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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 8

by L M Lacee

  Next, the Star Child addressed Darby. Gentle Darby, no one faults you for your heart’s desires.

  Darby nodded, then said on a sob. ‘I took myself and Draykin from her without a thought. And I have not once in the last wekens worried about what she was going through.’

  Reeve took her in his arms, his body surrounding hers. ‘See, this is what you do to her, she is not the only one at fault here.’

  ‘No she is not.’ Hawk placated his brother. ‘We all are. We have failed in our responsibility.’ He bowed his head to the Star Child. ‘We will do better. I like everyone here will fix the balance. Sometimes we wobble, as Madam would say.’

  Netta interrupted. ‘We always make it right.’

  Sister Netta the Rie has gifted you with many new talents, the control you show is admirable.

  ‘Thank you, Star Child I must credit my instructors for the progress I have made.’

  Your modesty becomes you sweet Netta. They shifted their focus to Melody. Tocho Melody the time draws near when you must decide on the path you were created for. Choose wisely dearle Sister. The Universe needs you.

  Melody bowed her head but did not reply. How clearly they saw into her heart and the dilemma she was facing.

  Next they spoke to Coraan. Warmaster you and your people are a welcomed addition to Maikonia and have earned a place in the heart of our Daughter. Allow your sister to guard our Daughter, she will bring much needed balance to her.

  ‘Thank you Star Child, and Zenerra will choose her own path with your guidance I am sure.’

  The column shimmered and then spoke directly to Zenerra. The future holds many adventures for you, Zenerra Daygoniss. The one to capture and hold your heart will arrive when you least expect it. Until then, enjoy and learn what it means to be family to the Star Daughter.

  Zenerra just stopped herself from smiling, although she had a thoughtful expression on her face. Coraan whispered. ‘Are you well, sister?’

  ‘Very brother… very.’

  We give this warning before we go. We will remove our Daughter from you, if you do not fulfill the duty we ask of you. Which includes protecting our Daughter from herself. What we ask of her is unimaginable for most to comprehend. It appears you, her family, fill her heart daily and enrich an already rich life. You bring balance to the war within our Daughter’s needar. A balance that will be needed as she brings ethics back to our Universe.

  Esther and Lott walked in from the transfer circle. They came to a stop as Esther asked softly. ‘Star Child, you have something to tell me?’

  ‘Oh dearle stars.’ Melody whispered as she clenched Coraan’s hand.

  The column of Starlight turned slowly and bowed. Omperea, we awaited your return.

  ‘Thank you, great ones. Why have you stated you will remove my daughter?’

  Our Daughter. They gently rebuked her. Is distressed and has been neglected. We have come to issue a warning only.

  Esther barely breathed as she listened to something or someone else, then after a few mins she nodded. ‘I see your concern. Please allow us to remedy our deficiency and put procedures in place so this does not happen again. Believe me, we love her dearle.’

  The column of Starlight shimmered as the Star Child said. We acknowledge your statement and feel the truth of your words. We must take our leave as we are unable maintain this form any longer. To you, her family, we wish you good fortune.

  Everyone replied. ‘Thank you, great ones.’

  With that, they faded away. The only reminder they had been there was the small pile of sparkling white ash on the floor.

  ‘Did you forget something?’ Esther called out, and the ash disappeared.

  With Lott walking next to her, she reached Rage and ran her hand down his back, soothing him with her touch. Then she went to Darby and smoothed a hand over her hair as she took her in her arms. ‘It is alright sweet girl, Esther is here.’

  Darby sobbed, an occurrence that few had witnessed and held on to Esther as she wailed.

  ‘Oh Esther.’

  Then they all heard Hawk proudly saying. ‘Only our Esther would growl at the Star Child.’

  Which caused a watery giggle to escape from Darby, so between her giggle and Esther’s presence, the tension in the room dropped by degrees. After one more hug, Esther nudged Darby back into Reeve’s arms.

  She lightly touched both Brenda’s and Helen’s shoulders and when everyone saw the remaining tension in the females faces ease. They all collectively released the tension the Star Childs presence had caused.

  Esther asked of the room in general. ‘Now, why don’t you explain to me, what the hayda has happened to Peyton. When Lott and I left, she was fine.’ She gave Trina a small kiss on her forehead and sat between her and Darby.

  A few mins later when Brenda had explained what had occurred, Zenerra, Peneria and Penny distributed tea and cake. Zenerra placed a cup of tea in front of Esther. ‘Thank you, dearle.’

  ‘You are most welcome, Omperea.’

  Darby said. ‘What was that now?’

  Esther sipped her tea and then said. ‘Ahh, sweet girl, I am still Esther and for those who do not know?’

  ‘Which will be most of us except Zen, apparently.’ Melody grumbled as everyone retook their seats and the atmosphere calmed to its usual level.

  Darby asked. ‘But how do you know Zen?’

  Zenerra smiled and said smugly as she started passing out more cups of tea. ‘I observed with more than my eyes.’

  Melody looked at Netta and said. ‘This attitude is your influence.’

  Netta grinned and said proudly. ‘Yep, she is my star pupil.’

  Esther grinned as Brenda and Helen took their cups from Penny. Neither of them looked surprise at the name unlike their mates.

  Larson asked Esther. ‘When did you become Omperea?’

  Esther placed her cup on the table and told them. ‘I have always been Omperea, but it seems after I lost my Harry things changed for me. Since we arrived here, it has developed into what I am now. Much like Melody and Netta’s gifts.’

  Trina said. ‘But Lady Esther, the literal translation for Omperea means Great Mother.’

  ‘That is so.’

  Netta asked. ‘And this means what?’

  Esther shrugged. ‘In truth, not much.’ She held her hand up. When there were a few choked gasps of surprise at her words. ‘Well, okay, it may mean something.’

  They all looked toward Hawk, or at least the Terrans did as he quoted. ‘There is no written data that I know of about what the Omperea can and cannot do. There is however oral history told from one world to another. It is said that the Omperea can influence the direction of a species. If an Omperea withdraws her favor, the race will fade away. She can give her blessing and the race will flourish. Nothing has ever been proved that this is true. I have not that I know of, until now met, an Omperea and my Esther is one.’ He smiled at her with pride as she grinned back at him, causing Karen and Amelia to roll their eyes at each other.

  Jarrod added. ‘Our histories say that if you are fortunate enough to have an Omperea live on your world, the birth rate increases.’

  ‘Oh my stars.’ Trina crowed. ‘We have had Esther with us forever. You never told us, did you know?’

  Esther sighed and said. ‘Not until recently. Jax and I discussed it, and he showed me the data he had on Ompereas. Which sadly is very little.’ She indicated Helen and Brenda saying. ‘My sisters and I decided there was no need to speak out about it. So other than you, we would like this to remain among us for now.’

  ‘As it will.’ Marlo stated, then he warned. ‘Can you imagine the worlds that would willing pay to take Esther, to increase their populations?’

  Heather looked at her and asked. ‘Seriously, is that true?’

  Darby asked. ‘What, that someone will snatch her?’

  ‘Yes, and that she is the mother that blesses populations?’

  ‘Yes to both dearle.’

  Harm told Esth
er. ‘I will have the information we have collected on the myths and legends of the Omperea sent to you.’

  ‘Thank you, Harm. I should have asked you before.’

  He inclined his head with a twinkle in his eyes. Darby sat up straight and wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands. Trina passed her a cloth to wipe her face.

  ‘Thank you, and to answer your question Heather, you must know it is true. I mean, we have a population boon going on here.’

  Heather nonchalantly replied. ‘Have we really. I never noticed.’

  Netta laughed. ‘You are such a poor liar, stop doing it.’

  They all laughed when Heather blew her a raspberry and then mumbled. ‘I thought I was getting better.’ And just like that, family was once more on track.


  After everyone was feeling relaxed Lott brushed against Esther, saying. Bonded we have things that must be discussed and changed.

  ‘You are right, dearle one.’

  Trina raised her hand. ‘First, before we get down to it. I have a question?’

  Hawk smiled. ‘What would that be Trina?’

  ‘Does anyone know why the Star Child can only hold the shape they appeared in for a short time, if they are so powerful?’

  Harm replied. ‘Our histories say that for many millennia the Star Child walked the worlds, but that was when they had only one Universe. They say after the success of the first Universe the Star Child brought more into existence.’ He looked around and saw some confused expressions. ‘Think about it, they are spread out over all the Universes. So how many Star Sons and Daughters are they using. How many Universes are they in direct contact with? Therefore, to manifest as they did tonight takes immense power, control and will. To draw themselves into such a small space, the energy alone to accomplish that is more than we can fathom.’

  Esther clarified. ‘If they had remained, they would have blown us up.’

  Trina shook her head. ‘Oh wow! I am... No, can’t think of what I am.’

  Melody asked. ‘Overwhelmed?’

  ‘Yeah, that.’ Trina agreed.

  They all remained silent for a few mins as they thought over the information Harm had imparted. Finally, Marlo said. ‘Regardless of that, Lott is correct we have things to discuss. So let us get to business. Esther, do you know of the conversation between Rage and Peyton?’

  ‘I do, Rage shared it with me earlier. We have really dropped the ball on this, have we not?’

  ‘What is this ball you all talk about?’ Asked an annoyed Reeve.

  Esther laughed gently. ‘It means we have let things go and now we have to fix them.’

  ‘See, that I understand.’ He said testily.

  Brenda scolded him. ‘We apologize, we did not intend to exclude you. But in saying that, Reeve, you must allow us to explain by telling us you do not understand. We will not think less of you; we know some expressions we use are solely Terran. Please understand not all of us are as literal as you and your mate.’

  ‘Ahh, I see, we have both been at fault.’

  Esther opened the discussion by saying. ‘Yes we have been, now we will endeavor to do better in all aspects of our lives and relationships. So toward that end let us begin.’

  Marlo nodded, ‘First; we will agree we will never discuss this meeting with Peyton. This is for her family only.’

  Melody firmly stated. ‘She would be upset if she knew they had reprimanded us. Also, we will never tell her they said they will remove her from us.’

  ‘Who knows what she would do if she knew?’ Brenda said worriedly as Marlo took her hand in his.

  ‘Yes, who knows what she would do if she found out?’ Hawk had a fair idea, and the thought made him shudder.

  In unison, they all said. ‘We agree.’

  ‘Now Esther, what say you Omperea?’ Marlo gave her the floor.

  Esther nodded, ‘Let us do the simple ones first. Hawk what do you think about the morn meetings beginning again? I know they have not been happening, or this would not have occurred.’

  ‘This is true. We will resume on… this is the second day, so let us say the fifth morn.’

  Everyone called out. ‘Agreed.’

  ‘One of the biggest worries she has, is she believes none of you are willing to go off world with her.’ Esther held her hand up as several people started to speak at once. ‘Please decide by fourth day and make your decision known to Hawk by then.’

  He agreed with a nod of his head as Karen said. ‘Do not let her wonder any more. I personally will hope you all come as often as you can. I will miss you when we are gone.’

  ‘This brings me to a point you seem to have forgotten, before we get on to other things.’ Helen said as she stood and looked around at the people there. ‘I had this same conversation or a similar one with Peyton some luneras ago. We are military, your mates know this. Your children will know this. Now, whether you are directly in the military or a civilian, you knew this when you decided to live on our worlds. So buck up and realize this is who we are. We have a mission and as far as I know it is not complete. Yet you are all thinking of bailing on it. I am disappointed in you all.’

  Larson held her hand as she sat again and said. ‘Seldom do I wish to agree with anyone. Even my mate when someone says they are disappointed, but in this I find she is correct. You who have committed yourselves to this way of life have fallen short. Why?’

  Hawk looked around at the shamed expressions and offered his new found wisdom as an explanation. ‘I think I understand why. It was pointed out to me recently that when we find something we have hoped and wished for, for a very long time. We have a tendency to jump hard. In other words, we seize what is given to us and forget even temporarily what our goal was.’ He looked around at the differing races represented in the room and smiled.

  ‘Look at us, we are all from different worlds and yet we are together, joined in our concern and our fear for Peyton. Helen is right, we have teams led by good ethical people to go off world on search and rescues missions as often as needed. We have honorable people remaining at home to keep our worlds safe when we do. I am sure Peyton has many plans waiting to go into action for now and the future, as do we all. Yet we are thinking of abandoning our objectives and leaving it all to her. So again I second Esther and applaud Helen for her reminder. So decide what life you want and own it. My mate and I have decided we are to have the best of both worlds, with or without children. We will have a home on Prime and on board Prowler I.’

  Darby stood by Reeve. ‘We decided as a family we will go on missions with Peyton and Hawk.’

  Heather and Patty grinned as they both said at the same time. ‘We did too.’

  Kate said. ‘Well, I will be going. I have set it up for my people to take over from me here.’

  Willian smiled, since mating with Peneria he had decided he would join her in the investigative branch of the Armee, overseeing the tech division. It was easy to see he was very happy with his choices, he said now. ‘Peneria and I will remain on world unless our investigations take us elsewhere.’

  Esther looked over at Trina, who she could see was upset. This did not seem like the normal melancholy that over took her at times. This was a sadness that went heart deep. ‘Trina, why are you upset?’

  Trina sucked back the tears trying to break free. She had promised herself only that morn to try and not cry as easily as she seemed to do lately. It was a hard battle, but she was determined to win it.

  ‘Because I want to go off world like I used to. I miss being with you all. But I thought maybe because I am pregnant I should not, and I know Jarrod and Midnight wish to go.’

  Esther smiled gently as she asked. ‘But dearle, do you not trust Heather and Patty to have everything on board that you would need to have a baby?’

  Startled at Esther’s question, Trina hummed. ‘Ahh, I never thought about that. I just assumed I should stay here like we did on Earth.’

  ‘I see the problem.’ Heather announced. ‘Ho
n, did you think because you are Terran that space travel while pregnant would be different for us?’

  ‘Yeah, I did.’

  ‘Okay, that is understandable. So let me spell it out for you. Trina, if you want to go off world, please do. We can deliver a baby or babies here at home or on board a ship. Harm’s family have been doing so for hundreds of yentas, believe me Terrans can as well.’

  ‘That is so cool.’ Said a very satisfied Trina.

  Harm nodded to Dinas, who asked Jarrod. ‘Harm and I would like to know what you think of this.’

  He grinned. ‘I like my Trina miss our extended family.’

  ‘Alright.’ Grinned Harm, he and Dinas were pleased, they would miss Jarrod if he never went off world with them again.

  Marlo brought them back on topic. ‘Good we seem to have that sorted, so put it in writing. Let us get this finalized. Now I have a situation, Reeve my friend, what is it you wish to do?’

  Reeve sighed as he looked down at Darby, who nodded for him to say what was on his mind.

  ‘I do not know. I look around and my friend, I cannot find my place.’


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