Making a Comeback

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Making a Comeback Page 13

by Kristina Mathews

  It killed him to think about how disillusioned the girls would be when they found out what he’d done. He’d cheated. How could he look into their eyes? Sing to them? Hold their hands when they crossed the street?

  And Annabelle? He’d blown it with Annabelle. Big time.

  “I’ll let you get back to your company.” He couldn’t look at her. Couldn’t bear to see the disappointment in her eyes.

  “Cooper, wait,” she pleaded.

  “You don’t need me.” He turned and walked toward the beach, praying she wouldn’t follow. Even if a part of him wished she would.

  When he reached the water, he stood looking out over the Pacific. He’d grown up on the beaches of Southern California. He’d learned how to surf before he played ball. But he hadn’t been on a board since he’d signed his first contract. Hadn’t wanted to risk a stupid injury. Like a shark bite or jellyfish sting to put him on the DL. He hadn’t wanted to put any strain on his shoulder. A lot of good staying out of the water had done him.

  He flopped down on the sand, feeling sorry for himself. Picking up a handful, he watched the grains slide through his fingers. Like the rest of his life. His career, his integrity, and his chance with Annabelle.

  Oh, God. Annabelle. He could still taste her. Still hear her moans of pleasure. Could still feel her.

  He closed his eyes as lyrics filled his head.

  Your name on my lips

  Is like a song in my heart.

  The smile on your face

  Is like a rare work of art.

  Oh sweet, sweet Annabelle,

  You’ve got me under your spell.

  The words came to him fast and furious. He itched for his guitar and his notebook. Instead, he pulled out his phone to jot down the lyrics. The tune would stay in his head until he could get back home.

  He jumped up, encouraged. Maybe he’d blown it with Annabelle, and with baseball, but he still had his music. And that was something.

  He picked up the pace, breaking into a jog back to his place, only to run into Marco in front of Annabelle’s house.

  “Hey.” The other man stood in front of a classic Mustang. “What’s the deal with you and Annabelle?”

  “You her big brother?” Cooper didn’t need to answer to this guy. The guy who’d taken his roster spot.

  “We’re friends.” Marco removed his sunglasses and eyed Cooper carefully. “We go way back.”

  “Oh really? And does your wife know how far back you go with Annabelle?” He had a fifty-fifty shot at Marco having been more than friends with Annabelle. He took a chance.

  “I don’t keep secrets from my wife.” Marco stared him down.

  Okay, he got it. Marco was the bigger man. But that still didn’t give him the right to have a pissing contest over a woman he claimed was just a friend. Not when he was married to another woman. A woman that Cooper had nothing but respect for, once he’d gotten over the fact that she’d traded his sorry ass.

  “Well, good for you.” He still didn’t think he needed to defend his relationship with Annabelle, not that he had a relationship with her. “I’m glad your wife doesn’t have a problem with you getting all worked up over an old friend.”

  “Annabelle is Hunter’s friend, too.” He changed his tone into more of a friendly I’m just trying to do the right thing vibe. “She’s been through a lot in the last year.”

  “She’s been through a lot this last week.” Cooper inched forward. He wanted to protect Annabelle just as much as anyone. “I was here through it all. And I can tell you, she’s a hell of a lot stronger than anyone gives her credit for.”

  “She’s still vulnerable.” Marco crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t want her to get hurt.”

  “I don’t want her to get hurt, either.” Cooper took another step toward the man. “You can count on that.”

  “Can I?” Marco asked.

  “Yes. I know I let a lot of people down.” Cooper raked a hand through his hair. “But I won’t let Annabelle or her girls down. I’ll make sure they’re taken care of.”

  Even if it meant keeping his feelings, and his hands, to himself.

  Chapter 14

  After dinner, Annabelle put on a short movie for the twins. They’d finished their homework and were a little too wound up to go to bed. So they made popcorn and settled in for a special treat.

  “Hunter tells me you two are thinking of starting a family.” Annabelle wasn’t surprised to find Marco helping load the dishwasher while Hunter wiped down the table.

  “Yeah. Maybe.” He looked over at his wife with absolute love and pride and eagerness. “We kind of figured we should get started now, so that I’ll be ready to retire by the time our kids are old enough to play ball.”

  “What he’s really saying is that he wants to make sure he misses most of the diapers and midnight feedings.” Hunter snapped a towel against his backside.

  “Hey. You know I’ll be willing to do my part when I can.” He came up to her and grabbed her wrists, pulling her arms around him. “I’ll do anything for you.”

  “Marco, please.” Hunter giggled as he dropped little kisses along her neck.

  Annabelle cleared her throat.

  “Sorry.” She grinned at the loving couple. “Maybe you two wouldn’t mind practicing. I mean, the parenting part. Not the baby-making part. I have a feeling you’ve got that down.”

  Hunter turned around, facing Annabelle, but with Marco’s arms still wrapped around her.

  “Would you mind babysitting?” Annabelle asked. “I have some things I need to take care of, and I’m not sure how long it will take.”

  “Sure. Do you need one of us to drive you somewhere?” Marco asked.

  “No. It’s just next door.” Annabelle felt warmth creep up her cheeks.

  Hunter smiled, as she realized where Annabelle needed to go. “No problem. Take as long as you need.”

  “Thank you.” Annabelle hoped she wasn’t making a mistake. She trusted them with her girls, but she didn’t know if Cooper would let her in. To his house, sure, but his life? “The girls can skip their bath tonight. Just make sure they brush their teeth and are in bed by eight.”

  “We can do that,” Hunter said.

  “And do make yourselves at home,” Annabelle offered. “I may be out late.”

  “I certainly hope so.” Hunter winked at her. When Marco started to butt in, she shook her head and gave her husband a look that meant none of your business.

  With that out of the way, Annabelle kissed her daughters on the tops of their heads and went upstairs for a wardrobe change.

  She had far too many clothes to choose from. Her designer gowns were too formal and her workout wear too casual. Besides, she’d mostly lived in yoga pants these past several days. If she hadn’t been in such a hurry, the outfit she’d worn to the doctor would be wearable, but she’d shoved it into a laundry basket. As if she’d just throw the silk blouse into the washer with the girls’ school clothes.

  She tried to think. How did she want Cooper to see her? Not as the invalid he’d been taking care of. Nor as the former trophy wife.

  Of course. She approached the hope chest at the foot of her bed. She pulled out the red swimsuit she’d packed away years ago. The one she’d worn for her first swimsuit cover. The cover hanging in Cooper’s weight room.

  She carefully unwrapped it from the tissue paper and held it up. Then she wriggled out of her clothes and slipped on the bikini bottoms. Annabelle let out a sigh of relief that it still fit. Turning toward the mirror, she tied the top around her neck and then did a neat little bow in the back.

  Not bad. Not bad at all. Her curves were a little more pronounced, but she wasn’t nineteen anymore. There was still a slight bruise on her left side, but if things went as planned, it would be dark. Her breasts weren’t quite as firm as they’d been, but they still filled out the suit nicely.

  Still, she couldn’t just march next d
oor wearing nothing but an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, red-hot bikini. Returning to her closet, she searched for a simple, yet sexy cover-up. Finally, she settled on a multicolored sarong, which she tied around her waist, and a soft ivory cashmere sweater that she slipped on over the bikini top.

  She didn’t even bother with shoes and slipped out the back door while Sophie and Olivia were watching their movie and Hunter and Marco were watching each other.

  With her heart pounding, Annabelle stood at Cooper’s door. She could hear the soft sounds of his guitar coming through the open window. Taking a deep breath, she rang the doorbell and waited.

  The door opened and he stood there with a pained expression on his face. A mixture of emotion played with his features. Regret. Longing. Lust.

  “Can I borrow a cup of sugar?” She gave him an innocent smile.

  “I don’t have any.” He heaved a sigh as if just seeing her was painful. “I’m sorry.”

  “Well, then, I’ll just have to find some other way to satisfy my craving.” She pushed her way past him into the house.

  “Annabelle…” His voice did that funny little thing when he said her name.

  “Tell me the truth.” She needed to get this out of the way. “Is this your big secret? The steroids? The suspension? Is that what you’ve been hiding behind all this time?”

  “Yes.” He hung his head.

  “And did you take them because you were hurt?”


  “Were you taking them your whole career?”

  “No.” He lifted his gaze. “It wasn’t until my shoulder started acting up that I even considered it.”

  “How did you get involved with FITNatural?”

  “You’ve got a lot of questions.”

  When she simply nodded, Cooper reached for her hand and led her to the sofa. She had a feeling it was going to be a long story. But she had all night.

  “We were in Miami for the last series in August. My shoulder was flaring up just as the division race was heating up.” Raking his hands through his hair, he leaned back against the sofa. “We were so close. We could feel it.”

  He closed his eyes and Annabelle waited for him to continue.

  “And then there were the rumors about Henry Collins.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “He was dying. And none of us wanted to be the reason we didn’t make it to the playoffs.”

  “So you did whatever it took.” She reached for his hand, but he pulled it back as if he felt like he was contaminated.

  “I asked around, and found this company that had ‘all-natural’ products.” His voice took on an edge of bitterness. “So I bought this cream. And it helped. Enough to get me through the series.”

  “So what was in this cream?”

  “At first, it was legitimate. They assured me all the ingredients were safe and legal.” He rubbed his hands together. “But then it stopped working, so they suggested something stronger. And when that stopped working, they offered…alternatives.”

  Pushing off the couch, he stood and walked across the room. With his back to her, he looked out the window.

  “And that got you through the season?” Annabelle walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

  “Yeah. But we still came up short.” He didn’t pull away, but she could feel his tension in his shoulder.

  “So how did you get caught?”

  “I’m such an idiot.” He turned to face her. To look her straight in the eye. “I panicked. I was supposed to do this charity thing. A clinic for underprivileged kids before we reported to spring training. I was worried I’d screw up my shoulder tossing the ball underhand or something stupid like that. I didn’t want to take any chances. I figured I had two weeks for the stuff to get out of my system. But…”

  “But they tested you sooner.”

  “Yeah. As we were getting ready for Fan Fest, they pulled a couple of us aside for random preseason drug testing.” He let out a big, frustrated sigh. “I knew I was screwed, but in a way, it was a relief. I didn’t have to keep looking over my shoulder. It was over.”

  Annabelle wrapped her arms around him and leaned against his chest. She could hear the steady beat of his heart. Could feel him trembling beneath her touch. He was so strong, yet he’d given in in a moment of weakness.

  “I just have one more question for you.” She lifted her face and smiled. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  He looked confused.

  “I hear you have quite the magazine collection. I’d like to see them.”

  The corners of his lips twitched in a half-smile.


  “Yes. We have some unfinished business.” She grabbed his hand and started tugging him toward the stairs.


  She stopped. Turned around and reached up to touch his jaw.

  “You sing my name.” Her heart swelled, filling her chest. “You don’t say it, you sing it. Every time.”

  * * * *

  She was right. Her name was a song. A song he never wanted to stop singing.

  “Annabelle.” He pulled her closer and lowered his mouth over hers. He drank her in, kissing her with everything he had, marveling at the fact that she was here, in his house, in his arms.

  “Your bedroom?” She pulled away, urging him upstairs.

  With trembling hands, he led her to his room. She didn’t waste any time in tugging off her soft sweater and wrap skirt then striking a pose in a red bikini. The red bikini.

  “So do you have that magazine?” She asked with a mischievous grin on her face. “I can’t quite remember the pose.”

  His feet froze, his mouth dried up, and his dick got instantly hard. She was going to act out his ultimate fantasy. Right there in his bedroom. Just moments after he’d confessed to steroid use that had possibly ruined his career.

  Slowly, he made his way to the bedside table. He pulled open the drawer that held her magazines and an unopened box of condoms. Guess it wasn’t just wishful thinking when he’d picked them up on his way home from his workout.

  He reached for the magazine and held it up for her to see.

  “Oh that’s right.” She arched her back, pressed her breasts forward, and drew her hand through her long golden hair. Her lips parted seductively and she gave him that half smile that had fueled his fantasies for years.

  “Oh, Annabelle.” He dropped the magazine and stood there with his jaw just inches from the floor. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  “I hope it’s the same as what you do to me.” She inched closer to his bed. “Let’s finish what we started.”

  “Are you sure?” He hesitated. “I mean, after what I’ve done?”

  “We all make mistakes.” She fell onto the mattress. “But I think our biggest regrets are for the things we don’t do.”

  Well, he wasn’t going to regret not living out his fantasy. Not now. Not when she was right here. Wanting him. Even though he didn’t deserve her.

  He reached for her, his hands shaking as he pulled on the tie of her bikini top.


  Oh no. She’d changed her mind.

  “Let’s get you undressed.” She tugged on his T-shirt. “It’s only fair.”

  “Yeah. Sure.” He wriggled out of his shorts and stood over her, feeling as eager as a teenager. Yet, he now had enough sense to savor this moment. To drink in her beauty and appreciate the gift she was about to give him.

  “Come closer.” She leaned back wearing nothing but the tiny triangle of red between her thighs. “What are you waiting for?”

  “Trying to decide which one of my fantasies I should act out.” Yeah, that did sound even dumber out loud than it had in his head.

  She laughed. “We’ve got all night. Why not try them all?”

  He went for fantasy number seven. His favorite. In which he slowly, meticulously slid that red bikini down her thighs, dropping kisses
on her exquisite skin along the way. And just like in his dreams, she was hot, wet, and ready for him. He slipped one finger inside her—perfect—and stroked her carefully, listening to her moans, watching her eyes flutter shut as he pleasured her. When her breathing got frantic and her hips thrust against his hand, he knew she was close.

  “Cooper,” she breathed. “Please. Now.”

  He reached for the box of condoms. Damn, why hadn’t he opened it yet? Had one ready? He tore open the box, and grabbed the little square packet. His fingers trembled as he tore open the package and quickly covered himself.

  “Now where were we?” he asked as he positioned himself over her.

  Chapter 15

  Annabelle, at least, was right at the edge of paradise. Only she didn’t speak the words out loud. She couldn’t speak as he plunged inside her. This was supposed to be his fantasy, but she was the one living a dream. Her body hummed with pleasure.

  “Annabelle.” He sang her name as he thrust again and again. Hard and fast at first, then he slowed down, almost as if he wanted to savor every moment, every slip of his skin against hers.

  She arched up against him, drawing him deeper, and feeling more and more connected until she no longer felt a part of this earth. A flash of color burst before her eyes and she cried out as the most intense climax she’d ever known washed over her.

  He stilled, both of them frozen in time, and then he started moving again. Slowly, building higher and faster until finally he made one final thrust, letting out a groan before collapsing on top of her.

  Cooper rolled over, bringing her with him, and held her on top of him, stroking her hair and smiling.

  “You are so beautiful. Words can’t—” He closed his eyes and started humming. It was a familiar tune. The one he’d been playing the other night. When he’d been singing about her.

  “So did I live up to the fantasy?”

  “Annabelle...” He wrapped his arms around her. “You’re a dream come true.”


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