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A Lassiter's Christmas (The Gems & Gents Series Book 4)

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by Iris Bolling

  “Good morning, Mrs. Lassiter, this is Theo Prentiss from last night. Is Ms. Lassiter awake?”

  “Hello, Dr. Prentiss. Pearl and her father left when he came in this morning from work. He plans to take her home then to work this morning. Do you have information on her car?”

  “Yes, ma’am. It’s going to take a few days to find the parts.”

  “I was afraid of that. Pearl has been driving that car since Joshua gave it to her in high school. Joe has told her she needs to get a new car.”

  “That is the advice from my mechanic. He believes he can repair it, however, he is just as certain it will break down on her again. Do you think she will be open to getting a new car?”

  “Of course not,” Sally laughed. “Pearl hates change of any kind. The only way she will give up that car is if one of her brothers gives her another one.”

  “Tight on a dollar?”

  “No, just plain old stubborn,” Sally laughed.

  Theo nodded as he agreed with Sally’s assessment of her daughter. “Yes, received a taste of that last night.”

  “So I noticed,” Sally replied.

  Theo smiled. He was certain she was referring to the kiss in the doorway. “Well, she is as beautiful as she is stubborn.”

  “That she is.”

  He could hear the smile in her voice. “I don’t mean to cross any boundaries here, but I was wondering if there is a second vehicle she can use until hers is repaired? If not, she can use one of mine.”

  There was silence on the other end of the telephone. “How kind of you, Dr. Prentiss. I’m certain she will appreciate your thoughtfulness. Here, let me give you her address, her cell phone number and her work number so you can contact her directly.”

  Theo took down the information as Sally continued to talk.

  “Pearl loves her independence. Do you think you will need anything else? Shoe size? Dress size? Ring size?”

  Theo laughed. “Anything further I’ll get from her, thank you.”

  “You do that, Dr. Prentiss. While you are at it, think about joining us for dinner on Sunday. We’ll be decorating the house for the holidays.”

  “Thank you for the information and the offer. Would you be offended if I wait for an invitation from her?”

  “You may be waiting for a while. Keep in mind the door is always open here.”

  “I appreciate that, Mrs. Lassiter. I’ll talk with you soon.”

  Theo hung up the phone wondering what decorations they had to do. The tree was up and the stockings were hung. He shrugged the thought away as his mind began to envision the shock on Pearl Lassiter’s face when he showed up at her job with a car. To his surprise, his heart skipped a beat at the anticipation of seeing her again.

  Chapter 4

  Pearl was finally living the life she wanted. After graduating with a degree in Mass Communications she found herself working at a local radio station. It was fun, however, the pay wasn’t great. She had student loans to repay and younger brothers and sisters to help through college. More so, she found herself butting heads with the program director because of her political views. She needed more. Pearl went back to school to receive a Master’s in Public Policy and Administration. Two weeks after graduation she walked into the office of James Brooks and was hired as the Press Secretary for JD Harrison’s campaign. Her life had meaning and she was determined not to allow anything or anyone to interfere with her career plans. She had disappointed her parents once in life and she vowed to never do it again.

  “Daddy, thank you for taking me to the office. I’m so sorry for this. I know you are tired.”

  “Pearl, I’m your father. I would do anything for you.”

  She turned in her seat and looked out the window of her father’s truck. “I’ll check on my car first thing.”

  “It’s not an issue, Pearlie. I can come by and pick you up this evening.”

  “No, Daddy, you need your sleep. I’ll work something out if my car isn’t ready.”

  “Have you spoken with Dr. Prentiss this morning?”

  “Not yet. He should have called to tell me where my car is by now. Leave it to a man to be so inconsiderate.”

  Joe smiled inward not daring to offend his daughter. She sure was hard on men. Ever since that boy from high school left her, no one had stood a chance…until now. The look on his daughter’s face when the doctor kissed her was priceless. He had played it over and over in his mind since it happened and he knew Dr. Theodore Prentiss would be his son-in-law one day, if he could get through the foolishness and see the beautiful gem.

  “Hmm.” He would have to get Joshua to check the man out.

  “Did you say something, Daddy?”

  “You should give him a call. If I remember correctly he had just gotten off a long shift when he stopped to help you. He may still be sleeping.”

  “That’s no excuse to be inconsiderate. He should have known I needed my car to get to work this morning.”

  “How would he know that, Pearl? Did you tell him?”


  She thought about it for a moment. Giving her father a little hope.

  “People have to work for a living. They need transportation to get to work. The good doctor should have been able to decipher that on his own.”

  Joe laughed. “You sure are hard on a man who stopped to help you in the middle of the night, brought you home then gave you a kiss good night.” He pulled over in front of her office building. “I want you to think about something. You are a stranger to him. He came to your rescue. Give this man the benefit of the doubt. In fact, to thank him for his kindness you should invite him to Sunday dinner.”

  Pearl turned to her father, appalled. “I will not invite him anywhere. The man is an uppity suburbanite. All I want from him is my car.”

  “I think you want a little more. Now, give your father a kiss and have a good day at work.”

  Pearl bent over and kissed her dad on the cheek. “I don’t want anything from the good doctor.”

  “I think you protest a bit too much,” he said as Pearl stepped out of the truck. “I’ll tell your mother to expect the doctor for Sunday dinner.”

  “Daddy,” Pearl huffed as he pulled away from the curb and drove off.

  As she turned to walk into the building, she noted the sidewalk had been cleared of snow and ice from the night’s snowfall. For this, she was grateful. The red four-inch pumps she wore today were for cuteness, not weather. She kept telling herself she did not dress for Theo this morning. However, she did put on her navy sheath dress that accentuated the contours of her body to a point of distraction for men. She released the twist she put in the night before allowing the natural curl of her hair to hang around her neck, with a hairband holding it back from her face, giving the high cheekbones, dark brown eyes and double dimples the opportunity to shine without hindrance. The look wasn’t new to Pearl. She had her own style of chic and professional. This dress, however, was to attract attention. Her point was proven as she removed her coat, after walking into the front doors of the Harrison Campaign office. Every conversation in the room ceased as she walked towards her office.

  “Good morning, Christine.” Pearl smiled as she stopped at the front desk to speak with her secretary. She picked up the messages and began to sort through them.

  “A few calls from reporters on the accident involving Cynthia Thornton. Mr. Brooks called indicating he will be in around nine. He left a few suggestions for a press conference to respond to any questions on the accident. Also, Mr. Thompson called. He’s stopping by the hospital this morning, but will be in for the staff meeting.” She paused for a moment. Then handed Pearl another message. “A Dr. Prentiss called.” She held the message between them. “He wants to know if you are free for lunch?” Christine raised an eyebrow as she asked the question. “That dress is saying you are. So…who’s Dr. Prentiss?”

  Pearl pulled the message from the woman’s hand. “Thank you. Please call the AG’s office. Ask Calvi
n Johnson if he can make the staff meeting. We’ll keep it short.”

  “Will do? Who is Dr. Prentiss?”

  Pearl began to walk away as she replied. “My biz.” She smirked, then continued to her office.

  “The dress is working,” Christine stated to her back.

  Pearl hung her coat up, then dropped all the messages but the one from Dr. Prentiss on the desk. Staring at the number she debated on calling him back now, or waiting. The truth was her body was still calling out from that kiss. She would be lying to herself if she said it did not affect her. If anyone asked could you get an orgasm from a kiss the answer is HELL YES. For that reason her mind was telling her to get her car and stay as far away from that man as she could. He had the power to cause damage and her heart had been broken once before. She wasn’t going to let it happen again. Her mind cried out, BUT THAT KISS.

  She put the message with the others on her desk and pulled up her computer to check news reports and online blogs to see what was being broadcast on the Attorney General today. She also had to work on his holiday speeches and appearances. The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas were fun, but busy for a politician. Most were holiday luncheons or dinners so the topics were light. Her job was putting together the right speech for the right audience to bring maximum attention to the AG’s agenda. Pearl stopped, turned her music on, then began working. An hour later the meeting alert popped up on her computer screen. She picked up her tablet, and the most recent schedule of appearances for the AG and made her way to the conference room.

  The staff meeting ran longer than the normal hour. It was close to eleven when Pearl walked into her office to find Dr. Theodore Prentiss in all his fineness standing at her office window looking out. She saw the arrogant stance and knew it had to be him with his legs braced apart, his hands in his pockets and the cashmere coat hanging loose. It so reminded her of her brother Joshua. Then he turned around. Pearl almost lost her balance. It was a good thing Brian was walking in behind her, for if he hadn’t been she would have fallen flat on her face. To say the man was fine would not give him any justice whatsoever. Why didn’t she notice last night the magnificent golden brown skin, with the light hazel eyes and the thick delectable lips. Yes, those were the weapons he’d used against her last night.

  “Good morning, Ms. Lassiter.”

  Did he sound that sexy last night? She hesitated at the door. “Good morning.” She gathered herself. “I take it my car is ready?”

  Pearl walked over to her desk. That’s when Theo got the full impact of her - the beautiful dark mahogany skin that he knew from experience was smooth to the touch, the dark brown eyes that seemed to touch his soul when directed on him. And those lips, that were covered in ruby red lipstick that did not seem flamboyant on her. They looked delightfully stunning. But it was the dress that was ravishing from the front and damn right sinful from behind. He had to take a step back to gather his emotions. That’s when he noticed the man standing behind her admiring the same view he was.

  Theo extended his hand. “Theodore Prentiss, and you are?”

  Brian reluctantly shook the man’s hand. “Brian Thompson.”

  Theo looked from Brian to her. “Am I interrupting something here?”

  Pearl looked from him to Brian, then realized she was in the middle of a standoff. “No. We just finished a staff meeting.”

  “Is the meeting continuing in your office?”

  “There are a few things we need to discuss.” Brian took a menacing step towards Theo.

  “Is it something that can wait?” He turned slowly from Brian to Pearl.

  “Do you have some information on my car?”

  “Oh, you’re the mechanic?” Brian smirked.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Then who in the hell are you?”

  “Someone who came to see me, not you.” Pearl stood. “We’ll meet later in your office, where you are leaving to go to…. now.”

  Brian hesitated, then slowly turned to walk out. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”

  “She’s good,” Theo stated as he closed the door then turned to Pearl. “Is there a reason you did not return my call?”

  Pearl sat behind her desk, and motioned for Theo to do the same. “I’ve been in a staff meeting all morning. I planned to return your call once that was complete. However, you beat me to it.”

  “I’m impatient.” He took a seat in front of her desk.

  “So I see. Do you have information on my car?”

  “I do.” He nodded and unbuttoned his suit jacket. “You need a new one.”

  Pearl sat back with a huff, but could not help admiring the spread of his chest through his white collared shirt. She was tempted to peel the outer coat and suit jacket from his shoulders to see just how broad they were. “I really don’t want to buy another car.”

  “I gathered as much. However, according to my mechanic, even if he makes the repairs the car will malfunction, again. He is searching for the replacement part, which may take him a few days.”

  “Days?” She stood in a huff. “I need my car. I don’t want to depend on anyone else to get me back and forth to work. Do you know how many stops I have to make throughout the day? I can’t wait days for my car.”

  The woman had a healthy set of lungs. He wondered if she was a singer who had to project. He remained calm. “Your mother mentioned that would be an issue for you.”

  “You’re damn right it’s an issue.”

  There was a knock on the door. “Ms. Lassiter, the Attorney General is on line two for you.”

  Pearl’s stomach lurched. “Damn.” She took a seat, calmed herself then took a deep breath. “Excuse me for a moment.”

  The transformation was unbelievable. One moment she was a raving lunatic over the car and now she sat before him, poised and perfectly calm.

  Pearl cleared her throat then picked up the receiver. “Good morning, sir.”

  Theo watched as she nodded her head as she listened.

  “I understand your concern. However, I want to reiterate cooler heads prevail here. Any response from you other than what I provided will cause the situation to go negative quickly. That in turn will give the organization more airtime. That is not our goal. Here, we are going to allow the public to be outraged on your behalf. When you speak it should be on the freedom of speech that extends to everyone, even those who oppose you.”

  She paused and listened. A smile appeared as she nodded in agreement to what was being said on the other end of the telephone. “This is why you pay me the big bucks, to keep you from exploding.” She listened again, then replied, “Anytime, sir.” She disconnected the call then sat back. She thought for a moment, then picked up the telephone. “Christine, get me everything you can find on The Alliance for America. I want to know where its funding is coming from.”

  This time she hung up the telephone and turned to him. “This isn’t going to be a pretty day.”

  “What do you do for the Attorney General?”

  “I’m his press secretary.”

  “Ahh yes, you talk to people.” He smiled. “For JD Harrison, Attorney General of Virginia?”

  “Who will be Governor in a few years and President of The United States of America. Yes, I do. Speaking of which, may I speak with your mechanic about my car?”

  Theo hesitated, then stood and took her coat from the hook. “I thought you would make that request.”

  “We can’t simply call him?”

  “You appear to be the type that only believes when seen with your eyes.”

  Pearl stood to allow him to help her with her coat. “You, Dr. Prentiss, know me so well.”

  “Not yet,” he whispered in her ear. “But I will and soon.” He raised an eyebrow and opened the door.

  The two walked through the office with her co-workers watching. They were a striking couple, her in a long white winter coat and he in a contrasting black. That wasn’t what caught their attention. It was the smile that lit up Pearl
’s face that gave them all a warm feeling.

  “Wait here. I’ll get the car.”

  “I can walk with you.”

  Theo looked down at her feet, then back up to her face. “I have a feeling those shoes are for looks, not walking. I’ll be right back.” He smiled as he walked out the door.

  Pearl found herself watching as he crossed the street to enter the parking deck.

  “Dr. Theodore Prentiss. The top trauma surgeon at the Medical College Hospital and the youngest in his field.” Brian stood behind Pearl. She turned to stare at him. “You don’t go after Scrubs, do you?”

  “I don’t go after anyone,” Pearl said as she turned to face him. “I didn’t go after you.”

  “See, we were friends with a mutual need. No strings, just good sex.”

  “Excuse you, I gave you great sex.” She grinned then turned back to watch for Theo.

  “You did.” Brian touched her on the shoulder. When she turned he was serious. “He seems like a good brother on paper. If he turns out to be a decent human being, give him a chance for something more than great sex. You deserve more.” He kissed her cheek. “Hmm, Mercedes C-Class.” He shrugged. “He could do better than that.” Brian grinned and walked away just as Theo parked.

  Theo opened the car door as she stepped outside. “How many vehicles do you have?” Pearl asked before getting in.

  “A few.” Theo smiled.

  “Some people are struggling to keep one.”

  Theo stepped closer to her and held her eyes with his. “Yes, there are. I am not one of them. I went to medical school. Learned a lot, obtained a skill that allows me to save lives. It’s been hard, grueling at times. However, I persevered and am now a physician, which can be lucrative. I will not apologize or explain for what I have obtained in life. For I know the opportunity to do the same exists for every person in this United States. Now, I want you to think that through before you start your soapbox on the haves and the have nots.” He raised an eyebrow. “Shall we go?”

  Pearl held his glare for a long moment. She then pulled her coat together and sat in the silver C-class Mercedes sedan.


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