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Faith (The Fast Love Collection Book 1)

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by Watkins, TM


  -The Fast Love Collection-

  By TM Watkins

  Copyright 2015 TM Watkins

  Copyright © 2015 TM WATKINS

  This book is a work of fiction. The names of characters, places and incidents are products of the writers imagination and are not to be interpreted as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locals or organizations is entirely coincidental. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without the written permission from the author.

  If you wish to make contact with the author, please visit:

  All rights reserved.

  ~To my wonderful followers from Wattpad,

  thank you for your love and support~


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four


  Coming Soon

  Look for these titles by TM Watkins

  About the Author


  Chapter One

  One solitary cursor blinked on the screen, the document blank as my mind. I'd hit a rut, writer's block that was beyond normal. Distraction was the key to breaking it in the past but even now it was at week two and I haven't had a single idea or thought.

  Coffee was good. Get up and make a steaming hot brew, the laborious task gave me time to think. I was on cup two of the morning and I was no better off.

  Ringing my agent was another good one. Alexis was a crazy cat who would read the articles in the latest trash tabloid to give me inspiration. It hadn't worked and she was on the verge of driving over to give me a shake down.

  Chocolate hadn't worked either, aside from adding an inch or two to my thighs. Excellent, just what I needed.

  I found myself looking out the window to the world that was slowly passing me by. Trapped in my fortress I would often forget that life did actually exist beyond my front door.

  My place was a small apartment on a long narrow block. I was sandwiched in between two floors and wished I could get my hands on the top floor apartment. Except that the couple that lived there were hanging on to it for grim death.

  So I had a view of the city if I stood on my balcony and stretched out. Alternatively I could look across the street to the old wood houses that were yet to be ripped down and renovated into some monolithic monstrosities that would obscure my view of nothing.

  My desk was set up in the second bedroom because it was the smallest room. Crazy but it was true. The smallest room had the best view, my bedroom had a view of the neighbors back yard. A neighbor who liked to sun bake on his back deck, extremely naked. It was not pretty.

  I sighed and leaned back on my chair, rubbing my temples.

  “Come on Faith. Think. You can do this. You have done this.”

  The words roused me to the view of the bookcase that contained copies of my printed works. I stood and ran my fingers over the spines, over the many hours of back breaking work.

  Writing about love wasn't easy when my own love life was abysmal but somehow I managed. I guess it came down to a good imagination.

  Something snagged my attention as I stood at the bookcase, I turned to the view of a moving truck sliding to a stop across the road.

  Two men started unloading furniture, no resident to be seen. The furniture was pretty average which was a little odd considering this was a more affluent area.

  What had come out of that house with the last residents looked like it could go straight into a high end antique store. When they moved out I expected the house to be demolished and for them to return when their brand spanking new house was built.

  But that didn't happen. The for sale sign went up and it lasted a day before it had a sold sticker slapped across it. I didn't even get a chance to wander down to the real estate agent to see how much the place had been listed for.

  A thumping on my door stopped my spying on the new neighbor, wandering out to my front door I opened it to see Elise standing there. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a side pony tail, black glasses sitting on her head, neatly tucked in behind the part for the fringe.

  Elise loved the three quarter pants that showed off her well-tanned and toned calf muscles. Being a warm summery day, Elise had worn the high wedge shoes with straps over the perfectly polished feet and toes. She'd topped off the white pants with a tight floral top that accentuated the twenty grand sitting on her chest.

  She was the upstairs neighbor that I hated because she wouldn't move. I could be polite and say please piss off, I want your apartment. But I didn't. Instead I put on my happy face and pretended that I wasn't a two faced bitch.

  “Hey Elise.”

  She stood with her hand on one hip, her Dior handbag hanging on the wrist. The woman was designer clothes and accessories from head to toe. In the other hand was a take away coffee. No doubt it was fat free or soy or some shit like that. And we didn't do corporate coffee houses, we went to the little artisan place on the corner.

  “Faith darling, a couple of things. You're playing your music too loud again.”

  Her nose crinkled as she spoke, mostly because we had vastly different tastes in music. It also didn't help that in her second bedroom she had a meditation and yoga room, me blasting out my rock music upset her tranquility.

  “Thanks for the noise news Elise.”

  Her eyes blinked hard as she realized that yet again I wasn't going to pay attention to her.

  “Mm.” She hummed as her eyes narrowed. “Anyway the pervert has gone too far again.”

  “He's just sun baking. Shut your curtains for half an hour.”

  “It's not just sun baking Faith.”

  Elise leaned in a little closer.

  “He was you know...” She whispered. “Touching it.”

  Oh eww. Thank the stars I did not see that. She cleared her throat and fanned her eyes as they moistened. Oh dear lord, do not let her start crying. Please, I am begging you.

  “He went the whole way Faith.”

  Something dawned on me and I started laughing. Laughing so hard I was crying.

  “What's so funny?” Elise asked horrified.

  “I was just laughing because I realized that for you to know that he was jerking and he came, you would have had to have watched him for a few minutes. Did you enjoy the show Elise?”

  Her mouth hung open as she stared at me, then it clamped shut tight with a scowl.

  “Maybe he knew you were watching, maybe that's why he kept going. Maybe he was hoping that you'd return the favor for him.”

  “Oh my god Faith, you are terrible.”

  I nodded, completely agreeing with her.

  “By the way, I've hit a rut. You know what to expect.”

  Then I shut the door, returning to my study. What she could expect was the music going from hard rock to metal and for the volume to increase. Stimulation in any form was necessary, it had worked in the pa
st and I was planning on it working in the future.

  I had to say, in terms of neighbor Ken and Elise were pretty okay. The most they would do is complain that the music got a little too loud. Well, Elise did. Ken told me once that he would sit on the front deck and listen to my music while reading the paper.

  His thought was that the music wasn't that bad, in fact there were a few songs that he liked. And better yet, I was paying for the electricity to power the music which was something that tight ass Ken loved. The poor thing had to be a tight ass on the utilities considering the wife had a penchant to hit the limit on her credit card in one day of shopping.

  With the music going to hopefully inspire me, I wandered through the apartment to the kitchen to get a third cup of inspiration.

  Because the blocks were narrow, this apartment block was rather close to the next block. I had a great view into my neighbors kitchen. It was lucky that we were friends, otherwise I would have been rather annoyed.

  “Hey neighbor.”

  I never knew which neighbor I was going to get until he looked up at me. Clean faced, I had Eddie. Make up, I had Pixie. Today it was Eddie.

  He was adorable, Pixie was gorgeous and I was envious. The man had light brown hair and eyes that almost matched. Narrow bodied and always looked amazing in whatever he was wearing. We could have been mistaken for brother and sister, except that I wasn't narrow bodied.

  “Hey gorgeous.”

  Eddie pushed open his window and leaned over the counter to lean on the window sill.

  “How's the latest bit of steam coming along?”

  “Terrible, hit a rut.”

  I climbed onto the counter and pushed my window open further. With a devious grin I pointed to the neighbor behind us.

  “Elise said he's been jerking on the back deck.”

  “Oh my god.”

  Eddie leaned out the window, almost falling out.

  “Elise!” Eddie yelled out.

  “What do you want?”

  “Girlfriend, you've got to tell a sister when a man's a-pleasing.”

  I heard her huff and slam the window shut. With a wicked grin he rolled his eyes.

  “Curtains are drawn. Such a bitch.” He whispered and then turned to the view. “How come I can never get to watch the bear?”

  “Why don't you go and offer to do it for him?”

  His lips twisted with a wry smile. “Depends on how drunk I get tonight. It's Friday bi-atch, are we on the prowl?”

  “We are. I need inspiration.”

  Eddie leaned back as he looked at me, pointing with a mock seriousness.

  “And it's your turn to drive.”

  “It's always my turn to drive, you always get too drunk and make me drive you and some gorgeous honey home.”

  He pouted at me as he tilted his head, fluttering his eyes until I caved. I always did. Eddie was irresistible. I could bundle him up and smother him in lots of kisses. Last New Year's I'd done that. He laughed and shrieked, running down the road in a glittering red g string while complaining that I'd given him girl germs.

  I had chased him too, tackling him in the park at the end of the street. How drunk me managed to get the glittering red g string off him I'll never know but I had. I then ran up the street, yelling and laughing that I'd won the prize. I don't think Eddie has forgiven me for making him run home completely naked. Revenge was coming my way, I knew that this New Year's Eddie would get even.

  “Fine!” I sighed, waiving him off.

  Eddie smiled smugly and climbed off his counter. As I made my coffee I watched as he set himself up at the back window, binoculars in hand.

  “Pervert!” I yelled.

  He waived me off looking rather disinterested in anything I had to say but I saw the smirk.

  Coffee in hand I returned to my desk, looking at the bubbles as they bounced around my screen.

  “Damn you.” I hissed.

  Maybe I should write about Eddie. The life of a drag queen. Except that it has been done. Well not Eddie specifically.

  I sighed, dumping the cup onto the heavy wood desk. Tilting back on the chair I looked up at the ceiling, noticing a few spiders webs.

  Spiders and I were not friends. I quickly drank the coffee, almost scalding my mouth in the process. Searching out the vacuum, I set it up and tried to reach to the cornice where the little sods had set up home.

  It didn't reach, so I did what I had to. I climbed up onto my desk, reaching them with ease. One of my favorite Mötley Crüe songs came on, I sang along to Home Sweet Home while I killed the spiders and sucked their homes into the vacuum.

  The song ended and in the quiet between the two songs I heard a hooting. I bent over and looked out the window, seeing the two guys who were moving the furniture into the house were standing at the end of the truck. They had been listening and were now applauding the performance.

  Pure embarrassment struck me as I hesitantly smiled and waved, then climbed off my desk. Worse than singing for the new neighbors hired help, I was in really short pants and a singlet top. So the view was probably good too.

  As I turned off the vacuum I thought that it might be wise to get a curtain of some sort for the window, that way I wouldn't grace the neighbors with the view of my lounging around home clothes.

  But then I would see less of the real world and considering that I barely made it outside now, I couldn't afford to lessen my view. No, window furnishings were out of the question.

  Chapter Two

  Pixie was in full swing, looking gorgeous as always. She had a pink fluffed bob, make up that was better than mine even though I'd put a lot of effort in and the bitch even looked better in a dress than I did.

  “Did I ever tell you that I hate you?”

  “Every Friday night darling.” Pixie purred as she strutted into my apartment.

  She walked around me, her chunky heel boots clicked on the wood floors as she assessed me.

  I always left my hair down, even though it got a little hot and sweaty I still preferred it down. So it was long waves of brown. I'd worn black shorts that barely covered my backside, paired with a glittering gold top and black pumps.

  “Mm, I like the pants. They are cute but short enough to say look at my great ass. Okay girlfriend, let's get going.”

  Pixie slapped my ass as I walked out the door. As I locked the door I could hear footsteps on the stairs and I cringed.

  “Daaahlings.” Pixie cooed. “Where are you two love birds off to tonight?”

  “Dinner with Ken's parents in the city. What are you two miscreants up to? As if I didn't already know.”

  “Dancing and hooking up.”

  Pixie shrugged with a grin, I turned and looked at Elise and Ken. They were the très chic city dwelling, childless couple with far too much money. Ken's gaze washed down me far too easily, with a slight smile he looked up me and then to Pixie.

  “Did you see what moved in across the road?” Elise said with a miffed tone.

  “I just saw the two moving guys.”

  “This place is turning into riff raff central. I told you that we should have bought that place.” Elise said as she turned to Ken.

  Then you would have moved. Oh damn it, so close.

  “Can't be helped honey, the fellow had signed the paperwork long before we got there.”

  So really close. I think I hated my new neighbor.

  “We should be going, otherwise they'll give our table away.”

  Ken winked at me as he gently pushed Elise on the small of her back.

  Pixie and I did not move an inch until we heard the door downstairs shut. She leaned over the railings and turned back with a stunned face.

  “My god, he is such a deviate. How much does he hit on you Faith?”

  “Here and there.” I shrugged.

  Her hands went to her hips, her stance wide as she stared at me.

  “Whenever he can.”

  “Jeez, sure he's super cute but what happened to the sanctity of marria

  “Means shit these days Pix.”

  I linked my arm into hers as we made our way down the stairs.

  “Oh my gawd.” She gasped. “Write about him and how he hits on you, only push it a little further and change the names of course.”

  “Cheating isn't the greatest of subjects Pix. It's not a good seller and Alexis will can it in a second.”

  But the concept of what Ken was doing was definitely something to store into the mind for later use. Somewhere, somehow I would use it.

  Pixie liked to complain. The dress wasn't sitting right, her wig was itchy, the air conditioning in the car was too cold, then too hot. She found a hair that she missed while waxing, then she found a whole patch of them. I was told to turn around until I produced a pair of tweezers from the glove box which satisfied her for the rest of the trip to the club.

  Eddie and Pixie were complete opposites. When I drove Eddie around, he never said a negative word. Pixie was a bit of a grub, Eddie was a neat freak.

  “There's a park!” Pixie shrieked as she waived her finger ahead of us.

  And there was another difference. Eddie was calm, Pixie was loud.

  I pulled into the car park and once the car was locked, we were off.

  The ground was wet, puddles of water laid in the dips of the car park. We were at the back entrance, it was more like a VIP entrance because we came here so often. It was a sad sign, there was a little sticker on my car that told the world that I frequented a club called Honeys.

  One little bee sat on the top left corner of my windscreen that told the guard that I could enter the car park with preferential treatment.

  Honeys was a great place, it was a mix of so many different types of people. There was no nastiness, no anger or hatred. Gay, straight, it didn't matter because no one here cared. There were high stages that held go-go dancers, some in tiny clothes, some in no clothes. Some were women, some were men and some were men dressed in female clothes.

  Honeys was a diverse place and everyone loved it because it was acceptance.

  The bouncer gave us a nod as we walked in, ignoring the kiss that Pixie blew at him. Every single Friday night it was like a game between those two. Even though I really didn't need to know, Pixie had informed me of far too much information about that particular bouncer. Like the fact that I shouldn't bother trying to get his attention, she knew from a firsthand account that he didn't like girls.


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