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Born to Ride

Page 52

by Kasey Millstead

  Marcel reaches into his back pocket, and pulls out a pocket knife. The heart that feels like it’s in my head, begins thumping even harder. I try not to show fear, I try to stand tall and take what he dishes out with strength, but that’s not so easy when your attacker is waving around a pocket knife.

  “She said it was your eyes,” he begins, lazily tracing circles on his palm with the blade. “She said they’re the most stunning eyes she’s ever seen. Like the ocean.”

  I didn’t know my eyes were like the ocean.

  He takes hold of my shirt, yanking me close. “No one is more appealing to my girl, than me.”

  They say bad things happen in slow motion, they’re right. I feel Marcel throw me down onto the floor. I feel every movement as my body is slammed into the dirt. I feel his body weight coming over me, his knees pinning me down as I squirm. I feel his friend take my arms, pulling them above my head, while another puts a hand over my mouth. With my nose pouring with blood, that makes it difficult to breathe.

  But what I know I’ll remember until the day I die, is the moment he drives the knife into my eye.

  I don’t feel pain, not right away. Instead I hear the popping sound, as his blade pierces right through. Then I feel pressure as he twists. It’s only when he yanks it out of it’s socket, that I start to scream. Then the pain is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Words cannot begin to explain the horror I feel as darkness begins to envade my body. I know my face is covered in blood, because it drips down to soak my hair. I know I bite his friends hand so hard I nearly take off his finger.

  I don’t know what they’re saying, or even acknowledge the moment when they run away. All I know was that I am bleeding to death in an alley, missing an eye. Red fills my vision as the blood begins to cover every part of my face. I know I’m still screaming, even though I can’t hear it. All I can hear is an excessive ringing in my ears. I can’t even move my hands to cover my eye, in an attempt to protect the empty socket. I can do nothing but lay and scream, witnessing a pain that I’ll never witness again in my life, and wondering what I did to deserve it.

  No one deserves to die.

  But I do die that day.

  And in my place, a monster is born.


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  Hell’s Knights – MC SINNERS book 1 – Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble & Kobo now!

  Heaven’s Sinners – MC SINNERS book 2 – Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble & Kobo now!

  Knights’ Sinner – MC SINNERS book 3 – Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble & Kobo now!

  Bikers and Tinsel – MC SINNERS book 3.5 – Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble & Kobo now!

  Enslaved By The Ocean – Book one in the Criminals of the ocean series. Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble & Kobo now!


  Number 13 – March 2014 (See Excerpt at the back of this book)

  Where Darkness Lies (April 2014)



  Holding Out Copyright © 2013 by Lila Rose

  All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any written, electronic, recorded, or photocopied format without the permission from the author as allowed under the terms and conditions with which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Holding Out is a work of fiction. All names, characters, events and places found in this book are either from the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to persons live or dead, actual events, locations, or organizations is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.


  I would like to thank my sister Rachel, for your help and how you’ve always believed in me. I would never have gotten this finished if it wasn’t for you.

  Nicole. For being my inspiration for the character Deanna, and for telling me to get my ass into gear to finish this. I love your guts, woman.

  My family – Craig for giving me the time to complete this while you worked liked a mad man. Shayla and Jake for putting up with me through this all.

  I would love to thank my critiquing friends, Nicola, Maggie and Pat. Without your help, I would have gone grammar crazy.

  To my Beta readers, Justine, Sue and Debbie. Your kind words helped me think that this wasn't in my imagination. I did have something to work with.

  To Hot Tree Editing, Becky (you rock) and her crew, especially, Kayla the Bibliophile and all my other wonderful editors. I want to thank you all for the great work you've done to make Holding Out better. Also for putting up with me and all my questions.

  Lastly, I would like to thank Mum, Andrew, Tracey and Vicki for your encouragement.

  Chapter One

  I was enjoying the walk home in the afternoon sun. My boss had an assignment and she kindly gave me the rest of the day off. Maya, my six-year-old, was attending the school sleepover for her grade. I picked myself up some chocolate, a DVD, a bottle of wine, and Chinese takeout for dinner. Even better, my best friend, Deanna was coming over later to help me make the most of my relaxing night in.

  I rounded the corner to my street and froze. My annoying, but too-hot-to-touch neighbor was standing out front of my other next door neighbor's house talking to Miss Bootylicious—the Campbell's nineteen-year-old daughter, Karen. I hung my head, ready to stride past, humming a tune along the way to cover their voices. Still, her high cackle broke through, as irritating as always. I was close to freedom and just past them, while deafening myself with my out of tune hum; when someone grabbed my arm and spun me back around.

  “Kitten,” Talon said.

  My eyes closed on their own accord to cherish the sound. It happened every time I heard his deep grumble of a voice.

  “Uh, what? Oh, Talon?” I blushed and bit my bottom lip.

  He laughed. “I asked where Maya was.”

  “Oh, um, she's at school. Her class is having a sleepover,” I informed him. Though I didn't know why.

  “Right. So...” he began, but stopped to look into my shopping bags. “We're watching 27 Dresses, eating Chinese, and drinking wine. Sounds like a plan. What time do you want me to come over? I could bring dessert.” He grinned mischievously.

  I looked around him to Karen. She huffed something and stomped off. I then turned my gaze back to hunk'o'saurus and his messy, needs-a-cut black hair and dark brown eyes.

  I'll never forget the day I moved onto the street and into my three-bedroom weatherboard home and learned that I was living across the road from the local biker compound. With their head honcho right next door to me. I had just moved with Maya out of Deanna's house after being there for four years. I was feeling frightened and overwhelmed, as well as a little inebriated after having a few welcome-to-the-new-house drinks with Deanna. Deanna left and I was in bed but Maya kept waking up from the loud music being played next door. After she drifted back to sleep once more, I went—armed with the confidence of the alcohol—next door, dressed in my pink nightie with a kitten on the front and combat boots. I banged on the door; a short, hairy guy opened it and raised his eyebrows at me.

  “Who is the freaking owner of this place?” I demanded.

  “Yo, boss,” the man called over his shoulder.

  And I swear my heart stopped when my eyes spotted Talon walk his broad, muscular, wondrous form my way. Everything but him faded into the background.

  “Whad'up, Cupcake?” He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his sizzling chest.

  My eyes closed. Until I remembered I was
there for a reason, and that reason was more important than Mr. Hotness.

  Upon opening them, I went straight into a glare that could scare most young children. His mouth twitched. “I just moved in next door. I thought 'wow, what a nice place to start anew!' That was, until you’re stupid, bloody music started blasting on a freakin' Monday night. I have a daughter who is starting her new school tomorrow.” I stepped up closer. “Turn down the music. Now,” I hissed.

  “Wow, boss, you have a fuckin' wildcat living next door,” someone said from behind him. Manly chuckles began. I ignored the others and kept my glare on Spunky.

  “More like a wild kitten,” he smiled, looking down at my nightie. “Don't worry, kitten. I'll turn down the music. But, it'll cost ya.”

  I blanched and stepped back. “Wh...what?”

  The men laughed louder.

  “Just one kiss, babe.”

  “Talon!” A woman growled from somewhere behind the laughing crowd.

  “You're a... pig,” I said, and walked away. Not long after that, the music was turned down.


  I blinked back into the now and answered, “I-ah. No, I don't think. I mean, I'm not good company, and I have a friend coming over—”

  “That's fine, just means we'll have to be quick,” he winked.

  Rolling my eyes, I walked off, but not before he slapped me on the behind and then strode past me laughing.

  I grumbled under my breath all the way up the steps, ignoring the other bikers across the road at the compound laughing, yet again, at me.

  Two hours later, I'd had a bath and gotten into my pink with black kittens flannel PJs. The nights were colder now. Deanna texted an hour ago saying, 'Hey, twat head. Not sure if I can make it. I’ll let you know'.

  So I sat down at my small, four-seated wooden table by the kitchen’s large bay windows to eat my re-heated Chinese. I have always found that Chinese tasted better when re-heated.

  Then the doorbell sung. Maybe Deanna can make it after all. I walked through my small lounge that was furnished with a three-seated floral couch and one chair. A television sat on a long black unit against the wall, and a wooden chest acted as a coffee table in the center. Nothing matched and that was the way I liked it. I'd saved and bought all of it myself, so I loved every piece in my house. I smiled before opening the front door.

  “Kitten,” Talon said as he looked at me from top to bottom. With a grin he moved fast, because the next thing I knew, he was kissing me. My eyes sprung wide when his hot mouth touched mine.

  “Talon,” I mumbled around his lips, trying to shove him back. Unfortunately, well, not really, but still, yes unfortunately, when I spoke, it gave Talon's tongue the chance to sneak in. As soon as it hit mine, I melted on a moan of abso-freakin'-lute pleasure. My abdomen clenched, and my nether region quivered. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave back as good as I was getting. In return, I received a groan. He picked me up, stepped inside, and kicked the front door closed.

  Holy crap, Talon's kissing me. ME. God, he is good. Wait, why is he kissing me? ME?

  “Hot damn. I need some popcorn for this,” I heard my best friend say.

  I pulled away; my arms dropped and he let me step back. Both of us were breathing hard. I took another step back, looked over Talon’s shoulder, and found Deanna with a huge smile, standing at the front door she'd opened.

  “Girl, you said he was fine, but you didn't say he was fucking F.I.N.E.”

  Talon raised his eyebrows at me and turned to face Deanna. In all his tight jeans and white tee glory.

  “I- I've never said anything,” I muttered.

  “Hey, Talon. I'm Deanna, Zara's best mate. I've been waiting for a glance of you for two fucking years. Oh, and I'm the one who will whip out some whoop-ass on you if you fuck her over. Biker dude or not,” she said with the most pleasant tone, and smiled sweetly at the end.

  Talon surprisingly didn't laugh. He looked her over and looked back at me. I knew what was running through his mind. Deanna and I were complete opposites. I was on the short side, had curves and lightly tanned skin, from my Mexican background. I was sure Talon had the same sort of mix in his blood, only his skin was a little more like cocoa with a dollop of milk.

  Anyway, back on track. I had long, wavy, dark brown hair, and dark, forest green eyes. Deanna was tall, thin, and was lucky enough to be bestowed with a great rack. She had blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and freckles upon her nose to make her look that much cuter. Whenever anyone heard her over the phone without seeing her, they always thought she was a black chick with 'tude. It was all a front, of course. We'd both been though our own personal hell. We were just lucky to have found each other at the end.

  “Nice to meet you, Deanna; and you have nothing to worry about.”

  What does that mean?

  Deanna glared at him and then smiled. I felt, for a second, a pang of jealousy. Her smile has been the end of many men over the years, and right now, in her black pants and hugging tee that read 'watch'em bounce', she looked great.

  “I better not. Alrighty, wait 'til I get some popcorn and you two can continue what you were doing.” She clapped her hands together.

  “Uh, no. We can't. That-nuh-uh,” I shook my head, “shouldn't have happened.”

  Talon turned to me and said calmly, “It's been a hell of a long time coming.”

  “Wh-what?” I shook my head again.

  “Come on, Zara, give the shmuck a chance. Then at least if it doesn't work out I get to kick his bad-boy-biker ass. A cute one at that; right again, lovey.” She nodded at me.

  I glared at my ex-best friend. “I have never said anything about his behind. Deanna, dovey, a word in the kitchen.” I gestured with my head. Then I looked to Talon. “Uh, maybe you should go.”

  “I think I'll stay, kitten.” He grinned and made his way to the couch. He sat down and propped his feet up on my chest (the wooden one) and turned on the TV.

  I pulled the smiling Deanna down the hall, into my bedroom, and closed the door. Then I frantically got changed into jeans and a tee. Talon had already seen me in my PJ's once, and that was once too many.

  I spun to Deanna, put my hands on my hips, and glowered at her as she sat on my bed grinning.

  “Oh, don't start. You need to live a little, girl. And I think biker boy can help you along the way.”

  “Deanna,” I hissed, “I see nothing but danger with him around; and for God's sake I am nowhere near his type. Look at me,” I said, waving my hands up and down.

  “And?” Deanna asked while looking at me like I was a loon.

  “I have hips, I have a pudding belly, and I have dark brown hair. Not blonde and skinny, like he's always with and...Jesus, what the hell am I explaining myself for? There's danger all around him. Danger, Deanna. I can't go back to that. You'd have a better chance with him. Not that I want one.”

  She ignored my last statement. “You sound like that fucked up robot off...shit, what's that show you like?”

  “Lost in Space.”

  “That’s it. Zee, hun, you don't know that. Sure he's a badass, but he ain't nothing like that other jerk-off. Nothing.”

  I threw my hands up in the air. “You don't know that. I have to think of Maya. She's my number one priority.”

  “What about you, though? When will you let yourself be happy?”

  “I'll wait till Maya's twenty. Then I can think about myself,” I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “I bet—” Deanna was cut off by a knock on the front door.

  I looked to Deanna and raised my eyebrows. I didn't know why; maybe I thought she magically knew who was at the front door. She shrugged her shoulders, and then we both heard.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Talon growled.

  We bolted from my bedroom and ran down the hall. We somewhat got stuck in the hall doorway together until I managed to squeeze through before her. I looked over my shoulder, about to poke my tongue out as if to say 'Neener, neener,
I got through first', only to stop when I saw Deanna raise her hand to cover her grin.

  I focused my eyes on who was at the front door.

  Oh, hell.

  “Um, hi, Michael.” I waved over Talon's shoulder because he hadn't moved from the doorway. He still held the door with one hand as if he was ready to shut it on Maya's teacher from last year’s face.

  “Hi, Zara.” Michael smiled.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, and tried to open the door wider to get it from Talon's grip. But he wouldn't budge, so I gave up.

  Michael produced a bunch of wild flowers from behind his back. “I saw these and thought of you.”

  “She don't want them,” Talon said.

  “Talon!” I scolded.

  “And who are you?” Michael asked.

  “Her man.”

  I coughed and sputtered. “Ah, no you're not.”

  “Hot damn,” I heard in the background from Deanna.

  “Yes. I am.” He turned to me, his form taking up my view of outside and Michael.

  I put my hands on my hips. “Since when?” I glared.

  “Kitten,” he smiled. “Since I stuck my tongue down your throat and you curled your body around mine, moaning for more.”

  I was sure my eyes popped out of my head and walked off, then skipped with my heart down the path.

  “Hot-double-damn!” Deanna laughed. “You'll have to give her a minute. Sorry, Mike. I think you're about ten seconds too late.”

  Talon shut the door in his face. Which broke me out of my trance.

  “Goddamn it, Talon. That was rude. And I am not your woman!” I opened the door and stomped down the front steps after a retreating Michael.

  “Michael, I'm so sorry about that Neanderthal. That was very sweet of you to bring me flowers.” Though, I didn't understand why he had since I'd told him 'no' fifty times already when he'd asked me out.


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