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Surfing Dude

Page 18

by Ed Nelson

  My first instinct was that it wasn’t the proper thing to do, but then I realized we didn’t always do the proper thing. I couldn’t object too much as I was the one who threw those heads over the Soviet embassy wall. As a family we were in it together. After I thought for a moment I realized that killing those guys hadn’t bothered me at all, but throwing their severed heads over a fence seemed wrong.

  “Okay Dad, please keep me posted on what you find out.”

  “No problem Rick, we may have to take further action depending on what we find. In the meantime I need to round up a tarp to cover this mess. Peg, should we tell the younger ones the sub-basement is off limits for a while?”

  “I wouldn’t say anything, the boys would be down here in a flash to see what was going on, and so would Mary with camera in hand.”

  “You’re right, let’s not say anything.”

  “As a matter of fact Rick, I think we can push the desk back over this if we are careful.”

  We did it, I don’t know about careful, as that desk seemed to have gained weight.

  After that wonderful start to my day I went to the beach and surfed. Getting out into the sun and air helped clear my mind, or at least forget the grisly sight.

  I had lunch at the beach and kept surfing most of the afternoon. If nothing else it freshened up my tan. Later in the day I noticed more people standing on the beach pointing at me.

  It didn’t take much to figure out it was a Sir Richard spotting.

  I bit the bullet and went ashore. I must have signed fifty autographs. Everyone was pretty laid back. One papa-rats-eye insisted on getting in my face for a close up. Somehow he tripped and fell into an oncoming wave. I knew those unarmed combat courses would come in handy.

  I gave up after that and left to the cheering of my fans.

  Getting home I cleaned up for dinner. For some reason dinners were getting more formal all the time. I put on a coat and tie without thinking too much about it. I realized that Bellefontaine was a long ways away, and a long time ago. That would make a good opening for a movie.

  At dinner we didn’t talk about the morning, but Dad made a reference that he had a conversation with people at the newspaper on a new project.

  I spent the evening on school work. At the rate I was going I might finish everything by Christmas. That would be nice. I would have several weeks off before leaving for Hawaii.

  At bedtime I was very sleepy from the events of the day, and I was only able to read several pages of an old favorite. I knew he would escape beheading, and head to London. Heh, pun intended.

  Chapter 32

  Friday morning was a wonderful California day. It made my morning run and workout a pleasure. My run had an interesting event. I was doing a pretty good pace downhill when a coyote crossed the trail in front of me. We were so close I had to leap over him to avoid a collision. I don’t know who was more surprised, I or the coyote. I wonder if it was the Coyote. Neither of us stopped to discuss the issue.

  Mum and I went downtown for my training. It was getting to be a little old hat for me.

  By Friday, I could tell that I had front and back tails and was able to evade them both. Once I was even able to spot Mr. Robertson in the background. He didn’t look very happy.

  At the first of this week, Mum told me I had to keep it up for four more weeks. I didn’t mind at all, it was like an adult game of hide and seek. Well it did for the most of this week, but by today it seemed to drag and just be a chore.

  I had a bright idea to make it more fun, at least for me, after lunch at our normal haunt we returned home. I asked Denny if he would like to join my game. He was all in agreement. Denny was really into photography. I bribed him with a new high-quality telephoto lens for his camera. He also held out for a photographer’s vest that would hold many rolls of film.

  I then went to my offices for my Friday team meeting and business update. The first thing I did was to make a point of saying “Hello,” to Emily’s aunt. I didn’t want her to have any concern about her position with the company. You could tell she was aware of the situation, but she didn’t bring it up directly, so neither did I.

  Jim Williamson as usual had a simple presentation for me on the company status. He started with the bottom line of how much profit had been made in all areas. I had to read the numbers several times to comprehend them.

  “Jim how could there be so much money?”

  “Simple Rick, the government fronted you a development loan at a very low interest rate. We took the entire amount and invested it, the investment interest is paying the loan off with money left over. So in effect the money was given to you.”

  “The profits from ongoing operations are going back into the business in the form of capital investments. For example we have five hulls in the new configuration under construction. The ports we discussed are being upgraded by us and the respective governments.”

  “Most of the governments have set up special companies for this, and we own shares in each. Again those companies have been fronted money by their governments and it is being used for the construction. Our capital investment for our share of each company is our knowledge and expertise, not cash. It is called intellectual property.”

  Since you now don’t have to put any of your invention money, movie residuals etc. into the company for capital expansion it is dropping to your bottom line. You will have one heck of a tax bill this year. It has been reduced by having your holding companies based in Luxemburg, but it will be a significant sum.”

  “These things take on a life of their own and become self-funding. The reason it was so quick was all the government money.”

  “Why are all these governments throwing all this money at me?”

  “Because they see the benefit of the infrastructure being built, which will lead to jobs, which will keep them in office, and they are only playing with taxpayer money while you are taking risks with your own.”

  “But still how have I come to have over twenty-five million dollars?”

  “That is your quarterly income from all sources.”

  I felt pole-axed. I guess I would be considered rich. That was a strange feeling as I thought twice about almost any expenditure as though I were on an allowance.

  “This is mine to do as I want with it?”

  “Rick, you couldn’t spend it fast enough, by this time next year it should be fifty million a quarter. You should be one of the richest people in the world in the next five years.”

  “If you want to spend more than one hundred thousand dollars you will have to let me know in advance. The bulk of the money is invested in the stock market. However the hundred grand is in a cash reserve attached to your checking account.”

  “You mean I could write a check for one hundred thousand dollars?”


  “Yikes! What stocks am I invested in?”

  “For the long term anything to do with home ownership such as home improvement stores are a good investment. We also are buying up coastal land in California and Florida as it becomes available, only lots or houses that have a direct ocean or gulf view.”

  “Wow, you have given me a lot to think about.”

  At that point I did the only reasonable thing possible. I went surfing.

  I cornered Mum and Dad after dinner in the library and asked if they knew about my financial condition. Mum told me that I was not getting my allowance raised.

  “Uh, Mum I haven’t been getting an allowance for some time now.”

  “Rick, it was worth it to see the look on your face. Yes we know how your finances are coming. Maybe you could give me an allowance instead.”

  I actually believed her for a moment. Dad snorted and gave it away.

  Dad told me, “Rick we are doing fine, not as good as you are but we are multi-millionaires in our own right so the kids won’t go hungry.”

  We moved on to a more serious subject. Dad had set the reporters loose on finding out about the people that had been
on the yacht. He didn’t expect anything until early next week.

  From there I got cleaned up and went to a movie with Denny and Eddie. Mary pouted a little as it would be past her bedtime, but got distracted by Mum and a fancy tea party.

  The movie was good. I would like to visit Rathcullen someday. Though I doubted I would run into King Connors or see a Pooka much less a Banshee. Come to think of it I never wanted to see a Banshee. I thought that tall dark actor who played the love interest was pretty good and we would see more of him.

  Saturday was a surprise. It was horse and pony arrival day. Mum and Dad told us kids about it at breakfast. Mary immediately went to the stable to await their arrival. She would come back every ten to fifteen minutes to ask if they were due yet.

  Finally at ten o’clock the horse van pulled in. It had horses for everyone in the family and several for guests. Also one pony for one very excited little girl, you could tell it was love at first sight. She wanted to go riding immediately.

  Mum explained she could not go riding until she had a saddle and the other equipment. That brought on a demand to go shopping at once. Dad laughed as apparently this had all been planned.

  We loaded up in several cars. I mean we boys had to be in a convertible. I don’t even want to guess how much we spent at the western shop. It was operated by a lady named Mary. Well it really wasn’t a shop. She was working out of her garage! However she had the largest selection of western gear in the entire state. When I said garage it was not a one car garage. It would hold six cars easily and she had several outbuildings.

  She and Mum had met at a charity dinner. Mary wanted to open a store in a few years, but right now she was the best kept secret on the west coast according to her.

  We ended up with Western saddles, English saddles and everything in between. The ladies had a fashion show with all the clothes they bought, again to match the saddle they were using. The men stuck to western gear. Of course I had it all at home and well broke in from my movie sets.

  It became very obvious that we had bought all this stuff and didn’t really know how to use it. When I questioned Dad on this, he told me he realized the problem and that we were going to hire someone to guide us and take care of the stables.

  I wondered why this wasn’t done up front but decided discretion was the better part of valor. The buying took most of the afternoon and we ate a late lunch on the way home. We had bought so much gear it wouldn’t fit in the two cars so Dad arranged for it to be delivered to the house. Of course Mum and Mary did fit the clothes into the car.

  Well so did Dad and the boys, I felt smug as I had everything at home.

  The ranch that sold us the horses had arranged for a cowhand to stay for several days along with feed and straw for bedding. Mary was ready to sleep with her pony which she named Misty, we had never been to Chincoteague VA, but she had the stories read to her.

  After the novelty of the horses wore off, we boys played pool in the first basement. Of course Denny cleaned our clocks as usual. After dinner I went back to the books, this time on flying.

  I had come up with an idea on how to make my tail spotting more fun and the boys had agreed to it. On Sunday, we boys toured the downtown. We selected four points where Denny could get pictures of me coming towards him so he would get pictures of anyone in front or behind me. I mapped out several different routes that would pass by these points and give him plenty of time to get into position using streets out of their line of sight.

  The idea was not only to evade my trackers but to identify the entire team.

  After that was set up I took the boys to the beach and introduced them to surfing. We had a ball.

  Chapter 33

  Monday was another glorious day in California. It was a pleasure to do my morning run. When I went out the back gate to the park I had some nosey watchers. Horses were looking out of the open stall doors. The cowhand who had stayed behind said, “Mornin.” I nodded back as that seemed appropriate to such a laconic greeting.

  There was also a little girl feeding an apple to a small pony. It was still a small pony but would probably end up fat as a pig if Mary got her way.

  The run went well with no fearsome tigers or chipmunks along the way. That is one story I will take to my grave.

  After cleaning up and eating too much at breakfast, thinking I didn’t need Mary to feed me as I could do the pig bit on my own. Well okay I had what they were calling six-pack abs, and looked in great shape so guess I could eat what I wanted. Anyway, I asked Mum and Dad if I could talk to them for a few minutes.

  “Sure Rick, what’s up?”

  Suddenly I felt a little nervous.

  “Well I was thinking that if I have all that money, maybe I could buy an airplane.”

  Dad got a serious look, but before he could say anything Mum butted in.

  “Jack, don’t tease him, of course you can buy an airplane if you want, if it makes sense.”

  “Thanks Mum,” As I gave an innocent looking Dad a nasty look.”

  Dad ignoring my look asked, “What do you have in mind?”

  “A twin engine aircraft; it makes the most sense for carrying some passengers and reasonable speed. I have talked to Mr. McGarry about different ones, but would have to do some more homework before I choose one.”

  “Well since it’s not a 707, I guess it is okay.”

  Mum must have been feeling contrary today.

  “Well Jack I have been meaning to talk to you about that, a Boeing 707 or a DC-8 would be nice.”

  Dad had a pained look. You could tell he was an experienced husband though.

  “Yes dear, let’s talk about it.”

  I wondered what colors our new large jet would be painted.

  “It would be nice to have a machine shop. I would pay for an extension off the garage.”

  “Well your inventions have more than paid for it, so that’s okay. Just let us review the plans before proceeding,” Dad told me.

  While I was on a streak I decided to go for broke.

  “I understand that my investments include beach front property here in California, I wonder if the family would want to use one of them as a weekend place.”

  I thought I was clever bringing the family use into it.

  With a smirk, Dad replied, “Well you should look up two of them, one near where you surf, and the other for the family to actually use, like down in Malibu.”

  You could have knocked me over with a feather, how can parents see through you like that?

  About that time, Mrs. Hernandez left the room to answer the telephone. You could hear her say, “Jackson House.” As usual she had been sitting at the breakfast table with us. She really was a member of our family.

  “Rick, it’s for you.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  I identified myself and found out it was a producer from the Today Show in New York. They wanted me to be part of a show which would be on Monday morning. I didn’t have to call Susan Wallace to know I should do this. I told them I would.

  I would have to fly east on Saturday for a Sunday afternoon taping. Mr. Garroway’s health had been declining, it was pretty-well known in the industry that he suffered from depression and would walk out in the middle of a show. That was why it was taped.

  I did call Susan after that and she told me that was a good call. She would be flying with me on Saturday, so would take care of all the arrangements.

  Mum, Denny, and I headed downtown. Each of us went to our agreed upon positions.

  I walked the route and didn’t try any evasion until after I passed the four points. There was no front tail this time so it was easy. I had my t-bird in a parking garage so we were home by lunch time. The cook had outdone herself with a toasted cheese guacamole sandwich.

  After lunch, we went to Denny’s darkroom. He developed the pictures and he had wonderful shots of my tail and Mr. Robertson. I must say Mr. Robertson still seemed very unhappy. When he saw how well the pictures turned out Den
ny tried to jack up the price, by saying he thought he now deserved to be paid for taking the pictures. We didn’t really get into it, but I had to tell him.

  “I’m the boss applesauce.”

  He came back with, “Don’t give me lip, potato chip.”

  Honor satisfied on both sides we let it drop. However I did realize I needed to think about an extra gift if it all worked out. As I walked out of the room he had to have the last word.

  “Hit the road toad.”

  I made a rude hand gesture over my shoulder and left with a grin. I went to check if I had any mail delivered to the house.

  In the mail was a letter from my school. It was an invitation to a sock hop in two weeks. It would be on Saturday. That would be the day after my visit to the White House, but I should be back on time. I had to go, the invitation said, “Be there or be square.”

  I certainly wasn’t going to be square.

  Mum also got a letter, more of a package really. Within it was a small package addressed to, Sir Richard Jackson, Queens Messenger. She stood there as I opened it. There was a letter with my name on it, and another envelope with the notation, DO NOT OPEN.

  I read the letter out loud.

  “Sir Richard, Her Majesty requires you to deliver this accompanying letter to the following address unopened on Monday of next week. Wear your greyhound pin to identify yourself. The address is a Chinese drycleaners, so drop off some clothes which really do need cleaning.”

  That seemed pretty straight forward. Mum and I went to the library and found a Los Angeles street directory. The address shown was in the middle of China town.

  “Well this should be interesting.”

  “Rick, just remember the statement, ‘May you live in interesting times’, is a Chinese curse. That said on the surface it doesn’t seem unreasonable. I shall make some inquiries as to the nature of this delivery.”

  “Thanks Mum, it doesn’t seem that big of a deal.”

  “It never does at first.”


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