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Alpha´s Desire

Page 8

by Jasmine Wylder

  The Sin City pack was already there, nearly 15 members strong.

  “I hope Liesel’s in there,” Sienna said as she wrapped her arms around Brody’s waist. He nodded.

  “I caught her scent,” he said grimly. “At least she’s alive. Probably gonna take her a while to recover, though.”

  Sienna didn’t have an answer to that and only hummed an affirmation.

  “I know this isn’t the best time or place,” Brody began. “But I want you to come back with me to Boulder. Be my mate. Be my wife. Help me keep my wild pack of hooligans under control with your shifty, smartass ways.”

  Sienna could hardly hear over the roaring of her heart. Prior to meeting Brody, an offer like that, from an Alpha no less, would have sent her screaming for the hills. But after spending time with Brody, and with the prospect of being with Sage again, her heart pulled for her to accept him and his glorious offer.

  “I’ll think about it,” she whispered and felt Brody stiffen.

  “You’ll think about it—"he started to protest but stopped when she whispered in his ear again.

  “I’ll think about the dirtiest, sexiest, naughtiest way to tell you that I’d follow you to the ends of the earth, Grumpy Wolf.”

  She felt the rumble of his laugh against her chest and reluctantly disengaged when the Colorado wolves finally pulled into the parking lot of the abandoned bank they waited in.

  Sage and Dane were out of the cars first and practically ran to them. Sage, in an unusual show of affection, scooped Sienna up in a crushing hug. Beside them, Brody’s wolf let loose a low, threatening growl.

  “Oh my gods, Sienna,” Sage laughed. “You have his scent all over you. I never thought I’d see the day!”

  Sienna brushed away the lewd comment and took in the Boulder pack as they surrounded them. They were all massive and brawny and smiling.

  “Why is everyone happy?” She whispered as Sage set her down and Brody put a possessive arm around her waist. “You’d think you guys were headed to a theme park, not a brawl with a bunch of bears.”

  Dane let out a whoop and gave Sienna a hug.

  “We’re getting our pack member back and we get to beat some bear ass, too? It’s a win/win for us!”

  Adams, the Sin City Alpha Brody called the night before approached the group with the phone on his ear.

  “The bears are starting to move,” he told Brody. “My men posted as lookout called with an update. It’s time to go.”

  Sienna followed Brody to his truck and as he helped her inside, he leaned across her body and stole a slow, sensuous kiss.

  “Stay near me in the fight, you got it?”

  She gave him a smirk but agreed. He leaned back for another kiss before whispering.

  “After the fight, I’m going to want to fuck. And claim you,” he said as he nibbled her bottom lip. “You think you can handle that?”

  “Hell yes, Broody Brody,” she teased. “Can you?”

  Smirking, he closed the door and walked to the driver’s seat. Sienna watched as a small army of almost 50 shifters headed into battle to retrieve their own.

  Chapter Seventeen

  For all the buildup, the fight to get Liesel and the other missing women hadn’t been nearly as bloody or drawn out as Sienna expected. Much like Adams had planned, the wolves had taken the fifteen bears mostly by surprise and were easily able to flank the ones who had made it outside and incapacitate the ones still inside.

  In all, it’d been done within an hour.

  They’d held 18 women on the fourth floor and local law enforcement had come to help them find their ways back home and take statements.

  Liesel had cried when Sage carried her outside and Sienna struggled not to cry, too. Brody made hasty introductions and promised Sienna she could meet the entire Boulder pack the correct way once they made it back to Colorado. With that, Brody sent Sage and the rest of the pack ahead of them back to pack territory.

  They checked Sienna out of her room and carried her things back to Brody’s. Once inside his suite, Sienna watched him as he packed his things up and set the suitcases aside.

  “Are we leaving tonight?” She asked. She told Brody she’d need a few days to untangle her condo and car business, but Brody made a quick call to his lawyer who was handling all the messy details for her, stating matter-of-factly that she was his to take care of now and if he wanted to waste money on obscenely expensive lawyers, it was his right as a mate to do that.

  “Nearly mate,” Sienna corrected him.

  “Only a matter of minutes, love,” he said with a wicked grin. “And to answer your earlier question, no, we’ll leave first thing in the morning. I have plans for that body of yours and they don’t include sitting all the way across from me in the passenger’s seat for the long ride home. The only riding you’ll be doing tonight is me.”

  Her cheeks flamed at the desirous thoughts his words inspired in her. They were showered. They’d eaten. Nothing left to do now but to make it official—werewolf style.

  “You do know we’ll need to do a mating ceremony back in Colorado, right?” Brody’s voice was just above a whisper as he walked to stand between Sienna’s legs as she perched on the edge of the couch. “The pack will want to formally welcome its Alpha female.”

  “I’m not sure I’m going to make a great Alpha female,” Sienna said between kisses that Brody was raining down her neck. “What if I let them down?”

  Brody growled in protest at her words and nipped harder as his mouth traveled south to the swell at the top of her breasts.

  “What’s not to love? You’re fierce, you’re loyal, and you’re smart as hell,” he murmured as his claws shredded her tank top to ribbons, freeing her breasts to his hungry gaze.

  Sienna shot her fingers through his hair as he leaned forward and pulled a taut nipple into his mouth and sucked. Hard. She gasped and pulled him harder against her before he moved to bestow the same treatment on the other one. His free hand was already ripping her running shorts off her bottom and Sienna laughed in protest.

  “I’m not going to have any clothes by the time we’re done,” she said as her black shorts fell off her.

  “Perfect,” Brody growled as he fell to his knees and threw Sienna’s legs over his shoulders. She had to reach behind her and grab the back of the couch to keep from falling off the arm her ass was perched on while Brody pried her apart and sought out the very center of her.

  “Mine,” he growled as he plunged his tongue into her wet folds. She cried out immediately and tugged his head closer to her. “Say it, Sienna.”

  She didn’t speak at first, so Brody backed off. Frustrated, she shimmied on her perch.

  “Say whose this is, Sienna,” he repeated as one of his fingers stroked her opening.

  “Yours, Brody, it’s yours,” she whispered as he plunged a finger inside her. “Fuck.”

  Brody ravaged her sensitive center with his tongue on her clit and two fingers curving inside her until they found the magic spot. It wasn’t long before her orgasm shattered her and had her legs shaking on his shoulders.

  The gleam she saw in Brody’s eyes told her that he was a man (and a wolf) on edge and he was ready to claim his mate. She felt a flutter in her stomach and realized she was suddenly nervous. And thrilled.

  Brody gently pulled her from the couch arm down on the floor, but before she could lie on her back, he turned her so that she was on her hands and knees facing away from him. He placed a warm hand on the center of her back so that she lowered slightly, pushing her ass up for him to admire as he knelt behind her.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good, Sienna, you’re never going to forget the moment I claimed you as mine,” he whispered as he rubbed the head of his cock against her wet entrance.

  She couldn’t do anything but whimper as he slid in slowly, inch by agonizing inch until he was fully seated.

  “Fucking. Mine.” Brody snarled behind her before gripping her hips and fucking her with a savage intensi
ty. It was almost as if his wolf was taking over and the animal in him was calling to the animal in her. From her position, Sienna let her wolf come closer to the surface to experience the mating along with her.

  She could tell Brody was getting close when he reached a hand down around her and his thick thumb found her clit again. He was pulling her along with him.

  “I’m claiming you, now and forever Sienna McAllister,” he ground out as he pumped hard in and out of her. His right hand worked her clit as she was approaching her second orgasm and his left hand gently wrapped around the hair at the back of her head and pulled backwards, exposing her neck for him.

  “Mine,” he snarled seconds before his teeth came down on the sensitive skin below her ear. When they broke the skin, Sienna felt something inside her chest snap into place as her orgasm exploded across her entire body. She felt like she was on fire and she felt complete and whole. Most of all, she could feel that Brody felt the exact same thing—one of the perks of a mating bond.

  With his mouth attached to her claiming bite, Brody found his climax behind her, groaning and thrusting like a man possessed.

  Spent, he collapsed to the side and pulled her down beside him on the plush carpeting without disengaging their bodies.

  “I love you, Sienna,” he whispered as he licked over her claiming mark, loving the way it looked on her skin as it started to heal.

  Against him, he felt Sienna laugh.

  “I hope you’re ready for round two, Grumpy Wolf,” she said as she gracefully turned and straddled him. She knew he was the instant she felt him grow hard again inside her. “It’s my turn to mark you now.”

  Brody let a sexy grin spread across his handsome features.

  “Mark away, Sienna,” he said as his hands snaked up her back and he pulled her down for a searing kiss. “I’m all yours.”



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  Read on for your FREE BONUS BOOKS

  Bonus Content

  Bonus Book 1: Chosen by the Vampire King


  An aspiring opera singer is in the clutches of losing her voice when she meets the world’s most lauded baritone, a man whose biting charm might be just what she needs to make all her melodic dreams come true.

  Eva St. Marie graduated as the most promising young singer from Julliard, but all that seems all for naught when her voice mysteriously starts to disappear. The best doctors in the field don’t know what to make of her voice but a run in with the world’s most alluring and prestigious baritone seems to magically transform her voice back to its full strength.

  Ambrose Leroy is a man of secrets and shadows. With the appreciation and praise of the world at his feet and a last name that means “The King” it is no wonder that the handsome man seems to attract female attention everywhere he goes. But Ambrose’s attention is caught when he meets the budding Eva, a woman on the either the verge of greatness or edge despair, but will her beauty and voice be enough to hold and keep his attention?

  When Eva falls under the spell of Ambrose she has no idea that her life is about to change forever. As her attraction to him and her voice flourish in his presence, life seems ready to take her by the throat. With the moment of decision ever creeping forward, Eva will have to decide between the silent darkness and the biting, lyrical light.

  Chapter One

  “I think we’ll need to run some more tests. You don’t seem to have polyps, lesions or bleeding like we see in other singers.” The doctor’s voice gave the impression that he was intrigued.

  Eva got the sense that he viewed her x-rays as he might view a good book.

  “But there’s something we can do?” Eva’s voice rasped out.

  She’d gotten to the point where even talking was difficult and she now tried to live her non-singing life in a mute silence as much as possible. Today, like everyday, she had a thick gray scarf wrapped around her throat and a bottle of warm honey water by her side.

  “I suppose there might be an option to operate but I’m just not sure.” He turned from the computer, where photos of her laryngoscopy illuminated the screen. “Truthfully, I’ve been doing this for twenty years and this is different from most of my cases. You will, of course, need to stop singing for the time being.”

  Eva felt like she’d just been thrown in front of oncoming Manhattan traffic.

  “Stop?” she asked. Her voice was even less intelligible than normal.

  “Well,” his expression turned pensive as he digested the look of stricken panic on her face, “at least for a few months until we find a viable solution.”

  A viable solution? Eva wanted to scream. But screaming, or any sort of noise whatsoever, would only make her problem worse.

  “I understand that this may be hard to hear.” He pushed his fingers together until the tips of his fingernails turned white.

  “And if we operate…will I be able to sing again?”

  “If that is an option then there is a possibility that you may experience some loss of your normal singing range… you may also have a full recovery after several months of vocal rest. It’s hard to tell in these cases.”

  Eva felt tears sting her eyes and the chubby doctor, with his wisps of thinning black hair, looked uncomfortable. He lifted a box of tissues and handed it to her. Eva took a tissue and pressed it to each eye.

  “Let’s set up a follow-up in a month. Give yourself a full month of vocal rest then there might be something new to see. Good?” He stood, obviously trying to get the crying girl out of his office pronto. “Get lots of good rest and perhaps things will look better in a few days.”

  Eva let out a strangled sob.

  “I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but maybe you should look into other careers as well, keep your options open. You’re very young.” The doctor’s voice took an almost paternal tone and Eva hated him for it.

  She opened her mouth to respond but found nothing to say. What sort of training did they give doctors for talking to their patients these days? Things would look better in a few days? Look into some other career? Things would certainly not look better any time soon unless her voice magically reappeared. And of one thing she was certain, there was no other world for Eva outside of the musical one.

  Ten minutes later, out on Fifth Avenue, Eva gave serious consideration to walking straight into oncoming traffic. The rain, that had been gusting down all day, was only a drizzling imitation of what it had been and Eva let the small droplets fall unabated onto her face.

  Her life was crashing around her and she had no idea how to fix it. The small scratching feeling in the back of her throat had begun during her finals. She’d sung Dido’s Lament and all the while there was a sensation of vocal chords growing thick, clogging up her throat, keeping air from getting through. She sounded as if her voice box were filled with marbles.

  Eva had quickly stopped speaking when it wasn’t absolutely necessary, used honey, water, cough drops, and sprays that tasted like bitter raw herbs. Nothing worked. It seemed that every day the problem got worse.

  It made no sense to Eva or her teachers. She had been trained by the best instructors her whole life. She had perfect technique. She had the perfect genes. But it was no use.

  The only thing she’d ever wanted in her life, besides wishing her parents alive again, was growing further and further out of reach.

  Another tear slid down her cheek.

  The patter of rain began to pick up again and Eva felt glad for it. She wanted the rain to hide her tears, to make her invisible to the thrusting crowds of touri
sts and Manhattanites around her.

  She walked back to her Central Park apartment, climbed the four flights of stairs and left her wet clothes on the floor at her door.

  Three days later she was still in her pajamas, listening to records of her mother when singing the title role in Aida.

  A loud knock at the door pulled Eva out of her malaise and she walked over to see who it could be. Looking out of the eyehole, she saw her school friend, Bridget, standing on the other side.

  Eva paused. She didn’t feel like seeing anyone, she didn’t want to tell anyone that her career was over before it had begun.

  Bridget knocked again and, with a sigh, Eva opened it.

  “Where have you been?” Bridget walked in without being asked. “I’ve called you like twenty times, and sent emails.”

  Bridget was a few years older than Eva, she’d been a child star on Broadway before deciding to study classical opera. She was one of the most wretchedly optimistic people Eva knew, with milk chocolate skin, and a tiny body that made her look more like a teenager than a woman.

  Eva, on the other hand, had always been mistaken for someone much older than her actual age. She’d grown full hips and the curvy body of a woman when she was still only a girl herself. Even as a child she had carried herself with a sense of purpose and maturity unknown to the girls her own age. Julliard had been the best thing that had ever happened to Eva. Until then she’d never known that people her own age could be just as driven, dedicated, and serious about their work. She’d also never fully understood how unique her talent was.

  Bridget looked around the apartment with a sigh. Eva’s discarded clothes still lay on the floor where she’d left them three days ago. Dirty mugs of Throat Coat tea lined the coffee table and records lay strewn across Eva’s piano bench.


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