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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 31

by L M Lacee

  Peyton sighed. ‘See, I thought you were not going to be trite and here you are at the first opportunity being exactly that. Now I am thinking puppets are a thing for your family, so I will tell you what I told your sister. Jarrod has ascended to Kail, have your Elders or your father done the same. I know they have not so refrain from saying things like that again, it is becoming annoying. Now I will give you a min for the shock and awe to wear off.’

  He was shocked, and the dawning horror that entered his eyes was gratifying for Peyton to see on behalf of Jarrod and Avana. She looked at her nails and hummed to herself and then when she had judged two mins had passed, she said. ‘So now we have that out of the way. Tell me why he sent you and Vexetta on this dangerous assignment, to kill the Star Daughter. It seems amazing to me he would. I have to say, and I am trying not to upset you but if he treats you like this and you are his favored offspring. I feel sorry for your other sisters.’

  Antono nodded his head after the shock had worn off. He realized she was still in denial about the situation she found herself in, or the new Kail had not explained the situation to her. So he shifted his body slightly and morphed his face into a serious expression, changing his bearing, now he was not the spoiled son of the High Elder. He was the arrogant, well-educated Ambassador from Yanarah. He adopted the same imperious manner his father used when lecturing new Masters.

  ‘I can see how, as you know nothing of my father or our Elders, it may seem that he has no regard for my sister or myself. However, I assure you he chose us because we are excellent at what we do. We are the best of all the Senes and Masters. He can count on us to succeed where others fail.’

  His change of attitude and posture was not lost on Peyton, thoughtfully she asked. ‘You both see this as so?’

  ‘Yes.’ They both said together and did not bother to hide their amusement at her question.

  Peyton shook her head slightly as she asked. ‘How is that working out for you now?’

  Antono smirked and Peyton was getting really tired of that expression, as evidenced by the soft glow that wrapped around her.

  His expression changed once more as he cocked an eyebrow up and stated. ‘You are here, I and my sister are here. You will have to negotiate with him now.’

  Peyton blinked twice before she said. ‘Oh, I see, this was all to get me to talk to your father.’

  Antono shook his head and gave a gusty sigh and looked at her sadly, as though she was a pathetic simpleton. This was very clear by his tone when he said. ‘No... No, it was to get you to the point where you will concede your surrender and come to terms for your life and the lives of your people.’

  The temperature in the room dropped instantly, and it was not Reeve who caused it this time. Peyton’s eyes flamed as she said. ‘I see and why will I do this?’

  Antono shrugged carelessly as he told her. ‘Because we will not stop coming, we will continue our attacks until we have taken everything from you. First, we will strike at the heart of the Star Daughter and now we know who that is. Then we will eliminate all of your most trusted Commanders until they are dead at your feet. This will ensure your people turn against you because they will have discovered you are unable to protect them. Our Elders have done this in the past and will continue to do so in the future. It is our way.’ He flicked imaginary lint from his sleeve, as he explained. ‘You are a means to an end, no more, no less. This is how it has always been.’

  Peyton released the temperature when she heard Avana groan a little, and Vexetta’s breaths started to mist. Her voice was as cold as the room had been when she said. ‘Well that changes everything.’

  He seemed to have been unaware of the drop in temperature or just did not care. Arrogance also did not allow him to register the sudden stillness of the people in the room.

  Smugly he replied. ‘As I knew it would.’

  Peyton asked. ‘So this was your plan?’

  Unconcerned or uncaring of her tone and convinced he had made his point, and she now understood there was no hope for her or her people.

  He lost his respectful tone and scoffed. ‘You really are as simple as I told Vexetta you were. Our father told us of the world you came from and of the naïve outlook your people have of justice. He explained that your planet had just managed space travel and needed to be controlled and encouraged to accept the realities of our Universe.’

  He laughed derisively and did not realize Vexetta did not join him in his mirth or that Peyton had not answered his statement. Vexetta’s eyes were glued to Peyton, and her nerves grew tauter with every moment that her brother continued speaking. ‘No dearle Star Daughter.’

  His disrespect made her people move restlessly. She imagined hands reaching or caressing hilts of swords or knives and claws extending.

  ‘It was the Elder’s plan, as I have said the High Elder and Elders have used this technique many times in the past.’

  Peyton nodded as she said. ‘And that was two.’

  Before Antono could ask what she had meant she asked. ‘This style of war has always succeeded.’

  ‘Of course, who can hold out against the might of the Elders and the High Elder? We have Masters at our bidding and Senes to predict the stages of each part of a battle and outcome of any engagement.’

  Peyton’s smile was deadly, and finally Antono looked into her eyes and saw what his sister had seen. He closed his mouth and leaned away from the table.

  She nodded once more. ‘It does make me wonder what the Senes are seeing about this. We will ask them later. Sevna I give you that task.’

  ‘As you wish, Star Daughter.’

  Antono jeered at Avana. ‘You talk like you will live long enough to carry out that order. You know your life is forfeited, as are the lives of your family and those that thought to join you.’

  Avana smirked in reply, which earned her a hateful glare.

  Amused, Peyton asked. ‘Avana my sister, did the son of the High Elder have plans for making you his one?’

  Jarrod eyed the male and replied for Avana. ‘He may have, but my sister has always had better taste.’

  Grinning, Peyton nodded. ‘Spurned, got it.’

  Avana sighed loudly as Peyton turned to grin at her. She narrowed her eyes but still said nothing, just shook her head.

  Peyton sighed and said. ‘Well, I am intrigued about this strategy the Elders use. Are you not my Commanders?’

  Hawk answered for them all. ‘Very much so, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Jarrod, my Kail, what say you?’

  ‘What they say is true, these two were smuggled here just before the worlds were scanned. They hid out on Halcyon and recently Terra. My family would have recognized them immediately if they had approached Prime. They have a few natural talents but to stop us searching Terra, leads me to the conclusion the Elders taught them the ability and enhanced it in each of them. It is why the scans failed and Jax forgot to include Terra in his forming. As we were not looking for it, we missed it. I assure you Star Daughter, this will not happen again. We will teach Jax this ability and several others to watch out for.’

  ‘So we learn and move on.’

  Jarrod nodded, then told her. ‘They only converted those we found with them as they had untapped abilities. Slight as they were it was enough to accomplish what they needed. Antono and Vexetta both seduced and manipulated the female agent Daphne Larton, who in turn with Antono’s help seduced and managed Linkor Inkorin, and his Draygons.’

  ‘So not the nanny who attacked me?’

  ‘No, and these two did not know of the attempt by the nanny.’

  ‘So the Elders then?’

  ‘From what I have been able to gather, it is a possibility.’

  ‘Okay, let us take a break here for a few mins, before the next step.’


  Kent left the room with Reeve as Sarn asked Peyton. ‘What about the prisoners?’

  They all could see the annoyance cross Antono’s face at Sarn’s question.
  ‘Oh yeah, go for it Commander Hawk.’

  He nodded as he paralyzed the siblings. Netta praised him. ‘You are getting good at that.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Peyton said as she touched Antono’s face and he did not flinch away, although his eyes spat hatred toward her. ‘It is very good. I wonder if it is like a muscle that needs training.’

  Hawk raised an eyebrow. ‘If you say so, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Although you have excellent control already, have you been practicing?’

  ‘No, how would one go about doing that?’

  ‘You could ask for volunteers.’

  ‘No, I cannot.’

  ‘If you say so, I would.’

  Hawk sighed again. ‘No, you would not.’

  ‘Well, not now.’

  Ignoring her, Hawk asked Coraan as he entered. ‘What do you think?’

  They knew Coraan had watched the interviews courtesy of Jax. ‘They declared war, this was the infiltration team, nothing more. They took the opportunity to use some unhappy people and tried to finish the mission in such a way that would get them extra credits with their father. I imagine they believed it would put them in good standing with the Elders. I think your reasoning that the father was hoping for another outcome may be incorrect. It is more likely they were the only ones he could trust that Madam would not to turn in her favor.’

  Hawk nodded as Peyton said. ‘That makes sense, in fact, to their way of thinking. I would wager it was logical.’

  Jarrod stood and stretched. ‘It is a more plausible reason than any other, he and his sister always thought better of their gifts, bolstered by their father.’

  Netta asked Avana, ‘So he wanted you as his one?’

  She grimaced. ‘No, it was more bed partner. He pursued me until I ran. Antono unless you missed it, does not like to take no for an answer. To be denied was foreplay for him.’

  Netta’s eyebrows rose. ‘Oh, I see.’ She looked at Peyton ‘Can I take him to Melody she just loves to re-educate males with attitudes like his.’

  Coraan cracked his knuckles and said. ‘Why bother her. We males can show him the error of his ways.’

  Avana kept one eye on the fierce looking males and said. ‘So Mama and I decided it was time I left permanently.’

  Jarrod enfolded her in his arms. ‘Sister, why did you not tell us? I would have protected you, we all would have.’

  Avana gave a small smile and asked. ‘Mama and I decided the cost to all of you was too high, it was better I left.’

  He hugged her, his eyes distraught. ‘I would have never allowed it Avana.’

  ‘I know.’ She sighed as she cuddled into his body. ‘We both did, but love and sacrifice goes both ways.’ She looked up into his amazing eyes and smiled. ‘Look where it got us, I was right, and the cost was small, so very small.’

  He nodded and kissed her cheek. ‘As you say, look where it got us, who we have now.’

  ‘Just my Koana alone was worth all I gave up.’ They turned to see everyone listening to them. Netta surreptitiously wiped a tear from her eye and Peyton’s eyes shone with love and gratitude as she said softly. ‘So happy you are here.’

  Reeve and Kent came back in with trays of snacks and drinks. Peyton took her cup as the others took theirs. No one seemed interested in the snacks.

  She asked Jarrod. ‘So do you have the names of the people who helped them come here?’

  Jarrod nodded. ‘I have sent them to Marlo and my father, they are gathering them now.’ He gauged her emotions as he stated. ‘My father will not allow them to live.’

  Netta was shocked at the statement, Cemeru always seemed like a kind, harmless male. She asked. ‘He can do that?’

  Jarrod nodded. ‘It is one of many abilities he has. He will take their lives with just a thought.’

  Hawk asked. ‘He knows to find out all the contacts on Yanarah, so we miss none.’

  ‘He will do so.’

  They looked at Peyton who stood sipping her coffee. Seeing their regard she shrugged. ‘I have nothing to say. Let’s move on, Rage, what do you think?’

  They die all of them, not just these here. No mercy for the ones that think we are nothing more than toys to play with, they have soured the Universe long enough.

  She rubbed his head. ‘Yeah... I think you are right. Battlemaster what say you?’

  Reeve said. ‘What Warmaster Coraan has said?’ Peyton nodded and said. ‘Netta, I know you agree. So your solution?’

  ‘What chosen boy said, we go to war, they shot first, we finish it.’ She grinned at Rage as he snorted. She then said. ‘If it is true, they are just going to keep coming, we will have to watch our backs and our children forever.’

  Peyton stared at her until she said. ‘I know we have to do that anyway, but this… this is beyond that.’

  Peyton nodded and asked. ‘Jarrod, Avana?’

  ‘What he said is true, they will not back down, and they will never give up.’ Avana quietly replied.

  ‘If I chop the head off?’

  Jarrod shook his head, ‘I would hope they would cease, but I do not know how far the rot has spread.’

  Avana said, and her voice was the serene voice of the Sevna. ‘You must take the security of their home world from them, and then they will see how the Universe is changing. They will come to the Kail for guidance. You Star Daughter are here to halt its progress, cut the bad from the good. The time of the Elders is over.’

  ‘Thank you, Sevna. Well, Harm?’

  He looked at her and said, and she could see why he had been feared as the leader of the Assaen family. ‘The min the first attempt on your life was made, they signed their death orders and the death of their world.’

  ‘So that about sums it.’ Peyton sipped her coffee then coming to a decision said. ‘Thank you, let’s get to it.’ She looked at the two siblings and asked Hawk. ‘If you would Commander?’

  He gave her a small nod and flicked his fingers, and the brother and sister could use their vocal cords again. ‘What did you do?’ Antono demanded as they tried to move.

  ‘What have you done?’ Vexetta cried out as she struggled against the invisible bonds.

  Peyton shook her head. ‘Me nothing, my Commander Elite, now he… well he does not like you. So sit there and stay quiet. If you like you can try to release yourselves, he needs the practice.’

  Hawk looked blandly at the couple while they squirmed in their seats. ‘Yes, please do.’

  Netta and Kent cleared away the remains of the snacks. Sarn went to take Peyton’s cup, she growled. ‘Not finished.’

  He quickly pulled his hand back. ‘I apologize, Madam.’

  Avana patted his arm as she said. ‘It is alright, she doesn’t mean it.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Of course, you still have your hand, don’t you?’ He gave her a startled look and put his hand behind his back. She smiled as she walked with him to the door. ‘See.’

  ‘Well Jax dearle let us comm the unspeakable ones.’ Peyton grinned as she said. ‘Hope is rubbing off on me.’ She placed the now empty cup on the table and looked at Sarn. ‘Finished now.’

  He gulped but did not come forward. Hawk cleared his throat as Avana took the cup away with a shake of her head, and Peyton was sure she muttered, ‘Impossible female.’

  Netta asked quietly. ‘Are you wanting to make Melody right?’

  She grimaced as she mentally agreed she did not want to tell Melody the guards wanted to kill her too. ‘I am sorry Sarn.’

  He nodded but still did not remove his hand from behind his back.

  She looked at the two prisoners saying. ‘You two will have to stay quiet. If you do not, I am sure my Commander will have no problem silencing you again.’ She said to Hawk. ‘Stay ready to pull the trigger.’

  Raising his eyebrow he said. ‘I actually know what that means.’

  Madam, I am ready.

  ‘Go for it, Jax.’

  Peyton stoo
d by the table as Jarrod moved to stand next to Avana. Jax had refined the technology they used for communication. Now the screen was more precise and only showed Peyton and a blurred background. It was impossible to detect who was in the room with her and where she was.

  On the screen appeared a male with several other males sitting either side of him at a table. It looked as though they were conducting a meeting. The male at the head of the table had his face in shadow, compliments of the hooded robe he wore.

  ‘Greetings, High Elder Uneveron and Elders of Yanarah. I am the Star Daughter.’

  ‘Greetings Star Daughter.’

  Peyton inclined her head in a regal nod. ‘High Elder, I have your son and daughter with me. They were captured and have been found guilty for crimes against my worlds.’

  ‘You expect me to believe you.’

  ‘Oh no, High Elder, that would be foolish. Look for yourself, these are your children.’

  Jax allowed the holo to expand so brother and sister were on screen. The High Elder nodded as the surrounding Elders appeared agitated.

  ‘Yes, they are my young.’

  Peyton said. ‘Well, now we have that out of the way. As I said they have been found guilty of crimes against my worlds. Instead of just subverting my people and spying. They decided to take matters one step further and attempted to kill myself and my family. I am sure you can understand how upset by this I have become.’ She shrugged and gave a winsome smile. ‘I mean, at least you had the decency to only try to Assaenate me, not my children.’

  The High Elder asked. ‘It would appear you have learned some details about us already. So you will not be surprised when I ask, are you willing to talk terms?’

  Peyton funnily enough saw the same shadowed smirk on his face as his children had. She ran her tongue around her teeth and rocked on her feet, then finally asked. ‘So no comment on your offspring’s activities. We should just ignore how they stepped over the line then?’ When he made no comment, she sighed. ‘Well alright, you first!’

  He inclined his head. ‘You will surrender my young and your position as Star Daughter. Then you will surrender yourself to our justice, along with your people. Your solar system will be turned over to us, also all the Masters and Senes and their families will be returned immediately to Yanarah for judgment. The Warriors will be reunited with their creators, who have informed us they will administer their own brand of justice. The abominations you call Prowlers will be disposed of at our discretion.’


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