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Captured by the Monsters

Page 11

by R. L. Caulder

As my eyes gathered with a prickling of tears at his sentiment, his cock nudged at my entrance. “Do you understand me, beauty?” he asked, holding off on sinking into me until he had an answer.

  “Yes,” I answered breathily, and with that Axton rose and floated away to join Rowen to the side. Their gazes remained on me as Sylan pushed into me and my mouth opened in a moan.

  “You understand that I’m going to worship your body?” he asked, stopping himself from going further than about halfway inside me.

  While his words were sweet and touched my heart, the hunger in me demanded that he touch an entirely different part of me. A part that was deep within my pussy.

  “Yes,” I whined. “Make love to me.”

  My hands clenched and my head dropped to rest on my forearms at the edge as he pushed himself all the way in, burying himself to the hilt. “Sylan,” I moaned, feeling pure bliss at the fullness he provided me.

  He fucked me slow and hard, making every thrust count. With the way my body was wound up still from earlier and the emotionally charged moment Sylan had somehow cocooned us in, I was absolute putty for him.

  If he had asked me to steal the moon for him right now, I would have promised that I would in a heartbeat, despite knowing damn well I couldn’t.

  His hot breath fanned across my neck once more as he nipped at the edge of my ear. “Do you understand that I’m going to cherish you forever?” He punctuated his question with a tendril somehow lifting to brush against my clit.

  I had never thought myself an exceptionally emotional person, but there was something about feeling so damned cherished by this monster that had me unraveling under his touch.

  “I want that,” I admitted between moans.

  “Good,” he praised. “Do you know what I want?”

  “Hmm?” I asked as the tingling sensation began to overwhelm me and words were hard to process.

  His voice dropped an octave as he answered, “I want you to cum on my cock, beauty. Right now.”

  It was game over the second the demand left his mouth. I shattered into a million pieces in his shadowy embrace as I felt the swelling within me moments before he groaned his own release.

  We stayed like that, breathing heavily for a few minutes until he pulled out of me and gathered me into his shadows. As he carried me out of the grotto and to the bed that Axton was standing next to, I grinned at the final monster I needed to claim.

  Why did I ever try fighting this connection between us? They were amazing in every sense of the word.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Sera submitting her body to our Trifecta was one of the greatest gifts she could ever give us. Seeing her ethereal beauty through my physical eyes was also an unparalleled experience. But most of all, I loved seeing the crystal glowing so vibrantly—a bright symbol that she was eternally ours.

  Watching Rowen and Sylan take her had me on edge, but I willed myself to remain patient. I fisted my cock, growling hungrily as Sylan deposited her onto the bed next to me. It was my turn, and when I was done fucking Sera, our bond would be complete.

  She would be safe, and she would be ours.

  Someday soon, I hoped to see Sera’s belly round with our child. Our sweet mate didn’t know it, but by taking our cocks internally, it would wake the breeding sequence. It was a type of heat that helped them take our size by adding lubrication and increasing her endorphin levels to offset the discomfort she could feel. This helped ensure they’re able to be impregnated and our kind would be continued.

  She would feel a frenzied lust, a desperation for us to fuck her, and she wouldn’t feel satisfied until our seed was deep within her.

  “My turn,” I whispered huskily to the blonde-haired beauty as I hovered above her. Looming over Sera, her small body tucked under mine, I felt like a king. Her skin glowed, proof that she had already been fucked by the two other members of our Trifecta.

  I longed to kiss Sera like Rowen could, or tease her like Sylan could with his teeth, but it was enough that I could feel her in a way that my brothers could not with my hand. Her skin was like pale, silk satin, smooth under my caress. I loved how it pebbled at my touch, proof of her attraction to me.

  Rowen had taken her rough and hard. Perhaps a little too rough, considering it was her first time, but there was no denying that Sera delighted in it. I also had discovered how much our little mate loved dirty talk, and I was more than willing to provide it.

  Sylan, on the other hand, had taken her softly, with the gentleness that bespoke his nature. I would be somewhere in between, pacing myself with controlled movements to maximize her pleasure.

  She squirmed beneath me, raising her hips to try to get what she wanted. Her desire tantalized my senses as her arousal flowed through the air, the scent hardening my cock painfully.

  My mind swirled with all the things I could do to her once I was whole again. Taste her, feel her on a different level…but I pushed those thoughts aside. I would only get one first time with Sera, and it was now. I had a lifetime to fuck her in my physical form, but knew that this first time I wanted to be present and give her my all. I wanted this memory to be seared into my brain so that I never forgot this special night.

  Tracing a talon lightly down the side of her breast to her belly, I gripped her hip. “Are you ready for me, precious?” I queried.

  In answer, Sera closed her eyes and arched her back off the bed in blatant invitation.

  The kernel of need had already taken root deep inside of her with Rowen, and despite being brought to orgasm multiple times, her body would continue to crave us until she had been filled by us all.

  After the claiming, she would be able to satiate her heat with one of us, but this time…this time her body was being greedy, and I for one was thankful for it.

  I rested the tip of my cock at her entrance, tapping it against her clit a few times, loving the frustrated sounds she made. Her body was begging for me, and I wouldn’t deny her any longer.

  Surging inside of her with one thrust, I was acutely aware of the near painful gripping of her pussy around me. She was so tight it was a miracle any of us could fit inside.

  “Axton,” she cried as her eyes fluttered closed and she tilted her hips up higher, providing me a better angle to sink deeper inside of her.

  My cock throbbed impatiently, but I waited to ensure that Sera was able to adjust to my girth as she squirmed underneath me. I smirked, moving my hand and clamping it lightly around her throat. “How do I feel, Sera?” I asked. “Do you enjoy being fucked by a monster?”

  Sera arched a pale brow. “I don’t know… You’re not exactly fucking me yet,” she taunted right back, making me laugh. Fuck, I couldn’t remember the last time I truly laughed and felt that joy radiating through me. It wasn’t a hollow laugh I had grown used to. No, it was one that lit me up from the inside and brought a new sense of fulfillment to my life.

  Our precious mate had quickly proved how empty our lives had been without her.

  I heard Rowen and Sylan chuckle as well in the near distance. Sera was something else. Amidst all her fear and trepidation, she faced her uncertain future head-on with a fiery strength that had me in awe.

  She was the bravest, most beautiful person I’d ever met, and I was humbled to be able to say I was her mate.

  Playfully exerting a little more force around her throat, I pinned her down while rocking back. I stopped for one moment, just the tip of my cock still inside of her, and listened as Sera’s breath caught.

  Our eyes met, and she shuddered in anticipation. I plunged deep back inside of her, and her eyes fluttered shut once more. I fucked my mate in a tantalizing combination of rough and slower paced, a savage grunt of satisfaction tearing through my throat every time I bottomed out inside of her.

  The wetter Sera grew, the more my control fizzled out. Her pussy was like a vise around my dick, squeezing me hard, like the hand I had clamped around her throat. “Tell me that you like being fucked by monsters,
” I snarled in a breathless voice. “Tell me that you love the way we stretch your pussy and make you beg for more.”

  “I don’t like it,” she gasped. I paused uncertainly, wondering if I had misread her body and actions, but Sera leaned up until her face was mere inches from mine. “I love it,” she hissed.

  Her words were my undoing.

  Pushing her back onto the bed, I fucked her in earnest with only one goal: to make my mate come, to hear her cry out my name as I buried my seed deep inside of her to ensure she would be impregnated.

  I stopped talking, and the only sound that could be heard was Sera’s pants. I knew she was close, her pussy encircling me even tighter, so much so that my ridges almost got caught as I thrusted. I pumped inside of Sera three more times before her pussy seized up, and she cried out as she came.

  My vision swam at the intensity of her orgasm, and within seconds I followed her, feeling my cock expand even more as it locked deep inside of her, ensuring that her body accepted every last drop of my cum before I would be able to pull out.

  We laid there, breaths mingling as we just stared into each other’s eyes until my body registered that she had taken all of my seed. As my cock receded, I wanted to reiterate some of the things Sylan had told her.

  That all of us would cherish her forever. That she would never feel ashamed again for being exactly who she was deep down.

  But as I eased off of her and floated off the bed, the crystal lit up so brightly that the peach color faded until it was blinding white light, searing my eyes.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, pulling my shadows around me to help block it out as I instinctively backed away.

  I heard the muffled grunts of pain from my brothers nearby and called out, “Are you okay? Sera? Brothers?”

  “Holy shit,” Sera exclaimed.

  Before I could ask her what she meant, my body was suddenly flooded with raw energy, shoving me to my knees as I struggled to contain it all. Groaning from the blistering pain I felt, my eyes opened to see the shadows disappearing slowly, leaving my true skin its wake.

  We were becoming whole.

  We would be Rumilus.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Tears pricked my eyes as I stared down at my body in wonder. I was finally whole again. Sera had not only given us the gift of her body, but she had unified our Trifecta, transforming us from Specters into Rumilus. She was a rare and special treasure, breathing life into each of us at last.

  Smiling at Sera, I reveled in the feel of my lips stretching upward, glad that she could see my reaction to her, because damn she made me smile a lot.

  A part of me was fearful she would be scared of us now. In our physical forms, we were large, hulking creatures in comparison to her fragile human body. But as I gazed at her, awaiting her response, she just looked at us with curiosity—there wasn’t any fear in her eyes, but something else lurked in their depths.

  Walking over to her, I enjoyed the stretch of my muscles as they rippled with each step. “Is everything all right, beauty?”

  She nodded, her eyes still assessing us as she drank in our forms from head to toe, having to crane her head to do so.

  “You’re so different,” she breathed out in wonder.

  “Is that bad?” I asked hesitantly, glancing at Rowen and Axton.

  “No,” she rushed to clarify, holding her hands up in defense. “No, it’s not bad. It’s different. It’s nothing I could have conceived. You guys are just massive…” she trailed off, blinking furiously. “I mean really, I have never seen such chiseled, large bodies in my life.”

  Rowen frowned. “Do we frighten you?”

  “No,” she again answered, honestly. “Although this form is more frightening due to your size, I think your Specter forms were more so because they’re deceptive. You looked like wisps of nothing, like you wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone, but you were tangible. You could touch me and you were strong enough to carry me. I never knew what to expect from you in that form, especially without being able to read your expressions.”

  “Not as strong as we are now,” Rowen murmured, flexing an arm and making us chuckle at his antics.

  Sera cracked a smile. “I can see that. I have no doubt of your strength. You’re just so large and…exposed.” Her eyes made a beeline for my dick, which twitched at her attention, and I saw her throat bob as she swallowed. Her cheeks tinged to a beautiful shade of pink before she averted her eyes.

  “We will get you and ourselves some coverings,” I offered, not wanting our mate to be uncomfortable, but Rowen and Axton glared at me in return. I knew they preferred not to wear clothes, nor did they want to see our mate covered, but if it made her more comfortable, that was what was important.

  “Good, good,” Sera muttered as she looked at the ground. “That might help.” She didn’t continue on, and I wondered what she meant. She seemed uncomfortable, but I don’t think it was with our new forms. If I had to hazard a guess, it was because she was beginning to feel the stirrings of her heat.

  None of us mentioned the heat to her before because she was so preoccupied and concerned about her virginity that we didn’t want to concern her any further. We would need to discuss it with her soon, but we were worried we were overwhelming her with too much too quickly. Her body was undergoing a lot of changes on top of being in a new land she knew nothing about, as well as learning everything she’d been told in The Above was a lie.

  Sera already had so much on her plate, and now that she had been claimed, we needed to take her to the capital. We could discuss her heat after the presentation to our leaders was complete.

  “We’re not much bigger than our Specter forms,” Rowen murmured as he glanced down at himself, addressing Sera’s previous words.

  Our mate tipped her head thoughtfully. “I suppose you’re right, but there’s a difference between seeing you as smoke and seeing you in solid form. I just wasn’t expecting you to look like this. To be so…”

  “To be so what?” Axton prompted, his forehead wrinkled with confusion.

  “Attractive,” she admitted as she shrugged her shoulders.

  A satisfied smile curled my mouth, as did Axton’s and Rowen’s. I was thankful that our mate did not fear us, nor did she find us repulsive. The human leaders had done much to instill fear in their kind, but Sera was wise; she was willing to give us a chance and form her own conclusions.

  “I’m glad that you find us…” I paused, thinking of the human word, “handsome, but we can still get some clothing, if you would prefer.”

  Sera nodded in relief. “Clothes would be nice. Thank you.”

  “Axton, you go get us some clothes for us. Rowen, you get something for our mate to wear. While you two are gone, I’ll explain to Sera about the presentation.”

  My mate blinked. “What presentation? Is this when we have to go to the crystal?”

  Tapping her on the nose, I reveled in the feel of her skin against mine for the first time. “So impatient, my beauty,” I teased. “That’s what I’m going to explain, but first a gift.” I pulled out the small piece of crystal that had chosen her to be our mate. We had attached it to some fine-spun string to make a necklace for her to wear. “Because you’re more than worthy,” I whispered, tying it around her neck.

  Pulling Sera close to me, I gazed down at her beauty, loving the small smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks I hadn’t noticed before. It was so easy to get lost in the depths of her as the desire to learn every small detail of her overcame me. Tears pricked her eyes as she fingered the crystal in reverence as if I had granted her the sun and moon.

  I hadn’t—yet—but someday, I vowed my beauty would have everything she deserved and more.

  I cleared my throat, focusing back on the task at hand. “The Trifecta that succeeded in killing the usurpers who assassinated our Queen and her Trifecta became our makeshift rulers. They are one of the few Trifectas in all the land that are whole still.”

y whole, you mean Rumilus, no longer Specters, right?” Sera asked, and I nodded in confirmation. “How many of your kind are still Rumilus?”

  “We’re not sure. After the Queen was killed and we became our shadow forms if we were not a matched Trifecta, we did not stay in touch with one another. Everything became centered around finding a mate and becoming whole once more.”

  “And your leaders have been fair since they took over?”

  “Yes, they’ve been tested by the crystal and know that their mate is not the True Queen. And so they lead our kind in this perilous time, but know to step down when the True Queen is found.”

  “How long does this presentation last?” she inquired, nerves clear in the way her shoulders tensed up. I had a feeling she was nervous about being around other Specters after her last encounter with them in the cave with the other human women.

  Leaning down to kiss her nose, I chastised her. “I’m getting there. Every Trifecta that finds a mate must bring her to the capital castle, as I’ve told you. She is presented in front of the leaders, demonstrating that she has been claimed by her Trifecta.”

  “Then what happens if she’s not claimed?”

  I heaved a sigh. “Unclaimed mates are not a situation anyone wants to be in. Once upon a time the crystal’s match was something that couldn’t be argued. But with so few women left for us to pick from and many of us succumbing to our Specter forms, if a Trifecta has a mate and she hasn’t had sex with her Trifecta, other Trifectas will challenge the validity of the match and fight for the mate to be theirs.”

  Sera shivered. “I know you explained this before, but I don’t really think I internalized the full implications of it.”

  “Yes. We didn’t want to push you or force you into anything—you weren’t ready. But we’re required to go to the castle and present you. We would have fought tooth and nail for you even in Specter form if we had gone without claiming you, but we’ll present a more unified front when we go there with you, claimed. Plus, we’re one of the few Trifectas that are now in our true form.”


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