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Banging Reaper

Page 3

by Sweet, Izzy

  Not during my fights. Not in any relationship. And never when I am dealing with anyone except for myself. I do not allow the beast out, and he stays buried inside and chained to a steel wall of self-discipline.

  I have no excuse at all for the next forty-five seconds.

  I snap after witnessing Ethan shove the girl into the wall. The beast is in control now and he's got one chain off with only one more barely restraining him.

  Running straight at Ethan, I hit him as hard as I possibly can from the side with my shoulder and wrap my arms around his torso before I slam him into the concrete floor.

  I feel a sharp pain in my left hand as I land. It’s not a pain I like but I can live past it if I get to put this little fucker six feet under.

  Flipping him onto his back, I mount his waist like I’m a cowboy and watch his stunned face quickly turn to rage at me.

  The snapping sound I hear in my head is the last chain coming off.

  I am not a monster. I'm a controlled rational being. My right and left fists smashing repeatedly against Ethan's arms and against the side of his head are the monsters. They like the pain they feel after each connection to his face.

  “Never. Hit. A. Woman.” Each word is bellowed out as I connect with his face and body.

  Dale and a security guard slam into me, pushing me first into the wall then down to the ground. I know I’m out of control. I know the beast needs to be restrained, but I just don’t have the strength yet to put his chains back on.

  It's a good thing though that Dale is just as big as I am because the security guard is flung into the wall with a thud. I roar, still enraged, but Dale manages to keep me down. He holds me and tries to talk sense into me, not letting go of me until he’s sure I’m calm.

  It’s chaos for the next few minutes as more and more people come running into the area.

  People swarm and surround Ethan and me. When they finally allow me to get up from the ground, my first thought is to that raven-haired chick. I sure hope that head slam wasn't as bad as it looked.

  Looking around, I try to find her but only see Ethan running his mouth, bellowing for the cops. He’s bitching and claiming I just assaulted him. I see Dale, he’s not looking at Ethan, so I follow his line of sight until I spot the girl I’m looking for.

  She’s still on the ground against the wall. Her knees are pulled up under her chin and her arms are wrapped tightly around them. She’s shuddering as if she’s afraid, and it’s all I can do to not to charge back at Ethan and beat him to a fucking pulp.

  I know for a fact that even with all the security standing around Ethan, and a cop approaching him from the side, that if I wanted to, I could get to him without anyone being able to stop me. I could hurt him, and I could more than likely end his life right there. I would get hurt doing it in the process, but the beast is truly a beast, the pain would only inflame him. I could kill this man and not a damn person would be able to stop me.

  I feel my left hand twitch and I lower myself to the ground beside the girl I’m always going to think of as a raven-haired beauty. It is pain I feel, but it’s also anticipation, like my body is going through a pre-flight check to make sure it’s ready to go after the bastard who hurt this beautiful woman.

  “It's...” I'm not sure what exactly to say to her because it’s not okay, and I know that. But I have to say something as I pull her over and into my arms as gently as possible. Wrapping my arm around her body, she feels surprisingly soft and warm.

  Pulling back, I push her hair away from her eyes and quietly say, “I need to see your eyes Raven girl. I wanna see if your pupils are dilated.”

  Those luscious emerald chips slowly open with small pools of water spilling down her cheeks. They are beautiful and completely captivating. If this raven-haired beauty was mine, I could see myself burying my face into her hair and taking long deep breaths. I’d likely never get my fill of her scent.

  Fuck, this is not good. I need to keep those thoughts away.

  Her eyes are not immediately focused on me but past me at the whole scene surrounding her. I don't hear Ethan yelling anymore which is a good thing because right now, any more from him and I’m not sure I will be able to hold myself back.

  She then slowly looks at me and her eyes focus on mine. The response she gives me is just what I was dreading. I feel her jerk back from my arms, trying to escape.

  Pulling back even further, I turn my head to the side and say to Dale, “We need Doc Miles. I want to make sure Raven doesn't have a concussion.”

  I know Dale is close because I just do. Dale is more than a brother to me, he knows my thoughts and I know his. I can always count on him to always be there.

  Not letting go, I turn back to the girl I’m holding in my arms and try to give her a soft smile. “I promise I won't let you get hurt again, but I need you to stay right where we are. Your head hit that wall hard enough that I heard the thump from ten feet away.”

  I hear Dale’s feet trail away and his voice raises as he hollers for Doctor Miles to come over.

  “I... I'm okay. There is no need for a Doc...” The girl trails off as a young and very slender woman named Miranda Miles quickly approaches and kneels down beside us on the floor.

  “Chase dear, if you could give her some space and tell me what’s going on?” Doctor Miles asks in her clipped British tone.

  I unwrap myself from the beauty, reluctant to stop touching her but knowing I have to because she needs care. “Raven here had her head hit the wall when the guy over there shoved her.”

  Moving away from the woman, the woman who my arms were oddly finding very comfortable, I look to the police officer standing right behind the good Doctor Miles.

  “I'm Avery not Raven.” The girl frowns. “He didn't mean to...” she says to Doctor Miles as she reaches up and wipes those tears from her cheeks.

  “I'm Doctor Miranda,” Miranda says as I watch her gently reach towards the girl. “Let’s have a look, sweetheart. Chase was right to call me over, concussions are a very dangerous thing if undiagnosed.”

  I'm reluctant to leave this woman alone though, but by the look of the police officer’s face, he is wanting to speak with me.

  “With me, sir,” he says politely to me and I get the feeling this isn't optional.

  I follow him over and through the crowd with Dale on my heels as we make our way to where Ethan is standing in the corner with his crowd of trainers and hanger-ons surrounding him. Ethan has a grin though, even if his lip is busted and he has a newly broken nose.

  “Gentleman,” the officer says with authority. I look down quickly and see the nameplate above his badge reads: Officer Stegman. Looking around at all of us, Officer Stegman says, “If you would please excuse us.” He looks pointedly to everyone but Ethan and me. “I would like to have a discussion with these two men.”

  Dale looks like he is about to argue with the officer. I shake my head at him and nod towards the Doctor and Avery. He gets the hint instantly and reluctantly huffs his way over to the girls.

  “Gentlemen,” Stegman says. He’s a well-built guy even if he is slightly past his prime. Almost as tall as Ethan and I, I still feel like I am looking up to him as he speaks in a very stern voice. “I did not witness this brawl you two have decided to have outside of your cage, but it is quite obvious that this wasn't just some random act of anger.”

  “This douchebag fu...”Ethan begins to say, his voice hot and loud.

  “Excuse me, sir,” Stegman says quietly to Ethan. “I am not through speaking yet.”

  I wince. I may be going to jail but fuck if I don't respect this officer. He doesn't even raise his voice and I can feel the authority. Ethan seems to feel it as well because his entire posture slumps down like a chastised child.

  “I believe, young man,” he says while looking at Ethan, “That you need to get medical attention for your nose. Then I believe it would be wise for you to return to your home and stay there to heal properly.”

u, sir,” he says as he puts his hands on his hips and stares at me for a long time, right into my eyes. I don't blink or turn away. I know I just committed aggravated assault, and I know Officer Stegman has the right to arrest me right now. As a matter of fact, his hands are resting right on the holder of his cuffs. I have never been arrested before and not once in my life, beyond some very kinky fun, have had cuffs around my wrists. “You need to go back to that young lady over there and ensure she is okay.”

  “What the fuck?!?” Ethan exclaims as the Officer gives me a small smile and nod to hurry off. I stand around only for the briefest of moments before the officer turns to Ethan and gives him his full attention. This time his hand grips his cuffs, and he pulls at them.

  “Young man,” Stegman says patiently as I turn and slowly walk away. “I heard every single word that man said as he went about restraining you. I suggest you think long and har...” I hear just before I am too far away from them and past the point of caring what happens to Ethan.

  My eyes and concern now are for doing exactly as that officer ordered.

  I walk up to Dale and give him a grin and a wink. Nodding over my shoulder I say, “I was restraining Ethan, right?”

  Dale just shakes his head. Chuckling, I pat him on the shoulder, he did do me a solid, then look past him to Miranda and Avery. I see the doctor helping Avery up with a hand under the beauty’s shoulder.

  Miranda looks at me and smiles. “Avery is quite well, though she will have a lump on her head that needs a cold compress.”

  “Got it, no concussion?” I ask and receive a shake of the head from the Doctor. “Good, I will make sure she gets home and has an ice pack and some ibuprofen then.”

  I smile towards Avery and not surprisingly get a very deep frown from her.

  “Ethan is going to take me home,” Avery says as we look over to where Ethan is noticeably slouching down and away from the Officer.

  “He's been sent to get medical attention and then straight home,” I say quietly and look to Miranda. She only gives me the briefest of nods before she turns and smiles goodbye to Avery. Miranda then straightens herself out and walks over to Dale.

  “I, on the other hand, can give you a ride home. If you want it.”

  I feel like I’m holding my breath as I watch her. I don’t know why she’d want to get in a car with me, but I really want her in my car. I have this insane need to keep her close and protect her. I have a feeling if I leave without her, she’ll probably run right back to that jackass, and if she does that I’ll have to kill him.

  I really don’t want to have to kill him. I just avoided going to jail.

  “I...” Avery says as if she means to reject my offer but then stops and chews on her lip.

  I can see the hesitation clearly on her face. She glances around me to look at Ethan, but the officer seems to be losing his patience. He’s sharply commanding Ethan to leave the area or be arrested.

  “It's okay,” I say quietly. “It’s no trouble at all. In fact, it would be my pleasure,” I assure her.

  I bend down and pick up the small purse she left by her feet. I hold it out to her and she attempts a smile.

  “Thank you,” she tells me and accepts the purse, immediately slinging it over her shoulder.

  She casts one last glance towards Ethan as if she was hoping something changed, then she looks back to me with her shoulders slumping in acceptance, or maybe it’s defeat. “If you don’t mind, a ride would be great. Thanks.”

  I grin, and it fucking hurts. My face is sore, but man am I fucking happy.

  Dale walks over to me, catching the end of our conversation. He frowns and pokes me in the ribs. “And how will I be getting home then?”

  Chapter Four


  Chase. His name is Chase. At least that’s what everyone was calling him. It’s such a normal name for such a brutal guy.

  It’s the strangest feeling walking out of the building beside Chase when I originally arrived with Ethan. For one, I think Chase has a couple of inches on Ethan, which just makes him feel insanely big.

  Seriously, is he descended from giants? Vikings? Or was he grown in a lab?

  For two, he’s been rather quiet but it’s not a comfortable quiet. It’s that kind of quiet that makes me feel incredibly self-conscious. I still don’t know why he’s even doing this. Maybe this is all just another jab at Ethan. Or maybe he expects a thank you fuck. I’m grateful that he’s willing to give me a ride home, I certainly don’t want to see Ethan’s face right now, but I’m not that grateful.

  My head throbs and my eyes hurt. After everything that’s happened, I’m so done with tonight. So done with life in general. I just want to go home and crawl into my bed. I feel like I could sleep for a year.

  “Which one is yours?” I ask as we walk into the back parking lot.

  There’s a full moon out tonight which just figures. I wonder if it’s partly to blame for some of this evening’s madness. The parking lot is fully lit, and it’s easy to see that there're at least a dozen cars still parked. The cars range from dirty rust buckets to gleaming crotch rockets.

  If I had to narrow his type down just by looks, I’d say Chase looks like a monster truck kind of guy.

  “She’s just over here,” Chase says with a jerk of his chin and leads me over to a space in the very back corner.

  “She?” I ask. Is there another girl or something? This night couldn’t possibly get any weirder.

  Chase chuckles and leads me up to a black retro Impala parked in the very back spot, away from all the other cars.

  “Yes, my baby,” he says and pats the car affectionately on the hood.

  Muscle car would have definitely been my second guess.

  I walk over to the passenger side, put my hand on the cool handle and wait for him to unlock the doors. Chase gives me a funny look which makes me feel even more self-conscious. What is it with him?

  “Here, let me get that for you,” he says with a hint of laughter and walks over to me.

  I frown and take a step back. He fishes a set of keys out of his pocket, manually unlocks the door, and swings it open.

  I guess chivalry isn’t dead. I smile weakly, say “Thank you,” and climb on in.

  Woah. The seat is weird. It’s just one big seat spanning across the entire front. It’s almost like a backseat, but there’s no little spot in the middle making a third seat. There’s just one long black leather bench. I’ve never sat in a car like this before, is this custom? I reach back, grab my seat belt and buckle up. Chase comes around the other side of the car, opens his door and slips behind the wheel.

  After securing his own seatbelt, he sticks his key in the ignition and twists. The car roars to life causing me to jump a bit. Then I wince, my head is throbbing. The car is loud.

  “Is there any way to turn it down a little?” I ask and rub my temples.

  Chase frowns apologetically. “Sorry, this is how she purrs. Think some music will help?”

  I shrug my shoulders. I don’t know if it will help or not. He reaches out, twists the dial on the radio and heavy rock music blares from the speakers.

  “Shit! Sorry!” I hear him through the hands that I’ve slapped over my ears.

  I close my eyes, gritting my teeth as the ache thunders in my head. The music changes, it goes from hard rock to country to rap then he settles the dial on a soft rock station. After a few seconds, I realize I actually recognize the song that is playing. As the singer croons and I actually start to feel better, I drop my hands.

  “Better?” Chase asks.

  I nod my head and offer him a grateful smile. “Yes, much better. Thank you.”

  His face lights up with his smile. It’s so bright, for a moment it steals my breath. I quickly look away. I have to look at something, anything, but him.

  That blow I took must have been harder than I thought.

  “So where are we going?” he asks.

  I stare out my window, so distracted by my own
thoughts, so upset by how that smile of his affected me, I just respond with, “My place,” without really thinking about it.

  We just sit there, the car idling, the singer crooning and I wonder why we’re not moving when he finally asks, “Where do you live?”

  “Oh,” I say in surprise. My cheeks warm. I feel like such an idiot. Of course he doesn’t know where I live. It would totally be creepy if he did. “I live over on Elm. Behind the Thornton’s. Do you know where that is?”

  He nods his head and puts the car in gear. “By the liquor store?”

  I nod. “Yep, that’s it,” and stare out my window.


  “By the liquor store?” I ask as I shift my baby into gear.

  “Yep, that's it,” Avery says as she looks out the window.

  Well, shit. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever had to ask if someone’s house is by a liquor store

  I know vaguely where she is wanting me to take her but I have only been in that part of town a couple of times, usually as a short cut to somewhere much nicer. Trenton isn't the worst part of town really, but it sure isn't the best. Not by a long shot.

  The music on the radio isn't my preferred type, but I can understand her wanting a bit of quiet. The lump on the back of her head has to be killing her.

  “So, um, how long have you lived on Elm?” I ask.

  “For a couple of years,” Avery says.


  Elm Street is a long street. It runs from the lower end of middle class to the seedier side of town. There are plenty of liquor stores as it gets towards the seedier side. She lives between a lot of liquor stores.

  I have to pull into the small apartment buildings driveway. It’s one of those eight unit buildings that doesn't even have a name. The two guys sitting on the steps smoking something doesn't really lend any assurances that I am taking her to the right home.


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