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Sunshine on Silver Lake: Includes a bonus novella (Sweetwater Springs Book 5)

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by Annie Rains

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2020 by Annie Rains

  Cover design by Elizabeth Turner Stokes

  Cover copyright © 2020 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

  A Fairytale Bride by Hope Ramsay © 2016 by Robin Lanier

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  First Edition: July 2020

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  ISBN: 978-1-5387-0088-4 (mass market), 978-1-5387-0089-1 (ebook)




  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Perfect Picnic Pimento Cheese Sandwich

  About the Author

  Also by Annie Rains

  Praise for Annie Rains

  A Fairytale Bride by Hope Ramsay Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine



  About the Author

  Discover More

  Fall in love with these charming contemporary romances!

  To Mom and Annette—the most caring and giving women I know

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  This book would never have happened without the help and support of so many people. Thank you to my family for so often being my sounding board when I’m writing stories, especially my husband, Sonny.

  Thank you to my amazing literary agent, Sarah Younger, for wearing the hats of a cheerleader, therapist, confidante, and friend. I am truly blessed to have you on my side.

  I would like to thank my editor, Alex Logan. You make my stories shine so much brighter than I ever could on my own. I would also like to thank the entire Forever team. It’s a dream come true working with such a group of smart, savvy, and creative people.

  Thank you to the women in my life who I count as writing partners and friends: Rachel Lacey, Tif Marcelo, April Hunt, and Sidney Halston. You inspire me in every way, and I’m so lucky to be on this publishing journey with you.

  Since this book is about mom love in addition to romantic love, I want to thank my own mother for all her influence in my life. Being a mom is the toughest job in the world, and it’s often thankless. So thank you, Mom—for everything.

  Lastly, but in no way least, thanks a million to my readers. It’s said that the average American reads two books a year. I know that most of you read so much more than that (which makes you extraordinary by those statistics), and I am so honored and humbled that you make the time to read the books that I pour so much of my heart into.

  Chapter One

  Emma slid a cup of coffee across the counter as she tried, and failed, not to think about today’s date. Doomsday.

  “You okay?” her customer asked.

  Emma blinked out of her zombie state and realized that it was Sophie Daniels, one of the regulars who stopped in the Sweetwater Café almost daily. “Yes, why?”

  “Well, the first tip-off that you aren’t okay was that you asked me what I wanted. You never ask. You always know.” Sophie lifted a pale brow and then looked down at her drink. “And this isn’t what I asked for.”

  Emma’s gaze dropped to the caramel-colored cappuccino with a frothy top. “It isn’t?”

  Sophie gave her a worried look. “But maybe it’s time for me to try something new.” She started to pull out her debit card.

  “I’m so sorry, Sophie.” Emma held up a hand. “Your drink is on the house. And if you want something else, I’ll make that too.”

  Sophie shook her head and took a sip as if to prove that she was completely satisfied. “Mmm.”

  “I’m just not fully awake,” Emma explained. “I haven’t had my own coffee yet this morning.”

  “Well, if that’s the problem,” Sophie said, “you deserve a break and a coffee of your own. Maybe one of those delicious pastries in that glass case too.”

  A break when she’d only just opened? Emma guessed that was her prerogative as the café’s owner, but being the boss also meant she was responsible for every little thing that went on here, right and wrong.

  Emma forced a smile as Sophie took another sip, obviously for show. “It really is good to switch things up every now and then. Maybe this will be my new drink of choice. See you tomorrow, Em,” she said with a wave.

  “Have a great day.” Emma’s smile fell flat as soon as Sophie’s back was turned.

  I should’ve stayed in bed.

  She turned to call out to Nina as she put her belongings away in the back room. Nina was the only full-time employee here. The café also had two evening and weekend employees, one of whom called in sick as often as she came in. “Hey, Nina, do you mind covering the counter for me?”

  “Not at all.” Nina grabbed an apron and pulled it over her head of thick, black hair. At the café, she always wore it neatly pulled back. It was long and silky, and on their far-too-infrequent girls’ nights out when Nina wore it down, she looked like she belonged on a Pantene commercial. All the guys wanted to buy her drinks, and all the women wanted to know her beauty secrets.

  No beauty secret could save Emma this morning. She probably looked as bad as she felt. Emma was committed to always greeting her customers at the Sweetwater Café with a smile as potent as her coffee but today
her smile felt like a weak decaf.

  “You’re a lifesaver,” Emma said as Nina stepped behind the front counter.

  “Says the woman who gave me a job and my first paycheck up front to keep a roof over my head.”

  Emma smiled. “Everyone needs a little help now and then.” And right now, Emma was the one in need. She yawned as she prepared a cup of fresh coffee for herself and then retreated to a table in the back.

  As she took a sip of the French specialty brew, she closed her eyes momentarily. It seemed like she’d had them closed for just a second before Nina tapped her shoulder.

  “Are you asleep?”

  Emma snapped awake. “No…Yes. Maybe.” She looked at the clock and realized that the morning “rush hour” had passed. “Sorry, I didn’t sleep well last night.”

  Nina frowned. “That bad review on the A-List site still bothering you?” she asked with a nod as if Emma had already confirmed her suspicion.

  The A-List was a popular Sweetwater Springs website, intended to guide and direct tourists to the local hot spots. Emma had discovered a one-star review for the Sweetwater Café yesterday, but that wasn’t what had kept her up half the night. Since she wasn’t telling people today was her birthday though, it was as good an excuse as any. “I guess that’s why.”

  Nina’s lips contorted into a perfect pout. “Everyone gets bad reviews, Em.”

  This wasn’t the first bad review the café had gotten, but Emma took every criticism seriously. Yesterday’s review had complained of a lack of seating in the café. Well, that was only because the SC was a popular place to get a cup of coffee. It was a good thing, not a reason to avoid coming.

  Just thinking about it made Emma feel worse. Happy birthday to me.

  The bell at the counter rang.

  “Want me to get it?” Nina asked.

  “No, I need to earn my keep around here.” Emma pushed back from the table and headed toward her customer. She stopped short when she saw Jack Hershey standing there in his park ranger attire. When women said they loved a man in uniform, Emma was pretty sure they weren’t talking about the tan button-down shirt with olive-green cargo shorts that Jack wore. But that’s the uniform that sent her blood rushing.

  “Jack.” In her exhausted state, she hadn’t considered that he would come by today. But she should have. Jack hadn’t missed one of her birthdays since they were kids. She held up a hand. “Don’t.”

  The corner of his mouth quirked. “But it’s tradition, Em.”

  “Maybe it’s time we get a new tradition,” she practically pleaded.

  Thankfully, there was no one else at the counter. She stepped closer, glad that there was a counter between them because Jack had always stirred things inside her. They’d known each other since they were kids. Their moms, who were best friends, had joked about them getting married when they grew up.

  Emma’s throat grew tight as memories of her mom crashed over her, along with panic and dread. Her mom had died a long time ago, but Emma had been feeling her absence more lately as her thirtieth birthday drew near. And now the day had come. She was the same age her mom had been when she’d died. D-day.

  “Okay. Here’s an idea for a new tradition.” Jack leaned against the counter. “Instead of me serenading you in front of all your customers, how about you agree to have a birthday dinner with me tonight? I’ll take you out, and we’ll catch up. It’s been a while since we’ve done that.”

  Emma felt her face flush. Her mind raced along with her heart, searching for an excuse to politely turn him down. “Well, I’m afraid that I’ve already made plans with Halona and Brenna tonight.” Halona owned the flower shop next door, and Brenna had worked down the street until recently when she’d sold her catering business. Now she was studying for her teaching degree, which was a lifelong dream of hers.

  He looked down at his feet momentarily. “Right. Of course you have plans. There’s no way you’d be sitting at home alone on your birthday, huh?” He reached into his front pocket, and she knew what he was grabbing. Her heart flopped hopelessly inside her chest as he laid three Hershey’s Kisses on the counter. “I couldn’t fit thirty in my pocket.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You are so predictable, Jack Hershey.”

  A smile curled his lips, reaching up to touch his blue eyes as he winked at her. His dark hair was a little tousled today as if he’d run his hand through it a dozen times already—he probably had. “Maybe you just know me really well.”

  She nodded and looked away for a moment to catch her breath. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll serenade you another time. When it’s just us.” He turned to head out.

  “Wait. Don’t you want a coffee? Or something else?” She shrugged. “What would you like?”

  He turned back to look at her, his eyes narrowing. “You mean you don’t know what I want? That would be a first for you.”

  Emma’s face grew warm. She really was out of sorts today. “Right. Yes, of course I know. Just asked out of habit.”

  He shook his head. “It’s okay. I don’t need a drink. I just wanted to wish you a happy—”

  She held up a hand. “Nuh-uh.” She didn’t want Nina or anyone else in the café to overhear. She didn’t want any fuss made over her today. She just wanted to get through it.

  “I just wanted to wish you a good day,” Jack finished. “Have the very best one, Em.”

  * * *

  Jack got into his Toyota Tundra and headed back toward his neck of the woods. He’d only come to Main Street to see Emma. She always smiled when she saw him, but he could feel the guard she put up whenever he was near. He’d always thought she’d warm back up to him—forgive and forget—but she hadn’t yet. Not completely.

  He turned at the stop sign and drove with the window down, taking in the summer’s breeze as it hit his face. It was the end of June—the height of the season. Later this week, there’d be Fourth of July celebrations. Once upon a time, he and Emma had pretended those celebrations were for her. Now she didn’t want to celebrate at all.

  Emma had turned thirty today, but he’d already surpassed that milestone. He’d like to say it was just a number, but he wasn’t the same guy he’d been in his twenties. He stuck to non-alcoholic beverages when he went out these days, and he dozed off a good hour earlier at night, waking with the birds, not the ladies.

  Lately, he’d also found himself longing for things he never wanted before. A few of his friends were settling down, and a couple had kids on the way. Part of him envied those friends. The other part enjoyed being a bachelor when those very friends listed all the cons to being in a relationship.

  He pulled into the lot of Evergreen State Park and cut the engine, looking out over the long pines with the rolling Blue Ridge Mountains in the far distance. After stepping out of his truck, he stretched for a moment before grabbing his radio to communicate with other rangers and authorities in the area. Sometimes he came across an injured hiker or ran into a situation with wildlife. Most recently, there was evidence of a squatter deep in the park. It was against the law to camp overnight at Evergreen State Park. He hadn’t seen the person yet, but when he did, he aimed to have a talk with them. One warning, and after that, he’d issue a citation.

  Jack walked to the side of the ranger station, where he kept his “toys.” Half the lure of being a park ranger was in this outbuilding. He had a skiff boat, two four-wheelers, two utility vehicles, and a kayak. However, the ATV was his vehicle of choice on the narrow paths in the park. He climbed onto one and pointed it up Gray Wolf Trail, pressing the gas pedal and loving his job.

  For the next hour and a half, he paroled the area, his mind bumping from nature back to Emma as the tires traversed the uneven terrain. He’d wondered if today would be hard for her. Judging by how frazzled she’d seemed, it was. He was glad she was going out with friends tonight. Hopefully they’d take her mind off things.

  He slowed to a stop when he saw evidence of the squatter. He hopped
off his ATV and walked over to a pile of charred sticks where someone had made a fire. Jack turned to scan the surrounding area. Just like every other time, whoever had been here was long gone. He was finding evidence about once a week.

  Jack could understand the desire to stay overnight. Blue Sky Point was the highest overlook in the park, and it was breathtaking up here. From this location, you could see Silver Lake nestled in the Star Valley River. Silver Lake spanned beyond Evergreen’s limits and stretched toward the downtown shopping area as well. If someone looked hard enough, from this point, you could see an eagle’s nest built high up in a tree, an egret stretching its wings as it soared, and a deer running just as fast. The wildlife was the other lure to Jack’s job.

  As he breathed in the fresh air, his mind returned to Emma.

  He fished his cell phone out of his pocket, relieved to see that he had a signal, and searched for Halona Locklear’s contact. Maybe if he knew where Halona and Brenna were taking Emma for her birthday, he could stop in and buy Em a drink or a slice of cake.

  He tapped Halona’s contact and held the phone to his ear.

  “Little Shop of Flowers,” she answered after a couple rings.

  “Hey, Hal,” Jack said, leaning against a tall pine. “This is Jack.”

  “Hi, Jack. You need flowers?”

  He chuckled. Sending flowers to Em might be overkill, and it would definitely cross that line that Emma’s father had drawn in the sand between them over a decade ago. “Actually, Emma told me that you and Brenna are taking her out tonight for her birthday. I thought I’d find out where you’re headed and try to stop in.”

  Halona was silent on the other end of the line.


  “Well, Brenna and I offered to take Emma out, but she refused. She said she had plans with you.”

  Jack straightened. “Oh. Yeah, that’s right,” he said. “I guess I forgot about that.”

  “You forgot?” Halona said, her tone sharpening. “Jack, it’s a big birthday. Emma deserves something special.”

  Halona was exactly right.


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