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Page 12

by Mia Kayla

  As I listened to the water run in the bathroom, I wondered, what now? Cade was inevitably leaving to set up his new restaurant. Where did that leave me? Where did that leave us?

  Thoughts of the night before filtered to the front of my brain. At twenty-five, I'd never in the quarter of a century of my existence ever experienced what I experienced with Cade. Last night, his lips had worked magic over every inch of my flesh. The navy-blue cotton sheets rustled against my body and goose bumps prickled my skin as my mind flickered to thoughts of last night, after the shower, to round two and in the wee morning hours for round three.

  You'd think I would be tired, but I wanted more, more of him, more of what I'd experienced. After being deprived of uninhibited, unselfish sex, I loved the way he made me feel—wanted and sexy—like he couldn't get enough.

  My fingers drifted south as I thought of the pulsating tremors that Cade had caused. When I pierced myself, my eyes fell shut, and my breathing accelerated. My body tingled from my touch, still sensitive from hours before.

  When the door creaked open, I pulled my fingers out and tugged the sheets over my breasts. A flush crept up my cheeks, as though I'd gotten caught in an inappropriate position.

  With one hand, Cade towel dried his hair, while another towel was wrapped around his waist. His beautiful intricate tattoos were on full display, and I took in every inch of him, from the ones on his neck, down his arms and chest, and I marveled at that masterpiece in front of me.

  He smiled his crooked smile. "You hungry?"

  I straightened on the bed, my back flat against the headboard. "I could eat." I flattened my hands against my bed head, suddenly self-conscious.

  He noticed. It seemed like he noticed everything about me. "Stop it, you're beautiful."

  He gazed at me like he was photographing me with his eyes, a look as though he couldn't get enough of simply staring at me. "Let me cook breakfast for you," I said.

  With a slight head shake, he approached the bed and kissed the top of my nose. "You're sweet, but no, I'll just grab some food from downstairs. It's still your birthday week, after all."

  The cool masculine scent of his shampoo wafted through my nose, and I wanted to pull him close and take a deeper whiff, but I didn't know if that would be appropriate. As much as we had shared, there was still a newness about us, and I didn’t know what his boundaries were.

  He cupped the side of my face as his thumb grazed my cheek gently. "I'll get you fed.” He bent down to kiss me, slow and thoughtful. “And then I have to get going."

  I sighed, loud enough for him to hear, but I couldn't help it because I didn't want our time to end. "Okay." My voice was barely above a whisper. I didn't know where to go from here. For once in my planned life, I didn't know what to do after this. After I did the walk of shame out of his apartment, where did that leave us?

  I didn't have a game plan, and as soon as he walked out of this room, reality would kick in. Could I work with Cade on a professional level given what we'd shared?

  He seemed unbothered by it all as far as I could tell. He kissed my forehead, turned, and stalked to his dresser.

  "When do you leave for Toline to set up your new bar?" My voice held a sad undertone, the same tone that matched the dead weight in my heart.

  He must’ve heard it because he stilled. For a second, he paused, then his eyebrows knitted together as though he was thinking deeply. The air shifted between us, and the visible tension rose in the room. The unbearable silence took over the space between us until he said, "Two weeks, Angel."

  "Oh." What had happened between us had been purely a booty call, so why did I feel so disappointed? I had never been intimate with anyone but Roland. I didn't know how to do one-night stands. I didn't know what would happen tomorrow, what the future held for me, but I knew that I didn't want him to go.

  He slipped his shirt over his head and stalked toward me. When he sat on the bed, I shied away.

  "Hey." He reached for my hand, forcing me to peer up at him. "I leave in a couple of weeks, but let's not think about tomorrow, okay? Or what’ll happen the day after that."

  I nodded, swallowing hard. What had I expected to happen? That after sex, he'd drop his life and settle in with me? The problem with living in the moment was that there were consequences. Consequences of the heart—my heart.

  He added, "Let's not lie to ourselves and pretend it was more than what it was—really good sex and awesome company." He dipped his chin, clearly hiding some type of emotion he didn’t want me to witness.

  My jaw locked. Though it was the truth, it cheapened last night.

  His fingertips grazed my chin. "You're not looking for a relationship with me, Angel. If you'd be honest with yourself, you're looking for a distraction and some fun. We both have complications in our life, complications with our family, that prevent us from taking this any further."

  I jerked away from him and wrapped my arms around myself.

  "Am I lying, Angel?"


  "Then why are you mad?"

  "I'm not mad," I moped.

  He unhooked my arms and came closer, gathering me against him. His firm gaze landed on mine, never wavering, completely serious. "I like you, Angel. A lot. But you still haven't figured things out about that ex-boyfriend of yours. You just broke up."

  "I slept with another man," I said, incredulous. "It's most definitely over."

  "You broke up just days ago." He ran the back of his hand down my cheek. "I told you. You have more to lose here than me, and I have everything to gain. Things could change in a heartbeat. You could change your mind." His voice was whisper soft, but his eyes were strongly guarded.

  He lifted my chin with the lightness of his pointer finger. "What's the matter?"

  "I just don't know what happens now ... with everything," I blurted, honesty seeping out.

  His face was thoughtful. "What happens is whatever you want to happen."

  When I didn't answer, he continued, "I'm not sleeping with anyone else. I haven't in a while. My random hook up days are done because of my obligations to this job and to my family. I still want to have sex with you because, damn, last night was the best sex I've had since ..." He paused for a beat. "... ever. But I leave this all to you, Angel.” He playfully tugged at the sheets of his bed, exposing me. “What’re you doing this weekend?"

  "Why?" I paused to examine him and readjusted the sheets over my bare breasts.

  "It's ladies’ night, and I very much want you to come so I can see you again." He climbed on top of me, surprising me, and I cradled him between my legs. "Is that a yes, you'll come?"

  Automatic heat spread throughout me, my body arching toward his. "I think I came multiple times last night."

  "Funny girl," he chuckled.

  "Maybe." Because there was no denying that I wanted to see this man tonight and every night after that.

  He tugged the sheet back, exposing my body and his lusty eyes raked over me before he licked his lips. His hand slid up my breast, and between his fingertips, he squeezed my nipple, sending a shock directly to my core.

  "We stop when you say the word. Do you want me?" He pushed his growing erection, under the towel, against my stomach. "Because it seems," he chuckled, "that I will always want you. All the time.”

  My fingers moved to the edge of his towel, my silent answer to his spoken question. I pulled it from his waist, and he grabbed a condom from his side table.

  My head fell back as he sank deep inside me, filling me and moving on top of me until I couldn't feel my legs.

  Everything that filled me was Cade.

  His clean, masculine scent. His hard, toned body against mine. The way his hands tightly gripped my thighs as he moved inside me.

  My heart was racing.

  My mind was mush.

  I couldn't think.

  But I knew that I didn't want this to stop.

  I straightened out my skirt and applied gloss again before grabbing my purse and shut
ting the door behind me. The gust of wind blew my skirt up when I stepped outside, and a chill ran through my body. I remembered the last time I'd gone to Allswell to go dancing; Tene had been with me. So much had happened since then.

  My feet hurried to my car, and I shivered as I placed the key in the ignition and started the vehicle.

  Fall was approaching quickly. Soon enough, my family events would include pumpkin patches and carving pumpkins with my father. He insisted that we do this each year, even though we were adults. The way it went in our family, Christmas was my mother's event, Halloween was my father's, and birthdays were mine.

  Roland's parents came over every year during Halloween to pack bags of candy for our local orphanage. Where did all this leave us now? I wondered if our close families would still hang out. An ache spread through my chest when I thought about our mothers and their friendship. Would they still be as close?

  Then I shook my head, breaking the guilt that rose within. I had dated Roland, not his family. I couldn't think about how my break up with him would affect both of our families because that would shatter me, quite possibly have me running back to him. I needed—for once—to put myself first.

  Driving, I passed the post office, the corner bakery, and Roland's place of work. I knew he was still inside with his business associates, so late in the evening. We hadn't talked about it, but I knew soon enough, Roland would be in for bigger and better things, which only meant longer hours, and, inevitably, a move to a bigger city—New York City, most likely. But this time, I wouldn't be there following him around like a lost puppy or waiting for him to come home.

  Live for today.

  Cade's words brought me out of my thoughts, and I nodded once, thinking that was exactly what I was going to do. Live for today and live for me today and from now on.

  After dropping my car off at the valet, I headed toward the back of the line that went on forever. The line was long. Super long. Like the Nile River long.

  Ladies’ night really drew in a crowd. This was by far a longer line than the first time I had come here, and this time, I didn't have Tene to talk her way in.

  I lifted my phone to my ear and called Cade. I'd never confirmed that I was coming, and I doubted I was on some magical list that the bouncer had. When it went to voice mail, I stuffed the phone into my purse and headed to the front of the line, bypassing the people standing in it.

  "Hey, girlfriend." A taller woman bumped me with her ass. "I don't think so."

  "I know the owner." I grimaced as soon as the words left my mouth. God, if that wasn't the most cliché line ever. “And I own the building.” I was overreaching now.

  "Sure. Sure."

  Everyone protested, but I forged ahead, dropping my gaze to the ground and watching my feet lead the way.

  Would it have been better to say, "I'm sleeping with the owner?"

  I should’ve just given up, but I was all dressed to impress in a black, skintight Chanel dress. I was determined to see Cade.

  I maneuvered myself through the thick line, and when I reached the front, the tension in my shoulders relaxed. My head tilted to take in the over six feet of all hard muscle bouncer. He nodded toward me to speak. If these were the cooks or Cade's staff inside, they would’ve possibly known me. This guy didn't.

  "Hi!" I piped up, smiling sweetly and waving my hand in front of him like he was across the room, but he was a mere foot away. "I'm here to see Cade Ryder." My demeanor was more cheery and bright, opposite my fun flirty sister many nights ago.

  He blinked, his expression stoic. "Is your name on the list?”

  "No," I said through a toothy smile.

  "Back of the line, then."

  "But ..." I blinked.

  He cocked his head, then pointed to the back of the line.

  “No. Please, I—” I was cut short by his pinched expression when a warm arm wrapped around my waist. I reeled back automatically. Glancing up, I stared into an unfamiliar pair of hazel eyes, then I stiffened.

  The stranger’s hair was slicked back into a man bun. He was broad and could’ve passed for one of the bouncers. Maybe he was but was just off duty. "Ted, she's with me."

  He leaned into me to whisper in my ear. "Just go with it. You want to get in, don't you?"

  I did.

  He pulled me closer, and I allowed it. It was either that or let all the effort of getting dressed up go to waste.

  The bouncer nodded toward the male by the red velvet rope, and he unclasped the rope to let us pass.

  Music pounded in my ears as I stepped inside. The laser lights blinded my eyes, and immediately the sweat in the air stuck to my skin.

  There were crowds of people crushed against each other as they swayed and bounced and bobbed to the music.

  The man's hand was wrapped tightly around my waist as he ushered me in. When I turned around to thank him for getting me into the club, he angled closer, his warm breath on my face. "Let me buy you your first drink."

  I rocked back on my heels, needing space away from him. "No, thank you. I'm meeting someone." I wanted to be upfront and not personal. "Thanks for getting me in, though. I would’ve been standing in line forever." When his hold didn't loosen, my smile tightened, and my eyes darted around me for an escape. "My boyfriend works here."

  "Just one drink, pretty lady.” His eyes were light with humor. “I did get you into the club."

  When he angled his head toward the bar, I scanned the area for Cade, and, when I couldn't find him, I nodded once. "Okay." I decided to play nice. One drink in repayment for getting me in. He seemed harmless enough.

  After I stepped away from him, not liking the feel of his body so close to mine, he held out his hand for me to lead the way.

  The heat of everyone's body cramped up like sardines pressed against me as we pushed through to get to our drinking station destination. Though this stranger was no longer all up on me, everyone else was.

  When we were by the bar, he wedged himself in the small space in front of me, turned and smiled. "What are you drinking?"

  "I'll get a long island iced tea."

  He raised his hand to get the bartender's attention and ordered our drinks. I didn't recognize the redhead, but then again, Cade had so many people that he employed. I continued to scan the space, but I couldn't find him.

  "What's your name?" The man seemed to be in his mid-thirties, a little older than the mass of people around us.


  "Nice to meet you, Angie. I'm Walter." He opened up a space so I could move closer to the bar. "You showed up alone? Usually you women travel in packs."

  "I'm sort of meeting someone here." It was the second time I had mentioned it, but Walter seemed unfazed.

  Kristy, at the very end of the bar, saw me and her eyes narrowed. I knew she didn't approve of me being with Cade. Gosh, who could blame her? For all she knew, I still had a boyfriend and was two timing both of them, and now I'd shown up with a whole different guy.

  And although I wanted to deny it, I wanted to be friends with Kristy because Cade liked her. They were friends from back home. It was important for me to be friends with his friends. I wanted her seal of approval, though I doubted I'd ever get it.

  Walter pulled out his wallet from his back pocket. His eyes furrowed, which caused me to focus my attention toward him. "Hey, I'm super embarrassed about this, but do you have an extra dollar I could tip her? I don't have change."

  "For sure. No problem." I dropped my head into my purse and dug to the bottom, finally digging up a few dollar bills. "Here you go."

  He threw the dollar bills on the counter, on top of his money, and grabbed our drinks. "Let's move away from the bar. It's too crowded over here." He handed me my drink and ushered me away toward the dance floor.

  I tipped back the glass, feeling the cool burn of the liquid hit the back of my throat. As soon as I was done with this long island, I was searching for Cade.

  And that was the last thing I remembered.

nbsp; Chapter 14

  A pounding headache and a deep overpowering voice brought me back into consciousness.

  I squinted up at an unfamiliar pair of green eyes. The young woman was nose to nose with me. My back was slouched against the wall, and a draft drifted up my skirt, which was bunched by my thighs. I wanted to pull my skirt down to hide myself, but my limbs were weak. I was disoriented; I couldn't move. Couldn't speak. Couldn't do anything but lie there. The inside of my throat felt like old paper, dusty and dry.

  My vision was blurred, but when I lifted my head, a larger male was pounding his fist into some guy’s face. Squinting at the scene, I realized it was the guy I had just met at the bar—Walter?

  "I'm going to fucking kill you for touching her." The voice was deep and deadly and dangerous.


  My sight sluggishly came back to focus, but my mind was slow to comprehend what was happening. We were in the back of the restaurant by the freight elevators. Three bouncers and Kristy were trying to tear Cade off Walter. Walter's face was bloody, his one eye swollen shut. I didn't know where the blood was coming from.

  My eyes fell shut again, but Cade's voice still echoed throughout the room, his tone powerful and overwhelming and frightening.

  "Who fucking gives you the right? Huh? Fucker!” His voice was seething rage. “Tell me!" He gripped Walter's shirt, anchoring him against the wall, choking him.

  Slowly, awareness came back to me, and something clicked in my brain. I remember taking a sip of my drink. Feeling Queasy.


  Walter ushering me into the back hall.

  Me saying no. Feeling unsteady. Sleepy.

  Some of my thoughts came back with fearful clarity. I remembered him groping me through my clothes, and a silent cry escaped my lips.

  How far did he get?

  What happened?

  My mind raced, and a tremor of terror shook my insides, but I was unable to move, my body still so weak.


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