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A Man Who Knows What He Wants Box Set 5

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by Flora Ferrari

  I would say she was focused on the subject matter but she wasn’t looking at the chalkboard or the slides I was displaying on the screen from my projector. She was only looking at me. And it’s becoming damn near impossible to look at anything other than her.

  My professionalism is holding on by a string when it comes to my class. And I’ve completely lost it when it comes to her. Looking at her schedule? Surely that’s not allowed. Sure, part of it is based on keeping an eye on her, but I know the real reason. I need a minute with her. I’m a man with a plan and my plan is her.

  I catch up to her.

  “Parker,” she says, softly. The sweet sound of her voice hits me right in the chest, making me want to do anything and everything for her. “Hey.”

  “How are your classes?”

  She looks up at me making strong eye contact. “Good,” she says. Her voice is still soft.

  She turns slightly to open up her body towards me. She’s receptive.

  “I’m in a hurry to get to my next class,” I say, wishing I wasn’t. “But I saw you and would like to invite you to dinner tomorrow night.”



  “Is my dad in town?”

  “No.” I’m trying to be as direct as possible so she knows exactly what’s at stake here. Then I realize I’m not being as direct as I need to be. “I’m asking you out on a date.”

  “Oh,” she says. Then silence. “Okay,” she says.

  I’m using all my police training to try and read her body language to see if she’s accepting because she’s nice and doesn’t want conflict or drama. I can tell it’s not about that. She’s interested. I want to tell her everything but it will be much more appropriate when we’re not rushed and we can give each other our full attention.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven. I’ll be parked outside the student dorms.”

  “Okay,” she says.

  “Let me give you my number.”

  I recite my number and she doesn’t write it down. I can see she’s committing it to memory, showing me how much she values it and that she doesn’t need any sort of reminder not to forget it.

  “See you tomorrow,” I say.

  “See you,” she says.

  I turn to walk towards my class and just as I do I see a smile come across her face.

  I’m not the type of guy for displays of emotion, but I want to jump up and tap my heels together right now. I feel like if I did jump I’d hit my head on the clouds. I’m feeling that high.

  I’ve never felt this good in my life. Saving a life is an incredible feeling, one I thought could never be topped.

  Until now. Until her. And I can’t wait to see just how incredible tomorrow is going to feel when we’re out together…for the first time of what is sure to be a lifetime of many, many more.

  Chapter Nine


  “You’re not going to wear any makeup?” my roommate asks.

  “I’ve come this far without it,” I say. “I’m not going to switch it up now.”

  “Girl, you are brave.”

  “Girl, I am broke!” I say.

  We both laugh.

  “Okay, I better get going.”

  “Good luck. He’s a lucky guy. You sure you won’t tell me his name?” she asks.

  “Not yet. Let’s see how it goes first.”

  There’s no way I can expose Parker to the kind of scrutiny he’d get from the advisory board if they found out he was out on a date with a student. Sure, we could play it off as him being my dad’s best friend, but the risk is totally not worth it. Plus I’d be more concerned about what my dad would say than the dean of the university.

  I step outside wondering if I’ll spot him. I giggle quickly realizing that’s not going to be a problem. He’s parked right in front of the building and the passenger window comes down. He jumps out of the car and comes around to open the door for me.

  I like that he’s being a gentleman, but not laying it on too thick right here where someone might see. I feel like a lot of guys my age are clueless in so many ways. Not him. He’s knows how this could look and what could happen if the wrong person sees this and reports it, so he’s keeping it professional yet courteous at the same time.

  I wonder if it’s going to stay that way.

  I feel his hand on the small of my back and his other hand takes mine as he helps me into his car. I like the possessiveness. The way he claims me by putting his hands on me. At first it seemed a bit overbearing. How he called me down to sit in front with the whole class watching. Things like that. But I’ve definitely warmed to it, especially now that he’s made his intentions known. How he asked me out on a date in a straightforward manner, consequences be darned.

  We pull away from the dorms and I forget to look up at my room to see if my roommate’s watching to see who I’m going out with. I seem to forget everything when he’s around. Nothing else matters, nor should it.

  I have no idea how much time is passing by, but we’re driving and talking and having a great time. The conversation is light and it’s making me feel relaxed and comfortable.

  Lately I’ve been a bit on edge around him, with how strong he’s coming on. And although I do still feel it a bit, it’s more repressed tonight. It just feels so natural. Maybe I’m an old soul myself. I’ve been told as much.

  After awhile we pull into a parking lot of what looks like a very swank location.

  “We’re here,” he says.

  “Where’s here?” I ask. I’m curious what’s inside and what he’s got planned.

  “To be honest I’m not entirely sure. I’ve got a pretty good idea, but I thought part of the fun of it is finding out exactly what’s inside…and doing it together.”

  “Sounds good,” I say, trying to sound low-key. But in reality? It sounds abso-lutely fan-tastic!

  Chapter Ten


  “What do you think?” I ask. I watch as she reads the canvas sign just inside the entrance.

  Paint Your Pet…or Someone Else’s

  It’s part of the PaintNite program that markets itself as “the original creative night out.”

  I know how much Sophia loves design, art, and animals so I was hoping this type of event would leverage all three.

  “Oh wow. This is…perfect!” she says making me feel like a million bucks. I want our first date to be memorable and something she’ll enjoy and be surprised about. Not just our first date, but all of our dates. I think I accomplished my goal with this one. “I’ve never heard of this before. This is really cool.”

  “You’re really cool,” I say trying to sound younger than my thirty-eight years. At nineteen now, a year having already passed since that memorable eighteenth birthday of hers, we’ve certainly got an age difference between the two of us but with her maturity level and the way she makes me feel younger than I really am I think things pretty much even out.

  We grab a non-alcoholic drink and start mingling with the other participants tonight. Many have brought pets. Many haven’t.

  The pictures online made me think it would be a mixed crowd with the average age coming in closer to mine than Sophia’s. That’s exactly how it is, but Sophia seems to be right at ease with it. I think she relates really well to people a bit older than she is. Women definitely mature faster than men do and there’s no question she’s wise beyond her years.

  “Look at that one,” she says. “So cute.”

  My hand finds her back and I can feel her lean into it a little. It’s so natural, even though I feel goose bumps on my arms just from touching her.

  And she’s right about the dog she’s looking at. It’s a German Shepherd, which is my all time favorite dog. I worked with Shepherds on the force and really built an admiration for them. They’re amazing creatures that are as beautiful as they are smart.

  “You’re making me want to try and lure her out of here with doggie biscuits and take her home for myself,” I joke.

��Would you?”

  I smile. “No. Never. I know the kind of love and bond a animal and its owner, if you can call them that, share.”

  Sophia looks up at me. “Why did you say ‘if you can call them that’?”

  “In my experience a lot of times it seems like the animal is the one running the show. With smaller and smaller families these days due to the rising costs of education, and a lot of other factors, people are focusing more time, attention, and money on their pets.”

  “Do you think that’s a good thing?”

  “I think pets are amazing things.”

  “But focusing on pets more than families.”

  “I think it’s best to focus on a happy home, and to me that would definitely include both.” I pause. “What do you think?”

  “I think that…I like the way you think,” she says. She winks and I feel her hand move from her side brushing against mine.

  My hand leaves the small of her back and slides off her side before coming to a rest next to hers. My fingertips touch hers and our fingers lock effortlessly. It’s a bond I don’t ever want to break. It’s like our hands form a padlock to which there is no combination, not that either of us would want one. I want to hold her hand for life…both metaphorically as I lead her in her life’s journeys but also literally. Her tiny, feminine hand fits perfectly in mine. And the goose bumps return and my heart rate accelerates.

  On the force they measured all kinds of variables to evaluate us at our job. I was able to face a lot of high conflict situations and my heart rate barely increased at all. I was beyond a cool cucumber so to speak, but around her I just can’t control myself. No matter what mental exercises I run through my head or what breathing exercises I try the mental, logical, side of me just can’t get ahold of the emotional side.

  And I’m not talking about effeminate, annoying, emotional side that some guys show. I’m talking about feeling the need to touch her, protect her, and be close to her at all times. I’m still here to be her rock, but in doing so I feel something so big that it can make this boulder that I am roll uphill just as easily as it could roll downhill. She moves me that much.

  “Okay, everyone. If you’re ready, we’re ready,” the event leader announces. “If you can all grab a seat of your choosing I think we’re ready to get started.” He turns to walk back towards the bar area. “Oh, and you’re welcome to order refills before you do.”

  Laughter breaks out. I look around the room and see that most people have come in couples, as we have. I’ve never done the “couples thing” but I have to say I sure do like it. Everyone seems so much happier…so much more vibrant. This is really what life is all about.

  But it’s not just about being coupled-up. It’s about being paired with not just the right person, but the perfect person.

  And the woman at my side tonight is that exactly.

  We both love dogs. We both enjoy being around people my age. We both aren’t big drinkers, but can enjoy it from time to time like on nights like tonight when we’re together sharing experiences. And we’ve both had a crush on each other for a while. At least I sure have, and I’m suspecting more and more she has too.

  And I’m going to find out soon enough.

  But first I can’t wait to enjoy this activity that I’m entirely not cut out for, with her. I’m not one to make a fool out of myself, and putting a paintbrush in my oversized hand will do just that, but I know it’s going to be fun…because we’re going to do it together.

  Chapter Eleven


  “I still can’t believe our painting was voted best painting of the night,” I say.

  “I can, because thankfully it was more your painting than it was our painting.”

  “Nonsense! We worked on it together,” I say leaning into him. If I would have drank alcohol like most of the other guests I could have used it as an excuse to get close to him…not that I’d ever need an excuse. But I’ve only ever tried alcohol once in my life and I’m not of the legal drinking age anyways, not to mention I wouldn’t jeopardize Parker’s career or reputation by partaking in alcohol while being next to his side. But who needs it anyways? He makes me feel completely relaxed and at ease, and just being around him is both intoxicating and works as a natural aphrodisiac on me.

  It’s like he’s a big ol’ magnet pulling me towards him. And I’m happy to be stuck to him like our sides are now.

  He reaches down and runs his hands through my hair and I feel all tingly on my head and inside…and some other places as well.

  We walk through downtown L.A. just enjoying the perfect California weather. Seventy-two degrees and a light breeze. Our painting is carefully wrapped and packed in his trunk and we’ve got nowhere to be and only each other to be with. It’s too perfect.

  “I really enjoyed your lecture the other day on criminal minds and whether they’re born or develop over time.”

  “Thank you. There’s a lot of research in the field. A lot of biology work has been done. A lot of nature versus nurture, but no matter how you slice it it comes back to the things our parents tell us about from the time we’re kids. You have to be careful who you choose as friends. Or more accurately you have to be careful who you choose to spend any time with in this crazy thing called life.”

  “Any time?”

  “Any. Life is short. I’ve seen it time and time again in my line of work. I don’t like to waste time and I don’t like to get into meaningless relationships no matter what area. I’m a creature of habit, as most of us are, and I like to surround myself with people I know, like, and trust. I’m not into meaningless things with random people, even so much as where I want to eat a hamburger.”

  “That’s pretty intense.”

  “It is, but I know life can be a slippery slope. If you only surround yourself with positive, good people it’s easy to be at the top of the mountain. If not, it’s so easy to slide down that slope. I used to hear it all the time as a cop. Someone just ‘got involved with the wrong people.’ As much as it’s an excuse sometimes there’s also a lot of truth to it. I don’t think I’m easily influenced, but most of us are. And once influenced, it’s strange how quickly our behavior can change.”

  “I agree with you there. You don’t strike me as someone who’s very easily influenced. You seem more…set in your ways.”

  “I am. I’m a bit older than you too, so I know what I want and that’s that.” He pauses and our walk suddenly stops. He turns and looks at me. “But every once in awhile I am influenceable. And when I am it’s the greatest feeling in the world. Or at least in this case it is.”

  The way he’s looking at me sends my heart racing. I smell a fresh breeze suddenly whip through the streets and it seems to pick up a hint of his cologne, if that even is cologne he’s wearing, and the smell makes me want to bury my face in his chest again…or even better to bring my face a lot closer to his.

  “And what case is that?” I ask.

  “The one that only comes along once in a lifetime, and that’s if you're lucky. The one that turns your world on end and makes you realize why you’re really here on earth. What you’re put here to do.”

  “You’re lucky you found police work so early in life,” I say.

  “I am. And that was my calling, and I thought it always would be…until something, or should I say someone, came along.”

  “Someone?” I ask. I’m hearing his words and I know what they mean, but they just…they just can’t mean what I’m thinking.

  “Someone who I want more than anything. Someone who can influence me in ways I never thought imaginable. Someone who makes me feel more vibrant and alive than I’ve ever felt. And someone I want so much that it’s become so deep that it’s possessive within me.”

  “Possessive?” I ask, a bit taken aback.

  “Possessive. Someone who I don’t want to see other guys even talking to because she’s mine. Mine and only mine.”

  His hand comes up and I feel his big fingers on the ba
ck of my neck. His grip is strong, yet somehow gentle at the same time. I know he could move me and control me and my motions just with his grip, but he doesn’t. But the way he chose to put his hand on me is definitely this possessiveness that he’s talking about. No question about it.

  “And as crazy as it sounds I want to possess this person to the point of obsession. But not in a scary way. In the way that she already possesses me. She possesses my thoughts constantly. She possesses that space in my mind. And she possesses this right here,” he says.

  His other hand takes mine and he lifts it up to his chest, placing it on his heart.

  I can feel his heart beating and it’s like we’re connecting on a whole new level. Something even deeper. Much deeper.

  I’m beyond excited and nervous at the same time. That and I’m still wrapping my head around this whole possessiveness talk. If anyone else used that word as aggressively as he’s using it I’d turn around and run. But I know what he means, because I feel it too. When I’m sitting there in the front row of his classes all I can think about is him possessing my body just as much as he already possesses my thoughts. I can’t take my eyes off him when he’s near and I can’t take my mind off him…ever. And in that way he’s already possessed me so, so deeply. I just hope he’ll soon do the same with my body and we become one.

  “To possess is such a powerful though,” I say.

  “Very powerful. And I want this girl to know that right now all I can think about is possessing her lips.”

  Just his words cause my lips to tingle. I see his line of sight drift from my eyes to my lips as he leans in slowly.

  For someone so powerful and so dominant with words filled with such deep meaning he can be tender at the same time. At least with me.

  And after waiting so long I finally experience that tenderness for the first time when his lips touch mine, but once they do the strength of his kiss explodes tenfold and I can feel that possessiveness he’s talking about, right here and now in his kiss.


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