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Infinity Chronicles Book One: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Series

Page 20

by Albany Walker

  “Hey,” Charlie greets me with a soft smile.

  “Oh hey.” I scan the rest of the tables not meeting his eyes.

  “Have you had dinner yet, do you get a break?”

  I run my hands over my short apron, which holds straws and my order pad. “Not really, sometimes I’ll grab a bite when we’re not busy, but we’ve been slammed all night.” I’m not hungry, I haven’t been hungry all day, and the fatigue that hit me yesterday afternoon is creeping up me. If what the guys told me is true, it won’t go away until I’m with them. That thought makes me a little angry.

  “Well, do you think you could have a break now? Or I can wait until you get off if you can’t.” Charlie looks up at me. His face is a little soft around the edges. He doesn’t have any of the intensity Ares throws off in spades, nor does he possess the masculine beauty Ollie has. He’s lean, but his body isn’t sculpted the way Milo’s is, nor does he hold any of the attraction I’ve felt toward Dante since our first meeting. Charlie is safe.

  I want to tell him ‘yes, I’ll have dinner with you,’ just so I don’t have to be alone, but also because he doesn’t want to be with me only due to some metaphysical connection between us. He’s seen where I live, he might not understand it, but he didn’t seem to judge me for it either.

  “I—” My words get cut off when the jingle above the door alerts me to another customer. “I’ll be right back,” I amend before turning to the door. Ares is standing right at the entrance. His eyes flow over me slowly before landing on the table to my right. I snatch my hand back; I’d been resting it against the top of the booth near Charlie’s shoulder without realizing it.

  His eyes narrow then glide to the young man in the booth. His mouth turns down in a frown. Ares eats up the distance between us, stepping into my personal space. I lean back slightly when he dips his head close to mine and inhales deeply.

  Embarrassment floods me. Do I stink? He steps back quickly but places his arm around my waist in a way that makes us seem very familiar. Charlie hasn’t spoken a word, nor have I. I’m not sure what to say. My mouth opens a few times only to close.

  “Hello Cara,” Ares finally purrs, his mouth close to my ear. I swallow thickly. When is he going to learn my name is Laura? “Been a busy night, how’s Maggie? And you are?” His free hand shoots out to Charlie, who is sitting at the table as dumbstruck as I am at Ares’s approach.

  A few seconds pass without Charlie responding before he finally catches on and meets Ares’s hand for a handshake. A firm handshake if the wince on his face is any indication. “I’m...” He says in a rather high pitch, so he clears his throat before saying, “I’m Charlie, Laura and I go to school together.”

  Ares looks down at me with a darkness in his eyes I don’t understand. “Then you must know my brothers?” I wrinkle my nose at the slip, only one of the guys is his brother. “Dante, Oliver, and Milo.”

  Charlie peeks at me, then over to Ares who still has his arm around my waist. “I know who they are.” Ares’s fingers tighten on my shoulder as he pulls my side tightly to his. He leans in close to Charlie, like he’s about to tell him something important. The shock of seeing him and feeling like I was caught doing something wrong finally wears off and I blurt, “Do you know what you want to order?”

  My voice comes out loud as I shrug out of Ares’s embrace. “You can find a seat at any of the open tables, I’ll be right with you.” I dismiss Ares, focusing on Charlie as I pull out my order pad with shaking fingers. I don’t know what was about to happen, but it feels like I just took a bone from a Rottweiler.

  Ares, however, isn’t as easily detoured. His large hand goes to the back of my neck, his fingers are gentle as he touches his mouth to my ear. Charlie watches the exchange, his eyes wide as they volley back and forth between us. “I’m not very patient.” I swallow when I feel the heat of his breath caress my ear. He stalks away, but only a few feet. He leaves one empty both between him and Charlie.

  “I’m going to assume you can’t have a break now, since you have… other customers.”

  My eyes dart over to Ares, he’s looking over the plastic menu from the table, pretending he’s not listening to Charlie’s hushed words.

  Rolling my lips in I shake my head in denial. “Can I get you anything?”

  “I mostly just stopped by to say hello,” Charlie answers while sliding out of the booth. He quickly glances over at Ares, then back to me. “I’ll catch you at school tomorrow.” He walks out the door without another word.

  My shoulders slump, now it’s just Mr. Impatient and me. I pivot on my toes, narrowing my eyes on Ares. He looks completely at ease. The menu is left forgotten on the table with his hands folded neatly on top. I stalk over to him. “Why did you go all dark ‘n’ creepy?”

  A snort betrays his calm features. “Dark and creepy?” Ares’s lips lift in an infinitesimal smile before he smothers it away like it was never there. “Your friend didn’t stick around?”

  I roll my eyes, like that’s a surprise. “Are you ordering?” Glancing at the neon clock behind the counter I see the kitchen closes in about twenty minutes. Ares ignores my dry tone and eye roll, opting to pick up the menu again, studying what I’m sure he already knows by heart.

  “What would you suggest?” He’s playing it cool. I watch as his eyes scan the menu from top to bottom and side-to-side, when I don’t answer he drops it back on the table. “Have you eaten?”

  “Not yet. We’ve been busy.”

  Ares’s head tilts as he examines me. I wipe the front of my shirt, making sure it’s straight before adjusting my apron. “We have a roast at home,” he says softly. I feel a pang in my stomach and now that we’re discussing food I’m hungry. I refuse to admit his presence has anything to do with the sudden appearance of my appetite.

  I bite my lip, I haven’t had a decent roast in ages. Sometimes I buy the Dinty Moore canned stuff from the grocery store, but that can’t compete with a real roast, smothered in gravy with sweet carrots and starchy potatoes. My mouth waters at the visual I’m creating.

  I feel a gentle tug on my fingers where Ares wraps his pinky over mine. “You’re hungry.” His voice is barely a whisper. I don’t even really think he was talking to me, more just an acknowledgement to himself. “Maggie!” His loud voice now carries through the diner.

  I drop his hand, stepping back. My eyes now glued to the swinging door that separates the kitchen. She’s been back there for a while now and I’m surprised she hasn’t been out to check on me. The diner was empty when I went to inspect the bathrooms before Charlie showed up anyhow. The door pops open a few seconds later, and Maggie gazes at Ares. I expect an easy smile, but instead she her eyes dart around the room, confirming we’re alone before she pushes the rest of the way through the door.

  “What are you hollering for? You know where to find me.”

  “Laura hasn’t eaten.” Ares’s voice is just as accusatory as Maggie’s, but he adds a raised brow to the challenge.

  “Last I looked she seemed damn capable of taking care of herself.” Maggie’s tone cuts through the air. I’ve never heard her sound so irritated.

  Ares stays seated, but stares up at the older woman. “Her bonds are forming.” That’s the only explanation he gives.

  Maggie clicks her tongue, her eyes soften when they land on me. “Why don’t I have Gus box you up a big slice of that lasagna you love so much?” I flush under her insistence. I haven’t had anyone worrying over me in a long time, if ever.

  “Sounds wonderful,” I tell her, even though the roast that Ares offered sounded even better, but I can’t refuse her.

  Maggie hustles back to the kitchen, not giving Ares another look. “Is she mad at you?” I whisper, wondering why their exchange was so strained. They both seem genuinely pleased to see each other just the other day.

  Ares stands, adjusting the cuffs of his navy shirt at his forearms. “I suspect she is.” He sighs, glancing at the door she disappeared through.

p; “Why, what’d you do?” I grab the cleaning towel from the bleach bucket and begin wiping down the tables.

  “I may have stopped by here earlier today with hopes of getting some more information out of her about her premonition.” Ares rolls his shoulders a bit. His shirt flexes with the movement, clearly tailored because it forms to him perfectly. His pants are a deep maroon, falling just to the top of a pair of black wingtip shoes.

  “What do you do, I mean for a job?” I spout before thinking.

  Ares pauses. “Why, are you actively seeking new employment?” His brow kicked up again, somewhat mockingly.

  I cross my arms over my chest and jut my hip out. “Why, you hiring?”

  His eyes flare as he takes a few short steps in my direction. “I could definitely be persuaded to take on some new help.” Ares encroaches in on my space. I remember the feel of him holding me last night. They way my legs wanted to wrap around his tight waist. My heart rate picks up as his fingers glide under my chin, lifting my face up. The moment I had in the car with Milo, when I thought he was going to kiss me, filters through the back of my mind. Our faces were close together, like Ares and I are now. I roll my tongue over my lips. Ares pulls in a deep breath, his eyes closing as he leans in closer.

  “Here you go…” Maggie’s voice trails off, leaving silence in its place. Thank god my back is to her, she may assume we were kissing, which I think we would have if she hadn’t walked back in. But at least she can’t see the fire glowing on my cheeks, or the way my hands are trembling at the loss.

  “Thank you Maggie,” Ares replies for me, regaining his composure much quicker than I could.

  “I had him throw in a few extra slices of bread too, make sure you eat it tonight.” Her tone is soft, she doesn’t seem upset with me. “Go on home now, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “But I haven’t mopped the bathrooms yet.” Ares walks past me. I hear the rustling of a paper bag then he returns and places his palm on my lower back, urging me forward.

  “It can wait Laura,” she responds.

  I’m too embarrassed to fight Ares as he ushers me to his black Range Rover. Glancing up at the large windows, I see Maggie inside with her face in a deep frown and her eyes unfocused as she stares into space. At least the white isn’t clouded them.

  Peeking over at Ares as he adjusts in his seat, ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  I want to ask him if he thinks Maggie will be mad at me because of what she saw us almost do. But trepidation has me biting my tongue—what if he really wasn’t going to kiss me like I’d imagined? How do I even begin to understand these confusing boys and the attraction I feel from them? Is it all just the connection we share making me want things from them that never once crossed my mind before? Sure, I thought at some point when I was out of school I might find someone to be with, but I’ve been so consumed with taking care of my mother and keeping a roof over our heads to ever give the idea any real attention.

  Now thoughts of all four of them consume my days. What would they think if they knew I was feeling this way, and about all of them? I lower my head feeling ashamed of myself. They treat each other like family, when I look at any one of them, brother is the last thought I have.

  “Seat belt,” Ares orders, turning the small dial to the R and backing out of the parking space. The smell of garlic and red sauce fills the interior of the car, my stomach growls, reminding me that I do in fact need to eat.

  “Where are we going?” My eyes turn to the left, the direction of my camper, but Ares goes right instead. “I can’t keep staying over. I need to go home, my mom… she might come back.”

  With one hand on the wheel, and the other resting on the center console, Ares looks over at me. “How long has she been gone?” His question is spoken softly, like he’s coaxing a timid cat out from under the bed.

  Sighing I tell him, “Almost a week.”

  “Has this ever happened before? Does she take off for a few days once in a while?” His fingers tighten on the steering wheel.

  Glancing out the window into the darkness I shake my head in denial, “Never, she barely left the trailer. I have no idea where she would even go. She doesn’t talk to anyone, and she has no one but me.”

  I feel the pressure of Ares’s palm on my thigh. “I’ll see what I can do to figure out what’s going on. Do you have a picture of her?”

  Wrinkling my nose I think about the one I have tucked away. “It’s old, probably from before I was born, but it might help. She looks the same, but different.”

  “How do you mean?” Ares goes unnaturally still, his question is articulated with a forced lightness, but he’s awaiting my response.

  “It’s hard to say, but she doesn’t really look older.” Now that I’m actually thinking about it, why did I never think it was strange that my mom didn’t seem to change? “She used to… I don’t know, it sounds silly to say aloud. But when I was younger, I used to think she shined, you know? She was so pretty, so full of life.” Ares’s hand, still on my leg, squeezes before his thumb makes a few lazy circles on the outside of my thigh.

  “And now?” he prompts when I don’t finish.

  Crossing my arms over my stomach I huff. “Now she doesn’t. She hasn’t for a long while.” Ares comes to a stop at a red light, looking in both directions he spins the wheel like he’s going to make a left turn but makes a U-turn instead.

  “If you want to stay at your place, I’ll stay there with you.” Ares pauses before adding, “My brothers will probably show up too.”

  “That can’t happen. If my mom did come home and found you guys there she would…she would lose it. She doesn’t do well with people. She thinks everyone is… is like bad… out to hurt us,” I stammer, trying to come up with the right words to describe my mother and her mania. My heart rate doubles just thinking about her reaction. She would kick them out, and we would leave town before I could even tell them goodbye. I get a heavy tightness in my chest when I think about not seeing them again. It may just be the bonds, or our connection, but the thought alone is crippling.

  “Then it looks like you’re coming home with me then. Laura, I know this isn’t the life you expected. I know all this must seem crazy to you, but we need each other. All of us.” My name on his lips sends a flutter of excitement to my stomach. Ares looks over at me, his eyes glowing from the lights on the dashboard.

  I want that, I want to be needed, hell—I’d loved to be taken care of, even for only a little bit. Just long enough so I could let go of some of the doubts and worries I’ve been clutching for so long. But I also want them to want me to be there. I don’t want to be the person they hide from everyone else. I don’t want to have to question myself so much around them. I find myself wanting to push them away, just to see what it would take for them to leave me, and praying they don’t.

  “It’s hard. I don’t really know where I stand with all of you,” I finally tell him as he turns into the lot at Turtle Creek. His car is quite but the rocks under the tires still pop as he glides to the back of the park. My camper sits alone, no lights illuminating the path, with only the flare of Ares’s headlights to guide us.

  Before the car is even in park, I release my belt and have a hand on the door handle. I’m not sure why he brought me back here, when he just said he was taking me with him. But I need out of the car anyway, I want out of the forced intimacy the supple interior provides. I want to breath air that isn’t tinged with his cologne and food making, both my mouth water.

  “Cara wait,” he calls with his door open but the engine still running. Ares jogs up to my side, halting my hand as I’m about to place the key in the door. He nudges me to the side so he’s the first one through the door and the hot air hits my face like a blast. I groan, the cooling unit must be broken again, because I know I left it on. I was rushing to get out of here yesterday.

  I flip the toggle switch to the left of the door and the small light above the dinette flickers to life. Ares is a few steps ahead of me, his eyes sc
anning everything visible, which is most of the RV. He strides to the driver’s area, tugging back the heavy curtains. After a brief search he turns to face me.

  With his attention wholly on me I shuffle my feet, running my hands over my hips. Stopping at the apron, I look down and untie the strings, pulling it free. It’s strange how having him here makes the place I’ve always called home feel so much smaller than it ever has. Even with him standing across the room he’s still so close. Ares’s head lowers and he’s still staring at me from under his brow as he saunters up to me.

  “Um… do you want something to drink?” I blurt out as he nears. Ares bites the corner of his lip and shakes his head. When he releases his lip his tongue darts out, licking over his bottom lip. My heart stutters, then thuds to life with a heavy beat. Backing up, my rump hits the kitchen counter. He follows and I tip my face up, watching his approach. He stops when his body is just a hair’s breadth away from mine.

  Now, that tiny distance seems like too much. I find myself wanting to lean forward, to breach the last of the space between us. “Oh Cara,” he purrs, placing one hand on the crook of my neck. His thumb runs from the bottom of my jaw down my throat and I swallow. Ares’s eyes search mine. “I should have let one if the others come.” His words are spoken softly, his thumb caresses the hollow of my throat and sweeps back up to my jaw. “I have no desire to deny myself.”

  “Deny yourself what?” I breathe, my body leaning toward his without my permission. I feel like I’m playing a dangerous game, but it doesn’t stop me. I think the payoff will be well worth the price.


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