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CRAVE: A Small Town Menage Romance (Reckless Falls Book 4)

Page 24

by Vivian Lux

  He took a deep breath. "Okay," Gray said, pulling back.

  "Okay," Cal said behind me, echoing Gray's tone.

  I looked over at Cal. His hands were shoved in his pockets, his shoulders hunched. I could almost see the steam rising from his head as he rolled what had just happened over and over in his brain. "I'm going to go get us all drinks," he said, carefully, tightly.

  "Okay," I echoed.

  No sooner had he disappeared and I turned to look at Gray, partly opening my mouth to explain, to try to put into words what the hell it was that I was feeling, but he gave me no chance. He moved to me, his hands at the nape of my neck, brushing upward to twine into my hair as he moved to cover my mouth was his and I almost yielded. I almost tilted my lips up to his, but something made me stop.

  I froze in his hands and he looked at me, confused.

  I heard the door open and I stepped back, feeling like I'd been caught cheating.

  There was no sharp breath, no stunned silence. Cal came right up, shoving his way between us and getting right in Gray's space. Gray stood his ground, nose to nose with his best friend.

  "Back off," Cal rumbled.

  Gray shook his head slowly. "You back off."

  "Are you two actually fighting over me?" I half laughed, half gasped.

  Neither one of them acknowledged what I just said. "She's not going to want you," Cal told him.

  Gray grinned. "Well she clearly doesn't want you!"

  A firework exploded in the sky above us, dangerously close to the house, and I found myself looking up at it instead of paying attention to what Cal was doing, because the sight of him shoving Gray backwards was too hard to process.

  Gray made a sound like a wounded animal and came charging back, ready to swing. Another firework exploded overhead and seemed to knock some sense back into me, because it threw myself between them.

  "Stop it!" I shouted.

  Gray drew up short and let his fist fall to his side. I turned to look at both of them. "You are best friends," I said, and there was tremor in my voice I didn't expect. "Stop it, I don't want to come between you."

  There was a moment of silence, punctuated by another deafening firework just above us. All three of us looked at each other. And I couldn't hold it back any longer. "I want you, both of you," I sighed, burying my face in my hands. "I have, since forever okay? But please, please don't make me choose. Okay? I can't possibly choose."

  The ringing in my ears from the explosion above us was the only sound for several moments. I hid my face in my hands, unable and unwilling to look at either one of them, feeling like my heart was breaking in two. I could leave, right now. I could pack my bags and head straight back to New York. I wouldn't even need to fly, just borrow my parents' car. I'd get it back to them, somehow, it didn't matter. All that mattered was getting the hell out of here, right now before the world exploded even further.

  I heard a sound. Like feet, shifting position. I could tell without looking that one, or both, of them was changing positions, and I felt for all the world like something was passing between them. Like they were having a conversation without ever opening their mouths.

  Slowly I let my hands fall away from my face and looked up at them.

  "You don't want to choose," Cal echoed.

  Gray stepped forward. "What if you didn't have to?" he said, cupping his hand against my face.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Once we realized, it was suddenly all so clear. I looked at Gray, he nodded back and suddenly this was happening.

  I had to have her. And if the only way I got to have her was sharing her...

  Then so fucking be it.

  All at once, there seemed to be a million people spilling out through the doors and on to the balcony to watch the fireworks explode over our heads. It seemed like the whole house was emptying at once, and I felt a coil of heat nestle at the base of my spine, realizing that this meant only one thing.

  The house was empty. The house was quiet.

  The house was ours.

  I slid my hand onto Harper's back and was startled to feel that Gray's hand was already there. A little match of jealousy flared inside my chest, but I quickly snuffed it out. Because if ever there was anyone that I could see myself sharing with, it would be Gray.

  I'd never thought about it, but suddenly it seemed... Okay.

  We both led her towards the doors, wending our way through the throngs of exiting partygoers like salmon swimming upstream. Harper's head was ducked down, and she was hiding her face, afraid to see if anyone was going to look her in the eyes. There was this fragile, tenuous understanding between the three of us that the slightest disruption could shatter in a second. I ducked my own head when I spotted Rett standing tall above the crowd. He was looking for us, I could tell. Probably wanted to hang out with his best friends and his little sister.

  I pressed Harper's back a little harder and we made it through the door.

  The house was echoingly, achingly quiet, so quiet that I could hear the thud of my own heartbeat in my throat. Was this really going to happen? Was I okay with it?

  I looked down to see the flush across Harper's cheek and that little, excited smile on her face. That smile was in anticipation of being with me... Me...

  And I realized, yeah, I was fucking doing this.

  The second we were away from the prying eyes of the crowd, Harper straightened up. Without looking backward, she strode up the winding stairs. Gray and I jostled for position, each one of us eager to be the one to stand directly behind her and fully appreciate the way her ass swayed in that dress. She climbed the stairs and turned to look behind her, checking to make sure that we were unobserved before she slipped into her bedroom.

  Gray and I both slipped in behind her. I pressed the door closed, wincing at the loud click. It sounded as loud as thunder. Harper froze for a second.

  Then she turned to look at us. I swear I could see her pulse at the base of her throat, fluttering madly like a hummingbird and I wanted desperately to press my lips there and feel the blood rush under her skin. Her shoulders straightened, causing her breasts to press up high in that dress, straining to spill over the top. My fingers itched to hold them, to cup them in my hands and brush my thumb over her pearly pink nipples. I wanted to see how wide her green eyes would get when I pinched it, just a little. I wondered what kind of noises she'd make. Would she scream? Would she moan? Or would she just shudder silently with her eyes squeezed shut?

  Actually, it didn't matter, I would make sure that she screamed.

  She looked up from Gray to me and back to Gray again. "Are we really doing this?" she panted. Her voice was a breathy gasp.

  I looked over at Gray. He was staring at her, and his mouth hung open like he was in some kind of trance. There was no going back from where we were right now.

  Harper's hand fluttered at her side. Gray cleared his throat. I shifted from side to side.

  But all three of us were frozen to the spot.

  Someone needed to start it, we were off hanging at the edge, terrified of plunging over the precipice and making this something more than it was.

  But that's all I'd wanted for practically forever so I took the lead. Someone had to.

  "Yeah, I think we are."

  With that, it was like Gray came unstuck and suddenly we both descended on her.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Right up until that moment, when my hands slid around her waist, I still thought it was all going to fall apart. Sharing the girl I loved with my best friend... never once had I considered that this was an option.

  But the second Cal spoke, I started moving.

  I felt a little burst of triumph when I reached Harper's lips first, kissing her as I twined my fingers in her hair. She moaned into my mouth, a long, shuddering sound that I recognized because it was the same one that was coming from my own throat.

  Fuck, how long had I been dreaming about kissing he
r? In my mind, it had been perfect, composed, a fucking sonnet in kiss-form, but the reality was desperate, anxious and full of aching need. I'd waited — what a decade now? — to kiss this woman and I crammed all that pent-up longing into it like I'd never have the chance again. I growled into her mouth, needing more, but at the same time needing to hold back because more than anything, I needed this to last

  Cal was already kissing down her neck, brushing away the strap to her sparkling dress and letting it fall down so that the round, creamy top of her breast was exposed. I pulled back and looked down to see that he already had her nipple in his mouth and I sucked in the air through my teeth. "Is it as good as I thought it would be?" I asked.

  Cal pulled back and licked his lips, looking up at Harper who was open mouthed, her eyes heavy-lidded. "Oh, it's even better," Cal said.

  I wrinkled my nose, then pulled down the strap of her dress to expose her other breast. "My turn," I growled greedily.

  God her breasts were just...perfect. High and sweet, with these little rosy nipples the same shade as her pretty pink lips. "These are just the prettiest shade of pink," I told Harper, who bit her lip. I caught her gaze. "In fact, I think they're the same pink as your lips. Do you have any other parts of you that are pink like this?"

  Her lips curled into a sideways grin. "I...might..."

  "Well I'm going to conduct a very thorough examination, just to make sure."

  "You're such a goofball."

  I bent and tweaked her nipple between my teeth, the lightest little nip, just enough to make her gasp. Then I grabbed a fistful of her ass and pulled her close to me, letting her feel how hard I was. "I assure you, I am not goofing around right now. I've never been so serious in my life." She bit her lip, eyes shining, and gave a slight nod. I fucking came undone again, kissing her hard before bending my lips to that perfect breast again.

  As I brushed my lips up to that pearly tip, curling my tongue around it before taking it in my mouth, Cal moved around back of her. I heard the slip of metal teeth, and she shimmied a little to let her dress fall down over her hips. I stepped back and groaned to finally be able to brush my hand over her smooth, flat stomach. Cal was already on his knees, sliding her dress all the way down, but I'm a greedy motherfucker, so I put my hand between her legs first.

  She yelped as a slid my finger against those soft folds, and rocked back on her heels. Cal stood up, catching her against his body as she sagged into my touch, already arching her hips against my hand in a frantic rhythm. I looked up and saw Cal watching as my fingers danced along her slit, which incidentally was a slightly darker shade of pink after all. "Is that as good as I thought it would be?" Cal growled, echoing me.

  I grinned and looked up at Harper. "It's even better," I told her.

  She sagged forward and I caught her with my other hand, cradling her head as I worked my fingers in and out of her. "How good?" Cal suddenly asked, his voice heavy and tight.

  I kept my eyes on Harper. With every word I spoke, she shuddered slightly. "She's already so wet," I told Cal, watching her watch me.

  "She wants this, she wants this so bad," Cal hissed against her neck.

  "She's trembling in my hand, Cal. I can feel her, quivering from the inside out." I pulled my fingers away. "You have to feel this."

  Harper whined, but I covered her mouth with mine, devouring her soft sounds.

  "I do," Cal growled, and suddenly his mouth was where my fingers had just been and for some reason, instead of being jealous, I just found it really fucking hot to know what he was tasting. I brought my fingers up to my lips to taste it on my own, then brushed those fingers against Harper's lips.

  "You taste yourself?" I asked her. "This is the most delicious thing I've ever eaten," I told her.

  "Me too," Cal mumbled, his voice indistinct. She was arching upward, already on her toes, and I could feel her quivering. I needed to feel that, from the inside out. I moved around back of her and she sagged against me once my fingers found her center again.

  "Fuck, you're so tight," I groaned. She was already moving in time with Cal's rhythm, and I quickly matched it, sliding one, then two, then three fingers inside of her. She yelped and flung her arm out to wrap around my neck, clinging to me as I — we — brought her to the edge and in the haze of how fucking hot it was to feel Harper McCabe's pussy tighten around my fingers as she started to fall to pieces in my arms, I was almost fucking grateful that there were two of us here intent on giving her every ounce of pleasure she fucking deserved. She came so fucking hard from my fingers and Cal's mouth that I didn't give a fuck that I was sharing her. All that mattered was the way she shook in my arms.

  Cal stood up and kissed her, hard, and with the extrasensory knowing that comes from being friends forever, I read his mind and took that moment to lead us all backward toward the bed.

  Chapter Nineteen


  A wild disbelief still coursed through me even as Gray guided me back to the bed. It was the same wavering unreality that happens in dreams. This was a dream. It had to be because in real life your fantasies don't come true.

  And yet here was Cal, shirtless, standing up from between my legs, his lips glistening in the low light as he shot me a sideways grin. And here were Gray's arms around me, lowering me to the bed as I stared up at him.

  This was real and it was happening to me. But that was the problem. It was still just happening to me.

  I bit my lip. If these two thought I was just going to lie here passively, then clearly, they hadn't been paying attention all these years.

  Grinning, I slipped out from under Gray and slid off the bed and down onto my knees.

  "Harper," Gray breathed, and he ran his hand along the side of my face. I pressed my cheek against his palm and closed my eyes for a moment, then opened them and grinned wickedly.

  "My turn," I demanded.

  Cal sucked his breath sharply as my hand went to his groin. I could feel the shape of him, growing thick and long and heavy in my hand, that outline so clearly defined underneath his suit pants. I'd always wanted to touch him just like this, so I took my time, stroking that tantalizing shape just long enough to drive us both crazy.

  Then I turned and looked up at Gray. He made a low growling sound under his breath and before I could move to touch him, he had his thumbs hooked around his waist band and pulled his pants to the floor.

  I gasped in audible delight as I saw his cock bob free. Then I heard a growl behind me. "Goddammit, slow down," Cal said. I turned and looked back to catch him as he was undoing his belt buckle.

  "Stop," I commanded. "I want to undress at least one of you."

  "Gray jumped the gun," Cal said, shooting Gray a withering glare.

  "I'm just trying to give the lady what she wants," Gray responded, standing there completely unashamed of his nudity.

  His comfort made my comfort grow even more, and as I pulled Cal's cock free, I reached out and closed my fist around Gray's at the same time. Then my mind caught up with me and I realized that yes... I was holding both of them at the same time.

  "Jesus fuck," Cal hissed, and his cock twitched in my hand.

  I darted my tongue out, slicking it over the wide head of Gray's cock, then turning and sliding my lips over the shaft of Cal's. Both men grunted as I switched, back and forth, one, then the other. If you'd asked me last week if I thought I'd be doing this, kneeling down and sucking off two men at the same time like some kind of porn star, I would have told you that you were crazy. Harper McCabe, children's book writer, perennial kid sister, she'd never do anything like this. She'd never even consider doing something so insanely, wildly sexy. And yet, when I looked up and saw the way that Cal was looking down at me, then Gray, the way they were watching my every move, holding completely still as I drove them out of their minds, I knew it was something that I would do.


  They wanted me. They wanted me so badly, and I’d never felt sexier in my life.

  What the h
ell would Cecily say if she saw me now? This probably broke every single morality clause in my contract.

  The thought had me giggling all of a sudden. Gray made a low noise. "That's never a sound you want to hear when a woman has your cock in her mouth."

  "She's not taking this seriously," Cal said and there was a dangerous thrill to his voice. "I think I ought to make sure that you pay attention, Harper."

  I looked up at him. He held out his hand and without thinking I extended my hand and allowed him to gently lift me to my feet. He looked down into my eyes, holding my gaze for a moment before covering my mouth with a hard, insistent kiss. I melted into him immediately, surrendering to the exquisite feel of his lips on mine, when suddenly, I felt myself whirled around as he spun me and bent me over the side of the bed.

  The first crack of his slap across my ass cheeks made me yelp in dismay, but he followed it with a kiss so sweet that I was soon moaning. He stroked my ass cheek over and over, massaging the heat away until I was arching my back into his palm.

  Crack, went his other hand against my other ass cheek. I stifled my scream against the comforter then turned my head to see that Gray had moved over so that he could watch, his cock in his hand, stroking himself intently, his eyes fixed on the red mark blooming across my ass cheek. "Goddamn she looks good that way," Gray growled.

  Cal was stroking my ass with his hand, massaging away the sting before he smacked one side, then the other. This time I arched upward into the sting, loving the way that the heat bloomed afterward, the way it heightened how he touched me. "Even better from this angle," Cal said, sliding his finger down my ass cheek and brushing against my slit.

  Immediately I moaned, eager for his finger, his tongue, anything. I was shaking so hard right now it was almost impossible to think. "She is unbelievably wet right now," Cal exhaled. "I think little Harper's not quite as innocent as we thought."

  "Well that's pretty clear considering what is about to happen," Gray pointed out.


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