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Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 12

by Roland Graeme

  My dear Corey—

  I hope you are well. I have instructed Renesh to make himself available to you and place himself completely at your disposal. Please make use of him in any way you wish. I would, in fact, consider it a personal favor if you were to avail yourself of his services in whatever capacity you should see fit. You may take my word for it, he is very talented and resourceful. I will speak with you soon.

  Very truly yours,

  Kaustav Thevar

  Corey replaced this somewhat enigmatic epistle in its envelope, which he set down on a nearby table. Renesh, he saw, was standing there in the living room, looking around.

  “Do you live here alone?” Renesh asked.


  “May I look around your apartment?”

  “Sure. Make yourself at home.”

  “I am curious about how you live.”

  “Not very extravagantly, as you can see for yourself.”

  “It is unusual, in India, for an unmarried man to live alone. He usually lives with his family or with other relatives, or he shares his living quarters with other men.”

  “Well, there are unmarried men, and then there are unmarried men, if you know what I mean.”

  Renesh looked puzzled. “I do not know what you mean.”

  “I had roommates when I went to college and when I first moved out here to California. But I do enjoy my privacy. It can be convenient at times.”

  “I imagine you must be very comfortable, here.”

  “I am. By the way, there’s Vishnu. In his box, all ready to go. I’ll be sorry to see him go. I’ve enjoyed having him here to keep me company,” Corey joked. “And speaking of company, I get the impression you don’t have to rush off, do you?”

  “No. Unless I am intruding.”

  “You’re not. Quite the contrary. Anyway, while you’re taking the grand tour, can I get you something to drink?”

  “I like American beer, if you have any,” Renesh admitted.

  “Coming right up.” Corey took two beers from his refrigerator. “Cheers,” he said as he handed Renesh one.

  “Thank you, Mr. Oliver.”

  “Call me Corey.”

  “Thank you, Corey.”

  “Now, if you’re done inspecting the premises, sit down. Let’s talk.”

  “What shall we talk about?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. You, to begin with. How did you come to work for Kaustav?”

  “We are distantly related by marriage. But my family is not well off. When I needed work, Mr. Thevar offered to bring me here to the United States.”

  “Do you like working with him?”

  “Oh yes. Very much.”

  “And living with him?”

  “Yes. I have my own room. I can swim in the pool, and I am allowed to use one of the cars on my days off.”

  “While we’re on the subject of your boss, do you know what he says in this note?” Corey asked.

  “I have no idea.”

  “None at all?”

  “When he gave it to me and told me to come here, he told me I should try to make myself useful to you.”

  “And what, exactly, do you think he meant by that?”

  “I can do anything you might require. Run an errand for you or stay here and clean your apartment. Do your laundry, prepare you a meal, whatever you might need.”

  “You’d be willing to do that sort of thing? I mean, not for your boss, but for a complete stranger like me?”

  “I would be delighted to.”


  Renesh seemed puzzled by the question. “I serve Mr. Thevar. You are Mr. Thevar’s friend. By serving you, I serve him.”

  “I see. It seems quite unselfish of you.”

  “Not necessarily.”

  “Oh? What do you mean?”

  “I enjoy serving gentlemen. Placing myself at their disposal. It is a source of pride for me.”

  “Is it?”

  “Satisfying them, yes.”

  “But I’m not exactly a gentleman.”

  “With respect, Mr. Oliver, I mean, Corey. I must disagree.”

  “I’m just an ordinary guy.”

  “If you say so.”

  “And, also with respect, Renesh, I don’t have much use for doormats. I’d be interested in what you really think, as opposed to what you think you ought to think and say to please your boss.”

  “I am Mr. Thevar’s houseboy, not his slave.”

  “Well, that’s good to hear. For a while there, you had me worried.”

  “When I am on my own time—and I am on my own time now—he encourages me to think and act independently.”

  “So you’re telling me you’re off the clock at the moment?”

  “Yes. Mr. Thevar told me that once I delivered the note to you and picked up the statue I could have the rest of the evening off.”

  “Interesting. Well, Renesh, as much as I’m enjoying having your company here, I’m sure a young guy like you could find better things to do on his night off than hang around here shooting the breeze with me.”

  “On the contrary, I am enjoying our conversation. But perhaps I have outstayed my welcome. Perhaps I am imposing. Do you want me to leave?”

  “I’m enjoying having you here, but I don’t want you to feel obligated to stay. Not if you have something else to do.”

  “I have nothing else to do.”

  “What do you do, in your time off?”

  “Sometimes I go to the movies, which is good to help me with my American English. Sometimes I go to a bar or a club, to meet people and talk to them—also to work on my English.”

  “Do you ever go home with any of these people?”


  “Do you have fun with them?”

  “Yes. That would seem to be the point of going home with them, is it not?”


  “And you, Corey? What do you like to do in your spare time?”

  “Oh, hang out with my friends.”

  “Do you ever meet new friends?”

  “Not as often as I’d like.”

  “What kind of men do you like to become friends with?”

  “All kinds, as long as they’re masculine. I like a man who’s easygoing. Confident about his sexuality—do you know what I mean? Not uptight about it. Comfortable with being gay,” Corey specified. “And preferably, of course, good in bed. By which I mean, uninhibited. Fun to be with. Fun to fuck around with.”

  “Do you like Tamil boys?”

  “I don’t know. You and your employer are the only Tamil men I’ve ever met. And I certainly like both of you. Tell me, are there any more like you two, back home where you come from?”

  “Hundreds of thousands.”

  “Wow. So many men, so little time,” Corey joked. “And so far away, unfortunately.”

  “Mr. Thevar and I, however, are right here, very close at hand.”


  “I’m glad you said you like me. But perhaps you would rather be with a rich man than a poor one?”

  “I wasn’t aware I was being offered the choice.”

  “I know I’m only a servant, but I find you very desirable. If I may say so without offense.”

  “I’m not offended at all. Keep talking. You’re doing fine, so far.”

  “If you would like to have sex with me, we could go into your bedroom, and I will do anything you wish.”



  “Now you’d better put the brakes on for a minute. This is Los Angeles. When a guy as attractive as you are tells another man that he’s willing to do ‘anything,’ the other guy might take that literally. He could be into some extremely kinky things, for all you know, and then you might find yourself out of your depth. It might be better to do some negotiating first. To find out what the other man really has in mind and to set limits and so on.”

  “I understand.” Renesh paused. “You find me attractive?” he asked, as t
hough that was the only part of Corey’s little speech that had fully registered on him.


  “Would you like to have sex with me?”


  “Now? This evening?”

  “I’m not talking about getting out my appointment book and picking out a day and time.”

  “I wasn’t sure you were free at the moment. I wouldn’t want to interrupt you if you have work to do or if you have made other plans.”

  “I’m quite free. You’re very polite, Renesh. Very considerate of other people.”

  “Thank you. I try to be. I have been well trained.”

  “As a servant?”


  “How about as a sex partner? Have you well trained in that, too?”

  Renesh looked a bit flustered, which Corey found rather amusing—and touching. “I have been with several men who were more experienced than I am. I have tried to benefit from what they had to show me.”

  “Would these more experienced men include Mr. Thevar?”

  “Especially him.”

  Corey was tempted to ask for specifics about exactly what Kaustav Thevar had shown and taught his employee, but he decided not to press the issue. “And speaking of limits, have you practiced safe sex with these other men?”

  “Invariably. And Mr. Thevar, of course, insists on it.”

  Corey couldn’t help asking one question. “Do you call him ‘Mr. Thevar’ in bed?”

  “Usually. It is a sign of respect. Sometimes, in the excitement of the moment, I forget and I call him by his given name. He doesn’t seem to mind.”

  “I would imagine he doesn’t. But here in the United States, people tend to leave excessive respect behind them, outside the bedroom door. A little reciprocal disrespect can make lovemaking more exciting.”

  “I will remember—Corey.”

  “Good. Now, on the subject of limits, what do you especially like to do with another man in bed?”

  “Kiss him, feel his muscles, use my tongue all over his body,” Renesh recited, as though he was mentally ticking off the various activities. “Put his cock in my mouth. Put my tongue in his ass. Put his cock in my ass. Fuck him, if he is so inclined. I enjoy that, although I have to confess I derive even greater enjoyment from being penetrated myself.”

  “Well, that pretty well covers the bases.”

  “Is there anything you particularly enjoy?”

  “Let me think. Oh yeah. I always get off on watching the other guy come. That can be almost as exciting as coming myself. I like it when a man ejaculates on my face and gets some of it inside my mouth. And when he’s done shooting, I like to touch his semen and rub it into his skin and into mine. I like to taste it and give it to him with my fingers for him to taste.”

  Renesh seemed impressed. “You are very sensual.”

  “Well, that’s one word for it. I’m afraid ‘slutty’ would be another.”

  “I am getting excited, listening to you talk about such things. Picturing them in my mind.”

  “I’m springing a boner, too. As you can see. Maybe we’d better resume this discussion in my bedroom.”

  “Yes, please.”

  Corey led Renesh into his bedroom. As he switched on the table lamp on the nightstand, Corey remembered that the bed was unmade, the pillows and sheets still in the disorder he’d left when he’d gotten up that morning.

  “I’m sorry the bed’s not made. I wasn’t planning on having a visitor.”

  “Oh, that’s all right,” Renesh said brightly. “I can make it for you when we’re done.”

  “You’ll do no such thing. You’re my guest. You aren’t going to wait on me. I’m going to take care of you.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Get those clothes off,” Corey instructed as he set the example by beginning to strip.

  A moment later, he was stretched out nude on the bed next to Renesh, pulling his dark-skinned, sleekly muscled body against him and running his hands through Renesh’s hair as he kissed him on the mouth. Renesh was a sensuous kisser, who obviously believed in taking his time about it. He teased Corey’s lips with his own until Corey was the one who quickly got too excited by their oral contact to maintain the gradual pace. He clutched harder at Renesh’s hair to hold his head in place while, moaning, he pressed his mouth much more urgently against the other man’s. Then, possessively but with a feeling of tenderness, Corey began to explore the interior of Renesh’s mouth with his tongue.

  All this while, he was aware of the pressure of Renesh’s erection, trapped between their bodies and pulsing against his own hard-on. Renesh was uncircumcised, and when, still kissing him, Corey slid one hand down his bedmate’s torso to explore his groin, he could feel the foreskin stretched taut around the knob of the cock. It had a distinctive egg shape and was nicked with an unusually deep slit, the kind of miniature chasm that seemed to be waiting to be explored and swabbed out by a tongue. Corey rubbed his thumb over the tip of the penis and was immediately rewarded when it not only jerked strongly in response to the light stroking but wet the ball of his thumb with a sticky smear of fluid.

  “Oh, I am getting so very excited,” Renesh whispered.

  “Don’t come too soon,” Corey cautioned him.

  “I’ll try not to.”

  “Just let me play with your prick for a minute,” Corey said lewdly. “And you can play with mine, if you want to. That’s right, Renesh, put your hand around it. Squeeze it. Harder, if you want to. As hard as you can. Yeah! Like that, baby. Oh yeah, that feels good. Jerk that fucking cock. Jerk it.”

  “You can rub mine more forcefully, too, please,” Renesh suggested, with that politeness that struck Corey as somewhat surreal given the circumstances. “I don’t think I am going to come right away.”

  “Good. You’ve got a nice cock. Tell me, do you like cock rings?”

  “I don’t know. What is a cock ring?”

  “You’ve never worn one? Or been with a guy who was wearing one?”

  “I don’t know,” Renesh repeated. “I’m not sure I understand what you are referring to.”

  “I’ll show you.” Corey opened the top drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a cardboard shoebox in which he kept his small collection of sex toys. “A cock ring is a genital restraint,” he explained for Renesh’s benefit. “Like this.”

  “I see.” Renesh took the stainless-steel cock ring from Corey’s hand and examined it.

  “And here’s another one, made from black rubber. It’s easier to get on and off, because it’s flexible, of course. And this is a little leather ball harness, which snaps on around the scrotum.”

  “Oh, I’ve been with a man who was wearing one of those,” Renesh reported. “He said it helped him to stay hard, longer.”

  “Yes, because it keeps the blood flow trapped inside the penis. That’s why it’s not a good idea to wear one that’s too tight or to keep it on for too long. I wear one of these occasionally,” Corey said. “Would you like to try one, to find out what it feels like?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “But let’s not use any of these. Since this is kind of a special occasion, I’ve got something else to show you that you might enjoy.” Corey got off the bed and went over to a chest of drawers. He opened a jewelry box on top of it and selected an object. “What do you think of this?” he asked as he handed it to Renesh.

  “Oh, how beautiful!”

  “I made it myself,” Corey informed his guest, allowing a hint of pride to enter his tone of voice.

  The object was a cock ring or, more precisely, a thick length of black neoprene rubber that was twisted into a loose circle, with open ends that overlapped. It could be adjusted for a greater or lesser degree of tightness and would retain its shape. What made it special were the little silver sculptures fitted over each of the two ends. They were lion’s heads, manes swept back, ears pricked in alertness, eyes glaring fiercely, mouths open and snarling, and complete w
ith teeth and tongues.

  “This is one of the custom pieces I offer for sale on my website,” Corey went on. “It’s basically a very simple and very old jewelry design, in fact. It’s based on what they call a ‘torc,’ a twisted metal bracelet or necklace with open ends, that goes back to ancient times. In Europe, at least, where the ancient Britons and Celts wore them. I imagine the ancient Indians must’ve had something similar. Anyway, I’ve made them in a number of different styles. This one, for example,” he said as he retrieved a second cock ring from the jewelry box and showed it to Renesh, “has gold fittings instead of silver, and as you can see it’s got precious stones in it, including the big cabochon emerald on each of the tips.”

  “It must be very exciting to wear something like this during sex.”

  Corey grinned. “You’re about to find out. Take your pick. Gold or silver.”

  “I can put this on?”

  “Of course. They’re meant to be worn.”

  “I like the silver one.”

  “Then go ahead and try it on. Just pull the ends apart, gently, until they’re wide open enough so you can fit it around your cock and balls. No, wait. On second thought, I’ll show you. You just lie back and relax and let me put it on you. Let me have my cheap thrill.”

  Renesh obeyed and lay there passively while Corey took perhaps longer than was strictly necessary putting the cock torc on him. First, of course, Corey had to take Renesh’s cock in his hand again and give it a few slow, caressing strokes, to make sure it was fully hard. Then he had to slip the piece of genital jewelry around Renesh’s cock and balls, and taking care to pull his testicles down to prevent them from being pinched, he went to great pains adjusting the neoprene rubber so that it fit snugly around the base of the young man’s penis and the flesh connecting it to his balls. The two silver lion’s heads, he saw, really stood out in contrast to the dusky skin of his bedmate as they enclosed the dark shaft of his penis and nestled against his swollen, dark plum-colored balls.

  “Oh my,” Corey exclaimed, studying his handiwork. “You do look hot with that on you. The silver really goes well with your dark skin. Fit for an Indian prince, if I do say so myself. How does it feel?”

  “Sexy,” Renesh replied as he looked down at his crotch and admired the effect the jewelry made, clasped so snugly around the base of his very dark and very erect cock. “It’s like a hand wrapped around my cock and balls, squeezing them!”


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