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Forever Sky (The Blue Phoenix Series Book 6)

Page 13

by Lisa Swallow


  “I mean the people watching for her.”

  The quelled anger threatens to build again, swirling around my stomach. “But you met up with her?”

  He snorts. “Yes and no. I didn’t deliberately look for Lily. I saw her parked near the studio and went to her car. Lost my shit with her, told her to back off.”

  “What did she do?”

  “It was as if she hadn’t heard a word I said, no reaction. She just said goodbye and drove off.”

  I rub my tired eyes. Sleep didn’t come easily last night, and my subconscious worries Lily could threaten us manifested in dreams. I woke in the night, uncomfortable and unsure where I was, regretting Dylan wasn’t with me.

  “Do you understand why I’m angry?” I ask him.

  Dylan steps forward and rubs my arm. “Yes. I was stupid.”

  I relax against the counter, relieved we’ve remained calm. Dylan wraps his arms around me and holds the back of my head against his chest, where his heart beats fast against my cheek. “But do you understand why? I was frightened how much the Lily situation would upset you….” He trails off. “I was scared we’d lose the baby.”

  I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face into his soft shirt. “Oh, Dylan… I don’t think that would’ve been a risk factor.”

  He holds my shoulders, an intensity too familiar in his eyes. “I can’t let anything hurt you. Both of you. I want to keep you out of danger, and until the baby comes, I do that by keeping you extra safe.”

  “Don’t try to protect me by lying,” I whisper. “Next time I won’t be as calm about it.”

  Dylan fights a smile, and I narrow my eyes at him. “Calm? That was you calm?”

  I chew on my lip, biting down a smile at his reaction. “I guess not.” I tiptoe to place my lips on his. “I half understand why you made the decision now.”

  He takes my face and moves his mouth to kiss my forehead. “And I promise not to hide anything again.”

  “Hmm. I’ve heard that one before, I think—” His mouth meets mine again, silencing my response with a gentle kiss.



  News of our argument’s leaked by an employee at the PR offices, and an opportunist took a shot of me leaving the building red-eyed and tearful. Great. By the end of the day, there’s another “break-up” story. A pissed off Dylan heads straight over to Tina in an attempt to sort yesterday’s events out. By events, I know he means the invisible baby claims too. I stay at the apartment. I don’t want to involve myself, exhausted.

  I rest up watching TV drama reruns, but Lily invades my thoughts. I’m upset Lily caused issues, and my rationality took a vacation yesterday. I’m also paranoid Lily’s stalking could step up a notch after her approaching my car yesterday.

  Which means when the apartment intercom buzzes, I freak out. Half inclined to ignore it, I relent and ask who’s there.

  “Hey, Sky.”

  “Bryn? I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Dylan isn’t with you? He forgot, didn’t he?”

  “He’s out. He should’ve called you. Hang on.” I can’t have this conversation over the intercom and hit the button to unlock the door. I stand with the apartment door open, arms wrapped around myself, and wait for him to climb out of the elevator. A few minutes later a dishevelled Bryn appears. This tall, broad guy normally carries himself with a laid-back gait, but he’s hunched, and as he approaches, I see stress lines on Bryn’s face beneath his auburn curls.

  He gives me a rueful smile as we head into the lounge.

  “I’m not sure when Dylan will be home.”

  “You look like crap,” he remarks.

  “You don’t look much better.”

  The familiar Bryn grin appears. “Yeah. True. Congratulations by the way. Dylan’s hell excited. I hope yours and Jem’s kids don’t fight as much as they do.”

  I smile. “I’m sure they’ll both be a force of nature.” Dylan already has notions the two children will become best friends, and it’s hard to avoid imagining the pair together and wondering how they’ll be. Personality clashes or best friends? Likely both.

  Bryn sinks onto the sofa and blows air into his cheeks. “Will Dylan be long?”

  “I’m not sure. He had to see Tina about the latest media bullshit.”

  “Oh, yeah, I heard you had a fight. Must be serious, you guys don’t fight in public.”

  “We’re okay now. Lily stuff.”

  “Oh? Is she back? Not good.” His dismissive response catches me off guard. This isn’t like Bryn. He rubs his face and sits forward in the seat, staring at his feet. “Should I wait or come back later?”

  “Bryn, are you okay? Do you want to talk to me instead of Dylan? You look like you need to talk to someone.”

  “Nah. I mean, yeah. Dunno.”

  “Pick an answer.”

  “Dylan told me about his solo project. I wanted to chat to him about that.” Still focusing on his feet. Hmm.

  I sit next to him. “And is that all?”

  Bryn huffs drags both hands though his hair. “Okay, I told Dylan something I haven’t told the other guys, and I wanted to talk to him about it.”

  “Oh? Are you thinking about some solo work too?”

  He laughs. “Nah. Too much happening in my life.”

  “Problems with Avery again?” I suggest.

  He frowns at me. “Did Dylan say something to you?”

  “No.” I pick my phone up from the low table. “Did you want to go for a coffee? We can chat. To be honest, I want to get out of the apartment for a couple of hours.”

  And to be totally honest, I haven’t left in case Lily’s nearby. I’m certain she wouldn’t approach if I’m with Bryn.

  “You sure?”

  “You need a friend to talk to, I think. Come on.”

  There’s a place located in the apartment complex, open to the public, but not popular, which is why I often visit with my books when I want to escape. Mid-afternoon, mid-week, few people sit at tables in the bright and airy cafe. I choose one and shift uncomfortably on the metal chair, a drawback of this place, and not great for pregnant women.

  Bryn returns from the counter with a couple of large coffees and nods at my stomach before he lowers his large frame into the opposite seat. “Baby Phoenixes all round.”

  I blink. “Oh. Is that what’s happening? Is Avery pregnant?”

  “Fuck, no. Worse.”

  “Did you guys split?”

  Dylan and me haven’t been sociable recently, none of the band have. I like Avery. She’s a humorous girl, and watching her and Bryn play off each other can be hilarious. They are perfectly suited in a “never would’ve thought” it way. Always friendly too, unlike Ruby who I still can’t warm to. Will becoming new mothers around the same time make a difference to our relationship?

  “No. Even worse.” I grapple for other options, but he continues talking. “I have a kid.”

  I’m unsure whether to laugh at, congratulate, or sympathise with him, his eyes unreadable beneath his fringe. I push the hair away so I can see him. “A kid? You kept that quiet.”

  “I didn’t bloody know until a couple of months ago.” He pulls his head away from my hand.



  I listen in increasing disbelief as Bryn tells me the story of Hannah, him, and Connor, his eight-year-old son. My heart aches for all of them, including poor Avery. I need to call her as soon as I leave. This touches on a raw spot we all share—me, Avery, and Cerys—one resurrected for me yesterday. Secret kids. Although in Bryn’s case, the situation is different. I don’t dare ask what his plans are. I don’t want to know if he’s ending things with Avery. I’ll be furious with him for hurting her if he does, but this is not my business, and I can see Bryn’s struggle.

  “Why did you only tell Dylan?” I ask.

  He shrugs, Bryn style. “Wasn’t gonna tell anyone, but everybody’s about to find out. Not like anythi
ng’s secret for long. Told Dylan because I saw him before the other guys, I guess”

  “Right.” I play with an empty sugar sachet and gaze around the half-empty cafe. What the hell do I say?

  “So what shit has Lily been up to?”

  I look back to him. “It’s not so much what she’s done, more Dylan not telling me she was back. She tried to contact me, and he hid the letters.”

  “Bad move, Dylan,” he says with a laugh. “Don’t cross a pregnant woman.”

  “I wish people wouldn’t blame my reaction on my hormones!” I snap.

  Bryn hold both hands up, palms out. “Hey, sorry. I forget you’re normally difficult.” I grit my teeth, but he grins. “Kidding!”

  “And Lily told Dylan she had his baby.”

  Bryn splutters his coffee and wipes his mouth with the back of a hand. Weirdly, I need to see his reaction, to gauge how somebody close to Dylan and has known him longer reacts. “Sure she did. Jesus, the girl is mental. I mean, seriously needs help.”

  “I know, but—”

  “Sky, seriously? Where is it then? This mythical kid? Ignore her. Please. Don’t stress yourself about all this. You know her aim is to come between you and Dylan.”

  I chew a nail. “But I’m worried, Bryn. She was… calm like she actually believes we’re friends.”

  “Someone will sort it. Don’t worry. Talk to Dylan.”

  “He’s working on that today.”


  My mouth turns down at the intrusive thought I can’t shake, and Bryn takes my hands across the table. “Everything will work out.” I’m about to speak and he takes his turn in switching the subject. “You found a name for the baby yet?”


  “I can help!” he grins as I grimace at him. “Something unique. That’s the cool thing for you famous people to do.”

  “Jesus, no way. Normal name.”

  “Nah!” Bryn strokes his chin pretending to muse. “Fairybelle?” He straightens. “I know! Skylan!”

  “You’re weird. Yours would be hilarious—Bravery.” Bryn’s expression darkens. “Oh, crap. Sorry. Big mouth.”

  Bryn swigs the rest of his coffee. “All good.”

  The odd thing about Bryn is how comfortable I am around him, always was. I’ve always had male friends, especially at school because drama doesn’t follow them as much as girls. Somehow Bryn survived the injection of asshole most famous guys acquire. As far as I know. I coax him into talking about his trip to Europe with Avery, comparing notes on our travels. Talking about anything but stalkers and difficult decisions.

  A more relaxed Bryn readies himself to leave an hour later, some worry lifted from his face. “Thanks for listening, summer Sky.”

  “Any time, Bryn.”

  He holds his arms out and I stand, preparing for a Bryn-style crushing embrace. He’s gentler than usual, and I hug him back before he heads towards the sliding cafe doors, with more than one person watching the tall man stride past their tables and into the sunshine.



  This is a freaking joke, right? What the hell are we paying Tina for? She sucks at her job.

  I drop the sandwich I’m eating onto the plate as I check the link somebody sent to my phone last night.

  “Sky Morgan pregnant, but who’s the father? Dylan Morgan or Bryn Hughes?”

  I read the internet article and study the pictures. Sky, in tears, leaving the offices three days ago. Sky, in a cafe with Bryn, smiling and laughing, and in one shot holding hands across the table. Bryn hugging Sky, the way Bryn always says goodbye. Scrolling down, I find an image of me. Sour faced. Alone.

  They’ve written some stupid shit about us before, but this? This takes the fucking cake.

  Way to go, Bryn. One secret kid, and now he’s fathering Sky’s? I laugh. Un-fucking-believable.

  We announced the pregnancy as planned, but the Sky hysterics and ensuing argument, plus the new Bryn angle, has sent the entertainment press into a gleeful tailspin.

  It’s 8:00 a.m. Sky sleeps later recently, and I doubt she’s seen this. Licking butter from my fingers, I smirk to myself and flick over to my phone contacts to call Bryn.

  “What?” he mumbles. “Too early.”

  “Hey, man. Congratulations.”


  “Didn’t you hear? You have two kids, not one.”

  “Shit!” There’s a rustling and door banging, then his voice echoes as if he’s in a bathroom. “Whose? What the hell?”

  “Calm down, it’s Sky.”

  Silence deadens my joking before a stunned voice replies, “Sky? Like, your wife Sky?”

  “Yeah. I just found out from the internet.”

  More silence. “You don’t believe them do you?”

  “What the fuck, Bryn? No. Why the hell would I?”

  “Please explain and stop winding me up.”

  “Sky was spotted in tears, alone, after our fight, and then a couple of days ago, she was photographed cuddling you.”

  “Cuddling? What the actual fuck, Dylan? No.”

  “Heh, I always told you to keep your hands off women in public. You never listen.”

  “I was saying goodbye!”

  “Yeah, I thought as much. Don’t stress.”

  “Fuck. Don’t you think Avery has had enough with the Connor bombshell? What’s she gonna say?”

  “I’m sure she’ll laugh about it too.”

  Bryn mumbles something.

  “C’mon, man, see the funny side.”

  “Maybe when I wake up properly. It’s not every morning one of my best mates calls and tells me his wife’s having my baby, and then he laughs about it.”

  “’Cause if it were remotely true, I’d be round there kicking seven shades out of you.”

  “As if, Dylan.”

  “Yeah? Saying I couldn’t?”

  Sky appears in the kitchen, barefoot and hair mussed. She rubs her bleary eyes and pulls the cord tighter around her black silk gown across her growing belly. A mix of excitement and nerves swell. “Who are you arguing with?”

  “I’m not. I’m joking around with Bryn.”

  “Uh-huh.” Sky takes half my bacon sandwich from the plate. “Is he okay?” she asks through a mouthful.

  “Yeah.” I end the conversation with confused Bryn and grab the sandwich back from her. “Mine. I would’ve made you one, but you were asleep and didn’t know if you wanted any breakfast.”

  “I’ll never say no to one of your bacon sandwiches,” she says in a teasing tone and takes it. “Share with your starving, pregnant wife.”

  I give a small shake of my head. “Fine.”

  Wrapping my arms around Sky, I rest my face and hands against her belly, warm beneath the silky material, enjoying the moment. “Want to hear something funny?”

  She laces her free hand’s fingers with mine where they rest on our baby. “What?” I point at the phone on the table. “Oh God, what now?”


  “Do I have to?”

  “It’s a funny one,” I move my face and look up. “Though Bryn doesn’t think so.”

  “Bryn?” Sky drops the sandwich on the plate and takes my phone. For a moment her brows tug together, and she huffs loudly. “This pregnancy is going to be a nightmare.”

  “Could I suggest no more losing your shit in public?”

  Sky pokes her tongue out. “Could I suggest no more hiding letters?”

  “Yeah. About that….”

  I picked up a new letter at the offices yesterday, and promptly forgot until now. I pull the creased paper from my back pocket. “More bullshit about babies, addressed to me this time.”

  “Oh.” Sky takes the letter, and her smile fades. “Has Lily come up with any evidence yet?”

  “Couple of photos of her with a baby, but it could be anybody’s. We asked her for a birth certificate, but she ‘can’t find it.’”

  “Maybe ask to see the actual child?” Sky pauses.
“No, don’t. She’ll probably steal one off the street.”

  “I don’t think she’s that unstable, Sky.”

  “Don’t bet on it. She’s freaked me out.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Poor Bryn. He told me about his kid. I hope it doesn’t screw things up between him and Avery.”

  “I’m sure they’ll deal with it. Not our problem.” I pull her close and kiss her. “Now, you having another man’s baby, that’s a problem.”

  Sky pushes me. “Very funny.”

  “You want me to confront Bryn in public? Keep the fun going?”

  “Not this time. I know we’ve teased the press before, but this involves someone else.”


  We sit at the table and share my breakfast, pulled away from the world into our quiet place. “I’m excited about this,” she whispers and twists my wedding ring around my finger. “It’s happening. I can finally let go and allow myself to believe.”

  “Me too. And screw everybody else, remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember.” She leans forward and kisses my nose. “Sorry I was crappy about everything the other day.”

  “S’okay, I deserved it. A bit. But you understand why?”

  “Kind of. Do it again and I’ll kick your ass.”

  The chances of Sky managing to rank less than zero. “Sure, Mrs Morgan.”

  “I like that too,” she whispers and place her lips on mine. “One thing announced, one to go.”

  “What else?”

  “The album, Dylan. It’s stressing you. Bryn and Steve know. Are you scared to tell Jem or something?”

  “No! He’s busy. Y’know. Baby nearly here.”

  Sky squeezes my hand. “Do what I told you the first time you talked to me about this, in Broadbeach, all those months ago. Live your life. Take back yourself from others control.”

  “I know.” I cup her cheek and kiss her gently. “Live my life the way I want, with the person I want.” I touch her belly. “With my family.”




  Pregnancy is okay. Almost five months in and I can finally eat without feeling sick. The first few months I was on edge constantly, memories of December too raw, but we focused hard on believing all will be okay this time.

  My heart raced to match the pace of baby’s heartbeat as we heard it for the first time and glimpsed the grainy grey image on screen. Last week, we saw her more clearly, and there were tears from both of us.


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