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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 12

by L M Lacee

  She shook her head. ‘It was, but it has gone through a radical transformation, since you were there last.’

  Lukkas asked. ‘How is that possible?’

  Peyton’s eyes filled with stars as the Star Child answered. We persuaded the moon to change for your use. Our Daughter told us what she hoped for when she first stood on the moon’s surface, and we thought this would help. If it eases your minds, the moon you have named Alberet. They were all sure they heard them say, ridiculous name! Was very enthusiastic and if you ask Commander Harmara, leader of our Daughters scouts. Alberet will change the environment to match what you need. He cannot build structures but likes the training town your people built for the Warriors. He will allow several types to be built. They seemed to stop for a min. Harm was going to speak when they continued.

  It may be a wise decision to not mention the sentient nature of Alberet to our Daughter’s sister Darby. She seems to become upset with the concept of planets and moons that are sentient.

  They left and Peyton said. ‘Sneaky Stars. Oh Alberet also developed tunnels and caverns for you to use and yes please do not mention Alberet’s status to Darby. Unless you wish to be lectured for hours on why we do not need sentient planets and moons. I for one never need to hear that lecture again. Well, my job is done, I am off to find my children good-day for now.’ She stepped from the office and giggled at the sign.

  Jax said, Madam Peyton, Lady Brenda and Commander Marlo are waiting for you in your office.


  I could not say Madam.

  ‘Liar, you so could!’

  But I will not.

  ‘Huh.’ She knew she could order him to tell her, but she supposed he had his reasons for not saying. Tipping her head to the side in thought, she quickly turned around and stepped back into the office, just as it seemed they were sorting things out.

  ‘Do not forget Jax, he could be a vital member of your team.’

  Harm said. ‘I did not think he would want to be involved?’

  ‘Well, only one way to find out, ask him.’ She said as she withdrew again. She was positive she felt Jax’s amusement and joy at being included. She hummed pleased with herself and wandered back to her office.


  Coffee would make this a good morn, she thought as she entered Penny’s office. ‘I know they are in there.’

  ‘Yes Madam, I have something to tell you.’

  Peyton stopped moving and asked. ‘Are you resigning?’

  ‘No. What makes you ask that?’

  ‘It seems to be a thing this morn. Just making sure. I don’t want to have to train someone new, that’s all.’

  ‘Train… there was no training. Unless it was me training you.’ Penny stated with a growl in her voice.

  ‘I suppose you could look at it like that. I don’t of course.’

  Penny snapped. ‘Of course, you would not!’

  Peyton tapped her foot. ‘Penny, I do not have all day. Well, I do, but still, there a people waiting for me. I did not know you were so flighty when I employed you.’

  ‘Flighty, I am…’ Penny took a deep breath in, held it and made herself smile as she released it, saying through gritted teeth. ‘I just wanted to tell you that Kerol and I are expecting.’

  The door opened and Kerol entered, along with Esther and a large Warrior. Peyton nodded at the three people as she asked. ‘Okay, expecting what?’

  Kerol slipped his arm around Penny and grinned. ‘Madam, we are with child.’

  Peyton’s eyes widened as she asked. ‘Both of you, is this common? I have not heard of it before.’

  Penny grabbed Kerol’s shirt and screamed into it, then calmer she said. ‘Not both, you ridiculous…’

  ‘No Madam.’ Kerol hurriedly said in his placid way, although Peyton detected a twinkle in his eyes.

  ‘Oh, so are you happy about it?’

  ‘What kind of question is that?’ An outraged Penny demanded.

  ‘An honest one because I am telling you now.’ She grinned. ‘You guys will make wonderful parents. Congratulations, I am so happy for you both.’ She hugged first Kerol and then Penny, who asked. ‘Why do you torture me like that?’

  Peyton was sure she heard whining, grinning she said. ‘You call it torture.’

  Before Penny could retaliate, she turned to Esther and said. ‘We will have to get more nannies.’

  ‘We will, yes.’

  Peyton turned back to Penny and there was no trace of humor in her voice when she asked. ‘That is, if you are continuing on as my assistant. You know I would never demand that you remain.’

  This time it was Penny who hugged Peyton. ‘I know and thank you. For now, we will see what happens. I imagine I will bring the baby to work, we will see when he or she gets here.’

  ‘Okay, but Esther will still get the nannies just in case.’

  Esther nodded. ‘I am working on it.’

  It was her turn to hug both Kerol and Penny, as Peyton slid open her office door. She turned to the Warrior and said softly. ‘I am sorry, I know you are Carrick, but I cannot remember where we have met.’

  He nodded as though he expected no less, which saddened her. ‘I was with you on Draygann.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Yes, of course, the points Warrior.’

  He grinned, surprised. ‘Yes, Madam.’

  She looked up at him and asked with an unmistakable twinkle in her eyes. ‘Carrick, where is my blaster?’

  He replied. ‘Somewhere safe.’

  She laughed. ‘Okay, so what can I do for you Warrior with no last name who took my blaster?’

  He sighed and looked pained as he answered. ‘I have only ever been known as Carrick, Madam.’

  Peyton tipped her head to the side. ‘Why do you not have a last name?’

  ‘They never gave me one.’

  ‘So typical, would you like one?’

  He looked stunned she had asked. ‘I never...’ He rubbed a hand over his face. ‘Yes I would, so when I mate, I can merge my name with hers.’

  All the females, even Brenda who had come from Peyton’s office said. ‘Aww!’

  Esther went to speak but Jorge, who had come in unnoticed, said. ‘Take mine Carrick, it served me well over the yentas. Hopefully it will serve you the same, it merges well with another.’

  The huge Warrior shook his head and clasped Jorge’s arm in a Warrior’s grasp. ‘I am overcome, thank you Jorge.’ He beamed as he said. ‘Madam, my name is Carrick Torron.’

  Peyton held her hand out as his hand swallowed hers. ‘Nice to meet you again, Warrior Carrick Torron.’ She said to Jorge, ‘It really is a pleasant name.’

  He grinned. ‘I found it so.’

  Peyton said. ‘I think this is an oversight on our part. We must know if Warriors do not have last names and if they would like to have one.’

  Brenda said. ‘Madam, I have several ladies that can investigate this, with Jorge’s help, and maybe together they can develop names for our Warriors.’

  ‘Thank you Brenda, I like that. Can you oversee that please Jorge?’

  ‘I will, Madam. Brenda, if we can meet later today?’

  ‘After second-meal Jorge.’

  Esther said. ‘This is all good, but we are here for a specific reason.’

  ‘Well, come on in. Jorge, are you coming?’

  ‘No, Madam, I will see you all later.’ He left after congratulating Kerol and Penny on their pregnancy.

  On entering her office, Peyton greeted Marlo, who was seated before her desk. ‘Everyone take a seat. Greetings Marlo.’

  He replied as Esther and Carrick moved into the lounge and Peyton sat behind her desk looking expectantly at Brenda and Marlo. ‘What can I do for you both?’

  Brenda started to apologize for taking up her time, but Peyton waved away her apologizes. ‘You do not need to apologize. You should know by now my door, house, kitchen is always open.’

  Marlo’s eyes gleamed with amusement as Brenda smiled in relief.
She held his hand in hers and it was a sweet thing for Peyton to see. Marlo was one of her favorite people. Cranky did not do justice to the male, and he seldom if ever showed emotions in public. So much to his credit he didn’t pull his hand from Brenda’s, if anything he held hers tighter.

  Peyton waited, sometimes the people who needed her help the most seldom asked, and when they did it took them longer to start. She had found that the older the Warriors and females, the harder it seemed for them. So she waited patiently, as if she had all the time in the world, which she did. Penny knew not to interrupt, unless it was about the children or an attack.

  Brenda cleared her throat, Peyton would have bet the house it would be her that talked first.

  ‘We… well, that is a few of the older couples... well, actually quite a few... wondered…’

  ‘We want to know what you have planned for the eggs we rescued.’ Marlo asked in his no nonsense way.

  Brenda frowned at her mate and scolded. ‘You promised you would let me ask.’

  ‘You were taking too long.’ They both looked at Peyton as he demanded. ‘Well!’

  Brenda murmured. ‘Marlo.’

  Peyton felt stunned as she stared at the couple. ‘You know, I had not given it any thought, but if you are suggesting what I hope you are, then yes.’

  Now it was the couple who looked stunned, Marlo barked. ‘That’s it?’

  ‘Oh my.’ Brenda said.

  ‘Yep, get together with… let me see it will have to be Heather, Heddro and Kate.’ She thought about it. ‘Yes, it will have to be Kate.’ As she spoke, she stood up and yelled. ‘Penny, I need you.’

  The door slid open and Penny walked in. ‘Why are you yelling, the comm is right there, by your finger, look!’ She walked over and stabbed the red square on the desk comp’. ‘Or you could have asked Jax to comm me. Why do you yell?’

  ‘Why do you ask why?’

  ‘You forgot, didn’t you?’

  ‘Do not judge me female, who took a long time to tell me she was carrying Kerol’s baby.’

  ‘Oh. My. Stars! How can you forget? I was waiting for the right moment, which was today, and the baby is mine as well as Kerol’s?’

  ‘You should know there are a lot of buttons.’ They all looked down at the five buttons, all clearly marked on her desk. ‘See.’

  Marlo stated. ‘I do not know how you can cope with so many.’

  ‘I know.’ Peyton looked sadly at the five buttons. ‘It behooves me, how I do.’

  Brenda looked at Esther and shook her head, bright laughter filling her eyes at the absurdity of the conversation. Esther just lowered her head while her shoulders shook.

  Carrick switched his gaze from one person to the other and felt his mind and needar settle. He could work with these people. These wonderful, exciting, ridiculous females that found laughter and love so easily. He looked at Esther and whispered. ‘Thank you Omperea, I will not fail.’

  She gave his arm a pat. ‘I know, the Star Child could not have picked a worthier male.’

  He gave one jerky nod in reply.

  ‘So what did you want?’ Penny asked when she realized she would wait all day for Peyton to remember she called her.

  ‘Can you please ask Heather, Heddro and Kate to come to my office?’

  ‘Already on their way.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows and muttered. ‘Very annoying.’

  She could not fail to see Penny’s smirk as she left. She looked over to a laughing Esther and a somber Carrick. ‘What can I do for you two?’ Horrified at the thought that came unbidden to her mind, she asked. ‘You two don’t want an egg, do you?’

  ‘Ridiculous girl.’ Esther said as Lott came in before Esther could scold her more and asked.

  Bonded have you finished? You asked me to remind you when it is morn snack time. And the young need their Mama.

  Esther smiled at her bonded and said. ‘We are coming dearle one.’

  Peyton said. ‘How about we all go for a snack, we will discuss what you two need there?’

  ‘Good idea.’ Esther agreed. ‘Let’s go.’

  They walked into the outer office where Penny was once more behind her desk. ‘Penny, can you have the others meet us in the main kitchen please?’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  Peyton stopped in front of her desk. ‘Well, come on.’

  Penny started to say. ‘I have lots of…’

  Peyton cut her off, ‘It will save me yelling for you, plus you are knocked up, you need food.’

  Penny stood with her mouth open to retort when Esther said. ‘She is right, come along Penny dearle.’


  They were greeted with chaos as they entered the kitchen. Snarls and growling from Rayvan and Draykin filled the air. Hope began smiling when she saw Marlo and her grandmothers.

  ‘Greetings Grandpa and Grammies.’

  ‘Greetings, sweet Draygon girl, how are you?’ Marlo asked as he leaned down and hugged her,

  ‘So far I am well.’

  ‘That is good.’

  Esther asked. ‘Hope sweetie, where is the nanny?’

  ‘She left.’

  Peyton picked her up and placed her on to her knee and tipped her face up to hers. ‘Greetings my dearle Draygon girl.’

  ‘Greetings Mama.’

  ‘Now what do you mean she left?’

  Hope looked seriously at her mother and told her. ‘She said she could not tolerate someone like me answering her back. I think she thought I was dumb. Is that the right word when one cannot speak?’

  ‘No sweetie, the word is mute.’

  ‘Oh, she was incorrect. Keylan cried when she picked her up, and then Rayvan growled at her because he said she made Keylan cry. Then Draykin bit her, she squealed really loud, it was funny, and the boys were happy with the noise.’

  Hope sighed with delight as she remembered the screaming female and the way she had waved her arms around. ‘Then Honor came and left, then she returned with Grammie Helen and the giant one. He is yelling at the terrible one now. That is what the giant one called her and Grammie Helen is in the cleansing room changing Keylan. It has been a very interesting and exciting morn.’ Hope looked at them all and said importantly. ‘I am watching the boys. Grammie Helen said I was a very bright girl. Mama, do I glow like you?’

  ‘No honey, she meant you are intelligent.’

  ‘Oh, the boys and I wanted me to glow that would have been amazing.’

  Smiling, Peyton said gently so Hope would understand she was not being scolded. She was still learning that not every reprimand meant she was going to be punished. ‘Draygon girl, you should have come to me or asked Jax too. You know how to do both.’

  ‘I do, Mama, but the terrible one said I was not allowed to. She said we had made you sick, and we could not talk to you. You were the Star Daughter and we would upset you and you had important…’

  ‘I see, she seems to have said a lot.’

  Hope nodded. ‘She did, very much and all the time.’

  Peyton smoothed her hair from her forehead as she kissed her. ‘It is hard, is it not, to know when to disobey an order?’

  The little girl sighed and snuggled in closer. ‘I have found that Mama.’

  Reeve stomped in and took in the scene, Draykin cried, ‘Papa.’

  As Rayvan said. ‘Uncle Reeve.’

  Hope whispered with a spark of love and awe in her tone. ‘The giant one is back.’

  He swooped Draykin and Rayvan up into his arms and, in his deep rumbling voice, stated. ‘She is never to come near the young again. She will leave Prime. Hope, my little Draygon, I will tear her apart if she comes near you again and I told her so.’

  Hope and the boys all looked at him as though the sun set with his words. It was easy to see they were smitten with the giant male and not at all upset by the grisly suggestion.

  Darby’s groan of, ‘Dear stars save me.’ as she entered was not lost on him.

  ‘My heart, she abused Hope
and I am sure she was the one who made Keylan make that high squealing noise you told me about. The boys do not like her, Draykin bit her and Rayvan growled at her.’

  Rayvan told him seriously. ‘I would have bite her too, but I did not know it was allowed.’

  Reeve nodded, just as seriously. ‘Teeth my boys are an excellent weapon, but yelling for Jax or your parents or any other adult is much better, understand?’

  Both boys nodded their little heads in understanding. ‘That goes for you, my little Hope. Never are you to be scared of your nanny and if you are, you must call for me or any other adult, understand?’

  Hope sat up. ‘Yes, Uncle Reeve, I will not allow it to happen again.’

  ‘Of course you will not, you are my niece and very intelligent. You and the boys could almost be Elites.’ All three children beamed smiles at his praise. Like everyone else, they knew that was a high compliment. He looked sternly at Esther and Brenda. ‘I will not have that tyrant near our young, find another.’


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