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The Finest Line

Page 21

by Catherine Taylor

  He sighed. “I think I started to, this afternoon but that doesn’t mean I trust him not to come after you and I wouldn’t blame him. Women like you don’t come along every day and I know that I would fight for you.”

  “He hates me. I saw it on his face the other night at Kylies. He wants nothing to do with me and even if he did, I would have to consent to go with him and that isn’t going to happen. Getting together with him was a huge mistake and one I won’t make again.”

  Mark looked at her silently for a moment before saying, “Get dressed and let’s get out of here. I’m hungry.”

  “And I’ve lost my appetite.” She replied angrily, her eyes finally meeting his. “I want to go out... alone.”

  He smirked and shook his head. “That’s not happening. Get up and get dressed now.”

  “You said that you had started to trust me.” Mairead got up and stood in front of him. “I want to go out and do something for myself. I’m not going to try and see James or anyone else for that matter. I need some time alone.”

  “To do what exactly,” Mark searched her face. “Cut yourself up or some shit like that?”

  “No,” His suggestion appalled her as the reminder of her self-inflicted flogging was beginning to feel a little humiliating. “I’m going for a simple workout and let off some steam. I need this Mark.”

  He studied her and looked at his watch. “You’ll be back here at nine o’clock and if you’re late I’ll demonstrate my own proficiency with a belt. Is that understood?”

  Mairead smiled grimly, “Loud and clear.”

  When he was gone, she tried several more times to ring James but received no reply. In the end she tossed her phone onto the cabinet and went to her suitcase, angrily brushing away her tears.

  She found the costume that Miranda had given her and allowed herself the memory of that first performance. As other more sinister thoughts invaded, she hurried to slip in to the intricate piece. It proved a lot more difficult to do it up alone.

  Searching through Mark’s wardrobe she found a long coat and slipped it on, its length brushing the floor. In the lounge room she rifled through the few disks that were available with his sound system and beamed when she found a classical mixture.

  The coat proved to be good protection against the cold of the night air as she stepped out onto the street. The caress of icy breeze on her face was welcomed as she walked quickly to her destination.

  Half hour later she was entering the car park of Amiri’s apartment block. She stopped just inside and listened but the silence gave her reassurance. The last time she had trained with Amiri, he had left the portable player hidden behind some boxes and she hoped desperately that it was still there.

  Her search was rewarded and she inserted her disk. The music was unfamiliar to her and she listened to the introductions of several before deciding to let it run and challenge herself to move as the music dictated.

  Before she pushed the play button, she rang James again and hung up defeated as the voicemail message answered. Slipping the coat and her runners off, she started the music and moved to the pole, shivering with the cold and began stretching.

  The first several songs employed her muscles to the limit as the unhurried melodies slowed her movements and encouraged experimentation with new ones.

  She had seen Amiri perform one that she had found difficult to emulate with the same grace. With her hands clutching the pole above her head behind her, she held her body out diagonally away from the pole and let it ripple like water. Drawing on enormous strength, Mairead was soon weary after many attempts and wishing she had a mirror to see her progress.

  Sliding down from the pole, she retrieved her phone and unsuccessfully rang James. A new song was beginning and caught her attention. The opening sparked her imagination of a bright new morning with dew on the grass and a promise of new beginnings.

  Taking the disk cover she learnt that the song was from something called Chants d’Auvergne and arranged by some guy called Canteloube. The one word title read ‘Baïlèro.’

  She restarted the song and hurried back to the pole. The song proved challenging with different tempos, but it offered itself perfectly for practice for her desired movement. When it finished she played it again, a routine already created in her head.

  So much was her concentration, that she only became aware that she was not alone by the sudden interruption of wolf whistles and half hearted applause.

  Mairead slid down the pole and looked at the two youths leering at her. Both were skinny and bald headed and covered in tattoos. Their eyes were wide and glazed and they swayed as they stared back at her.

  As they ambled towards her, she backed away and held their stare. “What do you want?”

  Her comment caused them both to laugh hysterically and one answered with a vicious smirk. “Can’t speak for my buddy here, but me, I’d like to see that body flexing on the end of my cock.”

  His friend nodded greedily. “Yeah I do too, on my cock that is.”

  Fear crept up her spine as the enormity of her situation prevailed. She was alone with two drugged up males who were bigger and stronger than her and with no chance of escape. As her back touched the wall behind her she slid down, sobbing quietly, trying to gauge how horrifically devastating the threatened ordeal would be.

  Another voice rose above the sniggers of her tormenters, “You two back off and get out.”

  Mairead could see some unknown man directly behind them. He was shorter and older in an open coat over a suit. She had a vague recall of seeing Mark talking to him during the day in the foyer of the hotel.

  The youths didn’t lose their humour for a moment as they attacked him. It was a short and vicious assault and Mairead wept bitterly as she watched her would-be rescuer get stomped and kicked.

  Blood sprayed from his head and he curled up on his side groaning loudly. The biggest youth stood over him manically, “You want some more cunt?” His mate giggled.

  Another voice joined the fray. “He’s out of action, but I’ll have a go.”

  Mairead could not see the newcomer but his voice alone brought a new flood of tears. She clutched the bricks on the wall to help her stand up on her jellied legs, so she could fill her vision with the sight of James.

  The youths were still grinning but they were a little more wary of his size and height. The biggest one took out a long bladed knife which prompted the other to do the same. Approaching him, they went to either side and Mairead could see James watching them with a crowbar in his hand.

  When the biggest one launched, James met his attack with a kick aimed squarely at the stomach. The impact was obvious as the youth doubled and James brought the bar down firmly on his neck. When he went down, he stayed there and the other youth bolted away.

  James watched him go before turning to look at Mairead. She was trembling and holding on the wall for support. When she tried to walk her legs shook and she grasped the pole before stumbling towards the gap in the cyclone fence. She wanted James to come to her but he didn’t move. He stared at her coldly, which crippled her further and made only worse when Mark came striding towards them.

  “Bravo,” Mark was applauding as he came up to James. “You really are a bodyguard aren’t you?” He glanced at the suited man lying, bleeding on the floor, “Unlike my idiot.”

  James glared at Mark, “She should never have been in here.”

  Mark nodded and his face became equally angry as he looked at Mairead. “I agree.” He turned back to James and smiled, “A mistake which won’t happen again.”

  “She’s coming with me,” James told him and Mark laughed softly.

  “Really,” He looked at Mairead. “He says that you are going with him.”

  Holding on to the fence, Mairead shook her head. “No James, I’m not.”

  James looked at her stonily, “I’m getting you out of here now, Mairead.”

  “James,” Mairead shouted angrily. “I do appreciate what you did for me toni
ght but that doesn’t give you say over me. I’m sorry if you’re hurting but I love Mark and I’m going to marry him and he’s the only man I want to be with tonight.”

  Mark beamed his satisfaction at James who was staring incredulously at Mairead, “I too appreciate what you done here tonight James, but your services are no longer required.” He whistled loudly.

  Three large bald headed thugs entered the car park, one with the limp body of the other youth draped over his shoulder, until he dumped him to the floor.

  “As you can see,” Mark continued. “I’m now making sure that Mairead is going to have all the protection she needs.”

  James smirked and nodded, “Yeah, so I see.” He looked at Mairead contemptuously and turned back to Mark, “You’re welcome to her.” He walked away, only stopping when his path led to the new security.

  “Let him pass,” Mark watched James leave and then looked down at Mairead who had sank down and was kneeling on the floor shivering violently and crying uncontrollably. He quickly gathered the coat she had borrowed and put it around her. Taking her in his arms he scooped her up. She was trembling violently as she leaned her head against his shoulder and clutched his shirt.


  The minimalist furnished penthouse with its stark white walls had been invaded by colour. Arrangements of flowers sat on every available space and even in large vases on the floor. Cards sat next to them and array of brightly wrapped presents took up most of the glass top table.

  Mairead added her own splash of colour by wearing her favourite dress, much to Mark’s approval. They sat on the balcony enjoying a late breakfast and the warmth of the sunny day.

  “You look beautiful,” He told her.

  She gave him a weak smile, “Shouldn’t we go pick Daddy up from the airport?”

  Mark wiped his mouth and shook his head. “I’ve got a man picking him up and bringing him straight here. He’ll be here after lunch.”

  Her excitement bubbled within her and she was relieved to feel a true emotion instead of the numbness that had gripped her since the night in the car park. It made it easier to keep a happy expression and therefore keep Mark in a good mood.

  He’d been reasonably kind to her since then, though he had made quite clear that her pole dancing days were over. The only comment he had made about James was “I just got a feeling we haven’t seen the last of him.”

  She had mixed feelings about his speculation. Most of them wanted it to be true but she feared what might happen if James was to return. Her own reasoning told her that it could only bring more sorrow if he did come back. Mark would not be so patient and she feared what he might do to him. She already knew what he was capable of.

  At least James was alive and that’s all that mattered. Whatever was to become of her own life seemed reasonable now, the appropriate price for the pain she had caused everyone else, a price that was clarified with Mark’s following question.

  “Has your period stopped?”

  Mairead smirked and nodded. “Yes Mark, so you don’t have to get completely hammered to fuck me.

  “Good,” Mark was grinning widely. “I want to be aware of everything. I want to watch you and listen to you while I’m fucking you, because I’ve got a feeling that you’re going to be something completely different.”

  Her stomach was beginning to turn again but she smiled anyway. “Oh goody, I can’t wait. Hope I’m not a disappointment.”

  His face grew serious. “You’re the most exciting woman I’ve ever met in my life. You will never be a disappointment.”

  His sober statement made her feel uneasy and she quickly changed the subject. “When do the decorators arrive?”

  “Everything is under control,” Mark assured her. “But your guest list is lacking a little.”

  Mairead had lost her enthusiasm to see her friends but the thought of spending a night with Mark’s guests was fast losing its appeal. She would be meeting his father, and there were several celebrities amongst his guests attending including a few All Black players. None of them interested her. There were going to be journalists as well and her behaviour would have to be reserved. She knew that she needed to tip the odds a little more in her favour.

  “Can I go and see Miranda and her flatmates after breakfast?”

  He looked at her critically, “The stripper?”

  “I’d describe her more as a dancer,” Mairead tried to sound convincing.

  “When we go back to Australia Mairead, your social circle is going to be a lot more refined.” He sighed. “Go and invite your friends. Don’t go anywhere near that fucking car park. Be back here in an hour.”

  “I will,” She thanked him with a smile and watched him grunt and turn to the newspaper. She sighed at his next demand. “Get changed before you go out.”

  Back in jeans and t-shirt Mairead was pleased to get out. It was tempting to keep walking and never go back, but there was nowhere to go. Every idea she had contemplated to escape her misery, still lacked the presence of James. Without him, it didn’t matter where she was miserable.

  Approaching Miranda’s apartment, Mairead wondered how or even if she would be welcomed. She knocked quietly on the door and waited. The door flung open and Amiri stared down at her. Seeing him she could barely smile and say hello.

  He had her in his arms in seconds and carried her into the flat, holding her against him tightly. Miranda jumped up and took over his embrace as he set her down. Diana came up behind her and looked very pleased to see her.

  She started trying to apologise for not saying goodbye and she was in tears before she had finished. “I’m so very sorry.”

  Miranda grasped her hand. “We were just so worried about you and then when we heard about the engagement...”

  Diana was blunt. “Why the fuck are you marrying that guy? I thought there was this other bloke...”

  “It’s a really long complicated story Diana,” Mairead brushed off her tears and tried to look happy. “Mark and I have had a few ups and downs but we love each other.”

  Diana scoffed, “I’ll put my money on him that he was the one who gave you those bruises.”

  It was Amiri that intervened. “Would you please shut that gaping hole in your head Diana?”

  He grinned at Mairead. “We’re very happy for you Mairead.”

  “Happy enough to come to my engagement party tonight?” Mairead employed her sweetest smile.

  There was an immediate burst of excited affirmations and even Diana responded positively, “We read some of the guest list in the paper this morning. Oh my god, we’re going to be partying with high society.”

  “Diana,” Amiri winked at Mairead. “The local homeless shelter is high society for you.”

  Diana’s slipper soared through the air and hit Amiri’s head with her comment, “You’re fucking lucky I’m not wearing boots bitch.”

  Mairead couldn’t help laughing at the two but was startled when Amiri jumped to his feet. Instead of attacking Diana, he ran into his bedroom and came out holding a yellow A4 sized envelope.

  “I have the perfect engagement present for you Mairead.” He jumped into the space between her and Miranda. Clutching the paper against his chest his face radiated with excitement. “This arrived yesterday for me, but I want you to have it instead.”

  He ceremoniously handed her the envelope and waited eagerly for her to open it. Mairead was excited as she drew out several documents. The top one was an application booklet and underneath was a flyer.

  She breathed out deeply as she looked upon the silhouette of a woman on a pole against a blue background. The title of the flyer read, ‘International Pole Dancing Championships.’

  How was it possible to feel so thrilled and so devastated at the same time? She could not take her eyes from the flyer. The dates were less than six months away and for a moment she allowed herself to imagine thoughts of vigorous training and preparation, but reality set in and she died a little inside.

pretended to be excited for him.

  “Thank you so much Amiri. We’ll have to get together soon and start making some plans, once I get this engagement out the way.”

  Amiri hugged her. “You just put your foot down with that fiancée of yours. I heard him on the news saying some bullshit about Aussie but your place is here girl with your feet planted firmly on a pole.”

  How she wished that was true and how bitterly ironic it was that she could finally see that life of happiness that she had always wanted, a life with James and friends that she loved, doing something that she truly cared about.

  She left when it was politely possible and walked back to the hotel. The manager greeted her on arrival and asked if she cared to see the decorations in the function room. She declined and went back to the room.


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