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Making a Comeback

Page 3

by Kristina Mathews

  On Annabelle, it was sexy as hell. The soft fabric hugged her every curve. She’d pulled the hood up over her head, probably trying to hide her injury. It only made him want to slowly lift the veil of her hoodie and kiss every single stitch.

  Sophie and Olivia were extra careful around her. He’d warned them she might be sore, so they should be gentle. He was surprised at how well they’d followed his suggestion.

  “Thank you for coming to pick me up.” She turned away from him, so that the left side of her face was in the shadow of her hoodie. “I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you. For this and for staying with me.”

  “What are neighbors for?” He shrugged, not wanting to think about how she could repay him. When she was recovered from her injuries, of course, he would never take advantage of her in her fragile state.

  “Loaning me a couple of eggs, picking up the newspaper when I go out of town for the weekend.” She gave him a half smile. He wasn’t sure if it was because the other side of her face hurt or because she was unsure of herself. “Not picking me up from the hospital, bringing me a change of clothes, and spending the night with me.”

  “What can I say? I’m an excellent neighbor.” He flashed his cockiest Nathan Cooper grin. The one he’d used for interviews, pickups, and most famously, his shutdown strut.

  Damn. He wasn’t that man anymore. The last interview he’d done had been given with the somber expression of a ballplayer who didn’t know if he’d ever pitch again. He knew pain. He knew scars. And he knew this was the worst time to even think about trying to get Annabelle into his bed.

  “I don’t know, you do play your guitar late at night.” She gave him a teasing smile. A moment of connection passed between them. She’d been listening to him when he sat on his porch, picking out tunes, trying to figure out what he was going to do if baseball wasn’t in his future.

  “I’ll try to keep it down.”

  “I like your music. It’s…comforting.” She lowered her voice, as if she was sharing a secret. “It makes me feel… Like I’m not so alone.”

  He didn’t like thinking of her as being lonely. He didn’t want to think of her as anything other than the image of perfection that had graced the covers of a magazine. But here she was, not only human, but very vulnerable. With her bandaged face, blood-matted hair, and need for supervision for the next day or two.

  “I’m glad you like my music.” He felt a sense of pride knowing it brought her a small comfort.

  Cooper followed as a hospital employee pushed Annabelle’s wheelchair to the exit. The girls walked softly beside her, like twin guards. “I’ll go get the car.”

  He returned with his Escalade. After making sure all his passengers were buckled in, he pulled away, feeling as nervous as a first-time father entrusted with a newborn.

  Both Sophie and Olivia fell asleep on the way home. He carried each of them up the stairs and dropped them on top of their coordinating bedspreads.

  “Thank you,” Annabelle whispered. “I’ll get them undressed and into their pajamas.”

  “I’ll run next door and grab a toothbrush. Maybe a change of clothes.”

  “You don’t have—”

  “Yes. I do need to stay here. Doctor’s orders.” He slipped out and raced over to his place to grab his toothbrush, a clean T-shirt, and a pair of athletic shorts that could double as pajamas. On a whim, he grabbed his guitar—just in case—and hurried back to Annabelle’s.

  Cooper let himself in through the back door and felt just a little like he was making himself too much at home. He tiptoed through the kitchen and into the living room. No sign of Annabelle. He debated going upstairs, but wondered if maybe the twins had awakened and were getting into their pajamas.

  Upon hearing the shower turn on overhead, Cooper settled himself onto the sofa and flicked on the TV, keeping the volume down low. He could watch basketball without the sound, especially since he really couldn’t care less about the sport. It was just something to do to kill the time while he waited for Annabelle to finish her shower.

  Damn. The last thing he needed was to picture her naked, water sluicing off her near-perfect body. Even with the inevitable bumps and bruises she must have sustained in the accident.

  A loud thud jolted him out of his fantasy. He shot up from the couch and took the stairs three at a time.

  “Annabelle!” His hand was on the doorknob to her bathroom, but it wouldn’t turn. “Annabelle, are you all right?”

  “I dropped the shampoo,” she called through the locked door. “Sorry if I startled you.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” His heart was hammering, not convinced that she should be in there alone. And it had nothing to do with his fantasies.

  “Yes. I’m just a little clumsy, I guess.”

  “Well, I’ll be right here if you need anything.” He slumped down on the edge of her bed, adrenaline still shooting through his system.

  He sat there, his thighs trembling in fear. What if she slipped? Or fainted? What if she became overcome with the heavy steam and just slid into unconsciousness? A million worst-case scenarios filled his mind. He was just about ready to say to hell with it and break down the door, when he heard the water shut off. The glass door slid open, and he could just make out footsteps as Annabelle must have stepped from the shower.

  He let out the breath he’d been holding since he sat down. She was conscious.

  And most likely naked.

  Breathe in. Breathe out.

  Cooper tried to steady his heart rate as he’d done on the mound so many times. But he hadn’t stepped foot on a baseball field in months, and he was too wound up for too many reasons.

  * * * *

  “Oh, you scared me!” Annabelle was startled to find Cooper sitting on her bed. Good thing she’d slipped on her robe instead of just waltzing out of her bathroom naked.

  “I said I’d be here if you needed me.” He raked his hands through his hair, obviously just as uncomfortable being there as she was having him there. “Isn’t that the whole point of this sleepover?”

  She cinched the belt around her waist tighter, all too aware that she was naked underneath. Her heart rate spiked as she thought about having a sleepover with this man under very different circumstances.

  “I…I think the guest room is all set.” She crossed the room, hoping he’d follow. “I haven’t had anyone stay there, but there should be sheets on the bed.”

  “I can take the couch.”

  “No. I couldn’t have you do that.” She opened the guest room door and made her way to the bed to check for fresh linens. “You wouldn’t fit. The sofa is less than six feet long, and you’re, what six-one, six-two?”

  “Six-three.” He shrugged, as if his size was something of an inconvenience.

  “You wouldn’t be comfortable on the sofa.” She turned down the comforter, relieved to find crisp cotton sheets underneath.

  “Are you going to be comfortable having me in the room right next to you?”

  “Why? Do you snore?”

  “Not that I know of.” He gave her a smile that made her all too aware of how close he would be.

  “Well, that’s good.” She wasn’t going to tell him she was uncomfortable having him so close. That she hated having him hover over her. She couldn’t even take a shower without him standing guard outside her door.

  It would be different if he was naked and hovering over her, or taking a shower with her. If he was spending the night because he wanted to, not because he had to. But maybe that was the biggest reason she didn’t want him here.

  “There’s a bathroom down the hall.” Annabelle stepped toward her room. “I’m going to go brush my teeth, so if you hear me drop the toothpaste…”

  “I’ll come running.” He offered a faint smile. “Just to make sure it’s not your head.”

  “I figured as much.” She was just going to have to get used to the idea that he was there. So close. Too cl
ose. “Are you going to wake me every two hours?”

  “The doctor said three.” He stepped back, giving her a little breathing room.

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She didn’t like the idea of having him come into her room every few hours, waking her up just to make sure she was alive. But it was better than him having to sit down with her daughters explaining that mommy wasn’t going to wake up. She shivered at the thought.

  “Maybe you should get your pajamas on.” He must have thought she was cold, standing there in her robe. “I’ll get myself settled in here.”

  And probably set an alarm for every three hours.

  She slipped out of the guest room and went to her own bedroom. Shutting the door, she contemplated locking it, but thought she’d better leave it unlocked. Just in case. Annabelle grabbed her favorite sleep shirt, an extra-long tee with a picture of Minnie Mouse on it. It wouldn’t be easy getting it over her head, her shoulder was so stiff, but she wasn’t about to ask Cooper for help. The attraction between them was already a problem, she didn’t need him dressing her. Or undressing her. At least, not while her head was so fuzzy.

  Since he would be visiting her at least twice during the night, she decided she’d better wear pajamas instead. She didn’t need to worry about kicking off the covers and having him see her underwear.

  After brushing her teeth, Annabelle settled in for a long and restless night. She was exhausted, but worried the thought of Cooper checking in on her would keep her from getting any sleep.

  A soft knock on the door was followed by Cooper calling out to her, “Annabelle, is there anything you need?”

  “No, I’m good.” She sighed, wishing he didn’t have to be there. And that he didn’t have to be so good-looking. Especially since she was such a mess.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Sure.” Annabelle pulled the quilt higher, covering all but her face.

  “Is there anything I can do for you before I turn in?” He stood there as if he wanted to be anywhere else.

  “Could you…” She felt so stupid even asking, but she didn’t want to take chances. “Could you read the instructions on the pain medicine the doctor gave me? I want to make sure I’m not taking the wrong dose.”

  “Sure.” He picked up the prescription bottle that stood on her nightstand. He didn’t even have to squint to read the tiny print. “Says here to take two pills with a full glass of water, every eight hours as needed for pain.”

  “What about side effects?” She rarely took anything stronger than the occasional Advil or Alka-Seltzer Cold.

  “Don’t drive or operate heavy machinery. May cause drowsiness…”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t take it.” She glanced toward her daughters’ bedroom. She didn’t like the idea of being knocked out with them just down the hall. “If you’re supposed to wake me up in three hours, it seems like a bad idea to take something that may cause drowsiness.”

  “But you need your rest.”

  “I’ll try it without the pills, but if I can’t sleep, I’ll take one.” She grabbed the bottle from him, feeling like she’d regained at least some illusion of control.

  “One more thing…” He hesitated as if he was afraid to ask. “How do you want me to wake you?”

  “I’m a pretty light sleeper.” Especially if she didn’t take the meds. “I’m sure I’ll wake up when you open the door.”

  “If not?” He shrugged. “Should I call your name? Tap your shoulder?”

  “I’m sure none of that will be necessary.” She happened to glance at his mouth. The several days’ stubble would probably wake her up if he brushed a kiss across her lips.

  She shook her head to get rid of the unwelcome thought, but winced as pain pounded behind her temple.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take the pain pills?”

  “I’m a mother. I can’t be comatose with young children in the house.”

  “I’m here.” He leaned just a little closer. “I won’t let anything happen. To you, or your daughters.”

  And for some reason, she believed him.

  * * * *

  Cooper waited for half an hour before finally taking a quick shower. He threw on his clean T-shirt and shorts and tried to make himself comfortable in the guest room. Annabelle was in the next room, and in two and a half hours, he would need to creep up to her bed and gently wake her.

  Waking up next to her had been a long-time fantasy, but not like this. Especially since he had the feeling she didn’t want him there. He just hoped it was the situation and nothing personal. Then again, if she’d known who he was, she wouldn’t have continued to invite him over. She certainly wouldn’t have let him stay.

  Still, he had a hard time falling asleep. Especially when he knew he’d have to wake up in two hours. Wake up and creep into Annabelle’s bedroom, tap her on the shoulder, and then tell her to go back to sleep. Then he would repeat the whole process at least once more before morning.

  He should have just jogged around the bus.

  But then where would Annabelle be? At the hospital still? And what about her daughters? Would the bus driver have eventually let them off, having a schedule to keep? Or would she have kept them on the bus, returned to the school, and tried in vain to reach Annabelle?

  It seemed as if he’d only blinked twice before his phone chimed, sounding the alarm to check on his patient. He roused himself out of a fairly comfortable bed, even if it was only a queen-sized mattress. Stumbling across the room, he ran his fingers through his hair and braced for the task ahead of him.

  He pushed Annabelle’s door open. Moonlight filtered through the sheer curtains that hung on her windows. Curtains that offered only the smallest amount of privacy. He’d seen her shadow from his porch. Could make out the shape of her figure as she’d moved around at night. He’d tried not to look up when her bedroom light had been on, but she was Annabelle Jones.

  She was sleeping soundly. He could see the soft rise of her chest, hear the barest trace of a snore. She looked so peaceful. So beautiful. He hated to wake her, but that was why he was here.

  “Annabelle.” He touched her shoulder, gently shaking her. “Annabelle, honey, wake up.”

  Honey. What was he thinking?

  She responded with a soft moan, and it was all he could do not to slide into bed with her.

  “Annabelle, you need to wake up.” His heart rate started to spike and not in a good way. He should have paid closer attention to the doctor’s instructions. How many times should he try to rouse her before calling 9-1-1?

  She rolled over, facing him, and opened her eyes. Blinking, and then rubbing her eyes, she looked at him as if she didn’t know why there was a strange man in her bedroom.

  “Annabelle, it’s me, Cooper.” He took a deep breath. “I’m here to make sure you’re okay after your accident.”

  She drew her brows together and winced. Her hand moved to the bandage on the left side of her face.

  “I’m okay.” She yawned. “Just a little sore. And tired.”

  She dropped her hand and rolled onto her back.

  “Well, I’ll let you get some rest.”

  “Thank you.” Her eyes fluttered closed and she drifted off to sleep.

  He stood there crouched at her side for a few minutes, fighting the urge to brush her hair off her face. To touch her in some way.

  Clenching his fists, he stood up and backed out of the room. It was going to be a long night.

  He shuffled back to bed, reset the alarm, and tried to get comfortable amongst the feminine pillows and subtle scent of lavender and Annabelle.

  Yeah, it was going to be a really long night.

  Chapter 4

  Annabelle was tired, sore, and a little disoriented after being woken up twice during the night. Or was it three times? She wasn’t sure, she just knew that every time she felt like she was finally resting, that man came into her room. And each time, it took her longer to f
all back asleep. It wasn’t from the head injury, though. It had more to do with the gentle concern in his voice. The electric, yet cautious touch as he shook her shoulder.

  And the dreams. Oh, the dreams she’d had during the night. It was a strange combination of fear and longing. She’d dreamed of being in the car, of something coming toward her, careening out of control. But then she’d find herself on a gurney, naked, with her sexy neighbor playing doctor.

  She knew it was pointless, especially in her current state. She’d taken a long, hard look at herself in the mirror this morning. What she saw wasn’t pretty. Not by a long shot.

  The gash ran from her temple to her jaw. Another cut slanted over her eyebrow, and a third extended toward her cheek. She looked like someone had carved a large letter K in her face. There was not enough makeup in the world to cover that scar. Her modeling days were indeed over.

  She tried to let that thought sink in. She’d walked away from the job once before. She could do it again.

  It wasn’t about the money. At least that’s what she’d tried to convince herself. She’d taken a cash settlement over future alimony. With the sale of Clayton’s share of the Goliaths, there was plenty to live on. She just wished she could feel better about taking it. Her short-lived modeling career had provided the only income she’d ever earned. The rest had come from Daddy. And then Clayton. If it wasn’t for her children, she would have been tempted to tell him to take his money and shove it. Instead, she’d put most of it away for her daughters’ future. College. Travel. Whatever they’d need.

  What she’d wanted to give them more than anything was someone they could look up to. Or at least someone they could be proud of. She’d wanted to show them that they could be more than just spoiled little rich girls. True, modeling wasn’t exactly saving the world. But it was the only job Annabelle had ever had.

  She’d have to think about that after she got the girls their breakfast. At least she could still be a mother. She hadn’t done too bad in that job. Her daughters were happy, healthy, and adjusting better than expected with all the changes they’d gone through in the last few months.


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