The Biker's Lucky Charm (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Book 5)

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The Biker's Lucky Charm (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Book 5) Page 6

by Glenna Maynard

  Music blares from the outside speakers. The pole lights are lit and the leftover string lights from Murder and Alexa’s wedding last month. Navarro, the latest prospect has the outside bar up and running along with a few kegs of beer. I spot my sister with Wylla Mae and her friend Andi.

  I don’t see Alexa anywhere, but she said she’d be here.

  “Let’s get a drink,” Link tells me, leading me toward Navarro.

  I scan the crowd and tell myself I’m not looking for Vince, but the truth is I am curious to see what he looks like after all this time.

  “Who you looking for,” my husband all but growls the question low in my ear.

  “Alexa. She said she would be here.”

  “You want a beer?”

  “Only one since I gotta drive us home later,” I murmur having spotted a group of men I don’t recognize hanging around the pit. The Birds of Hell. They look as one would expect a biker to appear, but a bit rougher around the edges than the Royal Bastards. They’re wearing denim cuts instead of leather.

  Link hands me a beer as I study the group from the corner of my eye trying to pick out Vince. “There’s Lex. She’s with Jules.”

  “Thanks, honey. I’m gonna join the girls. Do your thing.” I kiss his cheek, but he stiffens slightly. When I start to pull away, I learn why.

  “Fuckin’ shit. Was wondering when you’d show.” Vince rakes his gaze up and down my body stopping at my chest briefly then he shifts his focus to my forehead. “What the fuck?” His attention turns to Link for all of two seconds before he rears his fist and smashes it into my husband’s jaw, splitting it open with his rings.

  My mouth drops and the prospect yanks me behind the bar. Hell breaks loose. Bastard versus Birds, attempting to pull the two of them apart. I know better than to insert myself into the equation trusting Murder, Viking, and East to handle this. A few members of each club shove at each other but the excitement dies down as quickly as it started.

  Murder has Vince by the back of his neck pulling him away from Link who is spitting blood at the ground while dabbing his lips with his knuckle. “Save that shit for the ring. What the fuck you doing coming to my house and starting shit?”

  “Look at her face?” Vince snarls jerking out of his grip and running his fingers through his long, wild, dark hair.

  “Pam’s face is none of your business,” Murder barks at him, taking him opposite of where I stand shaking like a damn leaf.

  Alexa and the girls rush to me as the men clear out giving Link a wide berth. He nods at me and grabs a new beer. I watch him stalk off with East.

  “What the hell was that?” Jules’s gripes.

  “I think he thought Link had hit me.”

  “Who is that guy?” Wylla Mae asks, staring off after her father.

  “That’s Pam’s ex,” Alexa informs her.

  “But you and Link have been together for like ever. And he’d never hit you.”

  “No. He wouldn’t.” I didn’t even get to enjoy my beer. I think I need a shot or to smoke a little grass to calm my nerves.

  “Are you okay?” Alexa steps in front of me and takes a good look at me. “Of course you’re not.”

  I shake my head then nod. “I’m fine.”

  I never thought the two of us would ever be friends. I always had a loyalty to Ruthie. Murder’s cunt of an ex-wife. Alexa was the other woman in that scenario for nearly twenty years. Naturally I don’t condone cheating, but their situation was far from the norm. I was wrong about her.

  “Why don’t we go find a spot to watch the fights,” Andi suggests.

  I don’t know her that well but her and Wylla Mae are attached at the hip lately. Though Jules says they have always been close.

  We move as one unit through the crowd closer to where the fights take place. Viking stops our group. “You good?” he looks to me.

  “Yup. Do you know where Link went?”

  “Over there with East.” He tilts his head toward the table set up with first aid for when anyone gets fucked up too badly during the fights.

  I glance that way and see a bandage on my man’s cheek. He sees me but doesn’t make a move to wave me over or acknowledge me further.

  “Let him be,” Alexa tells me. “Let him cool off first.”

  “Right,” I mumble, hoping he isn’t pissed at me somehow. Though he has no reason to be.

  “You come over to give me a kiss for good luck?” Viking is towering over Andi but not by much; she’s gotta be at least five foot nine in height.

  “No,” her mouth says, but a hint of blush creeps across her cheeks.

  Hmm. I start to tell him to leave the poor girl alone, but he wraps a hand around the back of her head and says, all deep throaty and growly, “Gonna take it anyway.” And then his mouth is on hers, and I’m certain there is some heavy tongue action going on.

  I start to look away when she pulls back then slaps him.

  The only response she gets is him licking his lips and chuckling with a nod. “Thanks, sweetheart.” He struts away like he’s the cock of the damn walk.

  She runs off and Wylla Mae follows after her.

  “I think I’m gonna go over and talk to Link,” I tell Jules and Alexa. “Save me a seat.”

  Chapter Twelve

  I start walking in the direction of my husband when I spy Vince coming out the back of the clubhouse. I want to know what the hell he was thinking, but I know not to engage in any conversation with the man. Not after the stunt he pulled fighting with Link like that. Its fucking crazy and stupid.

  Vince hasn’t been a part of my life since the day I chose Link over him. I don’t know who he thinks he is. Men are way more dramatic than some women ever thought about being. Who does that? It’s been well over a decade since we had a fling. We weren’t even serious. Our relationship was wild and impulsive. Driven by lust and the thrill of the unknown. With Link I found my home. A steadiness I never knew I wanted until he gave it to me.

  I march straight to him and put my arms around him. I look up at him and he gives me a weak smile. “Hey.”

  “Babe,” he clips, body tense.

  I worry that Vince is about to start more shit. Only when I follow Link’s gaze, I see his attention is on the last person I expected to see in attendance.

  You’ve got to be kidding me. Standing off with Sandman, Prodigy, and Hound is that cunt. The cut chasing slut who has no damn right to be here at all. He swore I wouldn’t see her again. The only thing about her presence that brings me any joy is the swelling around her nose and the bruises framing her whore eyes.

  “Do my eyes deceive me?”


  “Unbelievable.” I start to say more but we’re interrupted.

  Vince moves in. “Look, man.”

  “No, you look, motherfucker. Pam’s my wife. Mine. I’d never lay a hand on her. I get you made an assumption, but why you thought it was a damn thing to you is beyond me.”

  Vince holds his hands up. “I come in peace. I admit my reaction earlier wasn’t cool.”

  Link snorts. “Out of respect for the relationship between our clubs I’m gonna let it slide this once. Stay away from my wife and we won’t have a problem.”

  “Noted. Pam, you ever need anything Murder knows how to reach me.”

  “You got a hearing problem?” Link leers at Vince for a beat. The two of them enter a stare off, and I brace myself for what is to come. Another fight brews between them.

  “Just want her to know she’s always got a friend in me.”

  “Got plenty of friends. Look around.”

  Vince nods but looks to me expecting me to acknowledge him. I don’t.

  I keep quiet tucked into my husband’s side as Vince stomps off.

  “Let’s go watch Viking decimate this guy.” Link takes my hand in his tugging me toward the pit and my girls. Link stands on the outside to my left. Jules, Alexa, then Wylla Mae, and Andi are in a row to my right.

  I lean against my man and ignor
e the heat of Vince staring at me. Is he trying to set Link off? I snuggle closer to my husband. The volume of the music blasting lowers and Hound steps into the center of the pit. Everyone stops talking, giving him their attention and respect.

  “The rules are simple. Place your bets with Banks. No weapons. Bare knuckles only. Want to step in the pit and prove yourself, see the Sandman. No one enters this circle but me and the fighters. The match ends when there is only one man left standing.”

  The first fight of the night is between Prodigy and a member of Birds of Hell. A guy called Blue. They start out dancing around each other earning them a few boos.

  “Do something ya pussies,” a deep voice yells.

  Blue lands a few weak taps. He’s definitely not fit for this but it’s entertaining watching him try.

  Prodigy seems to be taunting the poor guy.

  Halfway through the match Nav taps Link on his shoulder and whispers something in his ear. An irritated rumble sounds from the back of his throat. “Be back in a second.” He dips his head to kiss my forehead. “Don’t wander off too far.” He grins but it doesn’t reach his eyes leaving me to wonder what the prospect wants with him.

  I watch Link storm toward the clubhouse and watch for anyone to follow him. Like Vince. I scan where I last saw him, and he’s still rooted in the same spot but at least he seems focused on the fight and not me. I look back to the clubhouse and see Danika slipping through the back door.

  That cunt. “I’m gonna get a beer. Be right back,” I tell my sister, numbly.

  “You okay? You look a little pale.”

  “Just need a drink,” I lie.

  I slink through the crowd quietly, going toward the Devil’s Playground in search of my husband and that whore. I crack the back door open and glance down the hall. I start to throw the door open and march toward them, but I stop to observe. Their conversation is low enough I can’t hear what’s being said. Her hand goes to his waist and his hand wraps around her throat like it has mine a million times. I choke on my tears and touch my neck. Fuck him.

  I don’t make a scene. I close the door, careful not to disturb the lovebirds.

  Regret runs through my veins.

  I trusted him.

  He won’t make a fool of me again.

  I dig my keys out of my pocket and dash around the side of the building to the front where I parked. I get in the driver’s seat and grip the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turn white. “God. Fuck,” I scream and slap the wheel with my palms.

  Tears wet my cheeks, plopping onto the thighs of my blue jeans. How dare he. After everything we talked about. After the way he made love to me and swore there would only ever be me. I can’t do this. A sob shudders in my chest.

  The passenger door opens, and I jump nearly banging my head on the roof of the SUV. “Jesus. You scared me,” I tell Vince. “What do you want?” I swipe under my eyes to wipe away my tears, but it’s no use, I know he sees me clearly under the glow of the interior lights.

  “To talk.”

  “Get in.”

  He slides into the passenger seat, and I don’t say anything more. I put my seatbelt on and start the ignition. The front gate opens. I don’t even pay attention to who is working it. All I know is I need far away from here.

  “What happened back there?” he finally asks when we get on the main road.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now. You said you wanted to talk so talk.” I suck in a breath and hiccup on a final sob.

  Vince reaches out and brushes away the last tear rolling down the right side of my face. “Pretty even when she cries,” he whispers.

  “What do you want, Vince?”

  “You. I never should’ve let you go. Biggest regret of my life.”

  “It was my choice and I made it,” I tell him. I liked Vince but I wasn’t in love with him. Not like I was with Link. The thought of him burns me from the inside out. His betrayal all too fresh and raw of a wound that I’m afraid will never heal. Not this time. “Besides, that was a long time ago. I’m sure you’ve moved on and had plenty of women eager to be your Old Lady.”

  “None that compared to you, wild thing.”

  I shake my head slightly and turn on my wipers as rain begins to splatter on my windshield. “I doubt that. You hardly knew me, and I’m not the same girl I was back then. I’m married and a mom. What we had was fun, but it was another life. One I’m not sure I belong in.”

  “What did he do? If he didn’t hit you, what then? I saw the sadness in your eyes the moment I took one look at you.”

  I should keep my mouth shut but I tell him the truth. “He cheated on me with a cut slut.”

  “I see. You never were one for sharing.”

  “No, I wasn’t,” I agree.

  “I’ve changed too, you know. Been doing a lot of thinking and my mind goes back to one person. One woman I’ve never gotten over losing.”

  “Vince...,” I start and my phone rings from the console. My husband’s assigned tone repeats. “Hit ignore on that would you.”

  I pull down the road where Murder and Alexa’s new house is under construction. I park in the driveway but don’t shut my vehicle off.

  “I ride out in coupla’ days. Could come with me.”

  “We both know that’s not going to happen.”

  “Why not? What’s holding you here?”

  “My son for one. My life is here. I’m not running away from my problems.”

  Vince tucks my hair behind my ear and leans closer coming across the console. “I never wanted kids. You didn’t either. I haven’t forgotten all them late night talks. Sharing all your secrets and dreams with me.”

  “Things change and so do dreams. I love being Connor’s mom.”

  “But do you love being Link’s Old Lady?”

  Isn’t that the million dollar question. My phone keeps vibrating with more missed calls. Now Zoe is even trying to get through. I hesitate to answer my phone. Zoe could be calling me for Link, but she’s also got Connor again tonight.

  “We should go back. Link finds out I drove off alone with you, he may kill us both.”

  “I can take him.”

  “Maybe but I’d rather not find out.”

  “Been dying to kiss you all night and find out if it’d be as good as I remember, but I’m betting it’d be better.” He tucks a finger under my jaw to angle me in for a kiss.

  My breath catches in my throat as he moves in slow motion bringing his mouth closer to mine. I close my eyes and jerk away. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  “You love him that much?”

  “I’m not a cheater. Even if he deserves it.”

  “Fair enough.” He drops back in the passenger seat and stares out the window. Disappointment hangs between us for different reasons.

  I shift to reverse to drive him back to the clubhouse then I am going to pick up my son.

  Chapter Thirteen

  If Vince doesn’t keep his eyes off my wife, he’s going to be a dead bird.

  The fight’s barely started when the prospect, Nav taps me on the shoulder. “Someone wants a private word with you in the clubhouse.” Irritation laces through me. Probably Vince wanting a private chat about what went down earlier, but I’ve got nothing more to say to him. I catch his gaze across the pit, and he gives me a chin lift.

  Fucker. This ends now.

  “Be back in a second.” I kiss my wife’s forehead and stomp to the clubhouse. I go through the back door and to the bar. The place is empty for now. Everyone is outside enjoying the fight. I light up a cigarette and wait.

  “Don’t be angry,” Danika starts toward me.

  This fucking cunt. I snuff my cigarette out. “Told you to stay the fuck away from me. Shoulda fuckin’ listened.”

  “I just wanted to apologize, but I didn’t want to upset Pam.”

  “I don’t give a damn what you want. What do you think would happen if my wife saw us right now? You have any idea what this would do to her? Or
what she’ll do to you.”

  “I know she must hate me. I mean I would.” She lets out a huff and grabs the edge of my shirt.

  I grab her around the throat. “Don’t touch me, cunt.” I squeeze in final warning. Her blue eyes bulge as she smacks at the grip I have on her. “Best thing you can do is to get the hell out of Charleston. I see you again I’ll fucking bury you in a hole so damn deep no one will ever find you.” I let her go and return to the fight to find my wife gone and apparently so is Vince.

  You’ve got to be shitting me. I pull my cell out and dial Pam as I scan the crowd.

  No answer. I go over to where I last left her even though I don’t see her.

  “Where’s my wife?” I question her sister.

  Jules purses her lips. “She said she was going to get a beer.”


  “Not long after you took off. Everything okay?”

  “I don’t know.” I stalk off in search of Murder when my cell vibrates with a call from my sister. My first instinct is to hit ignore but she could be calling about Connor, so I take it.

  “Talk to me.”

  “Don’t freak out, but I was in the kitchen cutting up a banana for Connor. I turned my back for two seconds. Kimber was supposed to be watching him, and he fell and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table. I think he’s gonna need stitches. Can you and Pam meet me at the ER? I don’t want to scare you, but I feel I should warn you there’s a lot of blood.” My stomach drops at the sound of my boy squalling in the background.


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