Captured by the Monsters

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Captured by the Monsters Page 5

by R. L. Caulder

  She smelled like honey and sex, and I wanted to fuck her hard and fast until she screamed my name, but I promised…I promised. This moment was about her, anyway. After she told us of the humans’ rules, I didn’t know if she had even experienced pleasure before—if it was ‘allowed.’ A dark part of me hoped she hadn’t. I would never voice it, but I loved the thought of being the only one to touch her.

  Curling a finger, I dipped inside of her warmth, relishing Sera’s sharp inhalation at the intrusion. I waited a moment for our mate to adjust, but her hips bucked forward, demanding more. Her tightness indicated this was all new to her, but her body knew what it wanted. She was innately sensual, reaching for her pleasure, the arrant match for our Trifecta.

  Rowen kissed the tender part inside of her thigh, while Sylan snaked out his tongue to circle Sera’s clit as I slowly began to fuck her with my finger, mimicking what I planned to with my cock when she was ready. Her gasping pants and seeking hands indicated how quickly she was reaching the peak. As her ecstasy grew, so did the crystal’s energy, fueling me further.

  “Come for us,” I purred just as Rowen used the new energy to solidify teeth and gently bite down on her tender nub. Sera howled in rapture, her body wracked in tremors as she came, and pure power illuminated the crystal as it soaked up her essence. Drawing upon it, I willed my dick into existence, using my hand to stroke the throbbing length.

  Two pumps was all it took before I exploded all over Sera’s pussy and lower stomach. The sight of my cum splashed across her skin made my balls tighten. Next to me, Sylan and Rowen groaned, and I knew we needed to level up soon so they could find some relief as well. Rubbing the sticky fluid into Sera’s flesh, I watched in fascination as it disappeared, absorbing into her skin as she came down from her high.

  Pulling back on the shadows to see how she would cope with the climate, she took deep breaths, allowing herself to acclimate to our air. Her sigh of relief told me it wasn’t attacking her as an enemy anymore, but one look at my brethren and I knew I needed to get Sera to our home soon.

  We made her a promise, but I wouldn’t see them suffer—not when I got my pleasure and Sera got hers. I would enjoy making her come again, and Sylan and Rowen would find their release too. It was time to show our mate what she had been missing in her life.

  Chapter Six


  Although The Above was run by a bunch of prudes, they couldn’t tamp down human nature. People still fucked, made naughty videos, took dirty pictures. Of course, I didn’t do any of those things because I was the property of the government until my twenty-fifth birthday, but it didn’t stop my curiosity. I knew about sex and orgasms, but it all seemed over-the-top and fake from the videos and books I’d read depicting the act.

  Then I had one.

  No wonder people risked getting caught by our heinous leaders. Just a small taste and I was hooked for life. Before Axton, Rowen, and Sylan touched me, it was easy to suppress my wants and needs, not knowing what I was missing out on. On top of that, I was terrified of breaking my hymen, so it never seemed worth the risk.

  Now, I would gladly face anything for a taste of the heaven that these monsters have given me.

  Shockingly, I felt confident in what had occurred between us. I thought I’d feel shame or regret, but I’d never felt so beautiful and powerful.

  I was a damn glorious woman who had an earth-shattering orgasm.

  As the pleasure slowly ebbed from my body, I remembered why I was here. My monsters seemed genuine—kind, even—but this still wasn’t my home. It wasn’t where I belonged, no matter how well they treated me. To be specific—no matter how many orgasms they pulled from me.

  I needed to stay true to who I was deep down inside and get back to my family. I just needed to find a way.

  Blinking from the bright light of the crystal, I could barely make out the three men, but I immediately knew something was different. Their forms seemed more tangible. What Axton said was true; they did gain substance from the glowing gem, and apparently I was the source of the crystal’s power. Or my orgasms were.

  I had so many questions, but I suddenly felt bone tired, my eyelids so heavy they could barely stay up. And with that energy shift, pieces of my confidence faded away. Shivering from the exposure and lack of their shadow forms enveloping me, I felt vulnerable for the first time in their presence as I stood there naked before them.

  I didn’t know what to do. No one in The Above prepared me for anything, let alone what to say to three monsters after they gave you the best experience ever and one rubbed his monster cum into your skin.

  “I…don’t have any clothes,” I whispered, hating that I sounded so needy, but I couldn’t be independent down here. I had nothing. I had to accept that I needed their help.

  “We will get you some,” Sylan assured, his soft voice and scent telling me who he was. He smelled like campfire and home, a poignant combination that brought tears to my eyes. He somehow miraculously smelled like my mom’s favorite candle that mimicked an autumn night.

  “We’re going to take you to our house and get you food and a bath,” Axton added, his deep voice soothing me. He smelled inexplicably like aftershave and cigars. Did monsters wear cologne and smoke?

  I wasn’t going to lie—food and a bath sounded divine.

  “Rest for now,” Rowen cooed. “Soon you’ll be home.”

  His words created a spasm of yearning in my heart. Home? Were they really taking me home? I let sleep drift over me as I inhaled Rowen’s unique scent of birch and eucalyptus, making me wonder if they had natural growth in this desolate place. How would anything grow without sunlight?

  The question still lingered when I blinked open my eyes again, the calming scent wafting around me in comfort.

  I was being gently lowered into a pool of warm water. Squinting, I looked around, trying to figure out where I was now. The ever-present crystal was sitting on a ledge, creating light and shadows on what appeared to be a grotto inside of some cavernous room, but nothing like any cave I’d ever seen before.

  This one had walls lined with glittering gems of varying shades and was etched with intricate runes. Were they decorative or for protection of some sort? A magic not understood by humans and used by the monsters? Because honestly, this place seemed enchanted.

  “What is this place?” I breathed in awe, my eyes wide as I soaked it in.

  “Our cleansing chamber,” Rowen supplied.

  “Is it natural?”

  “Yes,” Sylan spoke up from somewhere nearby. “It’s a hot spring. Our kind builds around them as a natural source of water and warmth. They are abundant in Paratiisi.”

  “Paratiisi?” I repeated, rolling the new word around on my tongue.

  “That’s what we call our world,” Axton explained. “Only humans call it The Below. The translation in your tongue would be ‘paradise.’”

  My brows rose as I thought of what little of the desolate landscape I’d seen. I’d definitely not consider this paradise, and it wasn’t lost on me that it sounded like ‘parasite.’

  My skepticism must have been clear as day, because Rowen let out a throaty laugh. “I know it doesn’t look like that now. But our lands and our people did not always look this way.”

  Confusion pinched my brows together as Axton coughed pointedly, the meaning clear: Shut the hell up.

  I nibbled my lip, pondering their meaning. It never occurred to me that the monsters might call their domain something else. In fact, it never really occurred to me to think about them as people. Not humans, obviously, but sentient, living beings who had thoughts, emotions, and feelings. I stared at the glittering jewels, lowering myself more into the warmth of the water.

  “There must be a fortune in stones in here,” I pointed out, not that I was any gem expert.

  “Yes, these are diamonds, rubies, and emeralds,” Sylan said, walking over to the cavern wall, indicating the white, red, and green stones.

  “Diamonds?!” I squ
eaked, gawking at one bigger than my face.

  “Yep, diamonds,” Axton confirmed. “And over here we have amethyst, sapphire, topaz, onyx, and citrine.”

  “The whole rainbow!” I joked. “Wow. Can you imagine the jewelry you could make?”

  “Jewelry?” Rowen parroted, as if intrigued by the idea. Even though I could make out the general form of him, only his lips and teeth were clearly evident. A rather disconcerting sight, but intriguing nonetheless.

  “Yeah, like rings, earrings, and necklaces, you know…”

  My monsters nodded, but I wasn’t sure if they knew what I was talking about. Swimming about, I could feel the water relaxing me, making me drowsy once more in its warm embrace, but Sylan came over with a platter of what I assumed was food. Nothing looked familiar, but it smelled heavenly—like bacon and eggs, my absolute favorite comfort foods after mashed potatoes.

  Really potatoes in any form were amazing.

  “Let me feed you, precious,” Axton directed as I paddled over, and I mulled over whether to allow them such an intimate moment. I laughed internally at the question. I’d let them get far more intimate with me than that already. What would it hurt to allow him to hand feed me?

  He lifted something to my lips–an interesting image with a shadowy hand holding food– and I decided to trust him. Opening my mouth, he dropped something salty and savory on my tongue. I moaned at the taste exploding from whatever I’d bitten into—a cross between the most succulent roast beef, smoked bacon, and a hint of garlicky cheese.

  This moment felt very tender between us and I once more found myself questioning all of the prior notions I’d had in my head of what these monsters would be like. So far they had been kind and gentle, true to their word of wanting to take care of me, and provided whatever I needed.

  The second I swallowed that bite, I groaned theatrically at the exquisite flavor and opened for another. I didn’t realize what a show I was putting on until Axton shifted, stifling a groan of his own. Feeling like a sleepy, naughty kitten, I decided to bait my monster, sticking out my tongue for more meat.

  Why was I being so playful with him like we were lovers who knew each other, mentally and physically? The answer scared me.

  It felt natural to be this way with them, despite knowing I needed to keep a wall between us.

  This time when he went to drop a piece down, I caught his finger, twisting my tongue around the digit coyly. He didn’t bother tamping down his growl, and satisfaction swept through me. I might be inexperienced, but I still could turn on these creatures. I felt powerful and in control with that simple fact.

  A part of my brain reminded me that I didn’t want that, but I still felt validated in my accomplishment.

  “Stop it,” Axton scolded lightly.

  “Make me,” I taunted back, and I heard him suck in a breath. From nearby, Rowen’s lips curved into a smile of acceptance at my challenge.

  Fuck. Maybe baiting them wasn’t the smartest move.

  “With pleasure,” Rowen purred as Axton moved away, taking the food. “Are you still hungry?”

  I nodded slowly, feeling like his question might be a trick.

  “Come taste what I have for you,” he enticed, his cheeky tone sparking my defiance. As if he thought I’d back down with ease.

  To my surprise, a giant cock was presented as the light from the crystal dimmed, alerting me that its energy was being used. I gasped in shock, losing my footing and landing on my ass with a splash. Rowen laughed, but Sylan chided him to knock it off and be nice.

  “I was only teasing,” he chuckled. “Besides, aren’t you curious—have you ever seen one before?”

  Only in grainy videos, but they didn’t need to know that.

  “It’s okay to be curious. No one’s going to punish you here.”

  Rowen’s words stirred something inside of me. For the first time, I felt free to choose. I could explore if I wanted to, with no worry of being caught. I could do whatever I pleased. And even crazier, I felt safe to do so with them. They had protected me and nurtured me so far. I had no reason to think they’d do otherwise for now.

  Regaining my footing, I swam back to the ledge he was somehow perched on, curiosity bubbling up.

  Now, I might not have seen a cock in person, but I knew what they looked like—and this was not like any human penis I’d ever seen or heard of. Easily twice the size and jet-black in color, the sides had distinguishing bumps in a row while the underside sported deep grooves and ridges. There was no discernible head, only a slit.

  Nestled inside the seam was a pearly bead of precum, demonstrating Rowen’s acute arousal. Would it hurt to try things out while I’m stuck down here?

  My curiosity got the better of me, and I leaned forward to taste the glistening drop of cum. Surprised at the sweet flavor, I lapped at the slit for more. It tasted like…marshmallows! I had only heard of human jizz being salty, and I kind of felt bad for all the human women missing out on this much more enjoyable version of cum.

  I opened my mouth to take more of Rowen’s cock, before feeling the weight of all three of their stares despite not being able to see their eyes. Instantly, I shrank back, uncertain. Maybe I was doing something wrong…maybe I wasn’t supposed to initiate contact?

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized irrationally, making Rowen’s lips turn down into a frown.

  “Why?” he wondered.

  “I-I don’t know. I feel like I did something wrong—”

  Axton floated over to put a finger to my lips. “Never apologize. We belong to you, just as you belong to us.”

  I was glad his finger prevented me from arguing. I wasn’t theirs, but some crazy part of me enjoyed the thought of them being mine.

  “We want you to feel comfortable and safe.”

  “And we definitely want you to explore,” Rowen hinted blatantly, his cock bouncing in anticipation. If I could see past the shadows obscuring his features, I’d bet he had a shit-eating grin on his face.

  I nodded, and Axton moved back. Heart racing, I lowered my mouth around the tip of his girth, sucking inward. The monstrous man hissed in pleasure, and I felt an answering surge of need shoot straight to my pussy. Working my way down, I learned through touch what he liked.

  It was hard, I couldn’t lie. The width of him was tough to work down, and my jaw had a dull ache at being forced open so wide, but I wouldn’t give up.

  My time here would be brief, but I would look back with fond memories of the emboldened confidence I found here, and the sensations these monsters and I had pulled out of each other.

  My tongue loved the feel of the bumpy ridges underneath his cock. Also, the intriguing knobs that ran along the sides, eight all together, enlarging in size the closer to the base of his length I got…which arguably wasn’t very far.

  Fisting him with both hands, I tried my first attempt at using my hands on a cock of any kind. The silkiness of his skin made it easy for my hands to glide up and down while my tongue laved the top inches. It was giving my jaw a much-needed break, and my efforts were rewarded when Rowen thrust back and forth, fucking my mouth slowly. I hummed around his circumference, making him rumble in appreciation.

  I was shocked at how much I was enjoying pulling these sounds from him. It fueled me.

  Was that wrong? Even if it was, I wasn’t sure I cared right now.

  Faster and faster my hands moved as I tried to go down further with my mouth. Every grunt of pleasure Rowen emitted made me wetter. I clenched my legs together to find a semblance of relief, but the movement only created a tantalizing friction that heightened my desperate need.

  Just when I thought I was going to combust, Rowen roared a garbled warning that he was coming before unleashing a torrent of hot cum inside my mouth. I swallowed hungrily, savoring the sweet flavor that was akin to candy. My drowsiness abated at the taste, almost as if I was getting a sugar rush.

  I pulled back, smacking my lips in satisfaction. I could do that every day and not get sick of
it, and I wondered if blowing a human was anything like blowing a monster. I had a sickening feeling that it wasn’t, and when I did make it home, I would find all my sexual encounters…lacking in comparison.

  Suddenly, the crystal’s light diminished once more, alerting me that one of my monsters was gaining energy from it. The scent of campfire and cologne filled my nostrils as Sylan sauntered over, his cock very much present, and I realized he’d granted my unspoken wish.

  All I wondered now was if all monster cum tasted the same.

  What had gotten into me? I wasn’t thinking straight at all anymore.

  Chapter Seven


  Sera was a perplexing, unique beauty.

  There was no doubt in my mind that she truly was the perfect match for us. Our mate that would help us out of these phantom forms, becoming the real creatures we had been before. It felt like such a long time since we’d had physical bodies that I itched to do the most simple task again, like having her lay her head on my chest as she slept in my embrace.

  But right now, I really fucking desired to sink my cock into the warmth of my mate’s mouth as she had done to Rowen. Lucky fucking bastard had been her first blowjob, and she had done a damn good job from the view I’d had.

  Her shining gray eyes greedily drank in my length as I pushed the energy into solidifying it, but a part of me felt wrong in partaking in these sexual acts with her so quickly. She’d admitted the extent of her inexperience, and a part of me worried this was too fast for her. Not that she’d realize it right now with the haze of lust obscuring all other emotions from her mind.

  “Fuck,” I breathed out as she emerged from the water. My gaze tracked every drop of water that trailed down her pale skin, caressing every curve from her neck, over her perfect breasts, down the plane of her stomach and to my favorite trait of hers: those damn sexy, long legs. Well, if I was being honest, I loved every piece of her. She was perfection personified.

  However, I couldn’t stop imagining those slender, toned legs wrapped around my waist as I fucked her into oblivion. I wanted to see her mouth open as she cried out her release and her eyes rolled back in her head at the sensations coursing through her.


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