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Wild Hearts (Rock Goddess Reverse Harem Book 2)

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by Romy Lockhart

  Chapter One


  Turns out, two incredibly generous and well-endowed lovers isn’t quite enough for one Goddess. I spend my first therapy session with Doctor Lewis ogling the muscles under his shirt and wondering what he has going on downstairs. Mind out of the gutter, Eden. You love Asher and Nick. This guy is just good looking, and smart, and has one of those panty-melting voices that with one well timed whisper could make a girl cream her jeans. Lust. It isn’t pretty, and it’s not temptation enough for a Goddess of Love to risk upsetting the balance with her other men. I force myself to concentrate on what he’s actually saying, not how delicious his voice sounds.

  “So you’ve been having dreams about this ex of yours?”

  Right, yeah. He wants me to elaborate on the ‘dreams’.

  I clear my throat. “Um, yeah. Nightmares, really.”

  “That he’s dead and the body hasn’t been found yet.”

  I nod slowly. It’s probably a bad idea to talk about what happened with Logan to anyone, but I just gave him Hunter’s name and labelled them dreams. I wanted to talk to someone and Cupid was getting busier, ignoring me because he thinks I’m doing fine coming into my powers on my own without much need for assistance. So here I am on a leather chair in a doctor’s office, using a therapy session to get something disturbing off my chest. Which would be fine, if I wasn’t really just using it as an excuse to spend time with the hot doctor.

  “Same dream, most nights.”

  “You feel some kind of guilt over the break-up?”

  I shake my head, though I’m sure he can tell I’m not being honest. He has eyes. Gorgeous deep, dark brown eyes that seem to penetrate right through to my soul every time he glances at me. I snap out of it. I really need to get over how handsome Blake is, if I intend to see these therapy sessions through.

  “No. I don’t know. Maybe.” I don’t feel guilty over anything to do with Hunter. We hurt each other in our different ways. The break-up had been inevitable. It didn’t really matter how it had happened.

  Logan is a whole other story. I’d known I was making the right decision when I saved Asher’s life. It tore me up inside that it meant Logan wouldn’t survive, but I could never have let Asher die. Logan had shot him. He’d meant to kill him. The guilt came because that had been Diana’s influence, a Goddess of Destruction who was hell-bent on ruining my life. She’d gotten to Logan, planted the vicious idea in his head that made him pull the trigger. It felt like that was on me. I’d known she was out to get me. In spite of Cupid’s warning I hadn’t expected her to try something so evil.

  “Eden, I think you’re being too hard on yourself.” He closes the notebook he’s been making notes in. “You need to make good use of the time away from L.A. to relax and release some of the stress that’s been building up.”

  I raise an eyebrow and just barely manage to stop the innuendo that wants to spill from my lips at his mention of releasing stress. There’s only one sure-fire tactic for that in my experience, and it has a lot to do with being naked.

  “Um, okay.” I get up quickly. “Are we done?”

  I’m already mentally cancelling the next session. He’s too much of a temptation. I don’t know what it is about him...

  “He’s going to be one of your lovers,” Cupid says, as usual appearing when I least expect him and making me jump.

  Blake looks at me strangely. I don’t blame him. Convulsing over nothing is a weird thing to do.

  “Sorry, thought I saw a spider. I need to go,” I say, rushing out before I can make a bigger fool of myself.

  Once we’re safely out of the building and out of earshot, I glare at my sunglasses wearing invisible-to-humans friend. “Where have you been?”

  He shrugs his shoulders loosely. “I’ve been busy. Goddesses are awakening all over the world, every day. You’re not the only one I have to help.”

  I walk to my car and get in quickly, looking him over. “Logan’s missing.”

  I see part of his eyebrow jump up over the top of the shades for a second. “Missing? How can he be missing?”

  “He did die, right? There’s no chance he could have survived somehow?” There’s a shred of hope under my fear, but I try not to hold on to it. I made my choice. It sucks, but it’s done. The reality is the thought of the Logan surviving is more terrifying than if he actually did die. What if he came after Asher again?

  Cupid gives a long, drawn out sigh. “Firstly, he died. I felt it happen when I helped you correct your mistake. Secondly, Asher’s as invincible as you are now, Eden. He can only die if you do. That can only happen if your spirit is destroyed.”

  “Okay. Okay. Good.” I try to slow my breathing. I already know Asher is immortal like me now. I’m just panicking. “So where the hell is Logan?”

  He presses his lips together. “Where did you look for him?”

  “All around the house, the gardens, the woods. He can’t have gotten further than that.” I shake my head. It had all happened so quickly. Maybe more time had passed than I’d realised before I made the decision that killed Logan.

  “Diana,” he says, certainty in his voice. “I felt her presence close when we were saving your soul-mate. She must have taken him.”

  Horror fills me. “What? Why? I don’t understand.”

  “For a Goddess of Destruction, there are many reasons to do such a thing. It would be impossible to guess which reason she landed on. All of them would lead to her end goal.”

  “My destruction.”

  He nods. “She’s not going to stop now. You’ll need to be careful.”

  “Screw that,” I say, starting the engine. It was time to get a plan. I’d get her address from Sasha and pay little miss hell-bitch a visit.

  “Watch it, Eden. You’ll play straight into her hands.”

  “I’m not going to just stand by while she attacks the people I love.” I’m starting to seethe. That bitch has it coming. I’ve never once been in a fight that turned catty, but I could see myself playing dirty with her. She deserved to have her face clawed to bits.

  “You’re supposed to be a Goddess of Love,” Cupid is muttering now.

  “And you’re supposed to be my friend.”

  “I’m your guide.” His correction seems petty at a time like this. He sighs. “Don’t seek her out while you’re upset. She has the upper hand. You don’t know what she’s planning.”

  “So clue me in. What else are you here for anyway?” I park outside my mansion and stare at him.

  “I’m not invisible to her,” he tells me finally. “I can’t sneak around and find out what she’s up to. She can see me. She can feel me when I get close. She’s been awakened a lot longer than you have.”

  “What are you, her B.F.F.?”

  He shakes his head at me.

  “You’re my guide, right? So guide me. Train me in how to use my powers. Tell me what they are. Help me to beat her...”

  “That’s not how this works.”

  I’m sick of him telling me how it works. “Then what’s the point of you being here at all?”

  He blinks out of existence. I’m not sure if he’s in a huff or if he left because my question forced him to. Muttering profanities under my breath, I head into the house. The new security system is a pain in the ass to get through. The beeping drives me insane as I unset the alarm, lock the door and reset it. Then, I get to relax. Finally.

  My phone rings in my bag and I grab it. Nick! He’s supposed to be coming over tonight.

  I pick up. “Hey.”

  “Hey, Eden. I hate to do this, but I’m not going to make it back tonight.”

��You’re still in L.A.?” I’d expected him to be at the airport by now, at least.

  “Turns out the guy I left in charge has been skimming from the takings. I might not have noticed if he hadn’t taken fifty percent and lied about how busy it was. Had to fire him. I can’t leave again until I figure out who I can put in charge.” He sounds weary. “Sorry, Eden.”

  I’m disappointed, but in another way I’m relieved. Asher might be safe from attempted murder now that he’s immortal like me, but Nick is still only human. He’ll be the easy target for Diana. I have no doubt she’ll know that the moment she finds out about him. The thought makes me feel sick to my stomach.

  “That’s okay. I won’t say I’m not disappointed, but I understand.”

  “You wouldn’t want to fly out here for the weekend, would you? I’m sure Sky would come out if you were back in town. I can save you two a V.I.P. room, and as many bottles of Cristal as you can handle.”

  I bite down on my lip. I don’t miss L.A., but I do miss Nick. I could fly out for a couple of days, if I make arrangements now. There’s a private jet for hire at the nearest airport. I might need to hire security to get me to it, but that wouldn’t be hard. Not with a couple of days to arrange it all.

  “Okay, but when I come back to Rapture you’re with me.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

  “Call me when you’re coming. I’ll pick you up.”

  We say our goodbyes and I try to calm my trembling nerves as I realise I’m alone tonight. That would be bad enough if I knew what had happened to Logan. There’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep.

  I know if I call Asher, he’ll come over as soon as he gets off work. I hesitate. This feels like jerking him around. I go into my phone and scroll down to his number anyway. If I leave town I might be gone for a few days, I might be gone for a week. I’ll have to tell him about that anyway.

  I send him a text message and go to the couch, switching on the T.V. I get his reply a minute later. He’ll be over by nine. Do I want him to bring dinner? I tell him I’ll cook. It’s the least I can do.

  Chapter Two


  The bed I wake up in isn’t my own, and it isn’t inside Eden’s house either. The decor is too gothic. I’m lying in dark silky sheets. Did I get shit-faced and fuck a vampire last night? Don’t be stupid, Logan. Vampires aren’t real. I push myself to sit up but my head is swimming. Groaning, I fall back down.

  “You should rest,” a vaguely familiar female voice chides me.

  I turn my head and see the stunning woman from the day before. If anyone could be a vampire, she would be my number one suspect. Big dark eyes, full pouty lips and milky-white skin that doesn’t look like it’s ever caught the attention of the sun. For a second I just drink in her cold beauty. Then I force myself to face the truth.

  Something is wrong, and it’s not just the way she’s leaning over the bed scrutinising me. I did a bad thing. It’s not so uncommon that I don’t recognise the feeling. This time there’s a slight difference, that’s all. I don’t know what the bad thing was. The pain in my head is making the room feel too bright, even though the curtains are closed and there’s no light on. I close my eyes. It doesn’t help.

  “I need pain-killers.”

  She laughs softly. “Oh, Logan, there’s nothing you can do about the ache. You’ll just have to get used to it.”

  What the hell is she talking about? I’m starting to realise the bad thing I did probably wasn’t bringing her home. I feel her fingers brush over my chest. I’m naked under the covers. So chances are we slept together. Wish I could remember that part. It might make whatever ugliness my headache is hiding seem worth it.

  “You don’t have aspirin?” I peer at her through narrowed eyes.

  “Oh, I have a medicine cabinet full of that stuff,” she says in a teasing manner that makes me growl.

  I clamp a hand over her playful fingers and frown at her. “Bring me everything you’ve got.”

  She shrugs and gets up when I let her go, muttering, “Won’t help.” As she leaves my sight.

  I sigh and try rubbing at my temples. This is a three-day-bender style of migraine. Rare, and too agonising to risk walking around with. Bad time to be stuck in a strange woman’s bed, even if she is unbelievably gorgeous.

  She’s no Eden. That woman is heaven in the flesh. This one might be hell for all I know.

  I watch her walk back into the room. The wine-coloured dress is figure-hugging and her dark hair cascades around her shoulders with bounce to it. As gorgeous as she is, that smirk on her pink lips screams high-maintenance. I’ll be leaving as soon as I’ve got my head together.

  She dumps the contents of her medicine cabinet next to me. “Help yourself.”

  I pick through it and pop a couple anti-inflammatories, and a couple aspirin. I’m not a fan of dry swallowing, but considering my hostess is just standing there with her arms crossed now, watching me with a raised eyebrow, I don’t bother to ask for anything else. I slump back against the pillow, waiting for the pain to recede. I have to get back to L.A. Skyler’s expecting me back at work tomorrow.

  I glance at my nurse. “So what’s a guy got to do to get some breakfast around here?”

  She shrugs. “Go into the kitchen and make it himself. If he can find any food in there.”

  I don’t know why I’m surprised. The truly gorgeous ones are never domesticated. “Think I’ll pass.”

  I’m still suffering through the headache from hell anyway. Probably wouldn’t be able to eat without needing to puke violently. “Was I drinking last night?”

  “You don’t remember?” Her voice is sweet in that false way teen bitches are so good at teaming with a sad little pout.

  She’s not going to tell me anything. I think she’s enjoying this. Whatever it is.

  I look at the pills, thinking about taking more. Probably wouldn’t kill me. I’m ready to try it to get out of here. I reach out and she stops me, reaching out and entwining her fingers in mine.

  “Oh, there’s only one thing that can make you feel better now, baby.” Her smirk has widened and her eyes seem to be dancing as she uses her free hand to sweep the pills to the floor.

  She climbs over me, stripping back the covers and positioning herself over my limp dick.

  “Sweetheart, you’re getting nothing out of me while my head feels like it’s been hit by a truck.”

  She pulls her dress over her head and I find out she’s naked underneath. Her pink-painted lips are the same pale rose shade as the nipples on her full breasts. She leans back and runs her hand between her legs. Her pussy is completely hairless. Outside of a porno I’ve never seen one like it. It’s kind of a turn off, but it does make seeing exactly what she’s doing with her fingers a lot easier.

  The banging in my head isn’t going away, but my dick starts to twitch at the show she’s giving me. When she puts her other hand behind her to reach back and stroke my balls, I can’t help the heat that surges through me.

  “You’re so big, Logan.” She moves and reaches down to play with my hardening shaft. Her touches are feather-light and so teasing I can barely stand it. When she moves to position her slick pussy over the tip, I’m suddenly desperate to be inside of her. She gasps as she lowers herself onto me and begins to move. Her slow up and down isn’t enough. I grasp her hips and start to thrust, forcing her to take me harder and deeper.

  She grins. “How did Eden ever let you get away?”

  “Don’t talk about Eden.”

  “How could she have this dick inside her and still not want you?” Her voice is breathy now, and I can tell by her gaze that’s she’s close to coming. Her hands reach out to cup my face.

  A blinding light scorches my vision. My headache is gone when I open my eyes, but it’s Eden I’m buried deep inside, and I’m on top talking it slow. So I don’t hurt her. She’s gazing at me as if she loves me. I know this happene
d, I don’t need to wonder. It was real. As quickly as the vision comes, it clears again. And suddenly I’m back under the brunette, the woman whose name I don’t even know. She’s groaning, her body tensing as I fuck her as hard as I can. I come watching her arch her back and squeeze her nipples hard as she climaxes. Then I push her off and get up.

  “You were right, that did it.” The fog has cleared, and with it, the last of my memory loss. It all came back. I slept with Eden. She’d told me she loved me. That was the good part.

  She’d waited until the next morning to tell me she was still in love with that fucking writer. She loved him more than me. That was the bad part. She’d left me for him.

  I’d been wrong. I didn’t do anything bad. Something bad had happened to me. It’s confusing as hell how closely tangled those things are. I’d felt the exact same way in the past after I’d killed someone. That gut-wrenching awfulness that something dark and sharp was twisted around my soul, waiting to yank me down to into hell. I can hardly believe Eden did something to make me feel like this.

  The woman whose name I don’t know laughs sharply and suddenly as I look around for my clothes. “You think that’s the bad part?”

  Had I been talking to myself? I turn slowly. It doesn’t matter. I have to get the fuck out of here. “Where are my clothes?”

  She shakes her head at me. “You might feel better right now, Logan, but that’s going to pass.”

  “Where the fuck are they?”

  She points to a closet. “Where do most people put their clothes?”

  I yank it open. My bag is on the floor, next to my shoes. My clothes are hanging up. Apparently she’s not completely undomesticated. I scowl as I dress and start stuffing everything else back into the bag.

  “I wonder if I’m pregnant yet.” Her light tone sends chills down my spine. She gives me an evil grin when I turn to her. “Don’t have a heart-attack, Logan. Where’s your sense of humor? I’m on the pill.”

  High maintenance is putting it mildly. This bitch is off the rails crazy. I put my shoes on and grab my bag.

  “See you around.”


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