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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 28

by L M Lacee

  He winked out as Netta took one more look around and smiled; she loved being an Elite. When she re-entered her body, it was to find Jarrod glowing a bright silver and as she watched he pulsed once. She stood, stretched and walked around the desk, pulled her arm back and punched him hard on the shoulder. He rocked off his chair and shook his head when he hit the floor.

  Rubbing his abused shoulder, he looked up at her and growled. ‘What the furin hell was that for?’

  Not so calm now. She thought and innocently said. ‘Reeve said to do it.’

  ‘I’ll furin kill the son of a basterad.’

  The screen came on, to show a bruised and shaken Malchol wearing a pissed off expression.

  ‘Malchol?’ Jarrod asked as he picked himself up off the floor. ‘Are you well?’

  ‘No, I furin am not, the olesho hit me.’

  Jarrod rubbed his shoulder in sympathy. ‘Netta hit me as well.’

  Not bothering to hide his smirk, Cemeru asked. ‘Did either of you tell them how to disconnect you from each other?’

  They both shook their heads as Malchol touched his cheek and Jarrod rubbed his shoulder.

  ‘Then suck it up, as Trina would say. You are lucky they were here. We have the location of eight traitors.’

  ‘We go now, we will be home by morn.’ Reeve told them. Rage came into view, he was sleeked out and in combat mode. We go now.

  Hawk said. ‘Reeve, Grathum’s squad brothers Leota and Fenthic are still on planet contact them.’ He gave him the code for their personal links.

  Reeve nodded and strode away to contact the Commanders before he went on the shuttle.

  Hawk said to Rage. ‘Pride Leader, do not kill the traitors, you may maul.’

  Rage looked at him for several mins, then he nodded once and turned away. They could hear him asking. If they were to go now!

  Hawk asked Cemeru. ‘Please contact Nina when you are on the planet.’

  ‘I will, Commander.’

  ‘Papa, take care.’

  ‘I will my son, your brother is like an old female.’

  Jarrod told him. ‘Mama will not be pleased if you are hurt or with that term.’

  Cemeru grinned, softening his normally austere features to resemble his sons. ‘Yes... Yes, you and your brothers are all worriers. Do not mention the old female to your Mama.’ He grinned. ‘We will call when we are back on board, comm’s out.’

  Netta said as she strolled from the room. ‘Oh Jarrod hon, giant brother said to tell you he will meet you on the mat.’

  ‘This will not end well… and it will be on your head.’

  ‘Worth it, my credits are on you.’

  ‘Female, you are talking to a broken male.’

  Her laughter came back to them as she moved from the Hex.

  Jarrod asked Hawk. ‘We wait?’

  ‘We do.’ He agreed. ‘But not here, let us go to our mates or find a drink.’

  Kent said. ‘Sarn and I have no mates, so we vote for a drink or three.’

  Hawk nodded and slid open a drawer and handed them two bottles of Fenteric wine. ‘For you two and Iaan and Hue.’ He said as he passed the bottles to Kent as he explained to the others. ‘They were the Warriors that helped tonight.’

  Jarrod said to the Warriors. ‘My thanks as well.’

  Harm passed a key to Sedeen. ‘I have Asderm rum in my office. Take what you think you will need to see the night away, with my thanks.’

  They all nodded their heads in thanks as Hawk said. ‘This day was not a good day, as Madam would say.’

  ‘No, it really wasn’t.’ Sedeen eyed the wine and then the key in his hand. ‘I have a nice Konin whiskay, to go with those. We should taste it and the rum, thank you brother.’

  Harm sourly asked. ‘You did not think to say anything until after I had given you the key?’

  ‘No, I really did not.’ A smiling Sedeen said, which made the others laugh.

  Sarn and Kent left to collect Iaan and Hue while Sedeen went to raid Harm’s stock and retire to Kent and Sarn’s Hex. Where they could wash the day’s events away.

  Harm, Jarrod and Hawk walked from the office along the peaceful street. All three moons were gently lighting their way. Harm said. ‘Beautiful night.’

  ‘I thought we had lost her.’ Hawk said by way of a reply.

  Jarrod nodded. ‘So did I, we were so close.’

  Harm said. ‘Life will change again.’

  ‘As it must.’ Jarrod said.

  Harm looked over at Hawk. ‘She will go to war now.’

  Hawk sighed, then looked at the two males who walked with him. ‘Yes, for seventeen reasons, none less than Keylan.’

  ‘Ahh! There will be deaths, especially when she finds out who is behind this.’ Jarrod murmured.

  Hawk sighed again. ‘Yes, unavoidable really.’

  Harm prophesied. ‘I know this does not make it any better, but only deaths of those responsible. If the Star Child gets involved, worlds will be destroyed.’

  Hawk breathed in and out of the cool night air, then murmured. ‘If you think she will do less, then my friends you have not been keeping up with who our sister is becoming. She will decimate them all, they crossed a line and there is no going back now.’

  Harm changed the subject, it was depressing and a small part of him did not want to think of Peyton as that kind of person, instead he asked Jarrod. ‘Will you tell Trina about Daphne Larton?’

  Jarrod shrugged and pulled on his bottom lip before replying. ‘Tell her she was betrayed on Earth by a female she considered a friend and that same female betrayed her and us all again here?’

  ‘Yes, I guess that’s what I’m saying.’

  ‘I will, she will be unhappy. I try to not let that happen, but it will leak out that the female was involved and she tried to poison Peyton. If she has to find out, I would prefer she learns it from me.’

  Silence met this, and soon the three males parted ways with a wave goodnight to each other. Netta watched them go, she had trailed them to make sure they stayed safe. Entering her own Hex, she knew sleep would elude her tonight and maybe for many nights to come. It surprised her to be met by Larson and Marlo, who asked. ‘You are well Netta?’

  She nodded. ‘Yes, just making sure they got home okay.’

  He nodded to Alexx and Raley coming in behind her. She turned and saw the two Commanders and gave a small laugh. ‘Oh, I see.’

  Marlo grinned, his eyes watchful on hers. ‘We all had the same idea, it seems.’

  She nodded as she stumbled into his open arms and said. ‘Stars Marlo, they say she will decimate them all.’

  ‘Did you expect anything less, they tried to kill her and her family, to kill Keylan. She will not allow that to go unanswered. You know her better than us, did you think she would?’

  ‘No, not really, and I am sad for what this will do to her, how it will change her again. I fear for her needar, don’t you?’

  Marlo shrugged. ‘Yes, but I have faith in her and us. In our strength as a family. The people who perpetuated this should have thought about what they were doing. As my Brenda says, they have brought this on themselves. I take it the three know who is behind it?’

  ‘Yes, they have not said who, but we had a traitor here along with the Draygons and they have found more on Terra.’

  ‘Ahh well, we will find out in the morn, go to bed Netta and sleep, you need it.’

  ‘I will go to bed but as for sleep. I am unsure whether I will find any rest tonight.’

  Dinas placed the hypo spray against her neck and she slumped into Marlo’s arms. ‘That is what we thought.’ Patty said as she came forward. ‘Thank you, Marlo.’

  ‘My pleasure, is everyone else asleep?’


  ‘Good.’ He said as he passed Netta to Dinas and they took the airlift up to her apartment and a waiting Knife.

  Prowlers walked into the Hex as Raley and Alexx opened the doors.

  Braace told Marlo. Bonded all is
well. They have returned to their homes.

  Bricc said. We are to patrol, go to bed, my bonded we have this.

  Raley sighed. Not just yet, I need to shake loose the tension I am carrying.

  Just then the outside door opened and fifty Prowlers swarmed the building. Marlo raised his brows as Rave followed in behind them. Commander, we patrol.

  As the official guardian of their home, Larson asked. ‘Rave how many?’

  Every Prowler, we patrol the Hexes and worlds. The kits will guard from their rooms.

  Braace said in his quiet way. Brother Larson, even those that have not found their bonded yet. Need to feel they are protecting their possible bonded. It is the way of the Prowler.

  Rave stated. We patrol until the threat has been taken care of.

  Then he gave the Prowlers their orders, which consisted of kill and ask questions later. With a nod to the four Commanders, he left.

  Larson grinned and said. ‘I feel redundant.’

  Marlo agreed. ‘I as well. So I will go to my bed until the morn my brothers.’

  ‘Until the morn.’ They replied, then Alexx and Raley left the Hex, accompanied by Bricc and several others to be met by Sedeen.

  ‘Commanders, can I interest you in a drink?’

  ‘Stars yes.’ Alexx said in heartfelt relief as Raley murmured. ‘I can think of nothing better.’

  Bricc asked Alexx. Is this shaking something loose?

  Raley grinned. ‘It is very much so, hopefully if we drink enough, it will shake lose this day from our memories.’

  Confused, Bricc replied. I see.

  They moved down the street and eventually met up with Mends, Francs and Thomas who were holding bottles. Unspoken was the knowledge that this quiet time would be short lived, and together they decided to enjoy the friendships they were forging. Tomorrow would come whether or not they stayed sober, they voted for not. An hour or so later, the night was filled with badly sung Earth songs.


  Peyton held her cup and breathed in the delicious scent of coffee as she sat at the lovely old-fashioned wrought-iron table for two. The top was covered with a lace cloth and an old-fashioned coffee set sat in the middle. Amazingly it was just like the one her grandmother had shown her in the family picture album so many yentas ago.

  Sipping the fragrant brew, she looked out over the vast fields of rolling lavender and to the mountains in the distance. What a delightful place.

  I have found it so. Said the tall Warrior as he came toward her. She could just make out his wavy outline in the distance.

  Sighing she said. I do not think I have seen anything as peaceful as this vista before.

  A fuzzy male figure sat across from her and said. I enjoy it. Today it is more beautiful than usual.

  Oh, umm, that was quick.

  He inclined his head. It is your dream.

  Is it? Interesting… Please have some coffee.

  Thank you, I prefer tea.

  Peyton smiled into her cup. See, now I know it is not my dream or vision.

  Why would you say that?

  If it had been mine alone, you would have taken the coffee. So who are you?

  He turned toward her and she dragged in a breath. Oh, I see.

  He inclined his head again. Guess?

  Smiling, she said. No need, Hawk, and Reeve’s older brother, Kardan.

  You can see this?

  Oh sure, they are parts of you, but you… you are the complete package. She had thought Hawk’s hair was black, but it had nothing on Kardans, his appeared to have a sheen of blue running through it. Although that could have been a trick of the light.

  His face came into focus as he said. You are correct, I am Kardan.

  The one true Warrior. The strongest and bravest Elite of them all. At least that is what the rumors and whispers say.

  I have been called so.

  Your brothers miss you.

  As I them.

  We have not found Wolf.

  I have him.

  You know I also meant Dinas?

  I did he is after all my brother.

  I will tell them you have Wolf, it will ease their minds.

  I am sure it will.

  Peyton raised her eyebrows and asked. So what do I owe for the pleasure of your presence?

  Excuse me.

  What can I do for you?

  You do not know?

  She so did, but denied she had any idea saying. Not a clue.

  I see. Kardan raised a black eyebrow in disbelief as he sipped from a cup which just appeared in his hand.

  Huh! Seeing it, Peyton knew she was not the sole manufacturer of this realm.

  He calmly told her. I am here for you. We are mated.

  Umm... Don’t you mean we are to be mates?

  He smiled gently. No my heart, we are mated.

  Peyton frowned as she stated. I don’t see it like that; it seems like cheating.

  How so? He asked with an amazed look and a kick up of his top lip to accompany it.

  She grinned. You look so much like Hawk when you do that. I mean where is the courting, the mating coma, the fury, the passion. Or even the, I cannot live without you, my heart. She shook her head. I want more.

  Speaking of my brother, he is special to you.

  Oh, were we?

  Yes… Now I am most displeased with the care they are taking of you.

  Well, that is not fair, people try to kill me often. Your brothers and the other Warriors try very hard to not let that happen.

  Thunder cracked overhead in the clear purple sky. Peyton looked up, huh!

  Kardan spoke as though nothing had taken place. This is what I am talking about. It must stop.

  Yeah, you and I agree on that. So, I have children.

  He looked at her as he stated. I have not finished talking about my brothers or the attempts on your life. I am most displeased. Another crack of thunder was heard above them.

  Ignoring it this time, Peyton said. Oh well, I finished. There are other things to talk about. Anyway, they are mine so you can be annoyed but no hurting.

  He looked at her severely. I reserve judgment.

  No, about my young children.

  What do you mean, no, I am your mate?


  He growled. You are my mate.

  She grinned at him as she said. They are my loves.

  I am your love.

  He frowned, a sight that had in the past intimated the strongest of males and made females faint at his feet. She thought he looked cute but refrained from telling him. After all, she really didn’t know him or she did, but not really. It was all a little confusing.

  How is that?

  I am your mate, therefore I am your love. Not the males you have around you. Who will not care for you as well as I will?

  Well, you say that.

  He frowned heavier, and still there was no fainting or fear from her, pleased he said. Because it is true.

  She said sweetly. I don’t know you.

  His face cleared and he slowly began to smile, which if she had been standing would have made her knees weaken at the sight. Dearle Stars the male is gorgeous.

  Challenge accepted.

  Confused she asked. What now?

  Challenge accepted. He smirked and raised an eyebrow. No one said you were hard of hearing. Is this something I should know about?

  No, you…

  He started to fade and Peyton found herself pouting. Where are you going? You come back here; I am not finished yelling at you. He was only a faint outline now, and she yelled. There was no challenge.

  Kardan appeared next to her, his lips near her ear making a shiver of awareness snake down her back as he whispered. I adore our children, they are beautiful; you did well my heart. The young have bondmates who will arrive soon. Care will be needed.

  Then he was gone again, Peyton softly stated. They all need care and love and don’t change the subject. Fear edged her words as she pleaded. Kardan come
back please.

  His voice whispered over her senses. I am never far away. I will see you at the Capital.

  She felt a kiss brush her cheek, then she knew he was gone as she whispered. The Capital, I am not going to the Capital!


  Peyton woke disgruntled and alone, ‘Dayam male.’ She lay for a while listening to the world around her. It was early morn just after first rising, she sensed for her family and found them still asleep. It appeared the entire planet was still asleep.

  Except for the Prowlers, they were awake and patrolling. If she had to guess she would say they patrolled every world.

  She crawled out of bed and into her cleansing room, stripped and looked at her stomach, touching the place the spear had penetrated. Look at that no scar and no reminder that she had been hurt. She stepped into the shower, all the time vacillating between amused and annoyed, but deep down amazed. A mate, he had said mate.

  She wanted to believe him, but she squashed the hope away. It seemed farfetched for the Star Daughter to have a mate. Still, she touched her cheek. He had kissed her. Sighing, she finished washing, then wondered where the hell he had learned about kissing.

  Dressed in jeans and a lightweight sweater, she strolled to her balcony and picked up the coffee Jax had ready. ‘Thank you, Jax.’

  You are welcome Peyton, did you sleep well?

  ‘I did, and I am healed. You may scan if it will make you feel better.’

  There was a moment or two of silence as he took her up on her offer. Thank you, Peyton.

  She smiled, knowing everyone would have the results when they woke. She sipped her coffee as she looked out on the soft purple morn while a lavender mist rose, it was a treat for her senses.

  Sighing with delight, she curled up on her favorite couch and said. ‘Jax, call it a home day today. Notify everyone, please.’

  As you wish Peyton.

  From the corner of her eye, she caught movement. Greetings Lott, you are up early?

  Greetings Beloved, I am. My bonded is still sleeping.

  Well, come and enjoy the morn with me.

  Thank you.

  You are well after yesterday?

  I am, are you Beloved?

  Yes and thank you for watching over the kits. You are a treasure Lott, we are better for you being in our lives.


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