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Honey Bun: Virgin Cove Trillionaire Single Brothers

Page 9

by Pinder, Victoria

  After speeches, I finally saw the one woman who made me happy. She clapped as I stepped off the stage, and the entire party became background noise as I made my way toward her. She sipped a champagne and wore a sparkling blue dress.

  I kissed her cheek, wishing I could do more. “This party is going great. Thank you.”

  She beamed. “You’ve made it easy to focus on working these last six weeks. I’m happy you like my choices.”

  I needed to touch her. I brushed against her back as the party continued to pass us and whispered, “I always like your choices.”

  She looked up at me, and rest of the world disappeared. “I’ve been counting the days…”

  Time had flown. My skin grew goose bumps as I took her hand. It was time to show her without words how I’d longed for her kiss. Our palms connected.

  “Come with me.” I walked her to the coat check and closed the door.

  This was the only place we could have a moment alone. Without thinking more, I lowered my head and claimed her lips. Her sweet kisses made me feel whole. This was exactly where I belonged.

  She ran her hands up and down my face and whispered between kisses, “Arman, I never knew anyone else like you.”

  My skin felt a jolt every time she brushed against me. I’d stuck to kissing, but her declaration and her fingers in my hair urged me forward. Without more words, she guided my hand down her body. I swallowed, and she reached for my tuxedo tie and undid it.

  My heart beat faster as she worked on my buttons. She was perfect. I decided to test her and reached up her dress and the outline of her panties.

  She sighed. “Yes.”

  So I went further and brushed the lips of her nether region. Her reactions sent a shockwave through me.

  “You like this?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I teased her and slowly let my fingers go in and out of her passageway. She arched and moaned. The sweet blush on her face grew redder and redder, and her eyes rolled backward. She was beautiful as she peaked.

  I whispered, “I need to hear you say you want me.”

  Her lips trembled. “I want you, Arman.”

  I sped up. She tensed. “What are you doing?”

  I had a feeling she’d never been pleasured, so I said, “Relax.”

  She let go and closed her eyes. I played with her, not letting her come off the cliff, until she lost herself again. I continued until I was sure she’d orgasmed. I was lucky to see her like this and knew I would do everything in my power to ensure that her life was full of pleasure.

  Slowly, her eyes refocused, and she asked, “What about you?”

  Hearing footsteps in the distance, I buttoned my shirt. I gulped. Stopping was hard. “We have to get going.”

  She glanced down at my hard-on, which was obvious through my pants, and pouted. “I want all of you.”

  Me too. I kissed her forehead. Despite how painful my cock was, I let her go. “Maddie, you deserve better than a coat closet.”

  She tugged at her dress, her face red. “I don’t mind.”

  She deserved to be treated like a princess. I took her hands as I tried to get myself under control. “I do. You’ve been hurt, and I won’t be part of that.”

  I helped her straighten her dress and necklace so that she looked untouched. She was mine, and I needed to see all of her without the threat that someone might want their coat. Her face went white except for the bloom of her cheeks, which were still flushed.

  She glanced at her watch and released a heavy sigh. “I have to go. I promised the sitter I’d be home by now.”

  “I know. I’ve got this covered. You did a great job pulling the party together.”

  She flushed again, and I knew that she hadn’t received many compliments in her life. I hoped to change that for her.

  I wasn’t sure if denying us our needs was the best choice, but I let her go. “I’ll see you soon, where we’ll be alone and uninterrupted.”

  She waved at me and ducked out of the room. Alone, I settled my body and fixed my tie. This was my party, and I needed to make sure my guests were happy. Then I would show Maddie that she meant the world to me.

  Chapter Ten


  The night before, I’d given Arman carte blanche to do anything he wanted to me. My heart stammered, and I cringed at the memory. He’d been wonderful, but I remembered that sex hurt. That was why I used to want it to be fast.

  When Bob had hit me, we’d been behind closed doors, and I’d never felt so lost. Arman was his opposite, and maybe that was why I ached with passion and agony. I massaged my forehead and left my room. Sex with Bob had left me in tears. That was the only fact I knew.

  I was heading to the coffee maker when Aurora popped her head out of her room, already wearing her uniform. “Dad called last night.”

  My heart raced. The custody arrangement wasn’t settled, but for a few weeks, I’d put him out of my mind entirely. “He did?”

  She passed me and headed to the cereal. “It’s the first time I’ve heard from him.”

  Right. This wasn’t about me. Though her calmness rocketed through me, I brushed her back to keep her calm in case she was upset. “Are you okay?”

  She shrugged as if she wasn’t hurt. “Yeah. He was surprised I was in Manhattan and asked for you.”

  Adrenaline rocked me. I headed to the coffee. It wasn’t like he would show up and destroy my life, but if he hurt our daughter, I would never forgive myself. I filled the pitcher with water. “Well, Jeff said his lawyer told him to sign over custody.”

  I added my pod and hit Start. Aurora handed me the now practically empty cereal box. “He and his lawyer asked me what I wanted, and I said I want to be here with you every day. So, how was the party?”

  Nothing fazed her, but I felt tense. His lawyers should not be speaking to my underage daughter without me. My shoulders were stiff. Once my coffee finished percolating, I sat down at the table and decided we needed to disappear. I would keep her safe that way, and besides, I doubted I could give Arman what he wanted.

  “Good. I’m thinking it’s time to find another job and stop working for Arman.”

  She stopped eating and tilted her head. “Did you two have a fight?”

  I paused. The previous night, he’d been wonderful, and I’d done nothing but smooth out his work since I arrived. “Why do you ask that? He’s just my friend and my boss now.”

  She finished her cereal and put her spoon down as if she was the adult. “I see the way you look at each other. It’s obvious, Mom, that you’re into him. And for the record, he’s been great, and I didn’t correct my teacher the day she thought he was my dad. I wish he was.”

  My heart twisted. I’d pretended for weeks that the dream I’d always wanted in my life had come true. And if Arman was Aurora’s father, I’d be thrilled. However, I needed to stop her from having unrealistic expectations.

  I should probably leave here and protect us both.

  A knock at the door shook me, and I jumped. For a moment, I thought Bob had arrived to burst apart my idyllic life. Or steal my daughter.

  I stood like a sentinel. “Were you expecting anyone?”

  Her face went white. “No.”

  This was on me. I’d spend my life protecting her from harm, and I would never stop. I pointed to her room. “Stay back.”

  Then I went to the door. If it was trouble, I’d face it without her near me, as always. I opened the door. No one was outside, but there was a small gift basket with sweets that included popcorn like we’d had at the carnival.

  I picked it up and Aurora said, from not far behind me, “It’s a gift. You two must have had a fight.”

  My stomach twisted. I picked up the note and read Arman’s cursive: After work today, will you join me at MoMA? Perhaps after, we could find time alone to finish what we started.

  Miss you, Arman.

  My heart leapt. MoMa had a pop art exhibit I’d mentioned to him a week before. I�
��d thought it might provide inspiration for the New Year’s party.

  He was the most honorable man I’d ever known, and he was sweet, kind, and perfect. I wished I wasn’t a disaster waiting to explode in his life. My daughter and I needed to start figuring out a real world where we might live without pretending. And honestly, Arman deserved someone together and smart and on top of the world like he was.

  I put the note in my bra so Aurora wouldn’t find it. “We didn’t… but he wants us to go to the MoMA tonight.”

  She stared at my chest to let me know she knew I was hiding something. “A night on the town, where you get to see art you like. He’s totally sweeping you off your feet.”

  “Don’t be silly.” I raised my eyebrow. She’d been dragging me to museums for weeks. “I want you to come with us.”

  She stared at me. “No. I want to do my homework.”

  Maybe there was a project or deadline she hadn’t shared. I said, “I’d write you a note.”

  She pivoted and went to her room. “Maybe later. Mâmân Bozorg Roxanne is in town, so I can crash with her while you’re out later.”

  My heart twisted. She thought of Arman’s family as hers, and I’d let that happen. Arman would have demands I wouldn’t be able to meet, and he’d be disappointed, which would end up destroying our fantasy world. And I had a daughter to consider.

  It was time to stop this. I needed to tell Arman first, and then I’d deal with Aurora’s heartbreak. “You’re very demanding these days.”

  She kissed my cheek. “You can be too.”

  After I dressed, I found my daughter with her backpack near the door. We walked to her school, taking in the fresh city air near Central Park. Outside the door of her school, I hugged her. “Well, I might have to disagree with you soon, but for now, I have to go to work. Have fun at school.”

  She rushed inside, thrilled with her life. I kept putting one foot in front of the other, though I half wondered if I should run in the other direction. I didn’t want to uproot Aurora, and I needed to face Arman again.

  Then I took out my phone and typed, Arman, we need to talk.

  I almost put it in my pocket when it beeped. His answer read, Come to my office. I’m at work already.

  I swallowed. I would have to say goodbye to him face-to-face. I quickly wrote, Be there soon.

  I kept my head up. I had to see him and tell him that was time to go.


  A few minutes later, the elevator doors opened. The company’s headquarters were buzzing, but the activity of the office quieted to zero closer to our workspaces, as Arman preferred privacy. I worked alone in the suite, forwarding messages and reports to Arman in an order he liked. Joel handled most of the in-person meetings, and Arman only occasionally had visitors.

  The moment I stepped into our corner of the office, his glass door opened, and he waved me inside. My heart sang as our gazes met, but I clutched my hands. One day, I’d forget the excitement of his nearness. Those brown eyes of his pulled me closer. I lost the ability to think of anything other than how my lips craved his. Leaving would be crazy hard.

  I went to my desk, but his sweet voice called to me. “Maddie, come in.”

  I glanced at my computer, feeling like I couldn’t breathe. Then I nodded to myself. “We need to talk.”

  I walked toward him, staring at him again, and my mind went blank as my desire grew. The night before, he’d seen more of me than anyone else had. I doubted Bob ever noticed, but Arman saw every part of me, including my soul. I straightened. It was time to tell him how I felt.

  He waved me to a seat. “I’m glad you’re here. I need your help.”

  I hadn’t expected that. He was amazing, and one more work favor for him would be easy. I asked, “With…?”

  He took the seat next to me. “You’re great with party planning, and I want to throw Joel and Kendal a New York wedding.”

  I shivered. The last wedding I’d been at was my own, and I’d been in tears that were not happy ones. “I thought they were already married.”

  “They married recently at the courthouse, and Kendal mentioned at breakfast that she’d missed out on having her mother there. We’ll invite clients. My mother will be thrilled. She doesn’t have the time to plan a full wedding. So, can you? I’ll clear the schedule you need.”

  My stomach flipped. “Plan the wedding of someone I hardly know?”

  He leaned closer, and the air smelled of his woodsy cologne that made my knees weak. “Planning events is your talent, and this would bring together our clients from China and the UK, as Joel is my partner.”

  My cheeks grew hot, and I glanced down. Maybe it was time to plan a wedding that was for happy people. I said, “I can’t say no to you.”

  His smile brightened. “So you’ll do it?”

  Maybe this morning I’d wanted to run because I was nervous about seeing Arman again, which was bad. I shouldn’t always run away from life. Especially when I have everything I want.

  I relaxed. “Of course. I’ll need to talk to Kendal right away, as it’s her day we’re discussing.”

  He sat back. “Amazing. What did you want to talk to me about?”

  The right thing to do for my daughter and me and whether I should leave you now.

  Near Arman, I was a better version of myself. Maybe everything would work out. My cheeks were warmer, and I avoided his gaze. “Last night… I… umm…”

  He stood and took my hand. “We’ll discuss that over dinner and drinks and our night at the museum.”

  One night with just him and me. He’d planned a date. I stood up and headed toward the door. My heart was too out of step to make sense of my life at the moment.

  At the doorway, I turned toward him again. “Did you know your mother was in town tonight?”

  “I did. How did you know?”

  “Apparently, she and Aurora have exchanged phone numbers,” I said, cocking an eyebrow at him.

  “Well, that’s good, then. Right. My mother loves playing grandmother. She never had a daughter, so she’s enjoying time with Aurora.”

  I sighed. As a girl, I’d wanted Roxanne to be my mom, so I didn’t blame my daughter. Nothing ever set Roxanne off, ever.

  I quietly said, “She loves her too. Okay. I guess I have a lot of work today.”

  I started to leave, but then Arman said, “I’ll grab you in a few hours to take you to Kendal personally, and after, we’ll head to the MoMA. I have some errands that could also use your tender touch.”

  We were at work, and so far, we hadn’t flirted or done anything.

  “Send me whatever you need me to do.” I glanced over my shoulder at Arman, and my heart stirred. “And I’ll be ready then.”

  Honestly, as I took to my desk, I knew I had no idea what the right thing to do was. But leaving him that day wasn’t a possibility. The rest, I guessed, would work itself out when I gained some clarity.


  After a few short trips to meetings with potential clients, I snuck in a quick shopping trip for Roxanne’s upcoming birthday. As the work dwindled, we left early and met with Joel and his new wife at an upscale Chinese restaurant that was large and spacious and felt like a temple because of its lighting and the decor. The moment we sat, I focused all my attention on Kendal to really get a feel for the plans.

  As we finished our lunches, I took out my phone to take notes and fired off my big questions. “Band or DJ?”

  The waiter brought a mango crème brûlées for me and Arman and matcha lava cakes for Kendal and Joel. I refused to turn toward Arman and get distracted even if we ordered the same thing.

  Once the server left, Kendal said, “DJ. I want it to be fun, and a band sounds pretentious.”

  Noted. “Okay. Buffet or served?”

  She glanced at Joel. “He’s probably more for served, but I think… we should let people choose what they want and all the fixings.”

  “I’m good with that,” Joel said.

  I g
lanced at him and saw Arman’s profile. My body melted to be near Arman. I quickly turned to Kendal. “So buffet?”

  She smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I want people to feel good, and despite my upbringing, we need an open bar.”

  The fact that she was sure of herself was good. It was easier to give people what they wanted when I didn’t have to pretend I could read minds. “Okay. What colors are you thinking? Or do you have a theme?”

  She smiled and glanced up. “Have fun. Fall in love, and let your heart decide, like I did.”

  So she was a sweetheart-type bride. I took a stab at the answer I needed. “That’s a good message. I needed to hear that. Do you want reds and pinks?”

  She shook her head but then beamed at me. “Yellows always make me happy, like sunshine and daylight and springtime. I want yellow roses and daisies.”

  Yellow was definitely an optimistic color, and it suited her. Arman brushed against me, and goose bumps grew from his touch.

  I ached to kiss him and forget everything, but I said, “So yellow to… gray? We’d need a—”

  She showed me a picture on her phone. “This is awesome. Yellow, greens, and this almost-purple blue is gorgeous. Look at this one. I’m pinning it.”

  Kendal was amazing. I smiled almost as brightly as she did. “Keep pinning. That was going to be your homework. One last question—indoor or outdoor venue?”

  She put her phone down, and her lips pressed together as if she needed to think. “I’ll pin away, and I’d like a garden or outdoor if possible. Where I’m from, there’s a lot of nature, which is what I miss the most.”

  Gardens near trees were possible. And if I could see the trees from Central Park, there had to be a grander place for weddings. “I’ll get places together so we can go on tours.”


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