart from one incredible night, Marcus could literally guess their plans right down to the last second. First, they would head out to an intimate dinner at a local bistro, followed by a trip to his place for some pedestrian sex—twice if he were lucky. That is if you considered pedestrian sex lucky.

  Oh, but on that one night, Daniel had caught Marcus completely off-guard. Marcus was receiving a teacher of the year award, one that he wasn’t expecting. Though he was very active at the high school he worked at, and was popular with both students and colleagues, he never once thought anyone would nominate him for something so prestigious. To Marcus, he was just the ordinary tenth grade chemistry teacher who simply did his job.

  The funny thing was that Marcus had been considering changing careers. He started wondering if perhaps he needed something new in his life. He felt that his life lacked a certain adventure and was beginning to get routine. Every day he would get up at 5:45 A.M., get to work by 7:15, and unless there was a game or event, he would leave by 5:00 P.M. Then he would meet up with Daniel for dinner and maybe a movie at home before bed.

  That was another sticking point. He felt that Daniel’s predictability was beginning to venture out into his everyday life. He was thinking of ending things, but just couldn’t bring himself to do it. Daniel was too sweet, and every time Marcus thought of having the talk, he would look into Daniel’s eyes and instantly shy away. But the thought remained there until that night.

  When Daniel picked him up to celebrate, he expected the usual dinner and drinks and was a little more than pleased when they drove up to four-star hotel. Both were successful in their field, but teachers were not known to receive the same financial rewards as other areas. To see Daniel sparing no expense impressed Marcus beyond belief, even more so when Daniel escorted him past the restaurant and straight to the front desk.

  After getting their key, Daniel took Marcus to the elevator, and once the doors closed, he caressed the small of his back with his hand, gently stroking it up and down. This is new, Marcus mused, but I like it. Daniel continued, pulling him closer until their bodies were united and slowly moving forward to kiss his neck. Oh God, Marcus thought, please don’t let anyone need to use the elevator right now. Not just yet.

  The elevator dinged. Daniel gave one final kiss to Marcus’s neck before the doors slid open. An older woman walked in, giving Marcus and Daniel a once-over. Daniel still held onto Marcus’s hand, rubbing his fingers onto his palm. Such a small act, but it drove him crazy. He wanted to moan just to let Daniel know what he was doing to him, but not with the little old lady standing next to them. Just having to keep still like that made it more intense, causing an anticipation that drove Marcus further into insanity.

  The elevator dinged once more. Daniel gave a gentle tug to Marcus’ arm and finally led him out of the elevator. Marcus wanted to be touched some more, but for some reason Daniel held back with his hands and instead used his eyes, slowly seducing Marcus into a bigger frenzy. He could feel a tingling below and was positive he was getting hard without even having been touched—a first for their relationship.

  The room was nothing short of spectacular, with just the right amount of romance to enhance the mood. Roses, candles, the works: Daniel had thought of it all.

  Marcus was ready. Never had he been so turned on, especially not with Daniel, and he was willing to start right there at the entrance. The past few minutes had driven him so mad that he needed a release before he completely melted. Without knowing it, he had torn open Daniel’s shirt, revealing his smooth, muscular chest and rock-hard abs. How on earth have I not noticed this before, Marcus wondered.

  Not one to waste time, Marcus decided to explore his latest discovery, using his hand to fondle every curve, every muscle, everything he had somehow missed. He started at Daniel’s chest, making sure to give at least slight attention to the nipples before moving down to that wonderful stomach. How he wanted to lick each and every one of those gorgeous bumps, letting his tongue taste what he had long taken for granted. But that would have to wait. Marcus wanted to get down to business, using his hand to travel down past Daniel’s stomach until he reached the part he knew best but right now still seemed a bit mysterious.

  Daniel stopped him just before he reached his bulge, much to Marcus’s dismay. Daniel normally went along with whatever Marcus wanted, except for a few things that disappointed him, so this sudden burst of control had Marcus fe
eling conflicted. He felt uncomfortable for letting go so easily, but was also intrigued about what would happen if he gave in. Daniel remained silent, letting his green eyes do the talking. He began to undress Marcus, slowly, yet slightly roughly, until all his clothes were scattered across the floor. He cupped Marcus’s chest with his hands, then replaced them with his tongue, which began to travel down further and further. Marcus let out a slight moan. Oh, how he wanted to let out an even bigger one but was afraid of sounding too eager. Daniel stopped for a second and smile before going right back to work.

  Daniel kept sliding his tongue downward until it reached Marcus’s attentive soldier. Ever so slowly, Daniel wrapped his tongue around it, moving upward until he reached the tip. He suddenly stopped and gave Marcus another look with those piercing green eyes before letting Marcus’s prick slide all the way down his throat.

  Marcus was in heaven. Daniel always wanted head yet was never one for reciprocation, but tonight a whole new beast had entered the room, leaving Marcus in a fit of ecstasy. He continued his motion downward, taking it all in and then rising again, each pump stronger than the one before.

  The gentleness stopped, and now it seemed like a hunger burned in Daniel. He quickly rose up, unzipped his pants, and pulled Marcus’s hand toward him. Daniel was never a small man, but this time it felt even fuller. Daniel stroked it a bit, making sure he was ready, then slid it toward the hole before stopping for a moment.

  Daniel teased Marcus a bit, only allowing a little bit in around the edges before focusing his green eyes directly at him as he slid in deeper. For the first time ever—not just with Daniel—Marcus screamed. Not in pain, but in pleasure.

  Daniel, still intuitive to Marcus’s needs, took his cue and began to plunge in harder and deeper, driving Marcus to complete ecstasy. With every stroke harder than the first, Marcus could feel the wave of orgasm spread through his body, until he finally found release. Daniel came shortly after him, and the two spent the night huddled together, both naked bodies exhausted but completely satisfied.

  However, just as suddenly as the surprise came, it left, forcing them back into their usual routine. Marcus tried to spark Daniel’s wild side once more, but to no avail. All that was left was a memory, and as strong as it was, it was not enough to keep the flame going. It had been a while since his last date, and lack of physicality was beginning to take its toll. So, he finally drummed up the courage to end it. They were still friends, but that was all.

  Marcus had decided to take things a step further. He craved adventure and was tired of his routine. At the end of the school year he submitted his resignation and made plans to spend a year in Spain.

  * * * *

  Even if he was here, would he hold and protect me? Marcus mused. Nope, he would probably start investigating and theorizing about what I did wrong. Anyways, why in the world would I need protecting? I’m just as fit as he is. Another roar filled the air, causing Marcus to cower once again. This time leaves rustled in the distance, and the ground shook from the power of an unknown source. Whatever made the ground shake certainly wasn’t small.

  Run, dammit, run! Marcus screamed in his head, but to no avail. Frozen by fear and scientific interest, he knew that running would be the best course of action, but where would he go? He did not know the terrain, and if he did take off, what’s not to say something bigger wasn’t waiting for him on the other end? He also knew that a part of him wanted to stay and see what was headed his way.

  The thick brush continued to shake harder as each thud loomed closer. Marcus looked left and right, unsure of where to go. He moved a few steps back but was suddenly yanked to the ground and dragged into the bushes. Before Marcus could scream, a rather large hand covered itself on his mouth, silencing any possible noise. His captor drew him closer, and from what Marcus could tell, did not want to hurt him.

  The hand was bigger than any Marcus had ever seen, but his curiosity took a pause as the thuds began to get closer, sending Marcus and his new savior off the ground with each step. Then the shaking stopped, and although the view was limited, what stood before him was unmistakable: it was a giant, reptilian claw. His new friend pushed him down even harder, as if to keep Marcus from moving.

  No problem, Marcus thought.

  A giant yellow eye slowly scanned in front of the bush, causing the hand holding Marcus to increase its grip once more. The eye remained for a few beats but did not approach, then slowly moved away, after which the thuds returned. The hand stayed in place until the earth calmed. It then released him gently and slowly slid away.

  Marcus turned and was confronted with the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. Dressed in nothing but a loincloth that exposed almost every inch of his dark, sun-kissed skin, this wild man was covered in muscles from head to toe—the kind of muscles most gym rats would die for. Now he knew why the man’s grip had been so tight. Though his dark hair was a bit unruly, it somehow added to his overall masculine appeal. He also appeared to be right around Marcus’s age, somewhere in the twenty-nine to thirty-five range.

  Marcus began to speak, but the wild man’s thick finger pushed against his mouth. Being shushed was one of Marcus’s pet peeves, however this time he decided to let it slide. The wild man looked at Marcus with fascination from head to toe, a piercing gaze from a gorgeous set of green eyes. He had only seen eyes like that once, though now he couldn’t quite remember where.

  The wild man took his finger away from Marcus’s mouth and slid it across his shirt then down to his watch. A slight hum came off it, sending the wild man straight back. “No, it’s okay,” Marcus whispered. “It won’t hurt you, I promise.” He lifted his wrist up for the man to see, and he touched it once more. The gentle way he grabbed it surprised Marcus, such a deep contrast from how he held him before. The wild man looked up at Marcus, and then quickly drew his hand away.

  “I guess it’s too early to be intimate, huh?” Marcus quietly joked, only to receive a confused stare in return. He hoped to find somewhere safe where he could sit and map out where he had been. He figured he hadn’t gone too far from the cave and hoped he could find his way back to it and possibly return home. He knew it was a long shot, but he had to try, even with those large claws lurking about. Perhaps he could get the man to help him. Though he wasn’t sure if they would be able to communicate.

  Looking at the stunning figure in front of him, he also wished he could lift the loincloth and fiddle with something else. Marcus knew better, though, and figured the best thing at this point was to try and find a way to get the man to understand just exactly what he needed.

  They sat in the bush for a long while without exchanging words until the wild man finally rose and motioned for Marcus to follow. “Come,” he said. Marcus was taken by surprise. But it was a nice surprise. “You speak?” Marcus asked. He decided to keep his words short and succinct just in case.

  “Creature is gone. It is safe. Must hurry.”

  It was almost sundown, which meant that a whole new set of horrors would start to roam once the moon showed itself, horrors Marcus was willing to let someone else discover. The wild man knew this and was trying to get them to safety.

  “Where are we going?” Marcus asked.

  “Take you home. Just like the others.”


  “Talk later. Must hide. Too dangerous at night.”

  “Don’t the creatures sleep?”

  “Not the scary ones.”

  Marcus decided to heed this warning and shut his mouth. The man signaled for him to sit still, which Marcus also did. The man got up and looked around for a bit, then motioned for Marcus to follow.

  “We use river. Helps find home.”

  Marcus nodded and followed his leader to parts unknown.

  While the sun was setting, the heat was still unimaginable. Marcus knew that it was possible for the temperature to drop, but it wasn’t coming quick enough. What Marcus did appreciate was the fact that there wasn’t any rain in sight. While it may b
e a welcome relief, the thought of what kind of mosquitos and other insects that it would bring made him shudder in horror.

  Marcus had always considered himself to be in good shape, yet walking in this type of heat was something Marcus had never experienced before, and it wasn’t too long that he could feel his legs giving out on him, causing him to collapse onto the ground. He thought for sure the wild man would leave him, since he was just dead weight at this point, but instead he found himself being lifted and dragged to a stream. At least he figured it was a stream, since he could only make out a few splashing sounds but not much else.

  The wild man cupped some water and slowly lifted Marcus’s head toward his hands. Marcus tried to drink but was too woozy from the heat. The wild man took some more water from the stream and placed his fingers on Marcus’s mouth, allowing the water to slowly drip inside. Marcus began to respond, leisurely sucking on the wild man’s fingers, but not quite realizing what was going on. As Marcus began to regain consciousness, all he could see were the green eyes lovingly facing down toward him.

  “Daniel,” Marcus whimpered. The wild man stopped for a moment, confused by Marcus’s words. He had never seen a man such as this before, all covered in such strange clothes and decided that perhaps it was the clothing that was keeping him from getting better. He tore of Marcus’s shirt and dipped it into the water, then wringed it above Marcus’s face and chest. Marcus began to moan, leading the wild man to believe this was working.

  He leaned in closer to inspect and was greeted with a kiss from Marcus. “Thank you, Daniel, I don’t know what I would have done without…” Marcus began before realizing where he was. He pulled back from the wild man, unsure of what was going to happen. He thought for sure he was dead—especially as the wild man stared at him intently, narrowing his eyes as he moved closer to Marcus as if to pounce on him like prey.

  However, that was not the case. The wild man who saved Marcus’ life earlier was not going to kill him. Instead he leaned in and kissed Marcus right on the lips. It was quick kiss, but was also soft and gentle, the opposite of what Marcus was expecting. The man then took his hand and brushed it softly across Marcus’ face.


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