Making a Comeback

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Making a Comeback Page 12

by Kristina Mathews

  “Your wish is my command.”

  She smiled and for a moment it felt like gravity ceased to exist. Gravity and reality and sanity.

  “Make love to me.” Her request was simple.

  “Are you sure?” He knelt in front of her. “I’m not trying to change your mind. Or second guess you. I just… I just need to know you really want this. You really want me. I mean, you’re Annabelle Jones and I…”

  “You’re a bum.” She touched him gently on the shoulder, just above the tiny scar she probably didn’t even know existed. “You’re some guy I barely know. You don’t know how long you’re going to stick around. I’ve heard it all before. But I want you. Right now. You have everything I need right now. You’ve got a car and a great body. You can cook and sing. You’re the perfect guy for me right now.”

  “Okay.” He took her hand and led her inside. They didn’t speak as they made their way upstairs to her bedroom.

  She locked the door and then turned toward him with a smile.

  “Are you afraid I’m going to try to escape?”

  “I’m not taking any chances.” She undid the tie on her blouse and it fell open, revealing a lacy bra holding up her spectacular breasts.

  Cooper reached up and lightly ran his fingertips down her fresh scar. She winced.

  “I’m sorry, does it hurt?”

  “No. Not really.” She gave him a weak smile. “I was just wondering why you touched me there?”

  “I guess I’m just making sure you’re real” He brushed his lips across her scar, wishing he could kiss her all better.

  “Oh, I’m real.” She laughed and moved his hand over her heart. “Feel that? It’s as real as it gets.”

  She undid the clasp on her bra and dropped it to the floor. Her hands trembled as she reached for the button on her waistband and unzipped her pants, sliding them down her hips.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  He answered with a kiss, soft and tender, becoming hotter and more urgent as they made their way to the bed. He lowered her to the mattress and slipped her panties off.

  “Oh, Annabelle.” She was stunning. Beautiful.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “Do you have any idea what your voice does to me?”

  “I’ve got an idea.” He dropped kisses across her skin. Taking her breast into his mouth, he slid his hand between her thighs. She was hot, slick, and wet. “I’ve got a real good idea.”

  Kissing his way down her body, across her firm, flat tummy, her soft, round hips, he nudged her thighs apart. Starting at her knees, he kissed his way back up.

  Annabelle squirmed, giving him a view of exactly how hot she was for him. He moaned as he pressed his mouth against her center.

  She clutched her fingers through his hair as he tasted and teased and tormented her with his tongue. He could tell she was getting close by the way she lifted her hips and moaned. God, she tasted so good. So sweet and hot and…”

  “Oh…Cooper.” She shattered against him. “Oh my gah… I hear bells.”

  He was feeling pretty damned pleased with himself until he realized he heard bells, too.

  Ding-dong-ding, ding-ding-dong.

  “Someone’s at the door.” She sat up. “Oh, how could I forget?”

  Annabelle tumbled off the bed.

  “Are you expecting someone?” Damn, he couldn’t imagine worse timing.

  “Yes. My friends are here.” She scrambled toward her dresser and pulled out some clean underwear, a T-shirt, and some yoga pants. “I can’t believe I forgot Hunter and Marco were stopping by on their way home. They’re on their honeymoon. And oh, I must be a mess.”

  She hopped into her clothes, and yeah, she looked pretty ruffled. But gorgeous.

  “You’re beautiful.” He did his best to smooth her hair back and forget about how close he’d been to being inside her. “Maybe they’ll go away. Head to their hotel and call you later.”

  “No. They’re staying here. I should…” She looked around the room, as if she was hoping to find an excuse for her flushed cheeks, her mostly satisfied glow.

  She grabbed an empty laundry basket and started tossing clothes in it. “Here, carry this.”

  “I should go. Leave you to your company.” He really hoped he could sneak out the back door without the evidence of his frustration.

  “No. They’ll want to meet you.” She popped into the twins’ room, to grab a few articles of clothing. “They’ll want to know the guy who’s come to my rescue.”

  She raced downstairs and he had no choice but to follow.

  “Sorry I took so long,” Annabelle said as she flung the front door open. “I was just getting some laundry together. And Cooper was helping me.”

  She stepped aside as Hunter and Marco Santiago entered.

  “Put that down and come meet my good friends,” Annabelle ordered.

  “Nathan Cooper.” Hunter stepped forward and offered her hand. “It’s good to see you again. How’s the shoulder?”

  “It’s good.” He shook his former owner’s hand and tried to smile. “Real good. Good as new.”

  Great, he must sound like an idiot.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Hunter smiled as if she meant it. “Have you met my husband, Marco?”

  “We’ve played against each other.” And he was the man she’d traded Cooper for. “Didn’t you hit a triple off me about three years ago?”

  “Yeah. I remember that game.” Marco stuck his hand out and gave a hearty shake. “I got lucky. That pitch got a little too much of the plate.”

  “Well, if I’d known this was going to be a big reunion,” Annabelle’s voice was tight, irritated. “I would have dressed for the occasion.”

  “Look, Annabelle…” What could he possibly say that would make everything all right? “I’ll start this load of laundry and get out of your hair.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’ve done enough.” She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. She hated him. Just as he’d known all along she would.

  “Enjoy your visit.” He smiled at Hunter and then nodded toward Marco. “Hope to see you on the field.”

  He let himself out and walked back to his place. He still had the taste of Annabelle in his mouth. A taste he’d savor even more knowing he’d never get a second chance.

  He should have told her. Everything. But no, he’d blown it. He was an even bigger jerk than anyone thought.

  Chapter 13

  “So how was the drive?” Annabelle made small talk even though she was dying to know how Hunter and Marco knew Cooper so well. Nathan Cooper. Nope, she couldn’t see him as a Nathan. Not even a Nate. He would always be just Cooper.

  “Good.” Hunter smiled as Marco slipped his arm around her waist. “Not too much traffic.”

  “So what’s Nathan Cooper doing here?” Marco asked, his gaze narrowed in suspicion. “Don’t tell me he’s just doing your laundry?”

  “He’s my neighbor.” Annabelle wondered what it was to him. “And he’s been a huge help for me and the girls these past several days.”

  She couldn’t even remember how long it had been since the accident. Her thoughts were so jumbled and her body was still humming from the pleasure their arrival had interrupted.

  “Well, be careful around him.” Marco crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m surprised you would get mixed up with the guy who brought the whole FITNatural thing to the public’s attention.”

  “Oh, that.” Annabelle pretended as if it were no big deal. That she knew the secret Cooper had been hiding from her. “I swear, if I never heard the name FITNatural again…”

  She put on her million-dollar smile, or what was left of it, and invited her friends back to the kitchen.

  “So tell me more about the honeymoon.” Annabelle went to the stove to start a pot of tea. “I want to hear all about it. I’ve always wanted to see the country on a big, long road trip.”

ter sat down and relayed all the details of their drive from St. Louis to Dallas, then Santa Fe to San Diego, and all the places in between.

  When Marco went out to retrieve their luggage from the car, Annabelle brought up the subject she really wanted to discuss.

  “So tell me more about Cooper.” She held her breath, hoping Hunter wouldn’t reveal anything too terrible. “I take it you know him from baseball.”

  “He was a Goliath for years.” Hunter’s smile seemed genuine enough. “He was one of our top lefty relievers, but… I still find it hard to believe he was using steroids.”

  Hunter shook her head in disappointment.

  “He doesn’t seem the type.” Not that Annabelle knew him all that well, but from what she did know, he was one of the good guys. “He’s so into natural foods and healthy living. At least since I’ve known him.”

  “Maybe he learned his lesson.” Hunter sighed. “I have to believe he was one of those guys who only did it because he was trying to get over an injury. My father might have known more, but he was fighting his own battle. I think maybe Cooper didn’t want to put any more burden on the team.”

  Annabelle felt like a petty bitch, thinking her problems with her love life were anything compared with what Hunter had gone through in the last year, losing her father to cancer, inheriting the team, and then selling her share so that Marco could remain a Goliath.

  “The more I think about it, the more I believe he was just trying to make it through the season. They were all trying to make it to the end. We were so close. So close.”

  “I’m sorry your father didn’t get to see your ultimate victory.” Annabelle reached across the table to take her friend’s hand. “He would have been so proud of you.”

  “Thank you.” Hunter let go of Annabelle’s hand and reached for her tea. “Something tells me you’re not really interested in Cooper as a ballplayer, though. Is there something between the two of you?”

  Was it that obvious?

  “He’s been a really good friend. A huge help for me and…” Hadn’t she said that already? Her brain was so mixed up. “I don’t think I would have made it through this without him.”

  “But you’re more than just friends.” Hunter gave her a knowing look. “Are there certain kinds of benefits?”

  Both women laughed. It was the kind of moment shared between good friends.

  “I’ve missed you,” Annabelle admitted. “I’m glad I moved down here, but I’ve missed you.”

  “Well, you’re always welcome to come to San Francisco for a visit,” Hunter offered. “We’ve got plenty of room for you and the twins.”

  “Thank you.” Warmth filled her. They made some vague plans to get together once the girls were out of school for the summer.

  “So tell me, how are you getting along without the team?” Annabelle knew it must have been difficult for Hunter to sell, even if she’d done it for love.

  “Well, it was hard to watch Johnny Scottsdale retire. But I wish him and Alice all the best.” Hunter’s face lit up talking about her first love. Baseball. “And I really hope that Dempsey can sign Bryce Baxter to a long extension. I think he might ask for a little more than I would be comfortable with, but he was World Series MVP.”

  “Afraid he’ll make more than Marco?”

  Hunter shrugged. “Money will never be an issue for Marco again.”

  They both knew that Marco had grown up poor, the son of a single mother.

  “So, how is Marco getting along with his father?” His father was one of the wealthiest men in Texas, but he’d abandoned Marco and his mother before he was born, only to reunite with her during the World Series.

  “Baby steps.” Hunter gave an exasperated sigh. “But at least he’s trying. He wants to have a baby, so that should give me leverage. If I tell him I won’t let him become a dad until he makes amends with his own father…”

  She sighed again, but it was a different kind of sigh. A dreamy, hopeful one.

  “Are you pregnant?” Annabelle was happy for her friend. Truly.

  “No. Not yet. I don’t want to even start trying until after the season starts.” Hunter had a happy glow about her. “I’d hate to go into labor while Marco was on the field. Can you imagine?”

  “So you’re really done with the Goliaths?”

  “Well, I’m done with the front office.” Hunter had a wistful tone in her voice. “I guess I’m just a player’s wife now. I can still do charity work and support the team by supporting my man.”

  “Will you travel with the team?”

  “We’ll have to see.” Hunter shrugged. “I’ve never not been a part of the Goliaths. Even in college, I kept a close eye on things. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get pregnant right away and have something else to focus on.”

  “I hope everything works out for you. I really do.”

  “I hope everything works out for you, too.” Hunter cast a quick glance toward Cooper’s house.

  “I’ve got a pretty good feeling it will.”

  Marco returned with a kiss for his bride.

  “So what are you girls talking about?” he asked.

  “Oh not much.” Hunter accepted his kiss on the cheek. “We were just comparing stats on a couple of ballplayers we know.”

  His cheeks darkened, he must have thought they were talking about him. He’d dated Annabelle a long time ago. He’d been her first lover, but they had never been serious.

  “So how well do you know Cooper?” Annabelle put him on the spot.

  “Not that well. We never played together, except for one All-star game.” Marco shifted a little in his chair. “He seemed like a good guy, but…”

  “The steroid thing.” Annabelle was already sick of the subject. “Is there anything else I should know about him? Is he a major playboy? A bad tipper? I know you guys gossip worse than teenage girls sometimes.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “He had a pretty good reputation around the league. We were all shocked when his suspension came down. It was kind of like finding out Santa wasn’t real.”

  “Don’t you dare say that in front of my children.” Annabelle felt comfortable teasing him. He was such a good-natured man. Kind of like her next-door neighbor.

  “I won’t. But sorry, I can’t help you with any real information about Cooper.”

  “So your initial warning was what? Habit?” Hunter joined in the conversation.

  “Yes, dear. I’m a protector. You know that about me.”

  “Yeah, I do.” Hunter laughed and kissed his neck.

  Annabelle smiled, happy for the two of them. And relieved to find out that other than the one big mistake, Cooper seemed to be the kind of man she could count on.

  She averted her gaze, to give the lovebirds a little privacy, and noticed the clock on the oven. It was time to pick the twins.

  “I’ve got to go meet the school bus.” Annabelle stood abruptly. “You two make yourselves at home. I’ll be back in about a half an hour.”

  She rushed out the back door, and headed toward the bus stop at as fast of a pace as she could manage.

  She needn’t have worried. Cooper was there, looking out for her girls once again.

  “Hey. Glad you remembered. I almost forgot.” Annabelle gave him an unsteady grin.

  “Annabelle.” He swallowed, the pain in his eyes was torture to her. “I’m so sorry.”

  She wanted to reach for him. To tell him that she didn’t care about his past or his mistakes or why he didn’t tell her. But he took a step back and shoved his hands in his pockets. He was still wearing the athletic shorts he’d worn when he’d come over earlier. How could she have not seen it?

  “So you’re a baseball player?”

  “Yes.” He looked down at the ground as if it was something to be ashamed of. “I was.”

  “A pitcher. For the Goliaths.” She hadn’t really paid attention to the team until Marco had shown up and she’d befriended Hu
nter. And it wasn’t like she and Clayton discussed his business, either of them.

  “Yes. Until they traded me for Santiago.” His voice held a bitter note. She couldn’t blame him for not being happy about the trade. It had worked out for the Goliaths, and that must have made it even harder.

  “You were that good?”

  He looked up in time to see her smile.

  “I was hurt.” He didn’t return her grin. “I was hurt and too stubborn to admit it. Just like I was too stubborn to tell you why you should’ve stayed away from me.”

  The bus pulled up, and Annabelle sighed, knowing she’d have to finish this conversation later.

  Sophie and Olivia bounded off the bus. They raced over to Cooper and started chattering about their day. They each took one of his hands and dragged him down the street. Her girls loved him. And judging by the smile on his face, Cooper loved them too.

  As for their feelings for each other, that would take some more investigation.

  When they approached her front porch, Annabelle tried to get her daughters’ attention.

  “Guess who came to visit us today?” She kept her voice upbeat. “Auntie Hunter and Uncle Marco.”

  “Really?” Olivia let go of Cooper’s hand, but the smile on her face remained.

  “They’re not really our aunt and uncle, you know.” Sophie put her hands on her hips. She was so…so sure of herself that Annabelle was just a little bit envious of her daughter. “But they’re like family.”

  “That’s great.” Cooper tried to match the girls’ enthusiasm. “Sometimes friends who are like family can be just as good as real family.”

  Annabelle’s heart did a funny little flip. Fell right out of her chest. Because, that was how she felt about Cooper. He was her friend, but it wouldn’t be hard to imagine him becoming part of her family.

  “Why don’t you two run on in and say hello to our company.” Annabelle needed a few minutes alone with Cooper.

  * * * *

  He watched Sophie and Olivia dash off to see Annabelle’s friends, the ones who were like family, and realized that Annabelle and her daughters were the family he’d never known he wanted. He’d had a taste of something special. Only he knew it was temporary. Like a fairy godmother’s spell, it wouldn’t last.


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