Shady Bay

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Shady Bay Page 11

by Casey L. Bond

  Holy hotness.

  “Let’s spend some time on the sand.”

  He kissed my cheek and let me go. I stuffed a few strawberries in my mouth as he all but dragged me out the door.

  One of the best feelings in the world, I’d decided was Jaxon’s strong hands rubbing sunscreen into my skin. The smell of the coconut, sound of the ocean, and feel of the sand between my toes was an amazing trifecta. Jax was funny. We spent the afternoon laughing together, learning about each other’s childhood.

  Laying under a beach umbrella in our rented chairs, we relaxed in the shade. I sipped lazily on my second strawberry margarita while Jax nursed a longneck. Our hands stretched toward one another and clasped together.

  “What happened with your dad?”

  I blew out a breath. “Drug trafficking. He never did drugs. Neither did Mama until after he was locked up. He needed some money quick and made a bad decision. He really isn’t a bad man.”

  Jax nodded. “I think we’ve all made bad decisions at one time or another.”

  “He didn’t even fight it. Just plead guilty and waited for them to get their ducks in a row. I was angry. I thought he should have at least tried to stay out of prison. But he just looked at me and said that it was his own fault that he did the crime and would have to do the time.”

  Squeezing my hand, Jax took another swig off his beer. So, I continued. He needed to know what kind of mess he was married to now. “Mama went off the deep end. Not quickly. I think she was in denial and thought that somehow he’d come home. When he was sentenced, it must have sunken in because the next week, she’d gone out to the bar. She brought home her first fling the very next weekend. From then on it was a constant parade of men in and out of the house. She started using, along with the trash she brought home.

  I worked two full-time jobs, at two different restaurants. She and her latest loser were constantly drinking and snorting the money I made up their noses. The day before I left, they’d found my stash of money I hid so we could pay the rent. It was gone before I got home.

  They were both high. Mom was passed out on the couch, fresh track marks on her arm. Her friend decided I should try whatever they were shooting up and tried to shove his dirty-ass needle in my arm. I freaked out and grabbed the only thing I could find: a frying pan. I hit him in the head with it. It stunned him and he dropped the needle.

  I think he might have forgotten what he was doing because he just sort of turned and walked away. I heard him go into their bedroom. She woke up an hour later and made her way there, too. So, I locked my bedroom door and tried to sleep. I’d already made up my mind to leave the next morning. I packed a bag and caught the bus to tell Daddy goodbye. The rest you already know.”

  “Wanna know about my family?” he offered.


  “I’m the youngest of three brothers. You know about Easton. He’s the middle child, Donovan’s dad. He’s married to the chick he dated in high school. Her name is Melissa. Parker is the oldest. Therefore, everything about him is golden, everything he touches. He and Amy dated in college, settled down and tried but couldn’t get pregnant so they adopted a little girl named Madison. We call her Maddy.”

  “What about your parents?”

  Smiling, he scratched his head. “They were always kind of old-fashioned growing up, but when I left home and their nest was empty, they caught a second wind. They sold their house, bought the biggest RV I’ve ever seen in my life and set out on the road. Mom calls me every few days. They’re in Colorado right now.”

  “Wow. That’s pretty amazing!”

  “It’s something.”

  Jaxon and I showered and got ready for dinner. He said it was a surprise and I was excited. So far, his surprises had been pretty impressive. I couldn’t believe he was going to all of this trouble. I knew he only wanted to help me and that this ‘marriage’ would be short lived. Jax didn’t seem like the type to settle down.

  As I wound my hair around the curling wand, I wondered if he would still date other women during this whole charade. The thought of him with someone else made me nauseous.

  I’d opted for another sundress. Celeste had packed for me and it showed. This sundress was cut low in the front and barely covered my hind end. I shook my head. I’d already seen the leather and lace she’d packed with the little note that said, “Enjoy your new husband. I know I would.”

  When I walked out of the bathroom, Jax was standing on the balcony and had left the doors open so the salty breeze could blow into the room. His dark jeans hung loosely off his hips and he wasn’t wearing a shirt yet. Holy wow. I’d seen him at the beach before and knew he looked good, but something about the sun reflecting off that little piece of metal on his hand that bore my name made him look so much better.

  Sensing me step behind him, he turned around and flashed the million dollar smile. “You look beautiful, Mercy.” He wrapped me in a hug and kissed the corner of my mouth. He’d done it once before, after I’d burned myself when Donovan was visiting. And I loved that kiss so much. Anyone could kiss your cheek or peck your lips, but the in-between was intimate and delicious.

  Unfortunately, he stepped inside and shrugged a t-shirt on that read, “Coal Miners do it deeper.” I giggled and he pulled me out of the room behind him. I could feel his eyes on me the entire way down to the lobby.

  When the elevator doors opened, he motioned for me to go first. He led me toward the beach. When we crested the dune, I could see a table in the sand. It was evening and the sun was setting. The beach was mostly empty besides for combers and people walking their dogs. The table’s white cloth flapped gently in the breeze and tall candle holders held back the wind from the flames they protected. A small arrangement of flowers sat in the center. Jax pulled my chair out, moved his to the side of the table next to me and then settled down.

  A middle-aged gentlemen dressed in a Hawaiian-print shirt and khakis, rolled up to his calf, strolled onto the sand, a bottle of wine and menus in hand. I ordered the manicotti while Jaxon opted for steak and potatoes. “That’s a manly meal.”

  “Manly meal?”

  “Yeah. A manly meal. Steak and potatoes. It screams ‘man’.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “Come on, Jax. If doilies are ‘girly shit’ then steak and potatoes is definitely a ‘manly meal’.”

  He grinned. “Well, I am a man’s man. The perfect example of man, actually.”

  “And so modest. It’s what I love about you the most.” I clutched my heart dramatically.

  “Wait till you see what’s in my briefs—”

  I kicked him. Hard. The waiter was two feet away now and by the way he was smiling, he’d heard what Jaxon said.

  “Ouch. What was that for?”

  “Shut up, Jax.”

  The waiter brought our steaming plates of food out and refilled our water and wine. The breeze off the water was light and surprisingly warm. We talked and ate our fill and then sat quietly, watching the waves together. Jaxon pulled an envelope out of his pocket. My name was scrawled across the front. Handing it to me, he smiled and said, “Happy Birthday, baby.”

  I inhaled sharply. “Thank you.” It had been years since anyone remembered my birthday, let alone got me a present. I know Jaxon had no idea this morning that today was my birthday, but he’d gotten me something somehow. It was the second most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done. He was responsible for the first, too: marrying me to help me out.

  Tears pricked my eyes. I swallowed thickly and started breaking the seal. The first thing I saw was a small business card. No. It was an appointment card. I had an appointment the following morning with Doctor Eric Golden of the Coastal Cancer Center.

  Jax cleared his throat. “Brody knows the guy. He was able to pull some strings and get you an appointment. He’s the best in the region.”

  A tear fell onto my cheek, quickly cooled by the breeze. “Thank you.”

  I pulled out two more papers. When I realize
d what they were, I began sobbing, ugly-crying, and damn-near wailing. He’d bought two plane tickets to Charleston, West Virginia. I could go see Daddy.

  “I want to go with you, if you don’t mind. Parker is working on getting me approved as a visitor. The Department of Corrections is running background checks now.” He grabbed my hand. “Would that be okay?”

  I nodded and launched to my feet, knocking over my chair in the process, before I collapsed onto his lap. He held me and stroked my back until my tears stopped. “Thank you, Jax. No one’s ever...”

  “Shhh. It’s okay. You’re mine now, baby. I’m gonna take care of you.”

  Holding Mercy in my arms felt so damn good. I hated that the tickets made her cry, but I was glad she liked them and really glad she said I could go with her. I needed to meet her dad. He needed to know that she was being taken care of and I wanted to be there for her when she told him about us. Of course, I didn’t know what she’d say, “Um, hey dad, this is my temporary husband.”

  When I thought about that, it pissed me off. I didn’t want what we had to be temporary. I wondered if she felt the same way. What was this, anyway? We were definitely beyond friends, or I thought so. But we weren’t really lovers, yet. I hoped to remedy that soon. My boy was getting really sick of cold showers. He’d had a lot of them since Mercy came around.

  Luckily, I’d won the bet earlier today. Hole-in-one, baby! I knew second base with Mercy would be even better than first, and I couldn’t wait to hit a home run. I just wanted to wait for her to give me the go ahead. What was going on in that pretty little head of hers? Would she grow to hate me for tying us together like this? Or could she grow to love me? I think my heart was already headed in that direction. I sure as hell hoped hers was, too.

  We headed off the sand after dinner, her envelope tucked into her hand. “Ready to head back up to the room?”

  She smiled nervously and nodded. The elevator ride was silent. I wanted to pounce on her and push her up against the wall, her leg hiked up around mine. But I held her hand and waited for the metal box to reach the top floor.

  I’d sent Parker copies of the marriage certificate and had received text after text from him. Was I crazy? What was I thinking? I just replied and asked if he’d added her onto my plan. He said it would take a few days but that the company would backdate coverage to the date of the wedding. Perfect. Tomorrow’s appointment would be covered.

  I unlocked our door and told Mercy I’d be back in a few minutes. Her wide eyes stared back at me and she nodded. I winked at her as I closed the door behind me. I needed to get a few things for first night as a married couple.

  Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Where was he going? What should I do? I chewed my thumbnail to the quick. I ran to the bathroom where our suitcase was sitting on a stand. Flipping it open, I rifled through the sheer, leather and lace. I felt another swimsuit, a pair of cut-offs, a few t-shirts, my maxi-dresses. That’s all she packed? I needed yoga pants and a t-shirt! I didn’t have anything to sleep in!

  I grabbed my cell off the nightstand and called June. Thank God she answered!

  “Mercy? You okay?”

  “No!” I shrieked.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh my God. Jaxon just left the room. I was going to change into something for bed but Celeste only packed lingerie! I have nothing to wear!”

  She laughed. “Calm down. It’s your wedding night, silly. Use the lingerie.”

  “It’s not my wedding night! Well, it is, but not really. I mean, he’s just helping me out. I don’t even know if he would want—”

  “Mercy,” she cut me off. “He wants it, sweetheart. He’s wanted it for a while. You’re an adult. He’s an adult. You’re married. Regardless of the circumstances, you are married to a very hot man. Enjoy him.”

  “June. You are not helping. Can you go to my place and get me something decent to wear?”

  “Sorry. I’m just so busy here.”

  “What are you busy doing?”

  “Oh. You’re breaking up. Sorry. CHHHH. Wear the leather corset. I picked it out. CHHHH.”


  “I...CHHHH. Are you there? CHHHH. Have fun, Mercy.”

  The words ‘Call ended’ flashed across the screen. That bitch! She was supposed to help me!

  I stomped back to the bathroom. You know how they say girls feel butterflies in their stomachs. It’s a lie. I felt a flock of hungry fruit bats. The giant, nasty-winged things? Yeah, those.

  I threw the leather out of the suitcase. No way, June. Then the sheer things. Settling on a white lace tank-top, which left little to the imagination, but was more concealing than anything else in the case and matching panty. I brushed my teeth and put on one of the plush white bathrobes that were hanging near the enormous bathtub.

  It wasn’t long before Jaxon returned. I was curled up on the couch, listening to the waves. Jax sat a brown bag on the counter and began pulling out its contents. Bottle of red wine. Lavender bath salts. His eyes met mine as he dropped the bag on its side and slid something out of it. I narrowed my eyes at him and his dared me. Big mistake. I launched off the couch and ran toward him. He took off toward the bedroom, so I followed. He dropped a box into the side table next to the bed. “What was that and why are you hiding it?”

  “None of your business.”

  “Why is it none of my business. I’m your wife. Everything is my business.”

  He laughed. “Oh, no, it’s not, wife.”

  “Yes, it is, husband.”

  I rushed around to the side of the bed and he stood, blocking the table.

  “Move. Or I’ll go all ninja on you. Trust me, Jax. It won’t be pretty.”

  “You? A ninja? I’d pay to see that, sweetheart.”

  “Fine.” I shrugged and then lowered my shoulder and barreled right at him. He caught me easily before I could make contact.

  Laughing, he tried to get his breath. I swatted his arm. “Hey!”

  “I’m sorry. That was not ninja. That was little league football.”

  My mouth gaped open. Tears were falling out of his eyes he was laughing so hard. When he stopped to wipe them, I lowered my shoulder again and knocked his hind end onto the bed and jerked open the drawer.

  His smile fell and a look of amazement and respect fell onto his face. My blissful countenance fell as I took in the economy box in the empty drawer. He’d bought condoms. Extra-large condoms in a box to rival that of my jumbo pads.



  “Those are condoms.”

  “No shit, Sherlock.”

  I shut the drawer with my knee. “Who are they for?” Anger flooded my body and I felt hot.

  “What do you mean who are they for?”

  “Are you screwing other women? I mean, I know what this whole marriage means to you, but I need to know now if that’s how it’s going to be.”

  He huffed and sat up on the bed. Tugging his t-shirt over the back of his head, he launched it at my face. The smell of Jaxon hit me full force with the impact. I threw the shirt away. If he was going to sleep around, I didn’t know if I could deal with that. Period.

  Crossing my arms, I turned and walked out onto the balcony.

  He followed me.

  “Hey.” Well, Mr. Gruff was back.

  I ignored him.

  He grabbed my arm and spun me around, my back along the balcony fencing. “I said, hey.”

  “I heard you. I’m not deaf.”

  “My mama used to say she wasn’t deaf, dumb or blind. Do you see me, Mercy?”

  I ticked my head back. “Of course, I can see you.”

  His green eyes pierced me. “Then you must be dumb.”

  I guffawed. “I am most certainly not dumb.”

  He inched his face toward mine. “If you think that box of condoms was meant for anyone but you, then you are dumb, baby. It’s our wedding night. And I don’t know what you think I want from this marriage, but I want you. I wa
nt us. I don’t want any other woman, and I’ll be damned if you’ll be with any other man.”

  He stepped forward until our bodies were flush. “Got it?” he asked, scratching his stubble down my cheek. His hot breath fanned my ear.


  “Good. Now, if I remember correctly, you lost a bet earlier this evening. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to collect.”

  I nodded and he moved his head to where our breaths collided. Then he did it. He kissed the corner of my mouth. That was all it took for me.

  I pressed my lips to his and raked my fingers across his back. He growled and lifted both of my legs, pushing me into the balcony fence, pushing himself into me. Holy hell. I clung to him for dear life as he kissed me. Before I knew we’d moved, he dropped me onto the bed and stood over top of me, a hungry look in his eyes. “What do you have under the robe, Mercy?”

  I whimpered, unable to even form words.

  “Can I see?”

  After I nodded, he moved closer and began to untie the sash. Separating the halves of the robe, his eyes traveled over my body. If it had been anyone else, I would have covered myself back up and would have been uncertain. But Jaxon left nothing to chance. He had made sure I knew what he wanted. He wanted me. Us. And I was going to give it to him.

  I shrugged the robe off my shoulders and could see his eyes darken. That was just before he sunk to his knees and shook his head.

  “What’s wrong?” I scooted up a little bit.

  “You’re so damned perfect, Mercy. You’re more beautiful than I’d even imagined and I’ve not even seen all of you. But I’m going to. If you’ll let me, that is.”

  “I want you to.”

  He blinked up at me. “You sure?”


  It wasn’t long before we were bared to one another, exploring and tasting each other. Our marriage was consummated three times that night. And he’d been right. He was the best I’d ever had. I couldn’t imagine it could get better than it was with Jaxon Harrison.


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