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Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5)

Page 8

by Chiah Wilder

  “I’m getting there, but I want to taste you some more. Let me see you play with your tits while I eat you.”

  Aroused beyond belief, Belle cupped her breasts and squeezed them, the tip of her index finger flicking across her reddened bead.

  “Fuckin’ hot,” Banger breathed as he slipped his finger into her.

  While she played with her breasts, she watched as he pulled his finger in and out of her while steadily stroking her clit. When he blew across her glistening pussy, it spasmed with excitement, making her scream, “Fuck, it feels so good!” And when his steady strokes on her sweet spot intensified, she moaned, “Yes, right there. Don’t stop.”

  When he curled his finger inside her, stroking her G-spot as his tongue worked her clit, her orgasm ripped through her with such force that it took her breath away. The raw, primal scream she emitted startled her, as well as the clawing on Banger’s shoulders. Total ecstasy spread over her, and as she began to catch her breath, his lips on hers made her feel wanted.

  “Damn, that was epic,” she panted.

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Banger sucked on her rigid nipples then trailed his mouth to her belly button, licking around it. Putting his arms under her legs, he raised them as he positioned himself between them. He pushed them further up toward her shoulders until her back was curved and her glistening pussy was fully exposed.

  “I’m gonna fuck you like you’ve never been fucked. You like it hard?”

  Still regaining her breath, Belle nodded. Banger shoved two fingers inside her as he leaned over and sucked her tits again. His digits were stretching and twisting inside her heated wetness, and she whimpered in pleasure.

  “You like that? Your cunt likes being full. Wait ‘til my cock gets in there.”

  She bucked her hips toward him as he grabbed a condom from the back pocket of his jeans crumpled next to him, and deftly rolled it on. He slid his wet fingers from her heat and placed them in his mouth, sucking on the juice that covered them. Then he leaned over and kissed her deep so she tasted herself on his tongue.

  “I promise it will be so good,” he whispered in her ear, before he pushed back on his heels. With his hands on her legs, he plunged his cock inside her hot depths. “Fuck.” His voice was hoarse with lust.

  He thrust in and out of her, each time harder, faster. She gasped from the sweet agony while she ground her hips hotly against him, taking every inch of his pulsing cock deep in her. “Oh, Banger. Damnit!”

  “You feel fuckin’ amazing,” he grunted as he slammed into her, his hips meeting hers.

  She watched as he pulled in and out of her, stretching her wider, his dick gleaming with her juices. Every inch of her body burned, like a giant torch was inside her. When his legs tightened, she knew he was ready to come. She let herself go, her orgasm washing over her in searing waves of intense pleasure. Their grunts and moans filled the room, and the musky scent of their arousal surrounded them.

  Banger collapsed on top of her, his panting sweet music to her ears. She stroked his back with one hand, while the other tightened around his waist. Tears rolled down the corners of her eyes. What they had shared had been so intense. More intense than anything she’d ever shared with her husband. How can that be? I barely know Banger, yet I felt so connected with him, like our bodies were one. He kissed her neck then her lips and rolled off her, drawing her close to his side. She pillowed her head on his chest and he lightly tickled her shoulder.

  “You know how to fuck, babe.” He kissed her head.

  “You know a thing or two yourself.” She giggled.

  Pressing her closer, he leaned down and she tilted her head, meeting his mouth. They kissed and cuddled for a while before they fell asleep in each other’s arms, her heart dancing like the snowflakes outside the window.

  Chapter Nine

  The heady aroma of dark-roasted coffee woke Banger up the following morning. When he turned on his side, an empty spot greeted him. He rolled over again on his back, his arms crossed under his head, and smiled widely; he felt great. The night before had been the best fuck he’d had since Grace had died. He definitely wanted to see more of Belle and get to know her even better. She was wild, like she hadn’t had sex since her old man died, which he couldn’t believe. A sexy woman like her probably didn’t go through much of a dry spell, but he’d like it a lot if he were her first post-marital fuck.

  He lazily swung his legs to the side of the bed, pushed himself up, and went into the bathroom to get ready. After he was finished, he ambled down the stairs and went into the kitchen. Belle sat at the table reading the Pinewood Springs Gazette as she sipped a cup of coffee. He came up behind her, bent down, and nuzzled her neck. Her soft laugh, and the way she skimmed her fingers over his hands, ignited a fire in him. He slipped his hand down her neck, grazing her collarbone with his thumb, until his hand molded over her breast. When his callused finger pad glided across her nipple, she moaned and pushed her head back against him.

  “Baby, I got a burn going on here,” he rasped in her ear.

  She squirmed in her chair and raised her arms, clasping them behind his neck, and tugged him down toward her. They fused their lips together while Banger’s hands squeezed, pinched, and caressed her tits. He pivoted around to her side then dropped on his knees, his lips never leaving hers. A loud beep startled them, and she quickly broke their embrace.

  “That’s probably Ethan,” she mumbled as she looked at her phone. “Yeah, that’s him. He’s wondering where I am. Wants to come home.” She gave a half-shrug then stood from the chair.

  “You gonna leave me like this?” He took her hand and plastered it on his crotch, loving the way her eyes widened and a sly smile formed on her lips.

  “No choice. I gotta go.”

  “You gonna disappoint me?” Banger drew her closer to him, his face in her hair, breathing in her scent.

  “You’re a big boy—I know you can handle a bit of disappointment. But I have a little boy who’s going to be crushed if I don’t pick him up.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek, patted his shoulder, and texted her son.

  Catching her gaze, he said, “You’re a good mama, and a fine woman.” He gave her a warm hug. “What about you coming over to my place tonight after work?”

  “No, that won’t work. I have to be with my kids. Last night was my night off, and we had plans to watch a movie and have some popcorn.”

  “I’d like to meet your kids. I guess I’m asking for an invitation.”

  “It’s too soon. I don’t know how they would react. When we get to know each other better, then yes, I’d love for you to meet my kids.” She placed her coffee cup in the sink. “And I’d like to meet Kylie someday. You want a quick cup of coffee before I leave?”

  He stood in front of her, grabbing her arms and pinning her against the sink as his mouth crushed hers. “This is the only thing I want. Your kisses light me up. Fuck, woman. You do something to me, and it’s something I fuckin’ love.”

  She kissed him back, and they stood in the little kitchen lost in each other’s embrace. Another beep. Belle gently pushed him back. “I have to go. I don’t want to, but I have to.”

  “I don’t mean to be keeping you from your son. It’s just that you’re so damn irresistible. I can’t be in the same room with you without touching and kissing you. I better get out of here or neither of us is going anywhere. Here,” he handed his phone to her, “put in your number.” After she finished punching it in, she gave his phone back. He gave her one more kiss then walked to the front door. “I’ll call you.” He opened the door and walked out into the swirling snow, but he didn’t notice the cold because he was still hot from Belle’s kisses.

  Banger drove to the clubhouse: he didn’t feel like going to an empty house. When he entered the great room, he sauntered over to the pool table and asked Bear if he wanted to shoot a game. Bear nodded and took two cue sticks down while Banger racked the balls in the triangle. As they played, some of the brothers came o
ver to watch and have a few beers. Jax wandered in and tilted his chin to Banger as he approached the pool table.

  “Hey, how’s it goin’?” Jax asked.

  Banger, still on a high from being with Belle earlier, smiled. “Couldn’t be better.”

  Bear raised his eyebrows. “You got something you wanna share?”

  Bending down low as he gauged his shot, Banger shook his head. “Nope. Six ball in the left pocket.” The cue stick hit the ball, and the group of members watched as it rolled into the left pocket.

  “Fuckin’ good shot.” Jax gulped down his beer as Banger made the next one too.

  Ten minutes later, Banger scooped up the money he won from Bear, who clapped him on the shoulder and said, “Good game.”

  As Banger put the money in his wallet, Jax asked, “I’m having a poker game at my house tonight. Who wants in?”

  “Count me in,” Banger said.

  “Me too,” Bear replied.

  All in all, seven brothers told Jax they’d be at his house at six o’clock that evening. Banger told them he’d see them later that night, then he strode to his office to do some work.

  * * *

  The brothers sat around the poker table in Jax’s basement, smoking weed, guzzling beer, and shoving peanuts into their mouths. The basement was perfect for a good poker game: full bar, small kitchen, and a stash of weed that would last them a week. The blazing fire in the large, stone fireplace kept out the winter chill. When they were in the middle of their game, they heard the patter of footsteps on the stairway, and as Banger and several members looked toward it, Cherri and Paisley came into view. Cherri carried a large, steaming pot, and Paisley had two wrapped crackers in her chubby hand.

  “I hope you guys are hungry,” Cherri said as she set the pot of chili down on the table. “I’ll go grab some bowls in the kitchen.”

  Paisley went over to Jax and handed him the crackers, then she placed her hands on his thigh. Jax swept her up in his arms, sitting her on his lap. She grinned at the rough bikers who sat around the table. Banger, seated next to Jax, ran his hand over her downy hair, saying, “You’re a real cutie.” Paisley’s white-blonde hair, big blue eyes, and red, chubby cheeks reminded him of Kylie when she was the toddler’s age. It tickled him every time he saw Paisley, and it also made him sad because those times with Kylie and Grace were over forever.

  Cherri ladled out the chili into the bowls and set them in front of each of the brothers. She placed a basket full of crackers in the middle of the table along with several smaller bowls of onions, shredded cheese, and sour cream. “Enjoy.” She smiled and bent over to pick up Paisley from Jax’s lap. He put his hand behind Cherri’s neck and kissed her deeply before she took Paisley and walked up the stairs.

  An hour later, Banger took out his phone, noticing he didn’t have any reception in the basement. “Count me out on this hand. I gotta go use the phone.” When he came upstairs, he spotted Cherri lying on the couch with Paisley tucked in to her side, watching My Little Pony cartoons. For a moment, his mind flashed back to a rainy afternoon when he had just come back from a long ride. He’d walked into the family room and saw Grace lying on the couch with Kylie curled in her arms, watching a cartoon. When he saw them, he knew his life was complete. Little did he know that Kylie would lose her mother before she started high school, and he would lose his beloved wife before he hit forty. If he had known that, he would’ve cherished the moments even more than he did.

  Paisley’s shrill laughter brought him back to the present, and he softly walked to the laundry room and closed the door. He dialed Belle’s number.

  “Hey, there,” he said when her cheerful voice caressed over him.

  “Hi. What are you up to?” she asked.

  “I’m at Jax’s house with some of the brothers playing poker.” He cleared his throat. “I was thinking ‘bout you.”

  “That’s nice.” Her breathless laugh hit him in the dick. “I’m coated in flour from rolling out a bunch of pie crusts.”

  “Sounds like we could figure out something nasty to do with that.” A pause then he heard her swallow. That got to her and he liked it. A lot. “Let me come by after you get off work.”

  “I’d like that, but remember I’m spending tonight with my kids. I’m going to leave as soon as I finish the pies.”

  “I’m sure your kids would understand if you got home a little late. You need some time for yourself.”

  “I took time for myself last night. Ethan has already picked out the movie. Anyway, I need to make sure Emily doesn’t pull anything. I’m sorry.”

  “What about after they’re asleep? I can come over and keep you company.”

  Her sigh whispered over the phone. “That won’t be possible. I have to think of my kids.”

  “What about me? I need to be with you. Fuck, I got a hard-on just talking to you. I need you to take care of it.”

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, I am. I need you, Belle.”

  She didn’t answer, and at first Banger thought he’d lost the connection, but then he heard her cluck her tongue. “I told you, it won’t work. Either you understand or you don’t. I have to get back to work.”

  Banger poked his tongue lightly into his cheeks and inhaled a long breath as the heat rose in his body. He wasn’t used to women telling him no, and he didn’t fucking like it one bit. He’d be damned if he was going to beg her like some lovesick asshole. Fuck that. “Don’t sweat it. Call me when you want to hang. Gotta go.”

  “Are you mad at me because I’m spending time with my kids?”

  “Nope.” But he was, even though his gut told him he was being unreasonable. He needed Belle, and it pissed him off that she didn’t seem to need him as much. I should just move on and stick with the club whores and hoodrats. I don’t need a woman with baggage. Fuck.

  “You sound mad. It’s not that I don’t want to be with you, it’s just that my kids have to come first. You must understand that since you have a daughter.”

  “Said I wasn’t mad. You better get back to your pies. Call me.” He hung up, his face tight. He wanted nothing better than to put his hand through the laundry room wall. This was bullshit. Belle was a fucking good time in bed, and he should leave it like that. He didn’t want the bullshit drama of her life. Hell, he didn’t even know what he wanted. He still loved Grace, but Belle stirred something in him that both excited and scared him at the same time. He left the laundry room and headed downstairs to play a few more rounds of poker.

  After they’d played their umpteenth hand, Banger stood up and called it a night. The others agreed, and they walked out into the frigid night air. As the icy cold slapped his face, Banger cursed. He hated the snowy weather because he couldn’t ride his bike and had to take the cage. Of course, there were the crazy bikers who took chances on the ice and snow with their Harleys, but they were mostly the young ones. He remembered being stupid like that when he was young, but when Kylie had been born, he’d changed his reckless, impulsive lifestyle. Having her in his life made him think differently; he had to be smart and stay safe for her.

  When he arrived at his house, he lit a fire then grabbed a beer from the fridge. Throwing his leather jacket on the couch, he switched on his CD player and flopped in the overstuffed chair in front of the fireplace. The haunting strains of Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth” filled the room. The blaze of the fire softly lit the pictures of Grace which adorned the walls, the fireplace mantel, and the bookcases. A few framed photos of Banger, Grace, and Kylie at Sturgis and on family trips caught Banger’s eyes, bringing back a flood of memories.

  A piercing memory of the last six months of his wife’s life squeezed his heart as he remembered the slow death that had robbed him of her a little each day. He recalled when she’d held his strong hand in her weak and pale one and had told him that, when she died, she didn’t want him to sit around and mope.

  “You’re young, sexy, and virile, and you deserve to l
ove again, even if you can be a pain in the ass sometimes.” Her voice echoed in his mind, bringing a smile to his lips. “Find a woman to love again. I don’t want you chasing the club or party girls every weekend. I’ll haunt your ass if you do.” She laughed then broke into a coughing fit.

  “Don’t talk about this shit, sweetheart. You’re not going anywhere.”

  Her blue eyes misted as she brought his hand to her colorless lips, kissing it. “Promise me that you’ll find another woman and marry again. I don’t want you alone.”

  “I got Kylie. No more of this shit, woman.”

  “Promise. Please.” Her eyes pleaded with him, and he hung his head. Grudgingly, he agreed, but he’d never wanted to admit that his wife was going to die.

  When she died, the last thing on his mind was meeting another woman and loving her. Banger’s loss was great, his desire to plug the hole in his heart intense, and it felt good to have someone by his side again, even if it were only for a few hours each night. So he lost himself in mindless pussy, and the younger the woman, the more likely nothing would come out of it. He did the opposite of what he’d promised Grace.

  And now, he’d met Belle, who was beautiful, sexy, and complicated, but being in his home surrounded by memories, he realized he still loved Grace. Belle stirred something in him, but it was lust, not love. He didn’t think he could care for Belle in that way; it would be as though he were betraying Grace, minimizing what they’d had. But damn, he wanted to see the pretty, curvy cook again. She was a great bed warmer, and it beat the club women.

  As the lilting guitar riffs from Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” played, Banger lifted his glass to one of his favorite pictures of Grace—leaning against his Harley with rosy cheeks, a warm smile, and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. A deep feeling of sadness washed over him. “Love you, Gracie,” he said, then took a long pull on his beer, his eyes never leaving her picture.


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