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Her Undercover Refuge

Page 15

by Linda O. Johnston

  “I’d love to,” Nella said immediately, and Scott agreed.

  Maisie and Griffin left then, but not before Nella had given Griffin a hug.

  After Maisie and Griffin left the office, Vince took Nella and Scott on a walk around the station, though not in the reception area, where strangers could walk in off the street. But he did introduce Nella to several of the top brass there, including Chief Andrew “Sherm” Shermovski and Assistant Chief Kara Province. Vince must have told them in advance what was going on, since both appeared concerned and told Scott to keep them informed about anything they should know about.

  Then, Vince walked them to Scott’s car—along with a couple of armed officers who didn’t appear to be there to protect them, but Scott was certain they were.

  As the brass had done, Vince told Scott to stay in touch—and let them know if any further protection was needed.

  “It is,” Scott said, “but other than nasty texts we don’t really know where the danger is coming from, so we’ll just have to stay alert.”

  “Absolutely,” Vince said. “And those patrols we started around your neighborhood after the last threat? I’m going to get them increased a lot—though still by mostly unmarked cars.”

  “Thanks, bro,” Scott said to his detective buddy, and gave him a guy-hug before getting into his car and starting the drive back to the shelter.

  * * *

  Nella still refused to panic about herself and would do everything she could to ensure the safety of others. Or so she told herself as they returned to the shelter and headed inside via the reception area. Of course Scott didn’t let her get out of his car till he’d looked around, and then he walked very close to her, as if attempting to shield her in all directions with his body.

  Very sweet, she thought—but the last thing she wanted would be for him to get killed instead of her.

  Not that she wanted to get killed, either. Especially by one of those horrible gang members who had eluded her task force. Could it be that the one who had killed her partner, Lou Praffin, had located her and wanted to bring her down, too?

  That wasn’t going to happen. She wouldn’t let it.

  She hoped.

  Well, she’d at least let Dan know tomorrow what was going on now. She hoped nothing like this would happen if he started a similar shelter.

  Scott and she were now outside but behind the shelter’s tall, protective fences. They had walked through the reception building and around the ones behind it, including the dining area. Scott had pointed out the closed door behind which Dr. Moran was undoubtedly now talking with one of the staff members. “Probably Alice,” he told her.

  Camp, who evidently was guarding this end of the long walkway, immediately joined them. Nella assumed he had been watching a significant bunch of staff members walk dogs along that pathway, and she saw Telma at the far end, apparently also observing more protected residents walking dogs.

  “Everything okay?” Camp asked.

  “No news, but the shelter’s under added observation now,” Scott said.

  “Good.” Camp paused. “Nothing new here, either. Everything appears normal, although Telma and I have switched places often and also each walked upstairs in the entry buildings now and then and looked out windows to check for anything unusual. Didn’t see anything, though. And I accompanied Dr. Moran inside and told her we’ve got some current security concerns, and I’ve also kept an eye on who she’s seeing when.”

  “Good. We’ll all stay alert. And I’ll check in often with Vince.”

  Nella had noticed Telma heading in their direction. “So I assume you checked with our buddies in the local PD,” Telma said when she reached them, “and they’ve already taken whoever sent that message into custody.”

  Nella knew she was kidding, but the frown she had last seen on Telma’s face when Camp and she had been shown the threat was now replaced with a falsely angelic look of peace. Nella wished she could throw that sarcasm right back at her, but she just said, “What? Do you mean you want them to have all the fun? No, we’re going to be the ones to solve this.”

  Telma just laughed. “Okay, tell me what you want me to do now.” She looked at Scott.

  “Just act normal. In fact, let’s all observe and work with our staff members who’re dog walking right now. Okay?” He looked first at Telma, then Camp, but Nella figured he was really wanting her opinion.

  The others agreed, of course. So did she.

  And as Camp and Telma both walked away toward some staff personnel, Scott said, “Of course we’re all on alert. I’m going to pop into the offices to check for any other messages, and, as I said, I’ll keep in touch with Vince.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Nella asked, trying to sound droll but relaxed.

  She actually felt pretty good, fairly safe, for the rest of the afternoon. She wound up walking Baby again and giving her commands while staff members watched and imitated her once more. A couple were residents she hadn’t yet interviewed—Kathy and Leonard—but now it seemed pointless to try to get more background information about those under protection here. They weren’t the ones the threats had been directed at, after all. Or it certainly seemed that way.

  But still, Nella would keep her concerns for everyone else in mind.

  And do all she could to protect them.

  Without, she hoped, losing her own life.

  Chapter 16

  Nella was glad the staff members remained unaware of the threats, including today’s against her—even though they had most likely been reminded by the other managers to stay alert and careful. That assumed, of course, that Telma and Camp did as they’d promised before Scott and she headed to the police station.

  No matter what those under official protection were thinking now, the rest of Nella’s afternoon was enjoyable, working with them and Baby and other dogs. Of course some staff members visited the therapist for their individual appointments. And at one point Nella went into the entry building and got a glimpse of Dr. Moran as she said goodbye to one and greeted another. No time to introduce herself.

  She had only been at the shelter for a few days, but in some ways it already felt like forever. Working with the canines had seemed to be a sort of panacea for the staff members under protection, since taking dogs for walks apparently helped them keep their minds off everything else.

  Now Nella was pleased to continue to help train them all—the people to work with the dogs, and the dogs to obey their handlers. That helped her keep her mind off her own problems—somewhat, at least.

  Later, she was glad Scott was willing for both of them to join the other people at the shelter for dinner in the dining area. She didn’t look for safety in numbers, for she would do anything to protect everyone here, even run away, if it came to that. But it helped her feel at least a little better to have others around.

  She sat beside Scott, as seemed her norm these days—but this time it wasn’t just because she wanted to learn more about the shelter from him.

  She wanted to protect him, as absurd as that was, even more than everyone else around here. And as a former cop, she would know the best way to deal with anyone who burst in here to attack her, or would figure it out fast. She didn’t carry a weapon despite having one in her room, as Scott had instructed the managers, including her, to avoid carrying because of the potential additional stress it would levy on the staff members to see weapons around—although she was aware of some places guns were hidden. She knew a full range of self-defense techniques, of course, but how useful they were would depend on the situation.

  Now, as usual when they ate in this facility, Scott and she sat at one of the long tables, and other residents surrounded them. Bibi and Warren sat across from them, and Alice sat at Nella’s other side, while Muriel sat beside Scott.

  It was fun to see how they all matched in their Chance Animal Shelter T-shirts, a
lthough of course the colors varied and only a few said Manager. Nella still wore her light blue one, so she matched Bibi, Alice and Muriel. Warren’s was black, and Scott’s was gray.

  Tonight’s meal was beef stew, cooked by Sara, as usual—in another gray T-shirt—who also helped to dish it out at the main buffet table. It was delicious—although Nella didn’t have much of an appetite.

  Still, the company helped to calm her, especially Scott’s. Without specifically mentioning what they’d been up to that afternoon, or that Dr. Moran had been around, he managed to praise those around them for their excellent work with the dogs. He also reminded them dog socialization and training was a great function for this shelter, and that dogs and people all had similar reasons for being here—and all humans, at least, had to remain alert and careful.

  Nella thought about adding something but figured it might only scare some of their residents without giving them a way to add to their protection, so she stayed quiet while smiling wholeheartedly at Scott.

  After dinner, they joined a few residents visiting dogs in the kennel area inside the reception building and other dogs deeper within the shelter, ending up at the cat house and also visiting the small pets in the back.

  Along the way, Nella got to pet Baby again—her favorite dog here. But Nella was in no position to adopt the sweet pug and hoped that one of these days someone wanting a new forever family member would come to fall in love with Baby.

  Eventually, the other residents began disappearing into the apartment building, but Nella insisted on remaining outside as long as Scott did. They both said goodbye for the night to Camp and Telma, who both offered to stay in one of the empty apartments in case their protective services were needed, but Scott promised to call them if he sensed any trouble. They soon left for their own nearby apartments.

  “I’m going into my office for a few minutes to check some things on the computer before I go to bed,” Scott told Nella when they were alone in the main shelter area. “Will you go with me?”

  “Why, so you can protect me?” Nella didn’t mean to sound irritated—but the alternative would be for her to beg to remain in his presence for her own safety and comfort, and she wasn’t about to do that.

  “If necessary.” Scott aimed a half grin down at her as he took her hand and started walking.

  She had little choice but to join him. At least no one was outside to see them holding hands.

  It didn’t take long for them to reach the nearby building, and they walked up the steps to the offices. While Scott headed for his own director’s office, Nella forced herself to head to the reception area and look at the phone there.

  Would there be another threat?

  But no, there were no messages at all, which made Nella take a deep, calming breath.

  “Everything okay?” Scott had joined her pretty quickly.

  “Yes,” she said. “How about with you?”

  “Just give me five more minutes to check emails—but I thought I’d just drop in on you here in case...there was a good reason.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “I’ll read any general shelter emails while you check your own.” Plus, if she had time, she’d use the opportunity to read another small portion of her instructions as manager.

  Scott left the reception office but returned a few minutes later—five, in fact, as he’d said.

  “Any exciting emails?” Nella asked.

  “Not on my computer. The general shelter ones?”

  “Nothing there, either,” Nella told him. She’d even had a couple of minutes to start the next instructions section. “Unless you’re excited about some dog food ads.”

  “We’ve got our sources already,” he said. “But thanks. Are you ready to call it a day?”

  “Only if I can call it one really difficult day.”


  He didn’t take her hand this time when he led her down the stairs and into the building next door, nor up the stairway to the floor containing all the occupied apartments.

  But as far as she could tell, he was fully alert, looking all around them inside and outside the buildings, listening for anything unusual—as was she.

  Nothing struck her as requiring any attention. And soon, they were outside her apartment.

  She pulled her keycard from her pocket and unlocked the door. She had an urge to invite Scott in—to look around and ensure everything was in order there. But she could do that herself.

  After all, she was a cop. A cop on alert.

  Still, when he insisted on preceding her inside, she felt a lot better. He locked the door behind them, then walked around, examining each room, even each closet and under the bed.

  “Looks okay,” he finally told her in the apartment’s living room, near the door. Though she’d been checking, too, she let out a sigh of relief. “I’ll head to my place now, but call me when you wake up in the morning.”

  So he could protect her again tomorrow, she figured.

  She appreciated it.

  She appreciated him.

  After assuring him she’d call, she walked up to him and put her arms around him, planning to give him a brief good-night kiss.

  Only it didn’t turn out so brief. The feel of his hard body against her. The relief that she remained safe and alive, at least for now.

  His arms around her, pulling her close...

  She reveled in the feeling. But she wanted more. Much more. And she had the sense he did, too.

  Bad idea. He was her boss, and they were together because they were caring for people in protective custody—and animals, too. But that was all.

  Yet she didn’t let go of him. He didn’t let go of her. She felt his hand go down her back—stopping at her buttocks, which he caressed lightly, then moved his hands away.

  Well, she did the same with him—and liked his butt. A lot. Did she have to make that clear? Seduce him? Let him know she was ready for him to seduce her?

  A continuation of this was a bad idea. Wasn’t it?

  Well, hell. Her life had been threatened. Shouldn’t she take advantage now, while she could, of something she’d been craving—if she were honest with herself—but had sloughed off as forbidden and inappropriate?

  “Care to visit my bedroom again before you leave?” she said against his mouth as it continued to search hers, tasting her tongue as she tasted his. Beef stew? Maybe. But it tasted a whole lot better than that.

  “That sounds like an invitation,” he whispered.

  “Well, RSVP, then.”

  Which he did, by keeping his arm around her while leading her through the door into her room.

  But they stopped at the doorway. “Much as I’d like for this to continue,” Scott said, looking down at her, “it’s really not a good idea, since—”

  “Since it’s not politically correct. You’re my boss, not just my coworker, which could be bad enough. But know what? Whatever we do here will be entirely consensual on my part, and I’d be willing to tell the world—although I don’t especially want the world to find out.”

  “You’re really something, you know?” he said, smiling sexily at her. “Well, in case anyone asks, it’s entirely consensual on my part, too.”

  In moments, they were on the bed together. First thing, they each removed the other’s Chance Shelter T-shirt, which made Nella laugh—but only briefly.

  His hands caressed her upper body, first her back, then around to her front, where he gently took first one breast, then the other, into his hand.

  “Here, let me,” she whispered, and she reached around to remove her bra. Next, she reached for his belt.

  They both stood and removed their own jeans. Nella stared for a moment at the planes and angles of Scott’s carved, muscular chest, then down toward where his shorts bulged.

  She drew closer to pull off those shorts, and
he used the opportunity to also pull off her underwear.

  They were both naked, standing there, staring—but only for a few seconds. Scott again took Nella’s arm and this time drew her down to the bed, where he stroked her breasts again, then moved downward to caress her most sensitive, most needy area—while she took the opportunity to clasp his erection in her hand and pump it gently.

  Nella’s breathing was uneven and fast. So was Scott’s.

  “Are you sure?” he began, as if she might back away now. As if she could resist what was right in front of her.

  “Are you?” she countered breathlessly.

  “Oh, yeah.” No doubt sounded in his response, although he did exit the bed for a moment, which made her wonder if he’d lied...but he hadn’t. He just bent to grab his jeans, get his wallet out of the pocket and extract a condom.

  He quickly pulled it onto himself, while Nella watched and yearned to be touching him again herself.

  Only... He was the one to touch her again first, to direct his fingers down to that very sensitive area of hers.

  Then, kneeling over her, he bent forward and guided his erection so it entered her slowly at first—and then more decisively.

  In moments, he was pumping as she responded from below him, moving upward, holding his butt as he moved...

  Nella wanted it to last forever, but in very little time she found herself coming, even as he, too, arched in climax.

  “Oh, Nella,” he groaned, as she let out a low, brief sound of final pleasure.

  * * *

  Wow. He hadn’t intended for that to happen when he followed Nella into her apartment. He had just wanted to verify that it remained safe, then leave. Or, at worst, sleep on her sofa for the night so he could continue to ensure she wasn’t under any immediate threat.

  But now he lay on her bed. He had wanted her from nearly the moment he met her, but he’d also immediately recognized how inappropriate that was, since she was his employee.

  A very versatile and skilled employee, caring about the people he had hired her to help protect as well as the animals. And even the other managers—and, apparently, him.


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