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Hell Bound (Lupine Bay Book 2)

Page 14

by Maribel Fox

  She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. And she’s still shaking and trembling as she pulls away from me, eyes wide and wild.

  I feel like a puddle of goo. It’s more than the normal post-sex bonelessness. There’s an added weakness, a feeling of being completely wiped out, that I know has to be from feeding Lili.

  Worth it.

  “You’re… You’re okay, aren’t you? I didn’t… I didn’t take to much?” she asks, breathless, face flushed like she’s just run a marathon.

  “Nah, querida. I’m fine,” I say, sitting up enough to drag her into my arms.

  She stiffens instantly.

  “Never cuddled afterward?” I tease.

  She makes a face. “Not exactly the succubus way…”

  I shrug. “Make an exception.” She doesn’t give in immediately so I whip out my best puppy eyes, the urge to shrink back from her almost non-existent right now. “For me?”

  I feel her slowly start to relax, the tension melting out of her as she gives in to letting me hold her like this, stroking her silky hair, my eyes closed, a dumb, dreamy smile on my face.

  “What was it like growing up in Hell?” I ask, thinking about the guy last night, about all the stuff Maal said about the class system in Hell. I can’t imagine what Lili’s been through, but that’s why I ask.

  “Hard, mostly,” she admits with a sigh. “Being the adopted Demon child of a high-ranking House put a massive target on my back. I couldn’t just be as good as everyone else. I had to be better. I had to be so good that there was no doubt how much better I was. Guess I didn’t think that all the way through…”

  “What do you mean?”

  She draws her knees up, curling tighter into a ball, her body’s way of subconsciously protecting her from the pain she’s inflicting upon herself reliving these memories.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.

  “Valephar,” she says. “He was a rival of mine in the Academy, but I never thought much of it. He wanted to sleep with me, but I turned him down. He never made an issue of it. Then, despite me being the best — holding numerous records, top of my class, all that bullshit — he got promoted to Captain.”

  “Bet that pissed you off real good,” I say, trying not to smile at the thought of Lili on a warpath. When she gets something in her head, there’s no getting around it.

  “Obviously, but making a big stink about it wouldn’t get me anywhere. Valephar knew I was out for his job, and was looking for anything he could to disqualify me. Sent me in for an overly-invasive med eval. Wanted all his troops to be in top shape, he said. I don’t think anyone knew they were gonna find dragon blood in my system, but as soon as they did… Well, you pretty much know the rest.”

  “They locked you up and threw away the key,” I mutter, voice dark and angry on her behalf.

  “Experimented on me like I was nothing more than a rat in a lab. Valephar… He didn’t even know about the dragon research facility until the whole thing went down. But he made sure to use his connections to get reassigned. To make sure he could always be there to lord it over me.”

  “He’s the one you wanna go after,” I fill in the blanks.

  She sits up, propping up on her elbow. “Can you blame me?”

  “No, querida, but vengeance isn’t enough of a reason to stay in Hell when they’ve treated you so badly.”

  Lili seems to consider it for a moment, and I expect her to argue with me, but instead, she settles back down, her head resting on my arm.

  “What about you? Where did you grow up?”

  “Mexíco,” I say, thankful for the change of subject myself. I don’t like hearing about Lili going through all of that, but it brings up something else I don’t want to think about.

  My whole life I’ve believed dragons are superior to everyone else. The same thing these Devils are doing. The same thing I was ready to tear a guy’s head off for last night.

  Am I the asshole here? I didn’t wanna think about it.

  “I was fortunate to be worshipped as a god for many years… Until the Spanish arrived.”

  Lili makes a face.”I’m sorry.”

  I shake my head and tighten my arms around her. “Don’t be. It was a long time ago.”

  “What kind of god were you?” she asks, grinning impishly. “Fire and brimstone? Fear and punishment?”

  I snort. “Try flowers and dancing, querida. Music, dancing, festivals all the time — life was good.”

  “Were your shadows dim then, too?” she asks, looking up at my face, brushing hair away from my forehead. I don’t know how she manages to stand looking at me. Most people can’t. It’s too unsettling.

  “What do you mean?”

  She makes an uncertain face. “They were more… foreboding, before. Maybe you’re just weak because of…” She trails off, looking down our still naked bodies.

  It’s possible she’s right, but seems unlikely. I don’t know what to make of my shadows retreating.

  “We should probably keep moving with the day,” she says reluctantly, pulling herself away from my embrace. It hurts to let her go, but I can take a hint. I know I’m not enough for her on my own — trying to be would probably kill me, literally — but that doesn’t mean I’m not jealous of the lucky bastard that gets to be with her next.

  “I’ll send Maal in,” I say, pulling my pants back on, stealing a quick kiss before I leave the room. I don’t know if that’s what we’re doing here, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “Round two,” I say, heading downstairs, my knees weak on the trek. Maal perks up right away and practically sprints up the stairs, eager as a damn puppy.

  Dima’s on the couch, staring off at the cold, dark fireplace, and I collapse next to him, the first time we’ve been alone since he set off to rescue me.

  “Hey… So… I haven’t really had the chance to thank you—”

  “Nyet,” Dmitry says. “No thanks.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Yeah, I know, you saved your ass too. But it was my dumb ass that caused all this… And that dragon call…” I don’t have to say it, I’m sure he’s already thought it, but all my talk about ‘dragon superiority’ and it was my dumb dragon instincts that nearly killed us both.

  “Try to be less stupid in future,” he says, gruff and grumbly as always. I think that might be a ‘you’re welcome,’ though.

  “No promises,” I joke, grinning at his answering scowl. “But hey… Esa chica está buena, no? She’s hot, right? Maybe my crazy ass did something good for once.”

  Dima looks back over his shoulder, up the stairs, up to the room Lili’s in with Maal. He doesn’t argue with me, but he’s not agreeing either. Typical Russki.

  He might be trying to hide it, but I can read him like a damn book. He wants her just as much as I do, he’s just holding himself back for some reason. I can’t imagine why. She practically offered herself up on a platter to him. What’s he got against having a little fun?



  Bounding up the stairs three at a time is the easy part.

  It’s when I get to the door that I don’t know what to do.

  She summoned me, so she’s expecting me, right?

  Should I knock, though? Or just walk right in? Is that sexy or rude?

  “Just come in, Maal,” Lili calls through the door before I make up my mind. How does she know I’m out here debating this in my head?

  I shake it off — that, and the nerves making me feel like there are bees in my veins — and take a deep breath as I reach for the knob, push the door open, and walk through, not knowing what I’m going to find on the other side.

  It’s Lili, of course — that much isn’t a surprise — and she’s laying on her side on the bed, propped up on one elbow, her head in her hand. She’s naked, but her long hair falls over her her breasts, concealing them, only the hint of the hard peak of her nipples beneath. With her free hand, she’s twirling her hair around a finger absently, her legs cr
ossed enough for modesty, and she looks me up and down, eyes cherry red, licking her lips.

  Soon, this has gone on long enough that I can’t take it anymore. I can’t let the silence linger in the air. I have to say something.


  Good fucking job, Maal. I had to say something, and ‘hey’ is what I came up with. So smooth.

  Lili’s mouth turns up at the corners, just the slightest smile playing on her full, sensuous lips. I’m overcome with the desire to kiss her, to taste her lips, to drag mine down to her neck, and—

  I stop, eyes falling on the collar.

  It doesn’t belong there. I don’t know how she ended up in that place, but Lili shouldn’t be in a cage. She’s too beautiful, too wild. She needs to be free.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks casually, still toying with her hair, eying me like I’m a piece of meat, and she’s a hungry lion.

  I shrug, looking back at the door uncertainly. “Didn’t you want me to…? Ocho said—”

  “No, Maal. I know why you’re here, obviously,” she says, the fingers toying with her hair pausing long enough to slink down her body, over the swell of her hip, down her thigh… I swallow, my mouth dry, my cock throbbing already. It’s not hard for this woman to turn me on. I think she’d have a harder time turning me off.

  “I’m asking why you’re still here. With us. What are you doing?”

  I frown, not enough blood flowing in my brain to process such a difficult question when Lili’s here, naked, twirling her hair around her finger, the adjacent locks swaying tantalizingly over her nipple, teasing me with the hint of a glimpse that I don’t get.

  “What do you mean?”

  She rolls her eyes and sits up a little more, clearly impatient, but I don’t know how to give her what she wants. I thought she wanted sex. I could give her that. My body is ready. It’s not prepared for another interrogation.

  “You could’ve gotten away last night. I’m sure you could have. No one tried very hard to stop you.”

  “Why would I do that?” I ask, frowning, head cocked to the side.

  Lili scoffs. Then pauses a beat, narrowing her eyes at me. “You’re serious? You’re our prisoner, Maal. Otherwise—”

  “Otherwise, I helped two prisoners escape, and when I’m caught, I’m going to be lucky if jail’s all they give me,” I say, leveling with her. “I’m not your prisoner, Lili. I never was. Not really.”

  She sits up fully, a scowl on her beautiful face, arms folded across her chest, legs crossed over one another, her chest and cheeks flushed.

  “What are you talking about? Why would you… That’s stupid. Don’t take the fall for that when you didn’t—”

  “The longer I go without rushing back for help — which would involve way more force coming out to look for you guys — the more they’re going to assume I’m a part of it. I’m not going to sound the alarm before you’ve got a plan and…”

  “And what?” she snaps, foot shaking impatiently.

  I sigh, scratch at the scruff on my cheek, and shrug.

  “It’s stupid.”

  “Try me.”

  “I warned you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  I groan, shaking my head, muttering. “I can’t believe I’m gonna tell you this… It’s so dumb…”

  “Maal, I swear I’m going to go get Dima’s dagger and—”

  “No, no, that’s cool. That thing is serious business. Look… The thing is, my life is… boring.”

  I’m looking at the floor — intricate inlaid marble designs, topped with a plush hand-woven rug — waiting for her reaction. But she’s quiet.

  Finally, I drag my eyes up to her.

  “What?” I huff.

  She makes a face. “Your life is boring?”

  I shrug. “Well… Yeah. You never felt like you’re just doing the same thing day after day with no purpose and no goal to work toward? Like… Why am I even doing any of this? What’s the point? I don’t care about getting my House influence. I don’t want to move up the ranks. You guys seemed to have the more interesting path.”

  Lili’s scowling still, deeper in thought than I’ve ever seen her.

  “Risking our lives to run from authorities is interesting?”

  I make a face, shrug again.

  “I don’t know what you want from me. You asked what I’m doing here — I’m looking for an adventure.”

  “So you’re not trying to find a way to bring me in to get yourself a reward?” she asks, eying me again, still so scrutinizing.

  I snort.

  “There’s nothing they could offer as a reward that would be better than this.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You’re just saying that because you want to fuck me.”

  “No I’m not,” I say quickly, getting a skeptical look from her. I groan. “Look, I’m not gonna say I don’t want to fuck you. Obviously I do — just look at you — but that’s not why I’m here, Lili. I’m here because I like you. You’re on an adventure, and because I’ve never had anything in my life so clearly point me toward something. You’re gorgeous, and sexy a sin, don’t get me wrong, but I’d still be here if you only wanted to fuck the other two.”

  “That so?” she asks, standing from the bed, dropping her arms to her sides, her beautiful breasts, full and firm right before me, her nipples two dark pearls, begging for my lips.

  I remember last time — vaguely, if I’m being honest — and how adamant she was that I didn’t touch her.

  It’s different now, though. I think.

  Without her asking me to, I take off the Seal of Solomon necklace, laying it down well out of reach. I don’t want her to think I’m going to try to hurt her at all. Too many people have already done that with Lili.

  She’s staring at the necklace still, eyes narrowed to thin slits as she licks her lips slowly.

  “Do you want me to stay?” I ask, realizing that she could have asked me up here only for this little chat. Maybe I got my hopes up for nothing.

  It’s not like she owes me anything, obviously, but I thought she wanted it. Maybe Ocho’s enough for her after all. That would be disappointing, but it’s not going to change how I feel about this adventure or sticking with them.

  “Do you want to?” she asks, toying with her hair again.

  “Of course.”

  She nods, bites her lip, looks back to the bed.

  “I’m not… used to this,” she finally says, seeming more insecure than I’ve ever seen her before. She’s normally so confident, so take-charge.

  “Used to what?”

  She pulls a face, debating whether she’s going to tell me or not. Then she lets out this little growl that might be one of the cutest things I’ve ever heard, even though I know she’s a ferocious killing machine, not cute. She’s still pretty cute sometimes.

  “Guys being… nice about everything.”

  I arch a brow.

  Not what I was expecting.

  “Is that a… problem?” I ask, legitimately not sure where she’s going with this.

  “No,” she grunts. “It’s just… an adjustment, okay? I don’t… I don’t know how to—”

  “You can tie me up again if it helps,” I offer, grinning playfully.

  Her eyes flick up to mine, fire flashing behind him.



  I swallow, throat suddenly much drier.

  “Yeah… Of course,” I say, the words out of my mouth before I can even think to stop them. Not that I’d be able to anyway. I want to give this woman whatever she wants, even if that means getting tied up so she feels safe to let go with me.

  Lili’s apprehension slips away, eyes redder than before as her fingers tug at my pants — the only clothes I’m wearing since she had my shirt. Before removing my pants, she slips her hand inside, running her palm over the thickness of my cock, making me quiver under her touch. It’s so good, like the relief of sinking into a hot tub, but moving through me
in waves that correspond to the teasing of her hand.

  “You sure about this?” she asks, leading me to the very edge of the bed by my belt loops. The zipper’s undone, so my cock’s bulging obscenely out of my pants, but Lili’s still just stroking me through the fabric, teasing me like mad, my skin screaming for the touch of her fingers, skin on skin contact.

  I need it, or I might burst into flames.

  “Fuck yes,” I groan, still not touching her even though it’s taking everything in me to stop myself.

  “Get on the bed,” she commands, after stripping me completely. I step out of the pile of clothes at my ankles, and obey. In a heartbeat, I obey her. With every cell in my body tingling in anticipation, I obey her.

  “Hands above your head,” she says.

  Again, I obey her in an instant, my arms going up, spreading wide. I can already see the cuffs she has attached to the posts of this bed, and another thrill of anticipation surges through me.

  Lili attaches the cuff to my right hand, the one closest to her, before she gets on the bed, one knee on either side of my hips, straddling me, her hot, wet slit pressed against me, the pulse of her heartbeat throbbing through from her to me. I suck in a sharp breath, hissing, my hands in tight fists as I try to keep my control. She leans forward, breasts swaying in front of my face, her long hair with those slight, bouncy curls at the ends, tickling my chest, my stomach, the space between us, those hairs kissing the tip of my cock as she leans forward and hooks the other cuff around my wrist.

  Restrained like this, I just want to touch her more. I want to feel her soft skin, so warm under my fingers, I want to make her gasp, make her moan and cry out with my touch. I want to find where she’s ticklish so I can use it against her when she’s being stubborn, and I want to find the places I can put my lips that make her forget her own name.

  But like this, I can’t do anything.

  I’m at her mercy.

  And I love it.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been harder than I am right now, balls tight, every movement from her enough to send jolts through my whole body.


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