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The Ambassador's Accidental Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 7

by Rachel Clark

  He smiled at the kings’ antics and pressed a kiss to Cindy’s lips. “Ready to go?”

  She nodded. They’d delayed the mubellabina claiming ceremony to deal with Lila’s arrival, and it had given his enthusiastic staff even more time to organize a much bigger ceremony. Representatives of every single province had been invited. Instead of the moderately sized claiming ceremony of the first day or the rushed ceremony of the day they’d returned from Earth, this ceremony was proving to be a huge, official gathering of planetary proportions.

  To say that Cindy felt nervous was a seriously huge understatement. Even he and Loukie were a tad apprehensive. Their mubellabina ceremony had attracted a very, very big crowd.

  Eric held Cindy close as they walked to the small room where Loukie waited. As soon as she saw them her smile lit up and she moved to embrace them both. Eric felt his heart beat just a little bit faster. Cindy and Loukie were amazing women, the loves of his life, and he couldn’t imagine a future without them.

  With blatant husbandly admiration he admired the ceremonial see-through shift that Loukie wore again. She’d worn it the first day they’d met Cindy, and he’d thought her stunningly beautiful then. It seemed like almost a lifetime ago, but in some ways also seemed like only yesterday.

  Overcome with his own emotions, and maybe just a little embarrassed by them, Eric pulled both women into his arms and held them close.

  * * * *

  “Are you ready?” Loukie eventually asked her lovers. She could stay here all day just holding them like this, but they probably should get ready for the ceremony.

  “Almost,” Eric said, holding up the lotion that they planned to smooth over every inch of their mubellabina’s skin. Technically, since Cindy had already been through the hair-removal process, they didn’t need to use it, but both he and Loukie hoped that the cream would help their mubellabina to relax. “Arms up, beautiful.”

  Cindy looked over her shoulder, seeming a little startled by Eric’s soft order, but she did what he asked. Loukie smiled, lifted Cindy’s simple shift over her head, and helped her to lie on her back on the bench.

  * * * *

  Cindy sighed softly as she tried to relax against the padded surface. Last time they’d been through this she’d not only been completely embarrassed but had held no understanding of what was going on. This time however…

  She moaned quietly as her lovers slowly coated her skin with the lotion, smoothing it over her body, caressing, massaging, relaxing the muscles underneath. Loukie spent extra time coating her breasts in the silky liquid, teasing her nipples to hard points before pinching the aching nubs and leaning over to kiss her lips. She thrust her tongue into Cindy’s mouth, exploring the dark recess the way she knew Cindy loved.

  Eric coated her thighs, rubbing the lotion into her skin in small, sensual circles, his movements pushing her legs wider apart. He leaned over to tongue her clit, licking and suckling the taut bundle of nerves until she shook on the verge of orgasm. They held her there, on the precipice, effortlessly teasing her into mindless need. She felt more cream massaged around her clit before several fingers pushed into her pussy and coated the inside as well. She moved her hips down, trying to force him deeper, but he pressed a hand against her pelvis and held her trapped to the table, continuing his slow torture even as Loukie gripped her nipples harder.

  Loukie broke their kiss. “Breathe, baby,” she said with a knowing grin. Cindy managed to do as she was told, unable to find the will to argue as Eric started to roll her onto her stomach. Together they helped her into a comfortable position before starting their slow seduction all over again. By the time Eric caressed the lotion into the crease of her ass she was ready to explode once more.

  “Please,” she whimpered as thick fingers massaged the supersensitive pucker of her anus. Just that soft touch sent her into overdrive. She gasped, trying to hold back the orgasm, mortified that in the end it would take so little to tip her over the edge.

  Eric grabbed her legs, flipped her over, and thrust his cock straight into her pussy. He set a frantic pace, fucking her harder and harder as she screamed her release. Loukie smiled at her as every muscle Cindy owned shook with the violent orgasm. Her pussy still grabbed at Eric’s hard cock even as he pulled away.

  “Soon,” he promised as the door opened and a man dressed in ceremonial garb motioned for them to follow.

  * * * *

  Loukie held Cindy tight against her as they walked and her lover slowly recovered from her climax. Despite how many times she’d been a part of it, Loukie would never tire of watching Cindy explode into orgasm. It seemed an almost religious experience to watch the woman she loved shake with the arousal that she and Eric caused.

  The three of them entered the large room that had been meticulously converted into an oversized ceremonial chamber and now housed hundreds of invited guests. What they hadn’t explained to Cindy was that their mubellabina claiming ceremony was also going to be recorded and some parts televised to the general population. It was the best way to keep her safe. With visual record of her claiming, nearly everyone on Descon would protect her from the danger that IGAC and the government of Earth possibly still represented. Despite being assured that Cindy was no longer a wanted felon, neither she nor Eric were willing to accept anything on face value. They’d seen evidence of too much corruption to blindly believe anything IGAC or the government of Earth said.

  She felt awful that they’d chosen not to tell Cindy about the recordings, but their mubellabina seemed terrified enough of being naked in front of so many other people. The idea of having sex in front of millions of people might just leave her catatonic. Hopefully, one day soon, Cindy would overcome her human inhibitions and embrace the sexuality of the Desconian people.

  Sex was a celebration of love, and even though Desconian physical relationships were kept within the triad, watching and being watched was a very big part of their adult culture. It was, of course, not something that was done in front of the young, but it certainly wasn’t the dirty, reviled action that it seemed to have been labeled on Earth. Some of the teachings Loukie had read from that planet had been truly disturbing. It seemed rather ironic that Descon was the planet suffering a fertility crisis. With the repressed attitudes on Earth it was a wonder offspring were produced at all.

  The soft strains of the ceremonial music began as she, Eric, and Cindy entered the chamber. Loukie felt Cindy tense up slightly, but it was obvious by her movements that the combination of the lotion, which should be working by now, and the recent, and hopefully exhausting, orgasm she’d had only moments ago, that she was unable to summon enough energy to be frightened.

  The ancient language of her people washed over her as the official in charge spoke the words of a traditional mubellabina claiming ceremony.

  Eric grinned as he lifted the ceremonial dress over Loukie’s head before turning to do the same for Cindy. Cindy seemed a little bit embarrassed by her nudity, but Eric pulled her into his arms and kissed her until every ounce of tension had flowed from her body. He kept Cindy close as he did the same to Loukie.

  Love for her partners swelled through her. Loukie had never imagined the type of closeness she shared with these two people. They weren’t just her lovers. They were also her family, her closest friends, and the man and woman she wanted to share the rest of her life with.

  She knelt at Eric’s feet, willing to take a subservient roll as they claimed their mubellabina. Descon, for all its free thinking and acceptance, was still a patriarchal society. Eric looked shocked at first, but then smiled and touched her face lovingly. She suspected he understood the gift she was offering him.

  “I love you,” he said with such emotion in his voice that it brought tears to her eyes.

  “I love you, too,” she said as she undid the knot in the material that covered his thick erection. He signaled for an attendant to move a bench closer to them, and then lifted Cindy onto the thigh-high surface. He arranged her to his liking, his
hand gripping the back of her head fiercely as he branded her with his kiss.

  Loukie watched them together, amazed at how aroused she was at the thought that she could share her lovers’ passion with so many people. Cindy and Eric were beautiful together, and Loukie wanted nothing less than the whole world to know it.

  Eric moved his feet, tilting his hips so that his erection bobbed in front of her face. His other hand fell to her head, caressing her scalp before tangling in her hair and urging her mouth onto his cock. She let him control the movement, let him take charge, willing to give him the gift of her submission in front of so many others.

  She opened wide and suctioned her lips around him, suckling the head of his cock the way she knew he liked it. She could taste Cindy’s sweet juices still clinging to him, and she licked him, swirling her tongue over the thick veins, gathering every drop of her lovers’ combined flavor. She felt a second, smaller hand tangle in her hair and realized that Cindy was also touching her as she sucked their tredella intimately.

  Loukie groaned as her own arousal grew. She heard a small buzzing noise and realized that Eric must be fucking Cindy with a vibrator while he fucked her mouth. Just imagining the look on their mubellabina’s beautiful face had her own cream gliding down the inside of her thighs.

  Eric pumped into her mouth a few more times, the hand in her hair holding her affectionately, his obvious care for her making emotion swell through her once more. But then he pulled from her mouth, lifted her onto the bench, arranging her on hands and knees over the top of Cindy.

  Loukie leaned forward, taking her mubellabina’s mouth in a passionate kiss, pouring all of her love for the woman into the contact. Eric moved behind her, grabbed her hips, and thrust his cock into her pussy. She grunted at his forceful entry, gasping even louder when he pulled her back and ground his cock even deeper.

  Each time he rammed back into her, he pushed her mound against Cindy’s open thighs. Cindy raised her hips, angling for each stroke even as Eric fucked her with the vibrator. Loukie raised her upper body so that her breasts swung against Cindy’s face. Her lover grabbed a nipple with her mouth, licking, sucking, biting as Loukie’s orgasm swelled and exploded.

  Shaking violently with her climax, helpless against the sensations, Loukie could barely keep herself upright. Eric’s engorged cock continued to pound into her, stroking her climax even higher. Cindy leaned up, kissing her reverently as heat bounced through her again and again, rolling over her, her pussy muscles convulsing around Eric as he swelled and pumped his seed deep in her body.

  * * * *

  Cindy shook in reaction to everything going on. Far from being terrified by their audience, she found that sharing this experience with them seemed to wind her need for her lovers far higher. She held Loukie as she recovered from her explosive orgasm, smiling when the woman caressed her face and whispered how much she loved her. Eric and Loukie had told her and, more importantly, shown her so many times in the past three days how much they loved her that she couldn’t ever doubt their sincerity.

  Their trip home from Earth and much of the three days since had been nearly one very long orgasm.

  Yet, even that didn’t compare to the sensations rolling through her at being claimed publicly by two amazing people who loved her.

  Eric helped Loukie to roll away, carefully fitting her close to Cindy’s side. Loukie caressed her, kissing her softly as Eric lifted her knees over his forearms, removed the vibrator, and rammed his cock into her pussy.

  He fucked her hard and fast, her pussy convulsing around his cock as he claimed her. Helpless to stop her rapid race to climax, Cindy held Loukie tighter as the woman sucked on her nipples and caressed her stomach.

  “Come for us,” Loukie whispered a moment before Cindy’s orgasm burst over her. Every cell in her body shook in reaction, her emotions open and obvious to all who could see.

  “I love you,” she panted breathlessly, still riding the wave of ecstasy as her lovers pushed her into a second, more intense climax. “I love you. I love you. I love you,” she chanted softly, the words bouncing over her as heat raced through her veins and her heart pounded harder.

  Eric stilled, pouring his seed into her body, claiming her heart and soul more thoroughly than she’d ever considered possible.

  “We love you, Cindy Richards,” Loukie and Eric both said with wide smiles.

  And then an indulgent voice from the crowd of witnesses she’d all but forgotten about intoned, “Please welcome Cindy Richards formerly of Earth, now Official Mubellabina to Eric of Riley, Firstborn son of King Adekai, and Loukie-riana of Ezra, Firstborn daughter of King Gordenak.” The crowd clapped in the same enthusiastic way revelers on Earth did for the bride and groom.

  Yet Cindy only had eyes for the two people holding her. When she’d been assigned the diplomatic task of being a bridesmaid she’d never imagined that she would find true and binding, unconditional love in the bride’s and groom’s arms. She smiled softly, pressing a kiss to both her lovers’ lips before whispering, “Remind me to thank the translator for fucking up.”


  Loukie shrieked as Cindy used her tongue to bring her to shuddering climax. Holy heaven, when Cindy had suggested that she needed lessons on how to eat pussy, Loukie had no idea that her lover would be such a dedicated student.

  Gasping for breath, curled up against the woman she loved, Loukie nodded her thanks to the triad, two men and one woman, who’d offered them guidance, encouragement, and the audience that Cindy seemed to enjoy more and more. The three of them were already lost in their own pleasure, so Loukie held her lover closer, and they watched the committed triad enjoy each other.

  A few moments later Eric came into the room, and she smiled at the obvious erection tenting his clothing. “I see I missed another lesson. You’ll need to teach me what you learned later.”

  Cindy smiled and reached for Eric’s hand. He came to them, but sat beside them, resisting the invitation in Cindy’s eyes, and pulled both women into his embrace instead. He absently traced Cindy’s family crest that was painted onto Loukie’s skin. With the help of Cindy’s younger sister, the four of them had designed a crest for the Richards family that was truly beautiful in its simplicity. Eric had the same design on his own arm. Surprisingly, even though they’d been very happy together, the completion of the symbolic joining had seemed to give all three of them a sense of true contentment.

  Eric seemed to have news, so Loukie sat up a little and arched her eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

  He smiled. “I thought you might like to know that we uncovered the missing piece of the IGAC puzzle.” Cindy sat up straighter, too, obviously interested in the full story of how she became their mubellabina. “It would seem that one of the information clerks employed on the Earth base was upset by the corrupt behavior of her boss. When he instructed her to send the details to Felicity Saunders the clerk deliberately mixed the information up with your actual assignment. She even went as far as to alter the translator’s database so that the word mubellabina translated to bridesmaid.”

  Loukie smiled. Obviously the clerk had been clever enough to realize Cindy would have noticed the error if the word had translated to bride. She made a mental note to send the woman a very big thank-you present.

  “Is she in trouble?” Cindy asked. Loukie pulled her lover closer, amazed again by the woman’s capacity to care for complete strangers.

  “No. I’ve spoken to the new head of IGAC’s Earth division and she has concluded that the clerk did the only thing that she could have under the circumstances. Considering how well it turned out, she might even get a promotion. Her boss, on the other hand, has been indicted for corruption and will face trial shortly.”

  Loukie tried not to shiver. No matter how appropriate it might be for a corrupt official of IGAC to face, she never wanted to witness another of those witch hunts humans called justice.

  In fact, the thought made her feel nauseous. Very nauseous.

/>   Loukie swallowed hard, trying to keep her dizziness to herself. But of course, both of her lovers noticed. Before she could even form the words to protest, Eric had her laid out in the bed and the physician on his way.

  Her tredella and mubellabina hovered over her as the doctor made his diagnosis. The news left them all speechless.

  “Pregnant?” she asked for maybe the fortieth time.

  “That’s correct,” the doctor said indulgently. “I’ll run some more tests in a few days, but I would say you’re about halfway through your first trimester.”

  “We’re really pregnant?” Eric asked again probably for his fiftieth time.

  “Yes, Eric,” the doctor said with a huge smile on his face. Loukie still couldn’t quite believe it. From an early age she’d known how rare it was for offspring of her generation to be fertile—nobody even knew the true reason behind the rapid decline in fertility rates planet wide—so she’d resigned herself to a life without children. When Cindy’s test results had shown the same outcome, she’d set aside any thoughts of offspring and simply decided to enjoy her life helping others.

  But this news tipped her world on its axis and opened new and exciting possibilities for their future. Yet it was Cindy’s reaction that worried Loukie the most. It had taken her and Eric a long time to convince their mubellabina that she was loved regardless of her ability to produce offspring or not.

  “Cindy?” she asked quietly as the doctor finally left the room.

  “I’m here, sweetheart.”

  Hearing the endearment Cindy had taken to using for her quelled a little of the panic in her heart.

  “We’re pregnant,” she said with a watery smile. Worried that Cindy might not feel she was included in that “we,” she tried to clarify. “I mean, the three of us. We’re going to have a baby.”


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