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The Camp of Refuge: A Tale of the Conquest of the Isle of Ely

Page 32

by Charles MacFarlane

  Transcriber's Notes

  When italics were used in the original book, the corresponding text has been surrounded by _underscores_. Greek text has been transliterated and surrounded by # #. The oe ligature is represented by the letters oe. Macrons above letters have been depicted as [=x], where x is the letter with macron. A letter w with a circumflex accent is represented as [^w]. A symbol of a cross has been represented as [cross] and the dagger symbol has been represented as [+]. Fractions following a whole number have been separated from the whole number with a dash, such that 1-1/2 represents one and a half.

  Ditto marks and dashes used to represent duplicated text have been replaced by the text they represent.

  Some presumed printer's errors have been corrected, including normalizing punctuation. Further corrections are listed below with the printed text (top) and corrected text (bottom):

  carry of carry off p. 36

  Quaragesima Quadragesima p. 64

  appetities appetites p. 68

  prilgrimage pilgrimage p. 82

  this; With this; with p. 111

  Navitity p. 120 Nativity

  that their was no access that there was no access p. 143

  all manor all manner p. 147

  De profundis _De profundis_ p, 159

  as the moon shown out as the moon shone out p. 163

  must soon he united must soon be united p. 182

  knigbt knight p. 194

  with the Romans had dug which the Romans had p. 235

  fen-men-swim fen-men swim p. 240

  made hast made haste p. 246

  Normam Norman p. 272

  seige siege p. 297

  that I my speak to them that I may speak to them p. 342

  prisioners prisoners p. 380

  have it there own way have it their own way p. 418

  inconvience inconvenience p. 419

  Forbes, Robest Forby, Robert p. 488

  Venerant cum ex nonnulli Venerant cum ea nonnulli Footnote 54

  auctortatis auctoritatis Footnote 54

  East-anglia East-Anglia Footnote 72

  forth fourth Footnote 73

  Theoawin Theodwin Footnote 89

  Camp of Reguge Camp of Refuge Footnote 141

  Rrunan-burh Brunan-burh Footnote 149

  conntry country Footnote 157

  . 106. p. 106. Footnote 210

  pag 40 page 40 Footnote 215

  Jumiege Jumieges Footnote 248

  possessionem possessionum Footnote 259

  Her Majesty's Geological Snrvey. Her Majesty's Geological Survey. (Advertisements)

  * Transcriber's Note: Several corrections to Note K have been made based on reference to the original source (_Historia Eliensis, lib. sec._). These corrections include a stretch of missing words, without which the passage does not make sense. For those interested, the uncorrected Note K as originally printed in this book is reproduced below:

  109. "_Quod monachi Elyensis clementiam regis adierunt et de atrocitate itineris exercitus et equorum ejus._

  "Monachi igitur de Ely cognoscentes mala quae in regno fiebant et in ecclesiarum rebus pervasionem fieri et diminutionem ab extermina (externa; _E_) gente graviter doluerunt, magnificentiam templi Domini reminiscentes, et loci sancti sibi tale discrimen imminere veriti sunt, fientes unanimiter auxilium de coelo et suae in aeternum patrocinantis Christi sponsae dilectae AEtheldredae praesidium adesse poscebant. Et divina inspirante clementia salubre demum ineuntes consilium ad regem mittere constituunt, illius flagitare misericordiam et pacem. Invaluerat enim fames ut supra retulimus, per totam regionem atque istic innumeris milibus hostilis collegii etiam horrea servata Egypti tautam inopiam non supplerent. Nam (deest) reliquiae ciborum in loco jam fuerant exaustae, eo quod septimus erat annus ex quo seditionem adversus novum regem commoverunt, frumenti copia sufficere nulla diu poterat, furto enim vel rapto vesci monachorum ordini minime licuit. Et convocatis ad se primoribus qui urbem et aquarum exitus muniunt, ipsos inde eorum abnuant. His territi mox verbis, piguit eos gravissimi incepti ejus felicem exitum tum nequaquam sperant, praelia existimantes levia si his malis conferatur. Urgebat eos fames valida, intus pavor angebat nimius, nec ad comportandum rapinas egredi nisi in manu valida audebant, enses Normanorum plus omni periculo metuentes. Et arepto itinere in Warewich vico famoso reverenter regem cum debita supplicatione monachi requirunt, se suaque omnia ejus clementiae commendantes. Stetit itaque abbas Elyensis Thurstanus cum suis monachis coram rege magno Willelmo, orans et deprecans per misericordiam Dei ut averteret iram furoris sui ab eis et a civitate sua, spondens per omnia deinceps fidele obsequium, et consistente satraparum caterva, optimum reputavit dicens, 'majestatem illius tolerare supra se, cum jus regni a Deo sit illi concessum. Verum et is dignanter (dignatur) eis attendat, finem laborum suorum haud dubitanter assequi posse, et ingressum insulae citius optinere proponit; si tantum pro Deo et suae animae salute praedia et bona per suo de loco abstraca restitui faceret.' Et spopondit rex."


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