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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 2

by L M Lacee

  She had not been down to this level when they had gone to Draygann as they had used the shuttles, instead of the cruisers. It had something to do with space fractures or space disbursement around the planet.

  Truthfully, she had stopped listening when Darby and Jean started to explain. At the time she had been positive they were making it up to confuse her, but looking at the cruisers, she thought she may have to re-think that idea. She could see how the ships could play havoc with a planet’s shields or whatever they had been talking about.

  From behind her, she heard a voice say,


  ‘Greetings Jorge, I am pleased to see you.’

  ‘Greetings Star Daughter and thank you.’

  ‘So these are the special cruisers?’

  Jorge stood with his hands clasped behind his back as he replied. ‘They are. This one has a crew of fifty and can take on over two hundred passengers. They have turned her cargo hold into a med unit to assist us and the Prowlers. I heard they will be adapted for the Draygons when we return home. It has a fully functioning dispensing system. Also, the water reticulation and air systems can sustain a full crew and passengers for up to one yenta.’

  He stopped talking, and they looked the ship over again, then he said. ‘I also heard Jax will be in place soon and will make the ship even more undetectable than Commander Darby already has. This is one of several that will be just for the rescues. Each Warbird will have one or two in their fleet.’

  Peyton did not bother hiding her awe as she said. ‘You are right, it is impressive, more so now I know all that. It sort of looks like a big jetliner I saw in a book when I was very young.’

  Jorge nodded his head. ‘I agree, Amelia showed me a pic of those crafts. It is hard to believe they were able to sustain flight.’

  ‘I guess so. I believe these don’t have wings?’

  ‘They are not needed, it is powered by…’

  She held a hand up as she smiled. ‘Stop please, it was an observation. I do not really care as long as it goes?’

  He nodded. ‘I am told it does and very fast.’

  ‘Oh, that is cool. Where is Tipper?’

  ‘With Amelia, apparently he is not required, and he was warm.’ He smiled, then tipped his head in a salute as she laughed. She watched him wander in through the cruiser’s wide double doors.

  Peyton turned around when she felt someone come up behind her. ‘Kate, why did I not know you were coming, why are you?’

  She yawned. ‘No idea and Prowlers, who else?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘True, did anyone think to bring coffee?’

  ‘I heard Jorge did.’

  ‘If he wasn’t mated, I’d keep him?’ Peyton told her.

  Kate looked her over. ‘Sorry hon, Amelia could take you.’

  Peyton laughed and together they watched as two Prowlers, Tad and his brother Red bounded to where they stood. Peyton asked. ‘Why are you here?’

  Tad replied. We are on the away roster.

  We are the Seekers for this mission. Red explained with a touch of pride in his voice.

  Peyton nodded, knowing that Hawk had made it mandatory that on every rescue mission, two or more Prowlers were sent out as Seekers. When she had offered the name Scouts in place of Seekers to explain what they did. She was told politely that they were Seekers, not Scouts. Apparently there was a distinction.

  Together, she and Kate turned to watch Dinas and Patty step off the transfer circle.

  Red mumbled. We are also here for them. He indicated Dinas and Patty, who walked into the cruiser.

  Kate asked. ‘Really, both?’

  Peyton murmured. ‘That will be a surprise.’

  ‘I know, none of them have a clue.’ Melody said as she arrived, flushed and happy. ‘I am about to remedy that now. Come on you two.’ She motioned to the two Prowlers.

  ‘I thought you said you were not going on anymore missions.’ Peyton called after her.

  ‘And I thought you were going to cut down on your coffee.’

  ‘What has that to do with you going on missions?’

  Melody turned at the door and winked. ‘Not a frigging thing, Star Girl… not a thing.’

  Peyton asked Kate. ‘Do you understand that?’

  ‘Nope.’ And she popped the p as she grinned. ‘Don’t need too.’

  Peyton grumbled all the way into the cruiser. She had been a little sad at the prospect of having only Netta with her on this almost away mission. She supposed being in space it was still an away mission. Technically, they were going away from the Warbird so that was an away mission. Happy with her logic she grinned, but here was Melody and Kate coming with her and bringing all their snarkiness. It was nice being surrounded by family. Kate followed her as she entered the ship.

  Netta rushed in behind them. ‘Sorry, Knife was not pleased to be left behind.’

  Kate laughed. ‘He is a delight that one, when he gets older there will be no stopping him.’

  ‘I know, I can barely keep up now.’ Netta agreed as she and Kate shared a smile before Kate moved passed her to find a seat.

  Netta told Peyton. ‘I took him to Esther, she has Scout as well and I should warn you, she is not happy about being left behind either.’

  ‘Oh dayam.’ Peyton grumbled, then said. ‘So not scared.’

  ‘Liar.’ Netta said as they both looked around at the interior of the ship. She murmured. ‘Slightly disappointed.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘This looks like a regular shuttle.’

  ‘I know, I expected more.’

  Peyton could see none of the things Jorge had told her about. It was just seats and the pilot’s command center at the front. Lukkas came in behind her and Netta, catching the end of what they had said. ‘Star Daughter, Commander, it is supposed to look like this. All the cabins and modifications are on the top two levels.’

  She and Netta looked up at the flat ceiling. ‘Well, okay then. Netta we need to investigate this.’

  ‘Yes later, for now, take your seat. You are holding us up.’

  ‘You’re standing here too.’

  ‘Because you are blocking the way.’

  ‘Oh sorry.’ She moved inside as Netta and Lukkas both smiled, more so when they heard her cheer.

  ‘Yippee!’ As Peyton found her seat and a cup of coffee.

  Netta asked. ‘Pilot, is everyone on board?’

  ‘They are Commander.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Lukas moved into the ship and saw a stunned Patty and Dinas with the brothers Red and Tad blissfully leaning their heads in their laps. Sitting behind them, he sighed, missing Scout already. He hoped one day soon Scout would be by his side and together they would have the adventures they talked of. Lukkas sighed quietly again as he thought of the scouting he had done with Sedeen and Matt. He wondered if the rumors he heard were true, that there really was going be a new scout unit. If so, he and Scout desperately wanted to join them.

  Peyton looked up and saw June at the pilot console. ‘June, how are you?’

  ‘I am well Star Daughter, and you?’

  She grinned. ‘I am up and have coffee.’

  As she took her seat beside Peyton, Netta said. ‘Anytime pilot, we are ready.’

  ‘Yes Commander.’

  Peyton held her coffee in one hand and looked around. Suddenly Jorge was standing next to her.

  ‘May I?’

  ‘Oh for sure.’ She answered with a smile and watched as he waved his hand over the armrest. A slice of the other armrest slid away to reveal a cup holder. ‘Amazing, do you think that was placed there for me?’

  Netta raised an eyebrow and asked. ‘Who else?’

  Jorge then ran his finger down the same armrest and straps came over her shoulders to form a harness.

  ‘Okay, now that is just brilliant. Thank you, Jorge.’

  ‘My pleasure Star Daughter.’ As he went to move away, she halted him by saying. ‘Did you get your notification yet?’

bsp; He frowned at her and looked at the smiling Netta. ‘For what Star Daughter?’

  She grinned. ‘Congratulations Jorge, you made Second Guard Commander. If you wish to take the command.’

  Stunned at her words he stared from her to Netta finally asking. ‘Netta, you agreed to this?’

  ‘I could think of no one better to work with me than you Jorge, do you accept?’

  ‘Yes, I... I do not know what to say. Thank you Star Daughter and you too Netta.’

  Peyton gushed. ‘Aww, Jorge, you deserve it. You haven’t tried to kill me.’

  ‘Yet?’ Called Melody from her seat. ‘The word is yet.’

  ‘Aww quiet down Armee Girl.’ Peyton shot back.

  Jorge made his escape as they started their bickering. He fell into a seat by Lukkas, who smiled and said. ‘Congratulations Jorge, Amelia will be proud.’

  He looked at Lukkas. ‘I don’t understand, why?’

  ‘Because you made Commander?’ Lukkas replied, perplexed at his bewilderment.

  Dinas turned slightly, so he could see them both as he tried not to laugh, Lukkas had the tendency to be literal on occasion. ‘Lukkas, I think Jorge is unsure why he made Commander?’

  Lukkas answered instantly. ‘Because he is an excellent Commander. We like and trust him, and Madam and Commander Netta likes and trusts him.’

  Dinas nodded. ‘Those are all good reasons. Also Madam feels as we do, that you Jorge, are an excellent balance to Netta. You will both command her guard with loyalty and honor.’

  Jorge’s eyes cleared, and he sighed. ‘Thank you. I thought she was removing me from her guards.’

  Lukkas and Dinas both nodded their heads in understanding as Dinas said. ‘You thought now my brother Reeve was here he would be her Commander?’

  ‘It makes sense. He is an Elite.’

  Lukkas shook his head. ‘No, she respects him and as Commander Darby’s mate she loves him. But he could never command her guard like you or Commander Netta.’

  ‘Why would you think that?’

  Patty quietly said as she stroked Red’s head. ‘Her way of thinking is very different to his. Well, to everyone’s really, and he would never understand her. Having Reeve command her guard would almost guarantee mayhem. She would spend hours, if not days, finding ways to annoy him and then she would get everyone else involved, which would lead to more mayhem.’ Patty smiled as she thought about Peyton tying poor Reeve up in knots with her brand of logic.

  ‘She would drive him to argue with her, and then they would spend all their time arguing over trivial matters. As much as he would not want to be, he would be pulled into her madness.’ She laughed, then said. ‘You and Netta like her, respect her, and most of all understand her. When she gets a little weird and starts saying things that have nothing to do with anything of consequence, neither of you worry. You know why she is doing it.’

  Jorge said. ‘She needs the distraction; it helps her to center herself, to lessen the tension. The weight of her decisions have impact. So when she gets a little weird as you say, it is to give herself time to think. To see if there is another solution, sadly sometimes there is not.’

  Surprised at this insight Patty said. ‘See, that is why. I would not have thought of that. Reeve would not think of that.’ At Jorge’s look of disbelief, the other two agreed with her, then Patty murmured. ‘Seriously, it never occurred to me. I wonder if the sisters know that.’

  Jorge smiled. ‘Who do you think explained it to me?’

  ‘Oh well, that makes sense. Anyway, we all know that you, like Netta, have a heavy load, and we do not envy it.’

  ‘I do not find it so and I know Netta does not.’

  Dinas said as he watched the new Commander closely. ‘This is why you will be good for her. Also, we know that with all the advantages of being her Commander, it puts you in a better position compared to us. You have the ears of the Star Daughter?’

  Jorge was shocked and hurt, they thought so little of him. He stiffly said. ‘I would never think…’

  Dinas smiled and held his hand up. ‘We know, which is why you are now her Commander. We know it is a position not all could have with your integrity and honesty. It made our decision easy to nominate you. We are proud of you, brother.’

  Jorge let loose a smile. ‘I can cope with that.’


  June signaled the Warship. ‘Prowler I, this is Red II, we are ready to depart?’

  The huge outer bay doors opened as Command replied. ‘Red II, this is Prowler I, we have entered the coordinates. You are cleared to leave.’

  ‘Thank you, Prowler I.’

  ‘At you discretion pilot, good travels.’

  ‘Thank you, Command. We are away.’

  The clamps were removed, and June engaged the cruiser’s drives, moving them slowly out of the hold. Within seconds they were in space. She guided the cruiser away from the Warbird as everyone stopped talking to watch the enormous ship from the windows. It was rare a person got to see from this vantage point, what they traversed space in.

  Peyton asked. ‘Is it possible June, to have a fly around the Prowler and record this for Commander Kolin and his people?’

  ‘It is Madam.’

  In saying that, she initiated a fly over the humongous Warship, recording the vision of Prowler.

  ‘Oh, wow!’ Someone said, which just about summed it up for everyone.

  After a few mins, June applied power, and the cruiser pulled away from the Warship, entering the nearest worm hole.

  ‘So Red Two, what is that all about?’ Peyton asked Netta as she sipped her coffee.

  ‘It’s a play on the name Red Cross. Heather and Patty came up with the idea to let everyone know the cruiser is carrying medical personnel.’

  ‘Oh, that is right. I forgot, Patty told me that a while ago. So do you think it surprised him?’

  Netta laughed as she said. ‘Are you serious? I thought he was gonna pass out right here. Jorge deserves it and he has a wicked sense of humor.’

  ‘That he does.’ Melody agreed as she sat opposite them.

  Peyton grinned. ‘He can be hilarious, especially when he quotes Amelia.’

  They all chuckled as they remembered some terms Jorge came out with, which did not always match the situation. Melody shook her head as she said. ‘A sense of humor is mandatory, I mean it’s us, right?’

  ‘Right.’ They both agreed.

  Peyton eyed Melody with a frown as she realized what was missing from her sister. ‘Where is Bacon?’

  Her features softened and her eyes told of her contentment. ‘He is with Coraan, he decided they needed some alone time to talk and get to know each other.’ She sighed as she told them. ‘Bacon is taking our mating a little harder than I thought he would, but Coraan says they will work it out.’

  Netta gave her hand a pat. ‘He is a baby still, as much as he has grown. But I think Coraan is up for it.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘They will work it out and if Bacon needs help, Telfor will be home soon.’

  Melody grinned. ‘We will get there, he thought he would only ever have me. And to be honest, I was more than convinced of the same.’

  ‘So wrong there, Armee Girl.’ Peyton smirked as Melody raised her eyebrows. ‘Aren’t you due for more training?’

  ‘No... No, I am sure I am not, Netta?’


  ‘Yep what?’



  Ten mins later they were hovering over a dead moon. Peyton looked down. ‘That was quick.’

  June answered as she danced her fingers over her control panel. ‘The Commanders got us as close as they could, we have a window of five hours Star Daughter, then they will have to circle back.’

  ‘Which means what exactly?’

  ‘We will be stranded here for twenty hours.’

  ‘Oh well, we do not want that, do we?’

  ‘No, Star Daughter, we do not.’

  ‘Let us hop
e we do not need all that time. Land us as close as you can to that.’ She pointed to what looked like a volcano.

  ‘Yes Star Daughter.’

  June maneuvered the craft at an angle and then dropped to the surface. A cloud of moon dust rose and covered the cruiser. Peyton murmured as June powered down. ‘We will wait until it settles?’

  ‘As you wish, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Run the clock please June, five hours.’

  With a nod, she reached over and ran her finger over a blank panel on the wall which instantly came alive. Showing large numbers that began to count down.

  Peyton stood and faced the people seated as June switched on the comm. ‘Listen up, we are on a dead moon to find and rescue Prowlers. How many, unknown. Condition unknown. Gender unknown. Age unknown. You can all see the countdown. We have less than five hours to accomplish our task. Pilot June will remain on board and keep us abreast of the time. I would like us off the moon in four hours and thirty mins. I am told that if we miss our window of five hours, we will have to wait twenty hours for Prowler I. to return.’ She grimaced and told them. ‘And you know who will be in trouble if we are late.’

  There was a lot of quiet laughter at her complaint. ‘So let’s find them and bring them home. Warriors I do not know if we have hostiles. All I was told was that the Prowlers had been attacked. You are our security until we know differently. Commander Jorge, you are in Command. Melody, Netta, you are on retrieval. Artar Kate and Healers Patty and Dinas, are your leads, take your orders from them.’

  Everyone nodded their agreement. ‘Okay, get ready.’

  She asked June. ‘Will you be alright to remain on board?’

  ‘Yes Star Daughter, I have a blaster and the comm.’

  ‘Do not hesitate to use both.’

  ‘I will not Star Daughter.’


  Peyton moved to where Dinas and Patty were seated. It appeared they had recovered their normal calm. She noticed Patty was glowing, just like Penny had been and wondered if it was that time of the moon cycle. Shaking those thoughts away, she asked. ‘Alright?’

  ‘Oh yes.’ Patty beamed. ‘Isn’t it wonderful, the boys want us?’

  ‘And you?’

  Dinas answered as he stood, helping Patty to stand. ‘Very much so, our home will be happier with the addition of the brothers.’


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