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Desired by the Alien

Page 13

by Sabrina Kade

  “Are you going to join me? Or shall I swim alone?”

  “No!” she squeaks. “Of course, I want to come. I don’t know why I didn’t think about… geez. I’m acting like a total prude. I’ve been paraded naked around before. This shouldn’t be such a big deal.”

  With that, she removes her clothing down to her plain black tank and tiny shorts. I long to ask her what her words mean, about being paraded around naked, but all concerns fly away when she removes those last few layers and stands before me, proud, bare and beautiful. I can’t resist stepping closer to her, despite how my lungs burn with the chilled air. So, instead of caressing her, I merely take her hand and guide her to the hot springs. She doesn’t fight me and excitement throbs in my chest, and my cock as our bodies enter the water. She releases my hand, but the temperature of the water feels so good against my skin that I don’t mind.

  A simultaneous groan escapes both our throats as the hot water laps against our skin, and I immediately dunk my head into the water, so I feel the heat on my nose and through my hair.

  “Oh my goodness,” she sighs, closing her eyes and sitting down on one of the rocks below the surface. I suppose it works well enough for a chair, and though I don’t want to stare at her so openly, how can I not when she is right before me?

  Her skin is so creamy and soft looking. Her breasts, hiding below the surface of the water cannot escape my attention. And the curls over her cunt. Sloane is perfection personified, and that’s before I start considering things beyond her physical appearance.

  Not that I’ll ignore her physical appearance any time soon.

  I wade closer to her in the water, and though one of her blue eyes pops open, she doesn’t tell me to stay away. My excitement rises as I perch myself close to her, and when that other eye pops open, I feel the beginning of everything I ever wanted to share with her. I want her to know me — my past. I want her to know that I long to have her in my future.

  When I lean closer, her mouth opens before mine, and her eyes glimpse down at my lips.

  “You said you went down on women before, Exer,” she says, sounding too soft and hesitant for my liking. “Have you ever kissed one?”

  My eyes widen. I wasn’t expecting this. Kiss? When mouths press together? My brothers do such things with their human mates, but kissing was undoubtedly a rarity back on the fatherland. Lavig certainly never wanted to kiss me—

  “That probably sounds so weird,” Sloane stammers, waving her hands around and splashing water about. Her small breasts bounce before she composes herself. “I was thinking about it since last night, and I noticed you never wanted to kiss me while we were, uh… doing what we were doing. I was almost offended, but then I remembered that Sidyths don’t do that type of thing, so it didn’t bother me as much. Then I wanted to know if you didn’t want to kiss because of that or because it was me and then I freaked out when you said you went down on other women—”

  “Only one other,” I clarify, but Sloane barely registers this.

  “Did you ever kiss anyone?” Her voice rises at the end, and she glances away when my eyes meet hers. “I probably sound like an idiot, but I have to know—”


  She spins around in the hot spring. “No?”

  “I have never pressed my mouth to another’s before.” I shake my head. “It is not customary on the fatherland. I have seen my brothers do this with their human mates, but I have not.” I chuckle uneasily. “I am not sure I understand how.”

  She slicks her tongue across her pink lower lips, drawing me in closer.

  Is that arousal I scent in the air? Again? Could I be so lucky?

  Sloane wrings her hands under the water, lacing her fingers together before looking up at me. “Do you think… since we didn’t do it last night, maybe we could try kissing now? I could show you. If you’d want to. If you don’t want to, I understand—”

  I reach down into the hot water and rest my hand over hers. “I want to.”

  I don’t know if I’m overthinking things, or maybe too excited to think otherwise, but I swear something changes in Sloane. She perks, sitting up straighter in the water and turns to me. She doesn’t seem to mind being naked, which is incredible because I’ve heard my brothers say human females worry much about their natural form. Not Sloane. Not now. She shifts in the water and presses a smooth hand over my chest before leaning close. I’m not entirely sure what to expect, but when Sloane stops when her lips are all but brushing against mine, I hope I haven’t messed things up.

  She chuckles. “You… you’re supposed to close your eyes, Exer.”

  Oh. I’m not sure of the reasoning for this logic, but I follow her request in hopes that Sloane will guide me. I want this to be an enjoyable experience for her.

  Hot, soft flesh meets mine, and I grunt in surprise.

  This is a kiss? The meshing of mouths?

  I don’t want disappointment to creep in, but surely there is more to a kiss than this? The ways my brothers spoke, I expected to feel as light as an andash flying toward the moons. But this? This is… odd. Our lips come together, and though feeling her bare breasts against my skin is nice, I am not sure what to make of our mouths mashing up against the others. I gently push Sloane away from my lips, and the expression on her face makes me wonder if this is a great insult to her people.

  “I am sorry, Sloane,” I admit. “I do not think I enjoy this.”

  She arches an eyebrow. “Well, you’re not giving me a lot to work with, Exer. When people kiss, they generally open their mouths a little? Kissing with closed lips like you’re doing? It’s like kissing a stranger.” She leans in closer. “Don’t give up on kissing yet. This time when I lean in? I want you to part your lips slightly. I’m going to brush my tongue against yours. I want your tongue to dance with mine.”

  My eyes widen. “You wish for our tongues to dance?”

  She nods. “Give it a try. For me?”

  When she asks like this, I am in no place to deny her. I close my eyes, and I hear the water lapping against my chest as Sloane moves back closer. Her soft hands cup my cheeks, and she situates herself between my thighs. My cock grows hard, but this is not about my cock. This is about giving Sloane what she wants, no matter how silly it may seem—

  My chest explodes when a firm, yet soft muscle pokes between my parted lips. Her tongue wastes no time, seeking out my tongue and the roof of my mouth and tickling it gently. This time the groan I let out isn’t because of discomfort or embarrassment. This is divine. Sloane’s soft tongue against mine and swirling about my mouth. She touches my tongue and my canines. The sensations she creates with her magical mouth are almost too much to comprehend.

  I pull her closer, wanting to press her breasts against my chest along with the fantastic dance of tongues happening in our mouths. My cock keeps growing harder, and though my face and chest are cold with so much exposure to the cold air, how can I end the kisses now?

  I never want them to end.

  We continue kissing, and Sloane writhes and grinds over my cock while pressure continues to build. I did not think kissing would be like this. How did I ever think kisses were unsatisfactory or boring? It is no wonder that my brothers are so obsessed with human females. Why they are so desperate to have them. They give us attentions that our females never considered before. Lavig would never show this much passion for me. Not even for Teskla. No. Sloane is different. I understand this now. Human females are perfection.

  No. Sloane is perfection.

  I groan into her mouth upon this realization wanting to deepen our kisses. I will not be able to stay at the hot springs for much longer. The air beyond the water is getting uncomfortably cold, and I cannot spend the night here. Plus, northern wildlife is much more dangerous than closer to the lair. Not as dangerous as the south but that is neither here nor there.

  Sloane continues to shower me with attention, although I am not sure if I deserve it. I try to fight off the pangs of discomfort from the l
owering temperature. Her tongue continues to ‘dance’ with mine, and though hers is so much shorter and smoother than mine, it is no less incredible. I pull her more tightly against me, tangling my fingers about her wet, bloody-red mane, wanting more and more of this.

  More. I will always want more.

  I intensify the kisses, and though Sloane grunts in surprise, I am lost in the passion. Drawn into a place existing only in colors and emotions. I barely register Sloane squirming in my grip, but time is running out. We’ll have to leave soon. There’s no guarantee she’ll want to do any of this with me in the future. I tighten my grip, and she releases a puff of hot air into my mouth. Her struggles grow harder, and something lightly thumps me upon the chest. My eyes snap open, and Sloane’s face is paler than usual.

  Not good.

  I loosen my grip, and she barks out a cough into my face, sputtering in the hot water. I try to reach and rub her back, but she slaps my hand away.

  Oh no. Oh no.

  I pinch my eyes shut, remembering Lavig having a similar reaction.

  You are too rough, Exer! Naughty male!

  I could not begin to threaten to send her to the hunts for fighting me. I was in the wrong. I behaved shamefully.

  I have done it again — this time to a weak, human female. I am too much for her. I wade toward her in the hot spring, hand raised to touch her, but this time she spins toward me with anger written across her face.

  Her fist flies and connects with my nose.

  I roar in pain and surprise, stumbling back in the hot water, cupping the spot where she sparred me. The pain is not terrible, but the surprise is what shocks me more than anything. A Sidyth female would never strike a male. It is too dangerous, but Sloane acted without fear. I pushed too hard, and she pushed back. There is a trace of blood dripping from my nostril, but I still cannot help smiling into my palm.

  My Sloane is fearless. She is a warrior. She is not to be taken advantage of.

  “Oh my goodness, Exer!” she squeals when her eyes land on my palm. Her anger is quickly replaced with concern when she wades closer to me in the hot spring. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t think… oh, God! You’re bleeding. Here, let me see—”

  I stand up straighter in the water, but she is still able to reach for me. What I wouldn’t give for a tiny female like Hujun’s mate right now.

  “No, no it is all right,” I try to assure Sloane. “I deserved it. I came on too strongly.”

  She grimaces. “Well, yeah. You did, but—”

  “I am sorry,” I mutter, ashamed for my actions.

  “No, it’s all right.”

  “No. It is not all right. It is wrong.”

  Now is the time to explain myself. She will never feel safe with me unless she knows who I am. But I cannot tell her here. Without words, I wade to the edge of the hot spring and heave myself out of the water. I turn to Sloane and hold out my hand. I don’t say a word, but I think she reads my features well enough.

  I am sorry. I have much to tell you. Please, take my hand if you want to know me.

  It is a silly thought to think she understands all of this, but I am so happy when her pale hand slips into my mine, allowing me to pull her out of the water. We dry ourselves quickly, and I feel myself growing weaker. Although the air is silent, there is an unspoken understanding of what we’re doing. Sloane watches me with wide eyes as I guide us back down the cliffs and hustle through the chilled air until I feel my lungs relax.

  We’re out of the danger zone.

  “Should we head back to the lairs?” Sloane asks, finally breaking the silence. I realize I’m holding her hand tightly as we move back to Hinda’s territory. The air is warmer, but I am not at ease.

  The fauders are probably watching us before they rest.

  I am not ready to take her back.

  I shake my head, and Sloane’s expression shifts, but I cannot tell if this is a good or bad thing. Either way, I kneel, close to the spot where I found Sloane hiding in the water to avoid the fauders and set up shelter for the night. She should not want to spend any more time with me, not after what I have done. Lavig gave me many chances, but that does not mean that Sloane will. After all, Lavig left me in the end.

  Night settles in slowly, and though the shelter is set up, neither Sloane or I enter. Hinda eventually lumbers back to our camp, and I relax under her watchful eyes. She will keep the fauders away merely by existing. It is a reprieve, because the fauders are nothing if not consistent and they will try to chase Sloane. But for now, we are safe. I relax into a crouched position, and Sloane takes a seat on the ground with her legs crossed before her. I catch a glimpse of her cunt, but I don’t say anything. I am not worthy of her. Not now. Not until she knows me.

  “I am once again so sorry for my behavior.” I glance over in her direction, and she stiffens slightly at my words, no doubt remembering how I lost myself in the hot springs. I wish I could take that moment back. She asked for a kiss, and I took advantage of her.

  “It’s all right.” She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her bright, blue eyes. “You’re a guy—”

  “It’s not all right,” I insist. “Don’t you see? This is exactly what Prince Korben doesn’t want to happen. This is why I am here.”

  “You’re here because you don’t want women to be treated poorly.”

  “I’m here to punish myself, Sloane.”

  She sucks in a gasp, eyes wide. “You… you, what?”

  I let out a breath. “I am here because I not only believe in what Prince Korben stands for but also because I am punishing myself for acting like an overeager male.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Another breath. “I cared for another before you, Sloane. A-and yes. I understand what you’re thinking and let me leave no room for miscommunication. I care for you, Sloane. Very much. But I am afraid because of what happened. There was another female before you. One I cherished. One I worshipped. I loved her too hard. I chased her away, like I’m chasing you away now, I suppose.”

  She doesn’t respond.

  I am right.

  I have already lost her.



  Exer probably thinks my translator device has malfunctioned. Most of the Sidyths draw to this conclusion when any of the human women are silent for too long.

  But I can’t speak yet. I am still trying to process most of what Exer’s just said.

  He loved someone before me. He cares for me. There was another woman before me. One he loved. Worshiped. Cherished. He scared her off.

  Now he’s worried he’s doing the same thing with me.

  I want to comfort him so badly. Sure, he messed up, but what guy hasn’t lost himself once in a while because of overexcitement? Exer did. Sort of. I try to remember that he’s apologizing. I try to remember that he stopped himself even if he was a bit rough earlier. It was a side of Exer I’m not sure I ever want to see again. It felt like he was squeezing the life out of me.

  I try not to freak out. Exer’s not touching me now, though he easily could. Ugh. Celeste’s right. She’s been right all along. I’ve had it too good. If Exer acted like that with any of the others, they would probably run for the hills. But I don’t have any memories of aliens taking advantage of me to haunt me. I wish I had something. Maybe then I wouldn’t be so comfortable sitting next to Exer after what he did if I had something to be afraid of.

  Or maybe, it was meant to be this way all along.

  Maybe that’s why Prince Korben lets him come out here alone. Maybe he’s not supposed to have a chance for a Chosen mate. Exer said it himself. He’s here to punish himself. I swallow hard, wishing I could offer something, but I’m also still reeling from the idea that he had someone before me. Why do I care so much? I’m sure Prince Charming had his fair share of action before Cinderella came waltzing in with her glass slippers. The Beast wasn’t a prince until he tamed and captured a beauty.

  Maybe Exer is more like a prince than I ever e

  “Do you want to talk about it?” There’s hesitation on my lips, but how can there not be?

  “I do, but I don’t want to lose you because of it.”

  Lose me? Exer’s never had me. I don’t say this to him, nibbling on my lower lip instead. I decide to ease into this topic of him having a mate back on his home planet. Luckily, Exer senses my unease and holds up his hands.

  “I am sorry. I never meant to assume I ever had you in the first place. I mean as friends. What happened earlier, I promise it will not happen from now on. I will control myself if I should ever be so lucky to touch or taste you in the future.” He lowers his head. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend, Sloane. You are the only one I want. You are female, and you talk a lot, but I enjoy hearing you. I am so frightened that what I did will ruin everything—”

  “Nothing’s ruined, Exer. Geez.” I lean in closer, hating this emo side that comes out when he’s stressed. “Not everything in life is all or nothing. You made a mistake. It happens.”

  “When it happened before, I lost everything.”

  I stiffen. I can’t exactly argue with him, because I’m unsure what we’re arguing about. I have to know whether Exer’s a prince, a big bad wolf, or something in-between depending on the day and his mood. Taking a chance, I rest a hand on his knee as he remains crouched and rubbing his hand over Hinda’s massive head. His skin has no scales here, and I can’t help brushing my thumb across the surface. He’s so human, but not really. He’s an alien, and from a race of people who think women should deal with anything a male wants. Exer doesn’t want to be like this, obviously, or he wouldn’t be here. He chose to come here.

  He chose to punish himself.

  That has to count for something.

  “Tell me what happened.” My voice is low, but insistent, leaving Exer no room to keep secrets. “I forgive you for what happened, but you’ve got to talk to me more, Exer. You say you don’t want to lose me as a friend, and I feel the same way. But if I don’t know anything about you, is it right for me to call you my friend?”


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