Book Read Free

Born to Ride

Page 9

by Kasey Millstead

  Chapter 14

  Six weeks later

  “Oh my god, this can’t be happening. Hand me another one.”

  “Is that one positive as well?”

  “Yes, now just hand me another one,” I snap, impatiently.

  “Alright, alright,” Jenn hands me another test to pee on. I set it on the window ledge next to the others and stare, unseeing, at the four positive tests. “Jenn, look at the instructions. There’s got to be something in there about a false positive or something, right?”

  “Umm, just let me check, HcG, morning, negative, false positive,” she mumbles as she scans the page. “Yes! There’s a false positive, just let me read it.” My knee jigs nervously while she reads. “Okay, it says there’s a possibility of a false positive and then there’s a bunch of reasons listing why it may happen. It says the best thing to do is make an appointment with your doctor.”

  “Okay, I need to do that, like now.” I reach over and grab my phone, dialing the number while still sitting on the toilet. I’m so panicked, I can’t think straight, or rationally. I’m scared and I’m nervous. The tests have to be wrong. They have to be. There’s no way I could be pregnant.

  The poor receptionist takes pity on me, no doubt sensing the panic in my voice. She schedules me an emergency appointment for the morning.

  I gather all the tests and shove them in my handbag. I’m not sure if the doctor will want them or not, but I’ll take them along to my appointment anyways.

  “I better go, Lace. Switch is due home soon and I want to show him how much I missed him,” Jenn winks.

  “Okay. Thank you, for everything.”

  “No probs. Do you want me to come to your appointment, or will you tell Roam tonight and take him along?”

  “Oh, no! I’m not telling Roam. I’m one hundred percent sure it’s a false positive. I don’t want to scare him off,” I laugh, but really I’m petrified.

  What if I am pregnant and Roam leaves me?

  “I think you’re in denial,” Jenn chirps in a sing-song voice. Then she says in her serious tone, “Roam is a great dad to Jasper, what makes you think he wouldn’t be a great dad to your baby?”

  “There is no baby, Jenn,” I say sternly.

  “Okay, miss know-it-all. I’ll pick you up in the morning.” She kisses my cheek and then she’s gone.

  Five minutes later, I hear the roar of Roam’s Harley pipes. I listen as he shuts down the engine, then I hear his heavy booted feet hitting the path as he makes his way toward the house.

  “Hey, sugar,” he pulls me into his arms and kisses me passionately. “Evening, handsome,” I smile, when his lips leave mine. “Somethin’ smells good,” he says, sniffing the air.

  “Uh-huh,” I nod, “I made a chocolate cake today.”

  “What’s the celebration?”

  “My birthday,” I say, softly.


  “It’s my birthday, I’m twenty four today.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Well, because I don’t like to make a big deal of it, but I always make a chocolate cake on my birthday because it’s what my mom used to do,” I explain.

  “You best go off and get yourself dressed, I’m taking you out.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Roam. Really, it’s not a big deal. I’m happy so long as I get my cake.”

  “Go get dressed, woman,” he orders. “Don’t bother doing your hair, we’re taking the bike.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I salute. Then, I walk down the hall, shaking my ass as he laughs.


  Roam pulls into the parking lot of a small Seafood restaurant, overlooking the beach. I climb off the back of the bike and remove my helmet. I try to tame my hair, but I know it’s a lost cause. It’s no doubt sticking up everywhere, but I’m not in the mood to care. He takes my hand and leads us inside. The waitress seats us outside on the balcony, then she takes our drink orders and leaves us with the menu. The waves crash down below us, and the sun is just setting off in the horizon. It’s absolutely beautiful.

  “Can I take your orders now?” The waitress sets our drinks down on the table and takes out her notepad and pencil.

  “I’ll have the Oysters to start and then the Seafood Chowder after,” Roam tells her.

  “I’ll have the Shrimp Cocktail and then the Seafood Chowder, as well please.”

  “Sure thing. Shouldn’t be too long.” She flounces off and I look across at Roam.

  “Happy birthday, beautiful,” he raises his glass. I lift mine and clink it with his.

  “Thank you. This is lovely.”

  “You deserve it.”

  “So, any news on who was behind the attacks at Mitch’s bar?”

  He shakes his head, “Nope.”

  It’s been six weeks since I stopped working at Mitch’s. The attacks have stopped, for the time being, but I’m always on the lookout, waiting for the next attempt to hurt me. Mitch was reluctant to see me go, when I told him of my plans. After explaining, he agreed that it was for the best, but he promised he’d keep my position open, for when I return.

  Because I’m not working, I’ve spent the last month decorating Roam’s house. Jenn and I have repainted throughout and I brought a bunch of new stuff. Now, Roam has nice curtains and a comfy bedspread. I also put a large plush chocolate brown rug under the coffee table. Jenn and I spent half a day in the SuperMax Homegoods store buying a bunch of new plates, cutlery and glasses, and I splurged and bought Roam a state of the art, brand spanking new, outdoor grill and smoker combo. He was a little pissed at my extravagant purchase, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t used it almost every night since!

  “I’ve got eyes on your ex in Florida, but he’s too far gone from drugs, so I’m beginning to think he’s got nothing to do with it. Is there anyone else from your past, you think might be wanting to cause you harm?”

  It’s my turn to shake my head. “No. I’ve been wracking my brain and there’s no one.”

  “At least things have settled down for now. The asshole might have gotten bored and moved on to someone different to annoy.”

  “Hopefully they just grew a brain and will keep to themselves,” I say, on an eye roll.

  “Yeah, that too,” he grins.

  After we’ve finished our chowder, Roam calls the waitress over and orders a slice of their chocolate cake with vanilla bean ice cream.

  Roam takes his spoon and cuts down through the cake. Scooping it up with a dollop of ice cream, he holds it across the table and puts it in my mouth. I bite down on the spoon and drag my teeth across the metal as he pulls it out. “Mmmm,” I moan. “So good.” I close my eyes and savior the rich, moist chocolate taste.

  “Christ,” Roam whispers.

  “What?” My eyes spring open and I look at him expectantly.

  “You’re so fuckin’ sexy.”

  I feel my cheeks heat. “It’s really good,” I mumble, with a smile.

  “Yeah, it is,” he agrees, but somehow, I don’t think he’s talking about the cake.

  Roam pays the bill and we walk back out to the bike. He places my helmet on my head and fastens the strap under my chin.

  “Thank you.” I kiss his lips, softly.

  “Anytime, sugar.”

  “Come on biker boy, take me home and give me a proper happy birthday.” I slap his ass and jump on the bike.

  “With fuckin’ pleasure,” he murmurs.

  He climbs on, starts her up and then pulls out. We fly down the highway and I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of the wind rushing through my hair.

  “It’s happy birthday time,” Roam grins as he parks the bike in the shed.

  “Let’s go inside then,” I tug his hand and begin walking to the house.

  “Uh-uh,” Roam pulls me back, shaking his head.


  “Gonna lay you down and take you on my bike, Lacey,” Roam growls.

  Sweet Jesus. A shiver runs through my body and warmth instantl
y accumulates between my legs.

  He walks toward me and backs me up against an old wooden structure. Then his mouth claims mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and tug him toward me. His hands go to my ass and he lifts me up. Automatically, my legs wrap around his waist. I rub myself against his obvious erection as he walks us backwards towards the bike.

  Turning around, he bends down and positions me on the bike. I’m half lying, half sitting on the seat. My back rests along the gas tank and my hands hang down beside me. He swings his leg over and straddles the seat, where I usually sit. His gaze roams over my body hungrily, then he slides his hands from my knees upward, moving my dress as he goes. When his eyes find my naked flesh he hisses in a sharp breath.

  “Christ, woman. Have you been panty less this entire time?”

  “Yes,” I whisper, quietly pleased with the reaction he is giving.

  He smiles at me, then leans forward and pokes out his tongue. His eyes stay on mine as he traces a line from my belly button to the top of my pussy. He stops just short of my clitoris. I writhe underneath him, desperate for his touch.

  “Patience, sugar,” he murmurs. His tongue travels back up to my stomach, where he dips and swirls it inside my belly button.

  “Please,” I mewl.

  He begins to drag a wet trail south again. He licks across my pubic bone and kisses my left thigh, before repeating the process and kissing my right thigh. Then he kisses his way to the top of my core. Then, finally, his tongue creeps out and he makes contact with my swollen nub. My hips arch upwards, but he pushes them back down again. He sucks my lips into his mouth one at time. I moan and grab ahold of his hair, near his ears and I try to steer him to where I need him. He chuckles and shakes his head, before using his thumbs to expose my wet flesh.

  “Fuckin’ beautiful,” he mutters to himself. Then, he snakes his tongue out and licks me from top to bottom and back again. Again and again. He grabs my clitoris between his teeth and sucks hard, then he releases me and spears his tongue inside me. He licks and sucks, and licks and sucks some more until I’m screaming his name as I come in his mouth. Just as my orgasm is fading, he starts pumping two of his fingers inside me, hard and fast. His stabs at my sensitive bud with his tongue and I’m moaning through another orgasm minutes later.

  “Oh my Lord,” I sigh when I finally come down from my high.

  He doesn’t respond, he just wipes my glistening arousal from his mouth and grins, licking his lips. The zipper on his jeans goes down and his jeweled cock springs free from its denim confines. He strokes it a few times, as I watch mesmerized. He lifts my thighs and slides me down the bike a little. Then he stands and spreads my legs as wide as they will go. Positioning himself at my entrance, he slides effortlessly inside.

  I sigh.

  He groans.

  Then he begins to move. My back arches off the bike again and my legs wrap around his waist, holding him to me. My hands find his neck and I bring his mouth down on mine. His hips continue to slam against mine and I struggle to maintain our kiss through my panting. His thumb slides down my side and snakes in until he finds my clit. He presses hard and then rubs. My entire body coils tight and then pulses as my orgasm washes through my body. Roam shoves his head into my neck and groans as his cock throbs, spurting warmth inside of me.

  He rests his body weight on me as we both find our breath. “Hmm,” I hum, “I love motorcycle sex.”

  Roam body begins to shake as he laughs at my comment.

  I wince as he pulls out of me. He stands and lifts me into his arms and carries my jelly-like body inside to the shower. He strips off my dress and then his own clothes. He turns the spray on and waits until the temperature is right, before guiding me in and tenderly washing my body.

  I wash my hair and then we step out. Roam wraps a towel around my body and pulls me into him.

  “What’s wrong, sugar? You seem a bit down.”

  I so desperately want to tell him about the pregnancy tests, but I’m convinced it’s a false positive, so is it really worth telling him something that most likely isn’t even true? I don’t want him to worry over it, like I am, so what’s the point of sharing?

  “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  “Let’s go to bed then, birthday girl. I might even give you a back massage.” He slaps my ass and we walk into the bedroom.

  I towel dry my hair and the climb into bed naked, Roam follows me. He rolls me onto my stomach and then straddles my back.

  “Oh, god, that feels so good,” I groan, as his fingers and palms knead my shoulder blades. He moves down my sides, over my rib cage and back in to my lower spine. He rubs the knots out of my back using almost painful pressure, and then he eases up and gently massages the entire area. I don’t know how long he continues for, because my eyes slowly close and sleep claims me.

  Chapter 15

  “Lacey Monroe,” the bubbly doctor calls my name.

  Jenn stands beside me and we make our way over to where she’s standing, then we follow her into her office.

  “Hi, Lacey. Nice to see you again. You certainly look better than the last time I saw you.”

  “Nice to see you as well, Doc. I feel a whole bunch better, that’s for sure.”

  “That’s good. Now, what can I do for you today?”

  I grab the pregnancy tests from my handbag and place them on her desk. “According to these, I’m pregnant. But I can’t be. You see, I’m on the Pill, plus when I was sick, you prescribed the Morning After Pill to me, which I took, so it must be a false positive, right? It says in the instructions that it’s possible.”

  “Yes, it is possible. The best way to confirm is to have a blood test, though I would like to ask you some questions first.”


  “When was your last period?”

  “Um,” I pause to think. When was my last period? “Oh, it was a month before last, but that’s only because I wanted to skip my period last month.” Roam was coming home from being away for five days and I didn’t want my period interrupting our reunion.

  “Okay,” she writes something down. “Now, when you took the Morning After Pill, were you sick at all after that?”

  “No, I don’t think. I took them all together – the pills for the vomiting and diarrhea that you gave me, plus the Morning After and the cold and flu tablets.”

  “YES! You were sick,” Jenn almost jumps out of her chair. “Oh, sorry,” she at least has the courtesy to look apologetic for her outburst. “Roam said you did get sick through that first night. It was only after the second round of medicine that you began to feel better.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” I nod. And then it dawns on me. Oh god. I vomited out the Morning After Pill. Fuck. Fuck.

  “Right, then. I think the best thing to do is go ahead with the blood test and then you will know for sure. However, it is highly likely that you are indeed pregnant. As I told you on your last visit, the Pill can become ineffective if you have vomiting, diarrhea or are on antibiotics. The Morning After Pill has to be taken strictly according to the instructions and it sounds like you may have brought it back up after your first dose, thus making it ineffective. We will do the blood work to make sure, though and then we can further discuss your options if the results come back as expected.”

  I simply nod. I’m in shock. I cannot believe this shit!

  Jenn rubs my arm, comfortingly and then I follow the doctor out to another room where a nurse efficiently takes my blood.

  Silently, we walk back into the doctor’s office and I sit back down.

  “We should have the results in twenty fours, Lacey. If you’d like to come back in tomorrow, we can chat further.”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Jenn shakes the doctor’s hand.

  I slide into the passenger seat of Jenn’s car. I think I am in shock. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m twenty freaking four. I’m not ready to be a mother – am I? Now I have no choice but to tell Roam. He’s going to flip. I just know it.
This is all my fault.

  Suddenly, the thought of what my father would say if he were still here pops into my mind. He would want to kill me. I can’t stop the bubble of laughter that travels up my throat, escaping my mouth in a loud burst. Jenn looks at me confused, which only adds to my amusement. My laughing quickly becomes uncontainable. Happy tears stream down my cheeks, until they turn to sad tears. Then, instead of laughing uncontrollably, I’m sobbing uncontrollably. I hunch over and put my head between my knees. My body jolts with each loud, intense sob.

  Jenn whispers soothing words while rubbing my back. It begins to help and after a while, I calm myself down. Swiping my tears, I tell Jenn to take me home. I just want to forget about the last few hours.


  My stomach dips when Jenn pulls into the drive and Roam’s truck and bike are parked out front.

  “Oh, shit,” I whisper to myself.

  “Stopping tying yourself in knots, Lacey. Just tell him and then deal with his reaction. Stop fretting about a response that you don’t even know you’re going to get.”

  “Thanks for today.”

  “Anytime, babe, you know that.”

  “I know.” I lean over and kiss her cheek.

  “You want me to come in for a bit?”

  “No, it’s okay. You go on home to your man. I’ll ring you if I need you, but I’m sure it will be fine.”

  “Okay. Love you.”

  “Love you. ‘Bye.” I watch and wave as she drives away. I stand there until I can see her no longer. I know I’m only delaying the inevitable, but I can’t help it.

  I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. With a sense of dread spreading throughout my body, I slowly make my way inside to Roam.

  “Hey, sugar.” I turn and see him in the garage. He’s covered in grease, motor oil and dirt. He looks amazing.

  “Hey,” I turn and walk towards him.

  “Everything all right?” He asks.

  “Uh,” I run a hand over my forehead. My heart thuds hard in my chest.


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