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The Finest Line

Page 30

by Catherine Taylor

  As they watched he moved his head slightly.

  “Fucking bastard is still breathing.” James voice was furious.

  She hated hearing him so angry. “He saved my life James. He helped me escape. I got to help him.”

  His anger was turned on her. “No you don’t. He’s the fucking reason you’ve gone through all this. They hurt you and the only reason I haven’t killed the fucking lot of them, is that I know it would haunt you.”

  Mairead nodded. “Exactly which is why I don’t want Mark to die either.”

  James breathed deeply. “I’ll get the bastard but only for you.”

  “You can’t,” Mairead clutched his arm. “You won’t be able to bring him up and if he wakes up and sees you he will panic. Both of you will be killed. I’ve got to do it.”

  Grasping her arm, his voice was raised. “Like hell you do. Get back from the wall Mairead or I swear I’ll tie you up.” He took his phone from an inner pocket of the jacket. “I’ll ring emergency services.”

  “James, please,” She pulled on his arm. “Let me do this. I told you once before this is what I do. This is the one thing that I can do that you can’t.”

  “You are injured Mairead,” James tried to reason.

  “And I don’t need to balance.” She desperately explained. “All I have to do is climb down to him and stay with him until emergency services arrive. Holding onto a pipe is even easier than a pole. I can keep him still. Please James, please let me do this.

  Tears began to course down his face as he stared at her and then he nodded. Mairead embraced him, removed her shoes and quickly straddled the wall. James took a firm grip on her arm and helped her down to the first pipe.

  “You take your time, do you hear me?”

  She nodded and started to climb down slowly. “Just keep talking to me James.”

  “Whatever you want to hear baby,” he told her softly.

  She watched her feet through blurry vision as she went from pipe to pipe. “Have you had enough of me yet James?”

  “Are you kidding?” He was trying to sound cheerful. “You’ve ruined me for any other woman. How would they ever compare to you?”

  Mairead laughed. “They would probably bring you a lot less stress.”

  “Probably,” He agreed, “But life would soon get boring. It would go back to what it was like after I got out of hospital. It had no meaning then. Even working at the nightclub only served to get me out of a depression. Life began with you.”

  Moved by his words, tears were threatening and she needed to keep what little vision she had. “How the hell did you find me?”

  “You owe your life to your taxi driver. He followed the van that took you and I had just rung the taxi company to find you when he called it through.”

  Her tears pricked again as she thought of Chandi. She had to keep calm.

  She paused long enough to grin up at James. “If I get out this alive, I’m in more danger alone with you than I ever was here, aren’t I?

  He returned her grin. “You have no idea.”

  She could only imagine the punishment he was going to inflict on her but it was enough to renew her strength.

  Reaching Mark she sat down on the pipe that the board was resting on and at which end his head lay. She could see the other end of the board and its precarious support. Any movement would be fatal.

  Leaning forward she was able to bring her head down next to his and support her balance with one hand on the pipe and the other on his back.

  She called softly to him several times until he responded. His head lifted up and he looked at her with glazed eyes, “Mairead?”

  “Listen to me Mark.” She spoke urgently. “If you move we both die. You must remain completely still. You are lying extremely high up on a board that is not supported very well.”

  He looked at her quizzically for a moment and then his recall prompted him to raise his head further. He looked over the plank at the depth below. “Fuck.”

  Mairead increased her pleading, “Don’t panic whatever you do. Emergency services are on their way. You have to keep still Mark.”

  “I will,” He whispered and lay his head down again. “I think my nose is broken.”

  She grinned. “It looks fine unlike your father’s which is spread across his face”

  “How did that happen?”

  “I kicked him in the face and in his balls and in his guts.”

  “Well done you,” Mark grinned. “So why the hell are you down here or up here with me?”

  “You saved my life.” She replied, narrowing her eyes at him. “Do you think for one minute I was going to let you have that over me? I’m here to repay the favour.”

  “I did try to stop you even being here.” He reminded her. “You should have listened to me in the cafe.”

  A fog began to whirl through her head and her vision paled. She looked at Mark. “I think I’m going to pass out and that can’t be good. I’m lying on a pipe.”

  Mark reached out and gripped her arm. “Stay awake, Mairead. Keep talking to me.”

  “Just do me a favour.” It was getting harder to think. “Would you tell that big bastard up there that I love him beyond life and any happiness I ever had was only when I was with him.”

  Mark nodded and Mairead allowed herself to close her eyes.


  When registered nurse Amy arrived for her shift she was stunned to see the unusual crowd gathered outside one of the private suites. She looked at Matron who was busy filling out forms.

  “Don’t even ask,” Matron sighed. “They won’t leave and we’ve had official word to leave them alone. So far they’ve been well behaved.”

  Amy looked at the group which comprised of a tall and quite handsome man with dreadlocked hair, a heavily tattooed and pierced woman and a tall pretty bleach blonde girl, dressed in very little. Across from them was a Maori woman, dressed in a stylish pencil skirt and jacket. Next to her was an Indian lad in a taxi uniform.

  The door opened and a tall older man came out and everyone got up to listen to him.

  “Isn’t that Sean Kavanagh, the politician?”

  Matron nodded. “It is and it is his daughter who is our special guest.”

  Sean addressed the others. “She’s awake and looking well but right now we need to give her some space with James. Come down to the cafeteria and I’ll buy you all some lunch.”

  Amy watched the politician lead the crowd away. When they were gone she grinned at Matron, “Scary looking bunch.”

  Matron smiled and raised an eyebrow. “You haven’t seen the scariest one.”

  Several minutes later, the door opened again and Amy’s eyes widened as she watched a man approach. He was tall and broad, well muscled under a black t-shirt and with jeans upon a lean waist and stomach. His face sported a few minor cuts and bruises which didn’t detract from his very handsome features. It was the hardness and sobriety of his face that was unnerving.

  “Miss Kavanagh is requesting some food” he told her quietly.

  Amy nodded staring up at the face at least a foot above her own, “Anything in particular?”

  “I suggest poached eggs on wholegrain toast and a few choices of fruit.” He smiled. “A pot of tea would be welcomed and might I bother you for a cup for myself?”

  “No bother at all,” Amy replied.

  “Thank you,” James walked away and Amy looked at Matron with a grin.

  “He can scare my pants off any day.”

  When James returned to the room Mairead was sitting up against the pillows looking mournful.

  “Am I ugly?”

  “No you are not,” He replied firmly. “The bruising will be gone in a few days.”

  She looked up at him. “I didn’t think I was going to get to look at you again.”

  She started crying and James was quick to get his arms around her. “Try not to think about it. I’m having enough trouble myself coping with it. I should never have allow
ed you to go out on that scaffolding.”

  Mairead pulled away to look up at him. “But you did and I love you for that. Makes me think that you might consider a few other things I want to do.”

  His frown was instant. “Which are?”

  “I want to live in Wellington so I can be near my friends. I can always fly back and see Daddy.”

  “You’ll have to spend the first few months in Pukerua Bay with me until my house is any shape to live in.”

  Mairead beamed and took encouragement in her granted request to ask another.

  “I want to be a pole dancer.” She flinched a little as she asked, expecting a definite rejection.

  “Vanessa and I have already discussed this,” James sighed. “I was a little opposed to the idea, but Vanessa believes that you would make an exceptional choreographer for the girls at our new club.”

  It was Mairead’s turn to frown. “What new club?”

  James grinned sheepishly. “I was going to tell you but the opportunity has been delayed several times.”

  Mairead sat up. “Tell me what?”

  “Did you ever wonder what we were doing in Silver Dreams the night of your little performance?”

  Mairead shrugged, “Perving?”

  James laughed. “Yeah fair enough, but in actual fact, we were celebrating our purchase of the establishment. We now own a nightclub.”

  Mairead’s mouth fell open, evolving into a wide grin, “That is so cool and so completely out of character for you James.”

  “Are you saying that I am not cool?”

  “Hell no,” Mairead laughed long and loud. “You are definitely not cool James, more like an antique.”

  As his frown deepened, she quickly added, “Which is just my type and antiques are so classy. You’re definitely classy.”

  “We will also need a cleaner for our club.” James smiled.

  “Choreographer sounds fantastic, as long as I get to perform every now and then like a mystery guest. That way I can practice for my entry... into the pole dancing championships.”

  “Your application has already been filled in and sent away.”

  Mairead felt overwhelmed. “You’re spoiling me.”

  “Yes I am,” James agreed sternly. “But the difference between your father and I is that, I have no trouble in disciplining you when it’s needed.”

  The tingles rippled through her backside. “I think you’re right and we shouldn’t think about things that have happened. We will just look to the future and forget about all that other crap.”

  James laughed, “Good try Mairead, and you will be getting a week’s stay of execution from physical discipline until you are fully healed, but then...” He leaned in close. “Your arse is mine.”

  She gulped. “Do I get to have a little fun in my healing week?”

  He shook his head. “Punishment starts today. You are on a time-out from sex until I deem otherwise. That includes any self help.”

  Mairead slumped down into her pillows and sulked.

  James grinned at her. “I might make a few concessions for good behaviour.”

  Her smile was back. She knew exactly how their relationship would always play out, James asserting himself as the authority figure, but Mairead knowing who was really in control.

  Amy came in with lunch and James pulled the mobile table over for her to set it down on.

  She looked at Mairead, “There is a gentleman at the nurse’s station requesting to see you, Mark Lewis.”

  They both fell silent until James looked at Mairead. “Eat your lunch. I’ll go and see him.”

  “James, I want to see him.”

  “Eat your lunch.”

  James hurried out of the room. Mairead pushed the table away angrily.

  “Are you alright Miss Kavanagh?” Amy asked, moving the table back out of harms way.

  Mairead nodded, “Just stupid males.”

  Amy grinned at her. “You seem to have a knack for picking the good looking ones.”

  Mairead laughed. “I’ll sell both of them to you for a glass of scotch.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” Amy laughed. “Would you mind if I did your observations?”

  Mairead allowed her temperature and blood pressure to be taken without fuss. Amy checked her facial injuries for any swelling and then asked Mairead to roll over on her side.

  “Why?” Mairead looked horrified.

  “According to the doctor’s report, you have some bruising on your bottom.”

  Mairead blushed and shook her head. “Those ones are fine. Trust me.”

  James came back into the room, followed by Mark. Amy looked at them and sighed.

  “Offer is still open,” Mairead whispered, making Amy blush and giggle.

  “I’ll leave you to your visitors.”

  When Amy was gone, Mairead eyed both men tentatively. James approached her bed and frowned. “Why haven’t you eaten your lunch?’

  “I lost my appetite.” She looked at Mark. He also had bruising to his face. “Hi.”

  He smiled. “Hello Mairead, how are you feeling?”

  “Like shit.”

  “Understandable,” Mark nodded. “Hopefully I have some news that might bring you a little relief.”

  Mairead held her breath.

  “My father is currently behind bars for attempted murder on both you and myself. While he is contemplating that, further charges of corruption and bribery are expected to follow and he will be sent back to Australia to face a number of other charges. Unfortunately the murder of Joshua Mason will not be one of them. Nothing I could do about that.”

  Mairead nodded as tears ran down her face.

  Mark continued. “A number of your father’s colleagues are also facing charges of accepting bribes and non declaration of significant amounts of money deposited in their accounts. The West Auckland project will be officially abandoned.”

  “What’s going to happen to you?” Mairead asked.

  Mark grinned broadly. “I’m going to be a very rich man. No one has anything on me, except you.”

  Mairead looked at James who took her hand. “Mark is prepared to admit everything though he rather wouldn’t. It’s up to you.”

  His calmness unnerved her. “You’re taking this rather well James.”

  He looked at Mark and back to her. “He’s still an arsehole but while you were unconscious for twenty minutes before we could get to you, he held onto you and risked his own life. I owe him that.”

  Mairead smirked at Mark. “You just couldn’t stand to be even could you?”

  Mark grinned but quickly became sombre. “Neither of you owe me anything. What do you want me to do Mairead?”

  “Try not to turn out like your father.” She answered quickly. “I don’t give a fuck about the media. They can print what they like.”

  “I will attempt a little damage control. We all had a big misunderstanding.”

  Mairead added, “And I would like all evidence of my drunken antics destroyed.”

  “Consider it done.” He looked at James and the casual suave demeanour was back with his grin. “I don’t have to tell you what you have. Just be aware that if you ever fuck up, I’ll still be out there somewhere, just waiting.”

  James returned a humourless smile. “Then I won’t fuck up.”

  Returning his attention to Mairead, his stare lingered for a moment. Goodbye Kiwi Girl. Undoubtedly our paths will cross when all this goes to trial but until then, I won’t bother you again.”

  “I still have the necklace and earrings you bought me.”

  “Keep them,” he told her, glancing at James. “It was my engagement present to you.”

  Mairead grinned. “Goodbye Mark.”

  He was gone and Mairead waited for James to say something. Eventually she looked at him, “I’ll be sending the jewellery back.”

  “It’s alright babe,” his voice sounded tired. “I’m just having a few self esteem issues myself. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever be enou
gh for you. When all this is over and we are living a day to day life, maybe I won’t seem so appealing to you.”

  Mairead hurt to hear him talk like this. “Everything about you appeals to me. No one has the power over me that you do, and certainly not Mark. It’s something that I’ve tossed around in my head a thousand times since you first threatened to take me over your knee five years ago, but it’s only been these last few weeks that I know what it is that makes me love you so much.”


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