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Born to Ride

Page 24

by Kasey Millstead

  I smiled up at him. “Where is he?” I asked, and he told me where to find him. “I won’t be long,” I promised, and gave him a quick kiss as I left the kitchen.

  I found my father outside talking to some of the boys. He glanced up when he saw me coming, his jaw set, no smile in place, but I saw the relief that flickered across his face in that moment and noted his shoulders settle out of their tense hold.

  “Madison,” he addressed me, and waved the boys away so we could have some privacy.

  He exuded an agitated vibe and I didn’t want a confrontation tonight so I silently waited for him to continue, not wanting to say something that might set him off. When dealing with Marcus Cole it was best to let him do most of the talking.

  “You’re okay,” he nodded, and it was more of a statement than a question, like he was reassuring himself.

  “Yes, Dad, I’m okay,” I confirmed.

  Another moment passed between us, with him deliberating over something and then he let out a huge breath, curved his palm around my neck and pulled me to him in a hug. “Thank fuck,” he uttered, softly.

  Shit, first J going all sensitive on me and now, Dad too. And then, out of nowhere, everything slammed into me at once. Relief, gratitude, joy, anger; I felt it all and then some. It unfurled within me, and I was overwhelmed to the point of tears. I started crying and Dad’s hand lightly brushed over my hair, soothing me, and this made me sob even harder.

  We stayed like that for what felt like a long time; him calming me with soft reassurances and me clinging to him in a way I never had. I had needed him to be this father many times in my life and he had never come through for me, but this time I felt a shift and it affected me; I let my guard down a little and that was liberating.

  Eventually, my tears dried up and I let go. “Thank you,” I said, quietly, looking up into his eyes to see a mixture of concern and love.

  He nodded, and brushed his thumbs across my cheeks, wiping away my tears. “Madison, I know you and I haven’t always seen eye to eye, and I fuckin’ know I can be an asshole sometimes, but I’m workin’ on it. I’m sorry that you and your mother were put in that situation today; that you had to witness what you did. And I’m fuckin’ worried about you, worried that this will send you back to that hell you were in after that motherfucker beat the shit out of you.”

  Well, fuck me. Marcus Cole was going all emotional on me. It was time to put his mind at ease. “You don’t need to worry about me, Dad. Yeah, that was a fucked up situation, and seeing Nix killed was not on my bucket list, but you know what? I’m happy it’s done because it means you guys can get back to concentrating on club business and we can all breathe easier now. And as far as me losing the plot? It’s not going to happen. I’m stronger now and I have all of you to back me up. This time around, my eyes are wide open and I’m seeing everything in a different light,” I assured him, and then, needing to lighten the mood, I winked at him and said, “I’m not good at asking for help, but I’m working on it, just like you’re working on not being such an asshole.”

  He threw his head back and laughed, and it was so good to see my Dad loosen up a little. “Okay, sweetheart, it’s a deal,” he agreed, “Now, let’s get back inside to the party. We’ve got some celebrating to do.”

  The party lasted into the early hours and I was exhausted by two am. It had been a great night though, catching up with everyone after being away for the past couple of years and watching the boys shed the tension that they had obviously been feeling. Even Scott let loose a little and I watched with interest as he flirted with a woman I didn’t know. This was out of character for him; to my knowledge, Scott didn’t usually put the hard yards in with the ladies, he just scored whenever he felt the need.

  As I watched him, he caught my eye and smiled. It was a dazzling smile, one that Scott didn’t often bring out. He was far too serious, and shouldered too much responsibility as far as I was concerned. I smiled back and then went looking for J.

  “There you are,” he said, as I walked into the pool room. The club had three pool tables and J could often be found in here; he loved playing pool and was pretty good at it.

  I was taken aback by the woman who was next to J, leaning over the table getting ready to take her shot, tits falling everywhere and ass barely covered by her animal print mini skirt. J had obviously been about to help her take her shot and their closeness sent a rush of jealousy through me. My fists clenched, and my face flushed with a burning heat. It stopped me dead in my tracks and all clear headed thought escaped me. A primal need to stake out my territory took over, damn the consequences.

  “What the fuck?” I snapped at J.

  Irritation spread across J’s face and he stepped away from the skank and came towards me. “You’re kidding, right?” he demanded, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me to the side.

  I yanked my arm out of his grip. “No, I’m not fucking kidding!” I yelled at him, but my eyes were focused solely on the chick who was now looking me up and down as if I was the shit on the bottom of her shoes. “Who is she, J?”

  His lips pinched together and I could tell he was fighting to remain calm. “She is no one, and you need to settle the fuck down,” he warned me.

  My head jerked back to look at him. “And you need to stop telling me what to do.”

  We glared at each other, neither saying a thing, but my mind was racing. How dare he tell me to settle down! I threw my hands in the air and madly declared, “I’m out of here, I need some space.”

  I turned and stalked out of the room, giving the skank a filthy glare on my way. Fucking club whores; they were all the same and I couldn’t believe that J would let one drape herself all over him on the day we got back together.

  Having no idea where I was going I just kept walking, and eventually found myself in J’s room upstairs. I was mentally and physically exhausted from the day, but I needed a shower so I undressed and submersed myself under the steaming, hot water, letting it wash away the heaviness I was feeling.

  Having not been in a relationship for the last two years I had enjoyed the peace of not having to work your way through shit like this. My relationship with J had always been a little volatile; it was the only aspect of it that I wished was different. Something had to give, to change, if we were going to make it work this time. I just didn’t know if either of us was capable of that.

  As I was contemplating all this, J’s ragged breathing engulfed the room and I turned to see him standing outside the shower. His wild eyes were on me, raking over my body with an intense passion that shot heat straight to my core and sent whatever thoughts I was having straight out of my mind. All I could think about now was having J; having his cock in me again. He lifted his shirt over his head and discarded it, and then did the same to his shoes and jeans. I watched every movement intently, my hand snaking down to my clit to massage it while his body was revealed to me. Once he was naked, he opened the shower door and stepped in next to me, his body filling the small space; us, skin to skin. I continued touching myself and reached my other hand down to take hold of his cock and started stroking it. J was hard and ready, and he emitted a groan with my movement. Slipping his hands around me he ran them over my ass and pulled me closer to him, dipping his head to catch my mouth in a hard, forceful kiss. I kept massaging myself, circling and dipping my finger in my wet folds with one hand, while my other one ran up and down his cock. Our kiss became desperate, our breathing more erratic until J broke away to move his lips down my body, sucking, kissing, licking me on my neck and breasts. His hands were on my ass, my stomach, my tits and finally they were where I wanted them, where I needed them; he took over my pussy and began finger fucking me.

  Fuck! It was almost more than I could take. The sensations shooting through my body were electric; J was fucking electric, and although I was overwhelmed by him, I also couldn’t get enough. I started to climb up his body; the need to have him inside me was taking over. Desperation for his cock, in me, was taking o
ver. He withdrew his fingers from my pussy and moved his hands to my ass, helping lift me up and then moved me so that we were leaning up against the shower wall. I wrapped my legs and arms around him, my hands gripping the back of his neck. Needing his mouth on mine I took it, plunging my tongue in. I moaned with pleasure. He felt so fucking good; I would never get enough of this.

  “Baby, I’m gonna fuck you now but I don’t have a condom,” he grunted in between kisses.

  “I’m clean,” I managed to get out, not wanting him to stop; not ever stop.

  “Good, me too,” he uttered before thrusting in me hard and fast, to the hilt.

  “Fuck!” I cried out, “Don’t fucking stop, J. Fuck me hard,” I demanded.

  J didn’t need further coaxing, he rammed into me repeatedly, our faces mashed side by side, our breathing hard and heavy while we each took what we needed. The rhythmic slapping of our bodies and our grunts were the only noises in the room and it fucking turned me on even more. J began to move even faster with his thrusts and I felt it build; the divine pleasure intensifying until my pussy tightened and clenched and the release hit me, exploding throughout me, and I screamed with satisfaction.

  “Fuck, baby,” J grunted, and then he thrust hard one last time, and straightened, and stilled while his release pumped into me. His head fell forward and he stayed like that for a moment, spent.

  We eventually pulled apart and he let me down to stand next to him.

  J smoothed my hair so it hooked behind my ear and then he kissed me; a slow and lazy kiss and I could feel the smile forming on his lips. “So fucking good, baby,” he murmured as he ended the kiss.

  I laid my palm across his cheek, “I’m sorry that I overreacted,” I apologised.

  His face lit up in a wicked grin, “Yeah, me too, but only a little bit because it meant I got to fuck you like that.”

  “You can fuck me like that anytime you want. In fact, if you don’t, I might just unleash my inner bitch on you so that you do,” I promised.

  He grinned at me for a moment longer and then said, “Okay, time to get you clean and then to sleep.”

  Fifteen minutes later we were in bed, me on my side and J behind me with his arms and legs wrapped around and over me. He murmured in my ear, “Goodnight, beautiful. I love you.”

  Yep, this and J were home. “I love you too, honey,” I replied and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 15


  Wednesday rolled around and it was back to club business for me. Now that Nix was out of the picture, we could focus solely on our business interests and I sensed a distinct change in attitude in the clubhouse that morning. Marcus had called a meeting for ten am and he outlined where we were at with key dealings. Storm had numerous business interests – restaurants, retail outlets, clubs – all legit, because we liked to keep our nose clean these days. We had moved ourselves out of drugs years ago and it had taken a lot of heat off the club. Currently we had some distribution problems that needed resolving and he asked Scott and me to deal with that while he handed other jobs off to everyone else. The meeting was finished by ten thirty, and I was about to head out with Scott when Marcus stopped me.

  “I had a talk with Madison last night. Seems she thinks she’s gonna be okay. I’m not convinced and need to know where you think her head is at,” he said.

  “She told you that we’re back together?” I asked.

  He shook his head, “No, but any fool could work that out, J. And to be honest, I think that’s a good fuckin’ thing. She needs someone like you to pull her into line and I’m hopin’ like hell that you can help her keep her shit together. All this stuff with Nix and Bec must be doin’ her head in but she’s fuckin’ stubborn and won’t talk about it.” He was frustrated and with good reason; Madison could be a pain in the ass when it came to leaning on others for support.

  “I think she is stronger than you give her credit for. Your daughter’s a fighter, Marcus, and yeah, she doesn’t like to talk about shit but she’s obviously learnt other ways of dealing with it. I’m keeping an eye on her and will let you know if anything comes up,” I replied.

  Marcus’s steady gaze lingered on me for another moment, taking in everything I had said and then he nodded, “Ok. Good. I’ll leave that with you,” he seemed reassured and I left him to find Scott so we could go and sort out this distribution issue.


  “So, you and Madison, huh?” Scott looked over at me as we drove back to the clubhouse. We had been out all day dealing with problems and I was more than ready to call it a day. Madison had called around lunch time to tell me she was going out job hunting and to organise to meet me at the clubhouse by five o’clock. It was nearly five now and I was distracted thinking about her. “Brother, did you hear me?” Scott pulled me from my thoughts.

  “Yeah, we’re together,” I confirmed.

  “Good, it’s about fuckin’ time.”

  I chuckled. “Seems you and Marcus can agree on that. It’s a work in progress but mark it, I’m gonna marry her one day.”

  Scott snapped his head in my direction, a stunned look on his face. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. Haven’t told her yet though,” I answered.

  Scott laughed, “Uh, I hate to break it to you, but you don’t generally tell a woman you’re gonna marry her, J. And I really hate to fuckin’ break this bit of news to you, but nobody tells Madison to do anything.”

  “Mark my words, brother. I might ask her, I might tell her, but either way, it’s happening.”

  “You two are made for each other, both as stubborn as fuck,” he shook his head.

  As we pulled into the parking lot of the clubhouse, Madison was walking towards the front door and I took in her sexy dress and heels. Her long hair was up in a ponytail and this excited my dick. Christ, I couldn’t wait to get her upstairs. She turned and waved at me before going inside.

  Scott looked at me, shaking his head, “Keep your dick in your pants.”

  “You wait till you find someone, Scott, and then you’ll understand.”

  “Not fuckin’ likely,” he muttered.

  I found her sitting at the bar with Stoney. I liked Stoney, but I didn’t like the way he was looking at Madison. “Eyes off her tits, Stoney,” I snapped.

  Madison’s eyes widened and I waited for her response but she surprised the fuck out of me with her silence.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, moving off his stool to stand, “I’m outta here.”

  “His eyes weren’t on my tits, J,” she said as we watched him leave.

  “Yeah, baby, they were.”

  She rolled her eyes, “You weren’t even standing in front of him to be able to know that.”

  I moved into her space, pushed my body up against her side and wrapped one arm around her shoulders. We were now the only ones in the bar. Leaning my face down, I spoke into her ear, “I know they were because you’re wearing a low cut, tight dress that your tits are almost spilling out of, and it’s exactly where my eyes would have been if I was Stoney.”

  Madison’s lips parted and her tongue darted out to touch them. My eyes took in the rapid rising and falling of her chest; I knew that she was now wet and I pushed my erection harder into her side before stepping away slightly. She stood swiftly and turned to press her body into mine, reaching her hand down to rub my dick. I groaned and put my arms around her, gripping her ponytail and pulling her head backwards. Dipping my head, I licked up her throat and then took her mouth in a hard kiss. She was like a wild fucking animal, kissing and tonguing me, all the while rubbing up and down my dick with one hand, the other on my ass.

  I abruptly ended the kiss and she whimpered, clearly not ready to let go. “I’m gonna come in my pants if we don’t stop,” I muttered.

  “Fucking tease,” she complained, “I’m so wet for you right now J, you don’t know what you’re missing.” Her hands stopped what they were doing and she pushed me away. Fuck, she was glorious; her face was flushed, lips swo
llen, nipples hard and it took all my control not to throw her over my shoulder and continue this upstairs.

  “We need to talk,” I said, and with those four words, killed the mood completely.

  Madison’s body tensed. “About?”

  I sighed and reached for her arm, “Not here, babe. In my room,” I said, and guided her out of the bar, towards the stairs.

  We walked in silence, and when we reached my door, she turned to me and asked, “Am I going to like this talk, J? Because I’ve had a really good day and I don’t want to ruin it.”

  I ignored her question and ushered her inside. “Sit on the couch, baby, and no, you probably won’t like this talk, but we need to have it, and once it’s done I promise it will be the last time we discuss it.”

  I expected an argument but she surprised me for the second time today by doing as I said, sitting and waiting patiently for me to start talking.

  Moving to sit next to her, I took a minute to get the words out because I needed to say this right. “For us to move forward, we need to sort out the shit we left behind last time; the shit we didn’t sort out then,” I asserted, and let her take that in before continuing, “What happened with Rob really screwed us and I’m still not sure why, but I know that was when it all started to fall apart. I need you to tell me why.”

  A pained look crossed her face and she sat right back in the couch, away from me. I reached out to hold her hand, but she snatched it away, placing it over the scar on her arm instead. Taking a deep breath she began, “Growing up my Dad sheltered me from the club a lot. Sure, I knew the guys and they were my family, but I didn’t know about the guns, the drugs or the violence. You know that already. When I started seeing it, I wasn’t concerned by it, or so I thought,” she stopped for a moment, getting herself together, “Until that night, J. When I saw what you were capable of and what Scott was capable of, it freaked me the fuck out. Neither of you seemed fazed by what you did, and at the time it bothered me; I didn’t know how to deal with it. I also felt guilty that it was all my fault.”


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