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Night Angel (Angel Haven)

Page 14

by Miller, Annette

  “My skin feels too tight and I’m seeing light,” she panted.

  “Your power’s trying to merge with mine,” he whispered against her lips, holding her tighter. “Let it. By keeping your emotions in check, you’ve chained it. Set it free.”

  Her body shook from the energies pushing against her, inside and out. “I don’t know how.”

  He lowered her shirt off her shoulder, trailing kisses along her neck. “You carry the dragon spirit in you. Just picture it rising and it will. Focus. Control it.”

  Karen gripped his arms, the contact giving her the confidence she needed to release the power coiled inside. Closing her eyes, she saw her power as a long, sinewy Chinese dragon. Randall’s power guided her, leading her on a path through her own psyche to the silver light at her core.

  As she pictured it rising, it burst free from the invisible bonds holding it in place. She opened her eyes to see the silver dragon curl around a strange lavender creature with large wings. The two energies flowed around each other, looking like they were playing before becoming one and pouring into the couple who summoned them.

  He laid a shaking hand over her heart. “I pictured this happening from the first moment I saw you.” He traced a finger up to her collar bone. “I can feel your power in me. I’ve never sensed anything this strong.”

  She smiled at Randall, trying to quell the sadness in his eyes. “There’s no one stopping you now. And any power I have, it’s all yours.”

  He closed his eyes, bowing his head. “Don’t say that. Not until tomorrow.”

  She slipped her hands under his shirt and ran them over his chest. “I’m not sure what you’re afraid of, but it’ll be all right.” She looked down. “Why are you always barefoot?”

  He smiled as he knelt in front of her, removing her shoes and socks. “It’s part of who I am. Try it.”

  She returned his smile, desire jumping in her veins as the cold from the concrete floor seeped into the soles of her feet. “Let’s try being barefoot all over.”

  Randall unhooked her jeans, pushing them and her panties down together. He slowly stood, running his hands up her legs. He unbuttoned her shirt, letting it fall from her shoulders, her bra following. “You’ve got goose bumps.”

  Yanking his T-shirt over his head, Karen ran her hands across his chest, sighing at the warmth flowing from him. “You’re always so warm. I don’t think I’ll have goose bumps for long.” She pushed his pants off his hips.

  “Do you remember that morning in the clearing?” he asked, his voice deepening. “Let me show you what was supposed to happen at the end.”

  He took her hand, turning her back to him and pulled her tight against his chest. “Remember the music,” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear and sending shivers through her. “It’s part of you now. You can pull it forth whenever you want. Hear it. Let the rhythm move your body.”

  She nodded and closed her eyes, hearing the music deep inside. Randall guided her feet through the intricate steps of the dance as his hand rested on her bare stomach. Karen felt every hair on her body stand up from the electricity of his touch. She laid her head back on his shoulder, the cool air whispering over her naked body, making the dance feel more sensual, more arousing than it had before.

  His face was rough with stubble as she rubbed her cheek to his. Karen reached back, her hand lying on the back of his neck, his hair brushing her knuckles. Their hips pressed together as their feet moved, weaving the age-old pattern. She took a deep breath, inhaling the strange, exotic smell of the magic around them.

  She pushed closer to him as they moved in time to the remembered song, the feel of his skin jolting her harder than it had the first the time. The power in her thrummed as the song built to its crescendo, getting brighter and brighter until she thought her body would explode from the heat and light pouring from it.

  Randall held her hand as she spun away, then back. He bowed to her, raising her hand to his lips. He let his hand glide up her arm to her neck, and he pulled her close, igniting the passion within her, allowing her power fill him, pouring his into her. His calloused fingers were gentle as they whispered just above her skin. This time, as the dance ended, he pulled her close and they shared the kiss that bonded them together as soul mates.

  “We were meant for each other, Karen.” He dropped his head to her shoulder, his lips trailing fire along her neck. “Can you feel it?”

  She nodded. “Yes.” She took a deep breath then slowly released it. “But I need you now. We’ve waited too long for this moment.”

  “Don’t rush things,” he murmured, his lips just brushing her neck. “It’ll happen just the way it should.”

  Her legs trembled as she tried to meld her body with his. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled his face closer to hers. “We both need this, if for nothing else to anchor each other.”

  His smile faded and he looked away, just for a moment. Something changed in him as sadness replaced the fire his eyes. He laid her on their clothes and pressed a light kiss between her breasts.

  He brushed his knuckles along her cheek. “I’m sorry this isn’t more romantic. I didn’t picture our first time together being in a concrete cell.”

  Threading her fingers through his midnight hair, she stared into his magical eyes. “I don’t care. As long as I’m with you.”

  He lightly ran his fingers over her body, his gaze following. She could almost see him trying to memorize every line, every curve of her body. He laid his hand on her stomach, then moved down to gently touch her folds. She opened her legs, inviting him to take what she offered. His fingers slid over and in her. She let her own hand move down to find him and hold him tenderly, making him groan.

  She shivered, not from the cool air in the room, but from the fear she sensed in him hanging on. “Don’t be afraid,” she whispered. “We both know this was meant to be.”

  He gazed in her eyes. “I know. I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “You could never do that,” she whispered. Letting him go, she ran her hands up his arms to stroke his chest, smiling when she felt him tremble. “Right now, no fear, no doubt. Just you and me.”

  Randall nodded before pulling her breast into his mouth, her back arching with pleasure. She jumped as his fingers probed more deeply inside her, making her writhe beneath his hands. He smiled as she opened herself completely, pulling him over her.

  Karen wrapped her legs around him, giving him no choice as she held him tight. As he slowly entered her, she watched his eyes turn from the pale-blue ice that captivated her, to deep, blue flame, searing her with the wild magic flowing inside him. She grasped his shoulders, feeling him tremble beneath her fingers.

  Light flared around them, bringing a sense of urgency to their passion, glowing bright as the sun. A glow exploded from both of them as they shook with the power of their climax. He smiled, wiping the single tear that rolled down her cheek.

  Karen smiled, not wanting to let him go. “I never thought I’d ever experience anything so wonderful, so completely fulfilling.” She felt his power flow through her. “It goes so far beyond the physical bond.”

  He kissed her lightly. “We’re soul mates now, in the truest sense of the word. You’ve given me your power, your self.” He grinned. “I didn’t think you were supposed to cry, though.”

  She smiled, lightly slapping his chest. “Stop it. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I can feel your power in me.”

  He held her, laying her head on his chest. “All I want is to hold you, to love you forever.” His gaze drifted toward the ceiling. “But there’s one more obstacle to overcome, and I don’t know if you’ll want me then.”

  “What’s left besides dealing with Bradford and his people?”

  “You’ll see at sunset.” He stood, pulling her to her feet. “Troyington will be back to taunt us some more. You don’t want him finding you like that.”

  “Just one more kiss,” she said.

  He bent
his head to hers, stopping just above her lips so his breath warmed them. She closed the space between them, drawing a sharp breath when her body brushed his. Randall ran his hands across her breasts, making her body respond faster than it had before. “Do you know what you do to me?”

  She smiled and glanced down. He was ready to go again. “I have a pretty good idea.”

  “I wish we had more time,” he said, pulling her close. “But we don’t, and we need to be ready when they return.”

  She nodded and pulled on her clothes, wondering what would happen when the sun went down.


  They sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. Randall said nothing, just held her, occasionally placing small kisses on her forehead. Fear still filled his eyes. If only he’d tell her what the problem was, she could help. She’d understand.

  The lock clicked, shooting them to their feet. The door swung wide, and Troyington and his men entered.

  “It’s almost sunset,” Troyington said, looking at his watch.

  Randall glared at him, hate blazing from his eyes. “You think I don’t know that?”

  Troyington walked over to Karen, his nose wrinkling. “You reek of fairy magic, and now we have the underlying scent of sex. What was it like, mating with an animal?”

  Karen pulled herself up to her full height. “I don’t know. You never had a chance to touch me.”

  He laughed, making her take a step back. “Very good. I wouldn’t have expected anything less from you.” He turned to Randall. “I wish I could be here when the sun sets, but I have things to do, and I’m done wasting my time with you.”

  Randall just stared at him, a scowl darkening his face. Karen watched his hands ball and knew what he was thinking. His power burned hot inside her, making her own flare in response. Cray moved to strike him, and Randall’s arm shot out with a speed she’d never seen, forcing the other man’s arm down. “Don’t even think about it,” he growled, his voice deep, rich, and full of anger.

  Troyington and his men stepped back into the hall. “You two have a good night.”

  After the door was locked again, Karen started to walk to Randall but stopped short when he threw his hand up. “Stay back. The sun is setting.” He pulled off his clothes, throwing them in the corner.

  He turned his back to her. Her eyes widened as she watched two large lumps grow on each shoulder blade, and one form at the base of his spine. Two huge dragon-like wings burst from his back, fanning to either side of him, glistening from their nightly birth. A thick, leathery tail stretched from his spine to grow and lay behind him on the floor. Karen backed up, watching the appendage flip around in agitation.

  His legs lengthened and widened as new muscles formed. His skin rippled, bones popping and cracking as they changed to resemble an animal’s back legs, claws sprouting from his toes, his skin darkening to a rich purple. He straightened, rising far above his human height to over seven feet. His arms thickened and his shoulders broadened to support the wings on his back. Claws extended from his fingers as the change continued. His hair grew longer, flowing down his back in an ebony wave between his wings and stopping just above his tail.

  He turned to her, his face elongated just enough to distort his human features. His brow protruded over his eyes, the only part of him that hadn’t changed. They stared at her, sadness filling them as he watched her back away from him.

  He pulled himself up to his full height. “See me, Karen, as I am in the night.”

  His voice rumbled through her. Here was her night visitor. His naked body still magnificent, even though he was no longer human. His power sang in her, making her own answer with a surge she wouldn’t have expected.

  She could feel the fairy magic hum around them, filling her up to the point where she thought she’d burst. Her vision grew sharper as the earth called to her. She wanted to dance with sudden joy as a feeling of welcome wrapped around her. The night sang in her veins as Randall’s power changed with his body. This, she knew, was what was exactly meant to be for them.

  “You’re taller than I thought you’d be. What exactly are you?”

  He took a step toward her. “I’m a human/gargoyle hybrid. By day, I’m Randall Dupré. At sundown, I become a guardian, protector of the fairy realm.”

  Karen watched him take a few steps in her direction. “I should be really mad at you right now.”

  He stopped. “I know.”

  “Not for the reason you were so afraid of.” She smiled as his gaze shot to her face. “Troyington was right. I am a great detective.”

  He frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  She chuckled. “I figured out you were the guardian awhile ago. It just kills me I have to admit Troyington was right about something.”

  “You’re not mad at me?”

  She grinned. “I should be, considering you’d think I’d turn from you because at night you grow wings and turn purple. This isn’t even close to some of the things I’ve seen as a hero. I’d never leave you, Randall.” She let her gaze roam over his body. “Besides, no matter what form you’re in, you look really good naked.”

  He smiled as he held his arms open and she ran to him. She held him tightly as his wings folded around them. She snuggled closer, letting the warmth of his body comfort her as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Karen blinked the sleep from her eyes and looked up to see Randall extending his hand to her. He was wide awake and dressed. He pulled her to her feet and she rocked her head from side to side, rubbing the back of her neck. “You’re really comfortable for a rock, but I shouldn’t have slept in one position all night.”

  He turned her around, gently massaging her neck and shoulders. “Better?”

  “Yes.” She turned in his arms. “I wish we had more time. I’d like to try that whole bonding thing again.”

  Randall smiled and pulled her closer. “I know what you mean.”

  She smoothed his hair off his forehead. “I want you to promise me something.”


  She gazed into his eyes. “I don’t want you to be afraid of telling me anything ever again. I’m your soul mate. I’ll always stand by you.”

  Randall leaned closer to her. “I promise. Anything you want to know, I’ll tell you.”

  “Good,” she whispered before brushing his lips with hers.

  The locked clicked, and Randall moved in front of Karen as Troyington and his men entered. He stood in the doorway for a moment, staring at the two of them. A quick look of disbelief crossed his face, but then the familiar cold smile returned as he headed toward them.

  “How was your night?”

  Karen eyed him warily as he circled them. “It was all right but a little chilly. You should think about putting a heater in here. It would make the room a little more comfortable.”

  Troyington frowned. “The people put here aren’t supposed to be comfortable.”

  Karen tapped her chin. “Oh, yes. People you’re afraid of. People like Randall.”

  He grabbed her arm, making her wince. “Dupré is a freak of nature. You saw that for yourself. You should be begging me to take you back.”

  She yanked her arm from his grasp, stepping back to feel Randall’s arms go around her waist. “He might not be human, but at least he’s not you.”

  Troyington’s face flushed a deep crimson and his eyes darkened. “Fine,” he said, his voice shaking with anger. “If that’s your choice, then his fate will be yours. I thought you would’ve had more sense than to choose a monster.”

  “I didn’t,” she retorted. “I chose Randall.”

  Troyington stormed out, his men behind him, slamming the door hard enough to make their ears ring. She sagged against Randall, feeling their power flare. She laid her head back and closed her eyes, seeing him the night before as the guardian, large and untouchable and deliciously naked.

  Karen turned in his arms. “When we get out of this, I’m burning those pants.”<
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  His hands went to her hips and he pulled her close. “Oh? Why?”

  She hooked her fingers in his waistband. “They’ve got this annoying habit of obscuring my view of you.”

  “I could say the same thing about yours.” She felt her power protest as his pushed their desire down. “When we get out of here, I’ll even light the match. But first, we have to get out.”

  She sighed. “Got it.”

  He led her to the door. “I can’t get close enough to hear anything. Can you?”

  She laid her ear against the door, jumping back as the metal shocked her. “Ow!” She rubbed her ear and scowled at the door. “That didn’t happen yesterday.”

  Randall turned her head to see if she was burned. “Yesterday, you touched the door before we bonded. When we shared power, you took part of me inside you.”

  She winked. “More than one part.”

  He grinned. “The power part must’ve given you a partial vulnerability to cold iron.”

  “Maybe with the part of me you have, your vulnerability won’t be so bad.”

  He eyed the door. “Let’s see.” He touched a finger to the door and jerked back with a yelp. He inspected his fingertip. It was red, but the blistering was almost nonexistent. It didn’t even feel like a burn any more, but like tiny pin pricks.

  He looked at Karen as he held up his hand for inspection. “I think your power gives me a little bit of protection. It still hurts and makes my skin crawl, but not as bad.”

  She held his hand, studying the burn. “There’s no bubbles. I’m glad my power does something for you.”

  He gazed at her, curling his fingers around hers. “Yes, it does.”

  She drew in a deep breath. “Stop looking at me like that, or we’ll never get out of here.” She leaned as close to the door as she dared. “I think I hear someone coming.”

  Karen stood next to Randall and steadied her breathing. She focused her combat sense, preparing for a fight. She could feel Randall’s anger next her like a solid wall of granite. His power built inside her, darkening from light lavender to deep purple. She could almost taste his rage in her mouth. After so many years of keeping her emotions under control, she welcomed them and the strength they would give her.


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