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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 5

by L M Lacee

  ‘When you are through, come to medical.’ June’s head whipped around as Melody assured her. ‘She has a few minor scrapes and bruises and like too many of the others, she is underweight.’

  June smiled with relief. ‘I will come as soon as I am finished.’

  Melody smiled. ‘Until then, we will look after her.’

  ‘Thank you, Melody.’

  As Peyton and the others exited the cruiser they watched as swarms of Warriors and medical personnel entered the bay, carrying the injured and emaciated Prowlers away. Leaving them to be met by Rave and Esther.

  There was not a dry eye in the cruiser bay when the gray spotted female limped over to Esther and nudged her hand.

  Esther looked down and said. ‘Yes dearle one, are you lost?’

  I am Lott and I am for you.

  ‘Oh... Oh my.’ Esther said. ‘I do not know.’

  Peyton went to go to her, but Melody walked over to the couple and placed one hand on Esther’s arm and one on Lott’s head. ‘Dearle Esther, Lott has risked life and limb to come to you. She has traveled great distances over many planets looking for her bonded.’

  Esther’s eyes never left the female Prowler as Melody sadly told her. ‘She was alone for a very long time, then she and Sarve found each other and mated. She did not have her Sarve as long as you had your Harry, but that does not make the loss any less. Would you deny her your comfort now?’

  Esther shook her head and rubbed Lott’s ears, then with a catch in her voice she said. ‘No, I would not.’ To Lott, she whispered. ‘I am Esther and I am for you.’

  Lott sighed. Thank you, my bonded. It has been a long time with no rest.

  ‘Oh, I know dearle, maybe we will get some now.’

  Yes, we are together finally.

  ‘Yes, let’s get you to medical.’ Before they entered the transfer circle, Esther called back. ‘I am not done with you, Madam.’

  Peyton asked Netta. ‘Any chance she meant you?’

  ‘Not a chance in hayda.’ Netta replied as they walked toward the transfer circle. Peyton grinned at Melody as she said. ‘Nicely done.’

  ‘It is what I do.’ Melody grinned as she saluted Peyton and Netta and entered the circle.

  Peyton smiled to herself and knew as much as Melody threatened. This would not be the last time Tocho Girl went off world with her. Maybe she would not go every time, but that was okay, as long as she did sometimes.

  It is as it should be Daughter.

  It is.

  We feel your pain.

  It is just a little grief. I find I am not liking this change. I will miss her when she is not with me.

  But she will be there when you return.

  I will keep hold to that.


  Hawk was in his stateroom that he now shared with Karen and Salmah, who had just left to see to the kits. He thought Karen was with Esther or Amelia. Staring out the window, he sipped his tea and felt an unusual feeling of restlessness.

  After Dinas mated Patty, hawk once more became used to living by himself, of course he had not been completely alone Salmah was with him. So it surprised him that within a matter of days, he felt not so much lonely as lost without Karen. Smiling, he decided he liked that kind of lost; he knew it was the going to end kind, not the needar stealing kind he had felt when he lost his brothers.

  With happiness nudging at his heart, he decided to make first-meal for his mate. He sighed, as a little of the happiness edged into sadness. Esther was angry with him. He was unsure, but he thought she had been told he was resigning his position as First Commander, perhaps he thought he should have explained his decision to her.

  As he mixed ingredients together, he felt a pain in his heart as he once more worried he had been rash in deciding to remain at home. The thought of his family leaving on missions without him, without his guidance filled him with concern and, if he was honest, terror. Most of them had barely been out in this Universe for more than a handful of luneras. The situations they could find themselves in or create sat heavily on his shoulders.

  Intense dreams of desouls and half constructed nightmares had plagued his sleep last night. If he didn’t know better, he would think they were induced, except he thought they were from his needar, telling him he was at war with himself over his decision.

  He washed his hands and turned around when he heard Karen enter the cabin. One look at her face and he knew the meeting with Esther had not gone well. ‘I have the makings of our first-meal, would you like some?’

  ‘Maybe later. We need to talk.’

  Hawk froze, as the most frightening words spoken by a female to her mate in any Universe, hung in the air between them. Carefully, as though she were an entity from the afterlife, he watched his mate as she paced the room. Karen spun around and asked. ‘Why did you not tell me you had resigned?’

  Hawk looked bewildered. ‘I did not think I had to.’

  Karen’s voice hardened ever so slightly as she slammed her hands on her hips. ‘Excuse me, you did not think you had too.’

  ‘Yes, should I have?’

  ‘Yes, you cannot change your entire life and not tell me or discuss it with me.’

  ‘But it is my command, my decision.’

  ‘Oh sweetheart, it so isn’t.’ She shook her head and his heart stopped.

  He had disappointed her. ‘My heart, what have I done wrong? I did this for you, for us and our family.’

  ‘I see that, but my mate, you have left out some of your family.’ Before he could speak she said. ‘When I said I would take over from Amelia, did I not discuss it with you?’

  ‘Yes you did.’ He agreed with a confused expression.

  Gently, she said. ‘We went over all the points of the decision.’

  ‘Yes, we did.’

  ‘And I decided it wasn’t for me, for us.’

  ‘Yes, that is right.’

  ‘And you think you did not have to do that with me. About something as important as your Command.’

  Hawk rubbed his chin, his eyes on his mate. ‘I am unsure now.’

  ‘Well, let me clarify it for you, shall I?’ She again did not wait for him to reply. He was seeing a pattern here. ‘You are a mated male, my mate, and in our relationship we decide things together. So why don’t you sit there and explain why you resigned.’

  She pointed to the dining chair; he moved to it and sat as Karen leaned her hip against the table and waited.

  Hawk swallowed then said. ‘I thought you wanted to have a family and a home?’

  ‘I do, I thought we would have a Hex on Prime and a cabin on board the Prowler or whatever ship we are assigned. I just assumed that when we had children, they would come with us. Our young will not be shunned because their Papa thinks he is too good to be with everyone else on away missions.’

  ‘I would not think that and our children will not be shunned.’ He stated, outraged at the idea.

  ‘Yet that is what our children will think when they are separated from their family and friends. When the others leave on away missions and they are left at home. Did you think of Salmah, what it would be like for her, if her mate was to be on missions without her?’

  ‘Salmah has no mate.’

  ‘Oh, you sweet delusional male, of course she does. Her and Rave have been dancing around their mating for this entire trip.’

  ‘I have not seen that.’ He frowned, unsure how he felt about his Salmah mating. He looked at Karen, a small frown marring his handsome face. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Yes, ask her, and then there is Esther. She is distraught that you will leave her as well as Peyton and the family.’

  ‘She has said nothing.’ He returned stiffly, avoiding her eyes by staring out the window.

  Karen moved to where he sat and placed her hand under his chin, lifting his eyes to hers. ‘I know, she would never stop you doing what you think is right for you. But she will show you she is unhappy as she is doing now. My love, she will never share her fear wi
th you but she is terrified you will leave her, like her Harry did. You are the male in her life now and the thought of going off world without you sends terror through her needar. I am sorry if that is a burden for you.’

  ‘It is not.’ He hoarsely admitted. ‘She is mine to care for and protect.’ He shrugged, at a loss for words, finally saying. ‘She is mine.’

  Karen nodded with her own small smile. ‘I know she is. Now my love, what of Peyton, did she jump for joy and sound happy when you said you will not go on away missions with her?’

  ‘No, she did not. She seemed very sad now I think on it, although she knew it was to happen.’

  ‘I am thinking she did not expect it to be so soon.’

  ‘Ahh, she said that.’ He sighed. ‘I had not considered all of this.’

  Karen hit him with her last point. ‘Are we not meant to be rescuing the sleepers and your brothers, did you forget them in your haste?’

  He paled a little. ‘I did, I forgot my brothers. How did I do that?’ He slumped back into the chair. ‘I am ashamed.’

  Karen sat on his lap and his arms automatically encircled her. Taking his face in both of her hands, she said. ‘Do not be, I think you saw something you wished for and jumped. Which is okay, we all do that and have done it? Otherwise we Terrans would not be here, but my Hawk. I do not want to stay at home all the time. I enjoy being on the Warbird with my sister and Esther, with all the others, and especially with Peyton. Amazing and exciting things happen around her. It will be fun, and we get to be together in space. Tell me you do not like this life.’

  He closed his eyes and then flicked them opened to stare into hers. ‘I cannot, I would miss going on missions with them. I think I would spend my time worrying the entire time they were away. My needar trembles with fear at the thought of them leaving without me. I thought I was being a good mate like the other males.’

  She grinned at him and leaned nearer as she whispered. ‘I will let you into a secret, those other males you talk about are in for a shock. If they think they will stay home all the time. Can you imagine Reeve telling Darby she was not going off world again?’

  Hawk’s eyes opened wide, and they both grinned. Karen pointed out. ‘It would not be pretty. Not all the females want to stay home either. The Solverea’s traveled for yentas with family on board their ships and made it work. Terrans like traveling the stars.’

  Hawk inquired. ‘You do?’

  ‘Very much.’ She touched his lips with hers and whispered. ‘I will show you if you would like?’

  He looked a little puzzled as he said. ‘I would.’

  Karen laughed. ‘Take me to bed, and we will make love while we fly through space.’

  Hawk grinned. ‘Now I like that kind of traveling.’


  Netta placed her arm around Peyton and guided her toward the lift. ‘Come on, it looks like we need to get to savgell unit and a comp’.

  Rave stopped them before they entered the lift and both females knew he was frowning, even before he growled at them. They are too young.

  Netta growled back. ‘We are aware, but it is no use being annoyed with us. We didn’t intentionally make them this young.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘What she said.’

  Only you Beloved would have kits not old enough to train.

  Amused, Netta said. ‘I think Rage will be pleased.’

  Peyton confirmed. ‘He will, these are very special Prowlers.’

  They both looked at her as they got off the lift. Finally Rave asked. What are they?


  Of course they furin are. Rave said, which made Peyton and Netta laugh so hard they almost fell over.

  ‘He is cute when he cusses.’ Netta said between gasps of laughter.

  Rave growled as Heather came over and rubbed his ears. ‘Hello sweet, are they driving you crazy?’

  Yes, kill them.

  She laughed, then spied the kits. ‘Oh babies.’

  Rave exhaled loudly as she reached for them and said. ‘We need an incubator.’

  Peyton said. ‘Please, can you see to them for now? Patty will look after them under Kate’s supervision. Is there any way we can place an incubator in my cabin?’

  Jax said. We can use the cribs as incubators, it is one of their features. Heather, if you are agreeable, I will adjust one in Madam’s cabin.

  Heather smiled. ‘Isn’t he amazing?’ She walked away as they conversed, heading to Peyton’s cabin.

  Netta mumbled. ‘I need sleep.’

  Peyton hugged her. ‘Go to bed, you are still healing.’

  She yawned. ‘Okay, I will just collect Knife first.’

  Jax told her. He is in Madam’s cabin.

  When they reached her cabin Peyton said. ‘Jax comm Rage and Fanharr please?’

  As you will Madam.

  Rage appeared, as did Fanharr on screen. They were talking together. Jax was writing the words on the screen in subtitles. Rage turned and said Report.

  ‘Well that is new, your idea Jax?’

  Yes, Madam, with help from Pride Leader Rage and Specialist Jean. We will have a better system in place shortly.

  Rage inclined his head. Beloved. I apologize. I thought you were Rave.

  ‘No apology necessary, this is amazing.’

  It is, we find it, most illuminating.

  Rave appeared on a split screen. Greetings.

  ‘Jax strikes again.’ Peyton murmured. ‘So allow me to report what has happened.’

  They all listened as she told them what had occurred from the time the Star had woken her until now. No one said anything for several mins, and Peyton took the opportunity to grab the coffee Jax had ready. ‘Thank you, Jax.’

  You are welcome.

  Rage said. I agree.

  ‘With whom and about what?’ Peyton asked, puzzled.

  Only you would have Tuarillians as bonded.

  ‘Oh my.’ She laughed. ‘I know right, my luck, but they are beautiful.’ She sent them a pic of the sleeping kits.

  Fanharr said. Beautiful and amazing, they are so small.

  Rage asked. Perhaps they were birthed early.

  ‘Maybe they should be that size.’ Peyton voiced her opinion.

  Rave asked and they could hear the worry in his voice. How can we be sure, we do not know exactly how old they are?

  Jax said. Test their gord blood.

  Fanharr agreed. Ahh yes, thank you Jax. Please may I talk to Kate or Patty?

  Certainly, Pride Leader.

  Jax split the screen again as Kate and Patty came into view. Fanharr smiled and said. Greetings Kate and Patty.

  Kate said. ‘Greetings Fanharr, Rage. I love the subtext.’

  I thank you.

  Fanharr told them. To discover the age of the kits, you must extract and test some of their gord blood.

  ‘Alright.’ Kate said. ‘What is it and how do we go about doing that?’

  It is the blood of the gord, which all kits are born with. It remains within a small gland for the first three luneras of a kit’s life. I will instruct you on how to retrieve it.

  Kate said. ‘Patty and I will come to Heather, what do we need?’

  Peyton tuned them out as Heather came out of the bedroom, and she too got involved in the discussion. Netta had picked a sleepy Knife up and hung him over her shoulder. Similar to how Reeve had carried Draykin, she asked. ‘What are they doing?’

  ‘They are going to find out how old the kits are.’

  ‘Oh good, so I am for a shower and bed.’

  ‘Okay, thanks Netta.’ Peyton said to Rage. ‘What about Tad and Red?’

  Rave will see to their discipline as he is there and they are under his command.

  ‘Okay, well I will leave you, I am for bed.’

  Rage told her. We await your return.

  She smiled and said. ‘Yeah, it will be nice to be home. We have some very nice people with us.’

  So I have been told and new kits.

bsp; ‘Yes two little girls.’

  After she and Rage had finished their conversation. She looked around and saw there was no way she could sleep with everyone in and out of the cabin. So she showered and dressed in comfortable garments, then wandered the passageways and eventually found herself in her favorite viewing lounge. She curled up on a couch and watched the stars until sleep overtook her.


  Sometime later, Esther stood beside Lott as she slept the healing sleep of the righteous. Hawk silently arrived next to her and took her hand in his.

  As she looked up at him, he smiled and softly told her. ‘Esther, I have developed an unpleasant habit. It seems when I finally get something I have dreamed about for yentas, I jump quickly and act rashly. Something unheard of before now. My Karen has told me it is curable, do you think it is?’

  He was so very different to the serious male she had first met on Earth. Smiling she placed her hand on his cheek as she had done many luneras ago.

  ‘My dearle Hawk, most definitely thinking before you jump, will cure the ailment.’

  Hawk kissed her knuckles. ‘I see, and an apology. I have heard an apology always helps.’

  Esther leaned into him as his arm went around her. ‘No apology is necessary, not between us. You, my friend, won’t be the first or last to jump with both feet before looking.’

  ‘So my Karen tells me.’

  ‘She is a wise female.’

  ‘She has an excellent teacher.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘So this is your Salmah? Her name, I am told, is Lott?’

  ‘It is, she says she is mine. Isn’t that amazing?’

  Hawk smiled. ‘Truthfully, I am surprised it has taken so long. Now Lott is to sleep and I am sure you have not eaten. So why do you not come with me and we will find Karen and your grandchildren while we have a meal?’

  Kate arrived as he finished speaking and smiled reassuringly. ‘Lady Esther, I am staying, I will call you when she looks like she is waking.’

  ‘If you are sure, Kate?’

  ‘I am, my Kitolin needs the regen, so I am here for the duration. June is also here, she will help me watch over her.’


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