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The Way to Freedom: The Complete Season One (Books 1-5): An Epic Fantasy Action Adventure (The Way to Freedom Series)

Page 5

by H. M. Clarke

  The corridor outside was wide and uncluttered with torch brackets spaced evenly along the smooth stone wall.

  “Come, the Mess Hall is this way.”

  Gwidion placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and guided her down the corridor. They had only walked a few steps when three men appeared from around the corner and came marching towards them. Kalena felt her heart flutter and nearly stop when she saw the gaunt figure of Captain Jerant between two infantrymen.

  “Wing Lieutenant. Where do you think you are going with that girl?” the Captain’s voice was hard and emotionless and Kalena moved closer to Gwidion. She did not like this man.

  Gwidion snapped his feet together and made the Captain a small bow. “We are heading for the Mess Hall Sir.”

  The Captain stared at them a long moment.

  “Has she been tested yet?” he suddenly asked.

  “No Sir. Not properly.”

  “Do you think it wise to let her near other Hatar Kalar until you are sure she cannot hear them?”

  Kalena felt the hand on her shoulder stiffen. She clung tighter to the Wing Lieutenant.

  “Test her for me now Kalar.”

  “What? She has only just undergone the Krytal.”

  “Talk to your beast now and let us see if she can hear you!” The Captain said leaving no room for argument.

  Gwidion opened his mouth to say more but thought better of it.

  “Very well.”

  He looked down at Kalena and she could not help but smile up at him.

  “Kalena, I’m about to talk in mind voice. If you can hear me can you repeat it for the Captain.”

  Kalena nodded as Adhamh’s voice flooded through her head.

  ‘Remember. Pretend you do not hear them.’

  ‘I remember Adhamh.’

  Gwidion eyes remained on her but they suddenly unfocused and Kalena heard the familiar whisperings in her mind.

  ‘Kalena, if you can hear this tell the Captain that he is a fart faced maggot off of a horses rear that needs-‘

  ‘Gwidion! Be respectful.’ A female voice said sternly.

  ‘Sorry Jolar but he is.’

  Kalena tried not to show any reaction on her face. If she had said what Gwidion had said her father would have washed her mouth out with lye soap.


  The Captain’s voice cut through Gwidion’s mental chatter. Kalena shrank back behind Gwidion.

  “Kalena, did you hear anything? I did not hear you repeat my words.”

  Suddenly she felt her arm gripped by fingers of iron and yanked forward and Kalena found herself face to face with the Captain. His thoughts were jumbled and confused but full of anger and fear. Kalena immediately blocked them from her mind.

  “Answer the lieutenant Kalar.”

  Tears started to trickle down her cheeks and Kalena tried to stop herself from blubbering. Dimly a roar was heard from outside and she heard Gwidion talking urgently with the Captain.

  “-you are upsetting her and her new Hatar partner. He feels her fear through the link.’

  The Captain seemed not to hear the Lieutenant’s words.

  “Did you hear him?”

  Kalena shook her head; her voice did not want to work.

  Suddenly the Captain backhanded her across the face. She would have collapsed if not for the Captain’s iron grip on her arm. Her face stung like fire and she felt Gwidion shift behind her.

  “Answer me in an appropriate manner, Kalar”

  “Damaging State property is not setting a good example to the men Captain Jerant.”

  The Captain released his grip and spun around in surprise. The two infantrymen immediately turned and smartly saluted. Kalena jumped back to Gwidion’s side and she felt him place a protective hand on her shoulder as he guided her back behind him.

  “Provost Marshall Brock,” the Captain stammered.

  The Provost Marshall’s eyes flicked across everyone present in the hallway, lingering longest on the red mark that now rose across Kalena’s face.

  “I think you need to come to my office and explain your actions to me Captain. You know there is a ban on children undergoing the Krytal.”

  The Provost Marshall then swept past them and continued along the corridor without waiting to see if his request would be followed. Captain Jerant stood a moment glaring hard at both Kalena and Gwidion before turning swiftly to follow the Provost Marshall, the two Infantrymen following in his wake leaving the two Kalarthri standing alone in the corridor.

  Gwidion suddenly laughed out loud.

  “What a piece of luck. Provost Marshall Brock has an uncanny sense of timing. He was not supposed to be back at Darkon for another two days.” Gwidion smiled down at her, “The Provost Marshall will put the Captain in his place. But come, the Wing Commander is waiting to meet you and we best not keep him waiting.”

  Chapter Five

  Harada Thurad

  The Mess Hall was the largest room Kalena had ever seen. It could easily have contained all of the buildings that made up Kurst village with plenty of room to spare. The entire hall arched up to what she assumed was a rounded ceiling above her because at the moment the rafters were shrouded in a darkness created by the smoking torches that ringed the walls. The hall must be created out of one of the domed structures that Kalena saw this morning as she walked through Darkon with the two Infantrymen.

  The room was filled with trestle tables and benches and most of them was crammed full of people eating and drinking and full of smiles and laughter. On the far side of the hall, Kalena saw a long counter with large pots and platters heaped upon it where people could go and serve themselves. The sight of the food made Kalena’s stomach rumble again. She glanced up at Gwidion who stood next to her in the entranceway.

  “Kalena, this is the Mess Hall where all the Hatar Kalar based at Darkon take their meals. The corridors behind us lead to our living areas with a rear door access to the barracks where the Hatar live.

  “Where do the Hatar take their meals? Do they eat here as well? I can’t see any here.” Kalena looked about the hall just in case she had missed a large feathered form crouching among the tables. At the sound of choked laughter she glanced sharply up at the Wing Lieutenant, unsure whether she was being made fun of. Kalena pushed Kala closer into the crook of her arm.

  “The Hatar do not eat with us Kalena. For one thing, they are too large to have them all eat in a hall. For another, watching them eat live food can really put you off your dinner,” Gwidion grinned down at her.

  “Come, let us go and find the Wing Commander and see what he makes of you. You are the youngest cadet we’ve ever had join the Wings.”

  Gwidion placed a firm hand on Kalena’s shoulder and shepherded her into the crowd of tables and benches. As Kalena passed by she saw and smelt the food and hot drink that was being consumed by the Flyers at their tables. Her stomach grumbled in protest at being so sorely neglected. Kalena brushed her fingers across Kala’s linen stomach.

  “Kala, I see your stomach is rumbling too,” Kalena said to the doll that stared back at her through the folds of her shirtsleeve.

  “Gwidion, can we please get something to eat first? Me and Kala haven’t had anything to eat at all today and we’re starving.” Kalena clutched dramatically at her stomach and groaned to emphasize her point. It was a trick that always worked on Mama.

  “Yes all right. I’m a feeling a little peckish myself.”

  Gwidion changed direction and weaved her through the warren of tables until they tumbled out near the food counter. Without waiting for the Wing Lieutenant Kalena rushed forwards and grabbed a plate and spoon from the stack and rushed along to the first pot only to find that she was too short to reach into it.

  “This could be a bit of a problem,” Gwidion said from behind her. “We can’t have a Flyer not able to serve themselves,” he said as Kalena and Kala swiveled around guiltily to look at him.

  “We didn’t mean to push ahead of you,” she said hop
ing that he was not too angry with her.

  “No, that’s all right. A hungry belly will make you do that. People are always hungry after going through the Krytal.” Gwidion moved closer to the counter and quickly glanced along it, making a quick inventory of what was on offer.

  “Here, give me your plate and I’ll dish you out a healthy portion.” Gwidion snatched the plate from her hands before she could complain and started along the table, dipping the spoon in and out of pots and platters heaping large amounts on both her plate and his own.

  Kalena followed Gwidion to the end of the counter and quickly found herself suddenly carrying two thick slabs of crusty bread spread heavily with butter as the Wing Lieutenant juggled two full plates with spoons between his hands with another slice of bread stuffed into his mouth.

  “Comfrhamh,” Gwidion mumbled jerking his head towards the crowd to emphasize whatever directions came out of his mouth.

  Kalena nodded back to him. She did not understand what he just said but the gist of it was clear. Taking a large mouthful of buttered bread, Kalena followed the Wing Lieutenant back into the buzzing mass of humanity that flowed thick amongst the trestle tables.

  Kalena followed as Gwidion wove his way expertly through the crowds. Around her people were eating and drinking though Kalena noted with disappointment that there were a lot more men than women seated on the benches. All were dressed the same in black Flyer jackets with different color patches on their collars that Kalena remembered from her lessons with Parker and Fanta. The patches denoted what Wing and Flight they belonged to.

  Quickly, Kalena rummaged through her mind what she knew of the Flights and Wings. At this point in time there are six Flights within the Suenese Military and they are spread among the three main military bases in the Suene Empire. First Flight was based at Hered, the Suenese Capital, Second and Third Flights are here in Darkon and Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Flights were located at Hotep somewhere in the south. Each Flight was made of ten Wings and each Wing was made up of a Wing Commander, two Wing Lieutenants and thirty Flyers. The Wing Commander of the First Wing in a Flight was also the Flight Commander and, even though a Kalarthri, was answerable only to the Provost Marshall.

  Kalena reached out the arm not holding Kala and tugged hard on Gwidion’s jacket.

  “Are there any girls in my Wing?”

  The lack of women in the Mess Hall worried Kalena. Also, everyone here was old. At least in the classes the others were the same age as her. Being old meant that everyone in the Wing would be taller than her as well and Kalena and Kala hated being towered over. Videan did it to her all the time back home when he was in the bullying mood.

  Gwidion stopped so suddenly in front of her that Kalena had to stop herself from running straight into him. He swung around to face her and motioned awkwardly with his plate-laden arms for Kalena to remove the bread that was stuffed into his mouth. Kalena quickly finished the remains of the slice of bread she was munching and plucked the crust from Gwidion’s mouth. The Wing Lieutenant quickly swallowed the mouthful that was left.

  “That’s better,” Gwidion said as he tried to blow away the breadcrumbs caught in his beard and moustaches. “The answer to your question Kalena is a simple no.” Gwidion said as he turned away from her and continued walking through the maze of tables catching Kalena unawares. She hurried along to catch up with him before he was lost among the Flyers.

  “You may have noticed that there are not many women seated amongst the Flyers,” Gwidion continued without skipping a beat. “Sentience does not appear very often in women and therefore especially not in Second Born. But, women who do have the Sentient ability are always stronger than men. They can hear their partner over their link for longer distances than the male Flyers and rarely can they hear the thoughts of other Hatar. You are the first person we know of who is able to hear the thoughts of men as well as Hatars.”

  “I was the first person,” Kalena butted in. Adhamh’s warning was still strong in her mind and she was determined to push the point that she could no longer hear the conversations or thoughts of others. Normally she could ignore the conversations of others in Kurst Village but here in Darkon where there is a lot of Mindspeak, Kalena was finding it very hard to screen it out. Especially here in the Mess Hall where strong thoughts, mind speak and emotions flowed all around, bombarding Kalena as if trying to get her attention. She had to concentrate to ignore them all.

  “Well, was then,” Gwidion corrected himself. “Look, there’s the Wing Commander over there.”

  Kalena’s eyes followed the direction of Gwidion’s gaze towards several people filled tables but could not tell which one Gwidion was looking at.

  The Wing Lieutenant turned sharply to the left at the first table and then wound his way pass two more tables before coming to a sudden halt before a large table filled with men. Kalena who was looking at a group of Flyers playing dice at the next table walked straight into Gwidion, crushing the buttered bread against her shirt and Gwidion’s back.

  “My friends,” Gwidion swept his plate laden hands out wide as if he could embrace the entire table at once. Everyone turned on their benches to look at him, smiles appearing quickly to their faces. Kalena stepped away from Gwidion, wiping away butter and breadcrumbs and suddenly found herself in full view of those sitting at the front of the table.

  “Ah, the babysitter returns,” said a voice from the back of the table.

  “Not just the babysitter, but his charge as well.” Gwidion suddenly stepped away and left her in full view of all the men around the table. Kalena froze. The talk around the table stopped.

  “So this is the girl that put the wind up Jerant’s skirts,” said a black haired man sitting closest to Gwidion. Automatically Kalena straightened and tried to school her face into her best serious look.

  “I never did any such thing!” the words spilled quickly from Kalena’s lips. This man had only just met her. “Anyway, the Captain didn’t wear any skirts.”

  Banging his hand flat on the table, the black haired man abruptly broke into laughter. It was so loud and jolly that Kalena relaxed her stance, it was also oddly familiar. His dark brown eyes now filled with tears from laughing so hard turned back to look at her.

  “You’ll fit in well here. Very well.” The man waved them over while he made room for them to sit next to him on the bench.

  Gwidion gestured for Kalena to seat herself first and quickly slipped onto the bench after her setting both plates and cutlery on the table with a clatter. Kalena now found herself bunched up tightly between Gwidion and the black haired man. Kalena also found that she was not the right size for the table and now her plate of food was awkwardly out of reach.

  Gwidion had only just settled himself when Kalena started to squirm on the bench to bring her legs underneath her to give herself a little more height so she could reach her plate on the table. As soon as she was comfortable, Kalena began to eat.

  “Well Harada, this is Kalena Tsarland, the newest addition to First Wing,” Gwidion made his introduction around as mouthful of mash potato and gravy. “Kalena, this is Harada Thurad, Wing Commander of First Wing.”

  Kalena looked up from her plate into the dark brown eyes of the Wing Commander. This was Garrick’s brother? He is so dark.

  “You don’t look much like Garrick,” Kalena blurted out after swallowing her mouthful of stew.

  “No I don’t do I. He favors our mother, I my father.”

  “I don’t look like any of my parents,” Kalena said as she turned her attention back to her dinner plate and ate a few more spoonful’s. She then reached under her arm and pulled Kala from her sleeve. “This is Kala,” Kalena said sitting the doll right in front of Harada. “She doesn’t look like my parents either but she has black hair like we have,” Kalena said giving Kala a quick shake to make her hair sway.

  “Look at his face!” Gwidion said from behind her. “Meeting two girls in one day has put the Wing Commander in shock.” The whole table burst
into laughter and Kalena quickly clutched Kala to her chest. They sound very much like Videan and his friends after they had tormented one of the village children to tears. Sound very similar to them but slightly different.

  Gwidion had seen Kalena snatch the doll away. “Don’t worry little one, we are not making fun of you or your doll,” he said giving her hair a friendly ruffle with a calloused hand. “But our stiff necked Commander is another matter.”

  Harada grunted and took a swig from his cup as he waited for the laughter of his men to die away. “Well Kalena,” he said as she began to eat again. “You are over young for this, usually new Flyers are at least five years older than you are now. But you must remember that your age will not give you any privileges, you will be treated the same as any other cadet Flyer.” Kalena nodded as she ate with an ear only half listening to what the Wing Commander was saying. “You will be assigned to Wing Lieutenant Gwidion Bessal. He will now be in charge of your training and as you are the only Cadet he has to train at the moment. I expect you to learn quickly and well.”

  Kalena watched as Harada reached down to his belt and pulled a small sheathed knife from a belt loop.

  “Every new Flyer is presented with a knife when they first enter the wing. Since you are an unannounced addition to our little family we were not able to arrange a knife to be made for you, so I will give you this one.” Harada pushed the dagger into her hand. “It belonged to my brother and he gifted it to me when I was taken to become Kalarthri. I don’t think he would mind if I gave it into your safekeeping.”

  Kalena set her spoon aside and focused all her attention on the dagger. Slowly, she drew the knife from its scabbard and held it up to catch the natural light that now flooded into the dome from the sun hole in the centre of the dome roof. The knife was plain and utilitarian and looked as if it had just come straight from the weapon smith. Kalena slid the blade back into its scabbard and was satisfied when she heard the metallic click as the crosspiece hit the metal banding at the top of the sheath.


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