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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 23

by L M Lacee

  ‘No, and I assume you are not.’

  ‘No, nothing, mind you, I am still a little tapped out after Purponna. Flying is still so very new for them, as is navigation. It has only been a little while…’ She trailed off as doubt assailed her, which placed all the Warriors on alert.

  Avana had not spoken, her face was blank, and she was looking not at the sky beyond the windows but at something no one else could see.

  Netta asked Peyton. ‘So just off course.’


  ‘Then why is my radar going off.’

  Ipeara felt the shuttle shudder, and knew they were in trouble. None of her controls would respond. It felt like they had been hit with an electro blaster which had disabled the shuttle.

  She could not even get the lower cushioning to activate, so there would be no soft landing and worrisome of all, the shields were gone. They were vulnerable and falling, and there was nothing she could do.

  Avana screamed as she grabbed Jarrod’s hand.


  Jarrod said urgently. ‘Pilot, take us up now.’

  Calmly, as she had drilled over and over, Ipeara called out. ‘We are under attack. That shudder was us being hit with an electro blaster. I have no controls, we are dead in the air, with disabled shields. Buckle up people, we are in for a rough landing.’

  Quickly she went through all her emergency procedures. Maybe if she could move in a sideways motion, it would confuse the attackers and the shuttle would evade another blast. She jammed the shuttle to the side, using the side thrusters which always held a little in reserve, a peculiarity of this type of shuttle. Unfortunately, Grasshoppers were not swift beasts of burdens, so the response was a sluggish sway to the left. And that was all it needed for draygons to launch their attack.

  At the same time, Ipeara was desperately praying for the Grasshopper to respond quicker. Peyton mind-sent a warning to the people on Prime. ATTACK! ATTACK! WARMASTER FROM THE AIR. URNU COME!

  They all heard the bellows of outrage coming from the sky and land. Then Carrick appeared and the three crying babies were instantly in his arms and gone.

  The Warriors bellowed at the disappearance, while the twins clung to Suna, as Opal clung to Grathum. Then within a beat of a heart, Carrick returned and scooped the remaining girls in his arms and once more disappeared. Grathum and his brother’s enraged growls ceased when both Willian and Netta yelled. ‘He is Urnu!’

  Suddenly it was as if his name brought sanity to the craft all aboard became quiet. The only sounds were of the missiles hitting against the walls of the shuttle. Jarrod sat his hands palms up with Avana’s hands over his. Together they concentrated on shielding the craft.

  Ipeara counted the seconds down until she had power, muttering. ‘We only need a few more, just a few more, then I can kick the power back on.’

  Electro blasters cut the systems until the backups took over, but that took time. Which in a normal shuttle would not matter as they could and would glide long enough for the backups to initiate. The attackers had chosen well, a Grasshopper was not a normal shuttle, the craft sank like a dead weight in water.

  Suddenly they were rocked once more, this time an electro canon which was similar to a blaster but more powerful hit them. Thankfully, it only dented the hull. Ipeara smirked, thinking the attackers had apparently underestimated the strength of the Grasshopper’s walls. Although from the corner of her eye she saw the Mystics. Maybe they had underestimated the strength of the Sevna and Kail.

  She knew the shuttle could not sustain many more hits like the last one. Eventually, the person operating the electro canon would get lucky and find the thinner undercarriage, and then the shuttle would collapse like a ball of paper. Regardless of the shield the Mystics were weaving around the craft, the underbelly could not sustain a concentrated barrage of hits. Another blast hit the shuttle, this time they were forcefully rocked up and down and violently shaken from side to side. Throwing the unrestrained passengers to the floor and around the ship.

  Sadly, the violence of the blast disrupted the Mystics shield. Avana and Jarrod were forced to surrender their efforts as the pulse from the cannon zapped along their senses, causing their concentration to dissolve and their power to dissipate. The shuttle was rocked again from another blast, pitching them against their restraints and each other. Grathum and his brothers steadied one another with arms of steel as the shuttle rocked. The Prowlers skidded along the floor until Boaks braced himself and stopped their movement. Lott stood and shook herself, gathering the kits to her. Thankfully Esther and Suna were held in place by their restraints.

  Unfortunately Willian was flung up then slammed down onto the floor. His head hit with a sickening crack, causing him to go unconscious as blood escaped to pool around him.

  Peyton yelled. ‘Willian!’

  As spears and blaster bolts hit the shuttle’s sides. She was slammed against the wall and watched as Netta curled into a ball skimmed across the floor, stopping at Ipeara’s feet.

  She leaned down to help her up, only to stop when Netta yelled. ‘Keep working, get this piece of tuap moving.’

  Ipeara rammed her hand down on the backup switch and prayed she had waited long enough. Then power… beautiful power came on and the shuttle moved slowly under her control.

  She yelled. ‘Got it, we have power.’

  Jarrod ordered. ‘Land us now anywhere.’

  ‘Yes, Kail.’

  Netta picked herself up from the floor, shook herself and grimaced in pain as she felt a tear in her shoulder. She asked. ‘Esther, Suna, are you well?’

  A muffled yes came to her. Their heads were tucked down onto their knees in the crash position.

  Relieved, Netta told them. ‘Good, stay like that, we are not down yet.’

  And just to add truth to her words, they could still all hear the thumping of spears against the hull.

  Peyton went to go to Willian, only to halt, when she felt a spear enter the side of the shuttle and through her body. Shocked, she looked down and could see the spear’s head as it protruded two or three inches out of her stomach.

  Oh shiiit!

  Jarrod, sweat beading his face, smiled at Avana and hugged her, saying to Netta as she approached.

  ‘Close one.’

  ‘Yep.’ Grinning, she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as she made to pass him. The grin dropped from her face as she looked up and saw Peyton pinned to the wall of the shuttle. Her startled cry made Jarrod’s head whip around and within seconds he had banished his restraints.

  Unable to help herself, Netta’s Rie released the rage building within her. She dropped to the floor and tipped her head back and released a rage induced howl of agony, which was equaled by several from the ground and air.

  Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at the enraged Elite. Jarrod took her hand in his and pulled her to her feet, saying sharply. ‘Netta, are you with me?’

  She snapped a breath in and eased back on her anger. Her voice was hoarse but she was calmer. ‘Yes, I’m with you.’

  When they reached Peyton he asked. ‘What do I do?’

  ‘Willian, see to him, don’t let the kits see.’

  Jarrod looked to see Grathum on his knees next to the prone Warrior. ‘Grathum is dealing with Willian.’ He mind-sent. Lott keep the kits with you, please.

  As you will Kail. She answered knowing by his tone, this it was not good.

  Peyton, her eyes closed, nodded. ‘Good, let’s wait until we are down before we do anything. See to Esther and Suna.’ She opened her eyes in time to see Avana advancing, her face pale. ‘Avana.’

  Netta blocked her view of Peyton by stepping in her way. Which gave Jarrod time to touch her forehead. ‘Sister, sleep.’

  He looked up in time to see both Suna and Esther trying to release their restraints as Esther snarled. ‘What is happening, dayam it? Tell me what has happened!’

  Without a thought, he placed them both in sleep. Rion took Avana
from his arms as Jarrod said. ‘Thank you.’

  Mina along with Knife, both now in combat mode and sleeked out, crawled closer to Lott, and cried together. Me sacred.

  Hush! Lott has you, Mina dearle come to Lott. Where is Boaks?

  He is with his bonded, he is bleeding. A frightened Mina told her.

  Ipeara called out. MINA!

  I am well bonded, I am with Lott and Knife.

  Stay there, sweet one.

  I will my bonded.

  Rion said to Lott. ‘They sleep.’ As he placed Avana by the older ladies.

  Yes, it is just as well. Lott told him as she nosed Knife further under her front legs and moved Mina closer to him. She stood guard over the kits and the ladies.

  Lott! Is Knife with you? Called a frantic Netta.

  Netta he is, as is Mina, they are well. Boaks is with his bonded. The one called Rion has said they will all sleep.

  Thank you Lott, keep Knife safe please, he is so little.

  I will dearle one.

  ‘Peyton the Star Child?’ Jarrod asked as he stood helplessly in front of her.

  ‘No, do not call them, they will take me. Promise me, my brother.’

  Netta begged. ‘Peyton, maybe we should.’

  ‘No Netta. Please swear to me, both of you.’

  Netta nodded as Jarrod reluctantly agreed. ‘We swear, but how do they not know already?’

  Peyton drew in a shallow breath, then hissed. ‘I am blocking them, they cannot see what they cannot feel.’

  ‘Do they know you can do that?’ Jarrod asked, amazed at her daring and resourcefulness, even now.

  ‘No, and we will not tell them.’ She relaxed and hung her head, her eyes closed as she whispered. ‘Okay… okay, we can manage this.’

  Grathum stopped the bleeding on Willian and covered him with an insulation blanket from the med kit, watched by Boaks. He told him. ‘I have stopped the blood. I am concerned he has not woken.’

  Fearfully Boaks stated. He is blank.

  Jarrod looked over at Grathum and Boaks and gently told Boaks. ‘Peyton has placed him in a healing sleep. Boaks I swear he is well.’

  I thank you, Kail.

  With nothing more to do for the young Warrior Grathum went to where Peyton was. When she saw him she murmured. ‘Thank you.’

  Her lips had become as gray as her face as the blood dripped from the hole around the spear. Her eyes closed again and Grathum asked Jarrod softly. ‘Why does she not fix this?’

  ‘She has not enough…’

  ‘Oh, the sun stole her energy.’ Grathum muttered, annoyed he had not stopped the sun from doing so.

  ‘Yes, we need to land.’ Jarrod told them.

  Just then, Ipeara called out. ‘Commander, I think we can land.’

  ‘Do so.’ Netta ordered.

  Then the comm’s sounded and Hawk’s calm, authoritative voice filled the shuttle.

  ‘Pilot, are you secure?’

  Ipeara waited for Netta’s nod, then replied. ‘We are Commander.’

  ‘Bring the shuttle down, we have detained all the attackers.’

  ‘I will, Commander, be aware we have sustained damage and have wounded.’

  There was a pause, and then Hawk said in the same tone. ‘Healers are standing by.’

  Peyton mind-sent. Netta make sure the children are not there.


  The embattled shuttle landed as softly as a shaky Ipeara could manage it. When the underbelly of the craft settled on the hard ground with a small thump. She allowed her cramped hands to relax along with her body as she went through the procedure of a hard shutdown. When it was complete she ran to where Netta and Jarrod stood and saw Peyton pinned to the wall.

  Her knees wobbled as she gasped, Tunera grabbed her shoulder from behind and whispered.

  ‘Steady pilot, you have done well so far.’

  ‘I am fine.’ She looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a shaky smile saying. ‘Thank you.’

  Taking a breath she firmed her knees and looked back at Peyton trying not to let the fear she felt show on her face. Therefore missing the surprised expression that came over Tunera’s face at being thanked.

  She asked Netta. ‘What can I do?’

  ‘Allow Commander Hawk admittance.’

  Ipeara ran back and slammed her hand down on the emergency door release. Then ran back to Netta, who ordered. ‘Warriors let’s get the ladies and Sevna Avana out first. Ipeara, can you help them?’

  ‘Yes, Commander.’

  Within mins they had the ladies in their arms, Netta asked. ‘Lott, Boaks, can you take the kits please?’

  We can.

  Boaks asked. My bonded?

  Grathum said. ‘I have him.’

  He walked to the opening doors, the comatose male in his arms, only to stop as Reeve entered with Hawk, who told them. ‘The healers are waiting.’

  Grathum nodded as he stepped through the doorway. Hawk looked at Netta, he could not bring himself to look at Peyton. He had seen the long-shafted Pituiumin spear extending from the side of the shuttle and knew when he had not heard Peyton’s voice she had been hurt.

  ‘Commander, where are we?’

  Netta reported. ‘The Commanders and pilot are securing the ladies and Sevna. Commander Grathum as you saw is taking Willian to the healers.’

  He told the Commanders. ‘Please take the females to the healers and asked them not to enter.’

  Jarrod said. ‘The fewer people in here the better.’

  Netta said. Knife baby, go with Grammie Lott, she will stay with you.

  Kay Mama, me legs don wana go, me scared. I donna wanna leve you.

  Netta could hear the fear in his voice and she told him softly. Knife honey, you have to go with Lott.

  Reeve picked the kit up and held him at eye level. ‘Go, brave kit, we will keep your Mama safe.’

  Knife licked his face and said, Kay.

  Reeve smiled and gave his head a soft pat. ‘Good kit.’

  He placed him on Boaks broad back, where Knife tucked himself down as the Prowler led the others quickly from the craft.

  Rage roared from outside causing Netta to frown as she said to him. Rage, my senses tell me, there is something we have not seen, something dangerous. Can you search outside?

  We search. She lives?

  You can’t feel her?


  She lives, said the kits from inside the Hex. We feel our bondmate.

  Rage said. We search now.

  Netta said to the three males. ‘Something is wrong! I feel like we missed something. Rage is searching outside.’

  She looked at Hawk as he said. ‘We go with that. Let us do this now!’

  Until then he had avoided looking at Peyton he had been aware of her blood dripping onto the floor, but had refused to take his eyes from Netta’s pale countenance. Now though he had no choice, he knew this scene, this moment in time, would not easily be erased from his memory. The obscene projectile jutting out of her body, pinning her to the wall, shook him. Unable to stop himself, his mind called for hers. My Peyton!

  My Hawk, please don’t, I am alive and plan on staying that way. She sent him reassurance and comfort, let’s get me out of here okay?

  Hawk took a breath and stepped back from the fear and anger wanting to overtake him and casually told her. As you say but we will discuss this later.

  As you say.

  Reeve was staring at the spear and understood why Netta’s Rie had released its anger into the world. He could feel the same burning need to allow his outrage to surface. But unlike Netta’s young Rie his was older and more destructive. So he tramped down on it and ordered his mind to look at the practicability of the situation. The emotions he knew would come later when he was alone with a virtual droid.

  Coraan arrived and said quietly. ‘Rave says they smell explosives, they cannot find them but he believes they are buried under the shuttle in the undercarriage. We have no time to be gentle here.’<
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  Rage arrived and snarled in outrage as he stared at Peyton and the shaft. Beloved, I am here. We must move now.

  Peyton panted. ‘Thank you, dearle. Netta please go.’

  Hawk said. ‘Rage go, Jarrod take her.’

  Jarrod took Netta firmly by the elbow as she went to resist, he said. ‘We leave to live, so she lives. Do not hamper that.’

  She nodded and called back as she hurried from the craft. ‘Do not die sister or I will kill you.’

  Peyton wheezed. ‘Promise.’

  With a look at Hawk, Rage turned and raced after Jarrod and Netta as they jumped from the shuttle.

  Reeve said to Hawk. ‘I have this, brother, you will need to brace her.’

  He then removed an object from his pocket and as though they had all day and not possible seconds until a bomb exploded, he said calmly. ‘Peyton, my sister, you will like this. I got this blade from a little known world at the edge of the Universe.’

  She turned her head slowly to his and wheezed. ‘You did?’

  ‘I did and I know you will appreciate this too, they were cyborgs, honest to stars, cyborgs.’

  She smiled and whispered. ‘Liar!’

  Swallowing the rage he felt, Reeve said in the tone he knew would amuse her. ‘I am an Elite, I have no need to lie. Now I tell you this because I have decided if you live through what is to come. I will comm my good friend at a future date. When the planets align and the skies are clear and I will introduce you to him. He gave me this weapon in exchange for a favor I did for him, many yentas ago. Did you know I collect weapons?’

  ‘No,’ she wheezed then coughed, blood ran from her mouth. Quickly Hawk wiped her lips with his sleeve as Reeve with a quick look at Hawk nodded his head. ‘Few do, soon I will have to contact another of my friends and go to where he has stored them for me and retrieve them.’

  Within Coraan’s needar a black well of anger had sprung to life. In the romantic view of the world he now lived in, he had forgotten what rage so deep, so all-consuming felt like. Until he had seen Draygons attacking the shuttle. As calmly as he could, he asked Reeve. ‘Do you think your Darby will be pleased with that?’

  ‘I am an Elite she will be…’ Reeve looked at Hawk and then Coraan and frowned saying. ‘Maybe I will speak with her first.’


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