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by Nicholson Baker

  ——. Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1952. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953.

  ——. Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1957.

  ——. “Administrative Department—Office of Collections Maintenance and Preservation.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 25:41 (October 13, 1966).

  ——. “Administrative Department—Photoduplication Service.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 25:41 (October 13, 1966).

  ——. “National Preservation Program—First Phase.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 26:4 (January 26, 1967).

  ——. “Frazer G. Poole.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 26:10 (March 9, 1967).

  ——. Papermaking: Art and Craft. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1968.

  ——. Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1972. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973.

  ——. Verner Warren Clapp, 1901–1972: A Memorial Tribute. Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, 1973.

  ——. “Serial Division.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 35:2 (January 9, 1976).

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  ——. “Library Announces Public Opening of Access to Optical Disk Technology.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 45:7 (February 17, 1986).

  ——. “The Librarian of Congress Testifies Before Appropriations Subcommittee.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 45:9 (March 3, 1986).

  ——. “Engineering Problems Experienced at Deacidification Test Facility.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 45:11 (March 17, 1986).

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  Library of Congress, Working Group on Reference and Research. Report to the Task Group on Shelving Arrangement. July 8, 1997, updated October 30, 1997.

  Licklider, J. C. R. Libraries of the Future. Foreword by Verner Clapp. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1965.

  Licklider, J. C. R., and R. E. Bunch. “Effects of Enforced Wakefulness upon the Growth and the Maze Learning Performance of White Rats.” Journal of Comparative Psychology 39 (1946).

  Lindstrom, Tom. “Discussion Contribution: Slow Fires—It’s Paper Chemistry, Physics, and Biology.” In Luner, Paper Preservation, 1988.

  Lockhart, Vickie, and Ann Swartzell. “Evaluation of Microfilm Vendors.” Microform Review 19:3 (summer 1990).

  Longley, Charles. “Newspapers at the Boston Public Library.” T.s. March 13, 1998.

  Luner, Philip, ed. Paper Preservation: Current Issues and Recent Developments. Atlanta: Tappi, 1988.

  Lynn, M. Stuart. “Digital Technologies, Preservation and Access.” The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter 43 (March 1992),

  McCrady, Ellen. “The History of Microfilm Blemishes.” Restaurator 6 (1984).

  McIntyre, John E. “Protecting the Physical Form.” In Guidelines for Digital Imaging. Joint RLG and NPO Preservation Conference, 1998,

  MacKay, Neil. The Hole in the Card: The Story of the Microfilm Aperture Card. St. Paul: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, 1966.

  Mann, Thomas. The Height-Shelving Threat to the Nation’s Libraries. Washington, D.C.: AFSCME Local 2910 (“The Guild”), June 1999.

  Marcum, Deanna B. “Reclaiming the Research Library: The Founding of the Council on Library Resources.” Libraries and Culture 31:1 (winter 1996).

  Marks, John. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. New York: Times Books, 1979.

  Marley, S. Branson, Jr. “Newspapers and the Library of Congress.” Library of Congress Quarterly Journal 32:3 (July 1975). Reprinted in Veaner, Studies in Micropublishing, 1976.

  Martin, Murray S. “New Microfilms for Old Books.” American Libraries, February 1970.

  ——. “Matters Arising from the Minutes: A Further Consideration of Microform-Serials Exchange.” Microform Review 2 (April 1973).

  ——. “Promoting Microforms to Students and Faculty.” Microform Review 8:2 (spring 1979).

  Mearns, David C. The Story Up to Now: The Library of Congress, 1800–1946. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1947.

  Merrill-Oldham, Jan, and Merrily Smith, eds. The Library Preservation Program: Models, Priorities, Possibilities. Proceedings of a conference, April 29, 1983. Chicago: American Library Association, 1985.

  Merrill-Oldham, Jan, and Paul Parisi. Guide to the Library Binding Institute Standard for Library Binding. Chicago: American Library Association, 1990.

  Merrill-Oldham, Jan, and Gay Walker. Brittle Books Programs. Washington, D.C.: Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC) Kit 152, Office of Management Services, Association of Research Libraries, 1989. (Introductory flyer is bound in the book.)

  Metcalf, Keyes D. “Microphotography in the New York Public Library.” In Raney, Microphotography for Libraries, 1936.

  ——. “Newspapers and Microphotography.” The Journal of Documentary Reproduction 2:3 (September 1939).

  ——. “Some Trends in Research Libraries.” In William Warner Bishop: A Tribute, ed. Harry Miller Lydenberg and Andrew Keogh. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941.

  ——. Random Recollections of an Anachronism. New York: Readex Books, 1980.

  Metcalf, Keyes, et al. “The Promise of Microprint: A Symposium Based on The Scholar and the Future of the Research Library.” College and Research Libraries, March 1945.

  Milevski, Robert J. “Mass Deacidification: Effects of Treatment on Library Materials Deacidified by the DEZ and MG-3 Processes.” In The 1992 Book and Paper Group Annual, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation, 1992.

  Miller, Edward. That Noble Cabinet: A History of the British Museum. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1974.

  Miller, J. Hillis. Preserving the Literary Heritage: The Final Report of the Scholarly Advisory Committee on Modern Language and Literature of the Commission on Preservation and Access. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access, July 1991,

  Miller, Michael. Ideas for Preservation Fund Raising: A Support Package for Libraries and Archives. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access, 1990.

  Milum, Betty. “Eisenhower, ALA, and the Selection of L. Quincy Mumford.” Libraries and Culture 30:1 (winter 1995).

  Minkler, Whitney S. Audit Procedures and Inspection Results from 1% of Microfilm Samples from Ohio State, Yale, and Harvard Universities. Fairfax, Va.: MSTC, March 30, 1993.

  Molz, Kathleen. “Interview of Verner Clapp, Council on Library Resources, Inc. by Kathleen Molz, editor, Wilson Library Bulletin.” Verner Clapp papers, Library of Congress. Later published as Kathleen Molz, “Interview with Verner Clapp,” Wilson Library Bulletin 40:2 (1965).

  Molyneux, Robert E. “What Did Rider Do? An Inquiry into the Methodology of Fremont Rider’s The Scholar and the Future of the Research Library.” Libraries and Culture 29:1 (summer 1994).
br />   Montori, Carla. “Re: electronic/paper format & weeding,” PADG (Preservation Administrators Discussion Group), December 15, 1997. Archived on the CoOL website, (viewed September 29, 2000).

  Morehouse, H. G. Telefacsimile Services Between Libraries with the Xerox Magnavox Telecopier. Reno: University of Reno Library, December 20, 1966.

  Morris, James M. “The Foundation Connection.” In Influencing Change in Research Librarianship: A Festschrift for Warren J. Haas, ed. Martin M. Cummings. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources, 1988.

  Morse, Philip M. Library Effectiveness: A Systems Approach. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1968.

  ——. In at the Beginnings: A Physicist’s Life. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977.

  Morse, Philip M., and George E. Kimball. Methods of Operations Research. Washington, D.C.: Operations Evaluation Group, U.S. Navy, 1946.

  Mott, Frank Luther. American Journalism. New York: Macmillan, 1947.

  Munsell, Joel. Chronology of the Origin and Progress of Paper and Paper-Making. New York: Garland, 1980. (Facsimile of 5th ed., Albany: J. Munsell, 1876.)

  “Musings on Mummy-Paper.” Punch 12 (May 29, 1847).

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center. Accident Investigation Board Report of Mishaps at the Deacidification Pilot Plant, Building 306 on December 5, 1985, and February 14, 1986. James H. Robinson, Jr., Board Chairman. September 4, 1986.

  National Endowment for the Humanities. “Brittle Books.” (viewed October 4, 2000).

  National Microfilm Association. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting and Convention. Washington, D.C., April 2–4, 1959, microfiche of disbound pamphlet.

  Nelson, W. Dale. “Space Technology Used to Prolong Life of Books.” Associated Press, May 23, 1982, Nexis.

  New York Public Library. “When Did Newspapers Begin to Use Wood Pulp Stock?” Bulletin of the New York Public Library 33 (1929).

  ——. “Authors and Publishers Sign Landmark Declaration for Book Preservation.” News release. March 7, 1989. Reprinted in Association of Research Libraries, Preserving Knowledge.

  New York Times, The. “Conquest of Brittleness, the Ruin of Old Books.” August 8, 1984, B8.

  New York Times, The. “Joseph Becker, 72, Information Expert.” July 27, 1995, D22.

  Nickerson, Matthew. “pH: Only a Piece of the Preservation Puzzle: A Comparison of the Preservation Studies at Brigham Young, Yale, and Syracuse Universities.” Library Resources and Technical Services 36:1 (1992).

  Niles, Ann. “Conversion of Serials from Paper to Microfilm.” Microform Review 9:2 (spring 1980).

  Nyren, Karl. “The DEZ Process and the Library of Congress.” Library Journal, September 15, 1986.

  ——. “It’s Time to Dump DEZ.” Library Journal, September 15, 1986.

  O’Brien, Frank M. The Story of the Sun. New York: George H. Doran, 1918.

  Ohio Board of Regents. Academic Libraries in Ohio: Progress through Collaboration, Storage, and Technology. Report of the Library Study Committee, September 1987.

  Okerson, Ann. “Microform Conversion—A Case Study.” Microform Review 14:3 (summer 1985).

  Ottemiller, John H. “The Selective Book Retirement Program at Yale.” Yale University Library Gazette 34:2 (October 1959).

  Overhage, Carl F. J., and R. Joyce Harman, eds. Intrex: Report of a Planning Conference on Information Transfer Experiments. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1965.

  “Paper from Egyptian Mummies.” Syracuse Daily Standard, August 19, 1856. Undated editorial reprinted from the Albany Journal.

  Parsonage, J. S. “The ‘Scholar’ and After: A Study of the Development of the Microcard.” Library Association Record, November 1949. Reprinted in Veaner, Studies in Micropublishing, 1976.

  Petroski, Henry. The Book on the Bookshelf. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999.

  Poole, Frazer G. “William James Barrow.” In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. New York: Dekker, 1969.

  Poundstone, William. Prisoner’s Dilemma. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

  Preservation Microfilming: Planning and Production. Papers from the RTSD Preservation Microfilming Institute, New Haven, April 21, 23, 1988. Chicago: Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, American Library Association, 1989.

  Preservation Resources, “Preserving Microfilm,” (viewed September 13, 2000).

  Pritsker, Alan B., and J. William Sadler. “An Evaluation of Microfilm as a Method of Book Storage.” College and Research Libraries 18:4 (July 1957).

  Public Information Research. NameBase (database).

  Puckette, C. McD. “Question of Filming the New York Times.” In Raney, Microphotography for Libraries, 1936.

  Radio Corporation of America, Defense Electronic Products. “A Proposal for an Automatic Page Turner: Submitted to the Council on Library Resources in Response to ‘An Automatic Page Turner—the Basic Requirements,’ November 1, 1957.”

  “Rag and Paper Business, The,” New York Tribune, November 4, 1856.

  “Rags from Egypt.” Syracuse Daily Standard, July 31, 1856.

  Raney, M. Llewellyn. “A Capital Truancy.” The Journal of Documentary Reproduction 3:2 (June 1940).

  Raney, M. Llewellyn, ed. Microphotography for Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 1936.

  Rau, Erik Peter. “Combat Scientists: The Emergence of Operations Research in the United States during World War II.” Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1999.

  Reed, Jutta R. “Cost Comparison of Periodicals in Hard Copy and on Microform.” Microform Review 5:3 (July 1976).

  Regis, Ed. The Biology of Doom: The History of America’s Secret Germ Warfare Project. New York: Henry Holt, 1999.

  Reilly, James M., et al. “Stability of Black-and-White Photographic Images, with Special Reference to Microfilm.” Abbey Newsletter 12:5 (July 1988).

  Rensenberger, Boyce. “Acid Test: Stalling Self-Destruction in the Stacks.” The Washington Post, August 29, 1988.

  Research Information Service, John Crerar Library. Dissemination of Information for Scientific Research and Development. Chicago: John Crerar Library, 1954.

  Rider, Fremont. Are the Dead Alive? New York: B. W. Dodge, 1909.

  ——. The Scholar and the Future of the Research Library. New York: Hadham Press, 1944.

  ——. Compact Book Storage. New York: Hadham Press, 1949.

  ——. “Microcards vs. the Cost of Book Storage.” American Documentation 2:1 (January 1951). Reprinted in Veaner, Studies in Micropublishing, 1976.

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  ——. And Master of None: An Autobiography in the Third Person. Middletown, Conn.: Godfrey Memorial Library, 1955.

  Ringle, Ken. “Card Catalogue to Be Filed Away; Library Turns to Computers.” The Washington Post, November 13, 1984, p. A1, final edition.

  Robbins, Louise S. “The Library of Congress and Federal Loyalty Programs, 1947–1956: No ‘Communists or Cocksuckers.’ ” Library Quarterly 64:4 (October 1994).

  Robinson, Lawrence S. “Establishing a Preservation Microfilming Program: The Library of Congress Experience.” Microform Review 13:4 (fall 1984).

  Rogers, Rutherford. “Library Preservation: Its Scope, History, and Importance.” In Merrill-Oldham and Smith, Library Preservation Program, 1985.

  Roggia, Sally Cruz. “William James Barrow.” In Dictionary of Virginia Biography. Richmond: Library of Virginia, 1998.

  ——. “William James Barrow: A Biographical Study of His Formative Years and His Role in the History of Library and Archives Conservation from 1931 to 1941.” Ph.D. Diss., Columbia University, 1999.

  Roth, Steven M. The Censorship of International Civilian Mail during World War II: The History, Structure, and Operation of the
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  Rouyer, Philippe. “Humidity Control and the Preservation of Silver Gelatin Microfilm.” Microform Review 21:2 (1992).

  Rubin, Jack. A History of Micrographics in the First Person. Silver Spring, Md.: National Micrographics Association, 1980.

  Russell, Colin A. Edward Frankland: Chemistry, Controversy, and Conspiracy in Victorian England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

  Salmon, Stephen R. “User Resistance to Microforms in the Research Library.” Microform Review 3:3 (July 1974).

  Sanders, Terry. Slow Fires. Written by Ben Maddow and narrated by Robert MacNeil. A presentation of the American Film Foundation. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources, 1987. Motion picture.

  Schubert, Irene. “Re: Serials microfilming,” PADG (Preservation Administrators Discussion Group), archived on the CoOL website,, October 31, 1997.

  Schudson, Michael. Discovering the News: A Social History of American Newspapers. New York: Basic Books, 1978.

  “Scientific Journal in Microfilm—An Experiment in Publishing.” Library Journal, April 1, 1959.

  Scribner, Bourdon W. “Summary Report of Research at the National Bureau of Standards on Materials for the Reproduction of Records.” In Transactions, International Federation for Documentation. Vol. 1. Fourteenth conference. Oxford, 1938.

  Shaffer, Norman J. “Library of Congress Pilot Preservation Project.” College and Research Libraries, January 1969.

  Shahani, Chandru. Accelerated Aging of Paper: Can It Really Foretell the Permanence of Paper. Library of Congress Preservation Directorate, November 1995, (viewed September 14, 2000).

  Shahani, Chandru, and William K. Wilson. “Preservation of Libraries and Archives.” American Scientist, May–June 1987.

  Shulman, Seth. “Code Name: Corona.” Technology Review, October 1996.

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  Slauson, Allan B. A Check List of American Newspapers in the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1901.


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