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Born to Ride

Page 62

by Kasey Millstead

  After Maya finished, we stood outside in the warm midmorning, waiting while Talon and Cody having a great laugh about what I'd said to Talon earlier; Cody was laughing his pants off. I was a little annoyed, but also happy to see Cody smile and laugh with his father, even if it was at my expense. Maya was standing silent beside me, only because she was chomping down a lollipop that Talon had brought her after swimming.

  “All right, let's get a-goin'. Babe, you gotta pack some stuff to take to my place.”

  “Are we stayin' at Talon's?” Maya asked.

  “If that's okay with you.” I smiled down at her.

  “That'd be cool. Cody was telling me all about it and how big it was; and, momma, they got a Xbox and a Playstation. I wanna try those.”

  “I'm sure that would be fine.”

  My daughter is easily bought.

  “We'll meet you back at the house,” I said, then turned to walk off, only my arm was caught on something, and that something pulled. I was spun back around, and wrapped up in tight arms.

  “When're you gonna flippin' learn?” Talon growled.

  “Uh,” was my smart response.

  “When one of us is leavin', kitten, I want your mouth. Now give it to me.”

  “And what did I say about necking in front of the kids?” I glared.

  “They'll get used to it.” He grinned and then proceeded to kiss me, and of course, once his mouth was upon mine, my brain went blank and my body took over. Meaning, we were definitely necking in front of the kids.

  He stopped the kiss, stepped back, smirked, and gave a chin lift to someone behind me. I turned to see one of Talon's biker brothers do the whole chin lift back. Only when I looked back to Talon, he was already on his way to his car with Cody.

  “Ma, we going?”

  “Yes, Maya.”

  We walked over to my car, a beat-up, black Volkswagen Beetle, got in, and it was then that Maya informed me, “I like Talon for a daddy. He makes you smile a lot.”

  I bit my bottom lip, smiled at her, and nodded. Pulling out of the car park, I noticed Talon's biker brother followed us all the way home. I should have noticed that morning that I had a tail, but I hadn't. Really, I should have been the one in the first place to have asked someone to follow or come with us in case anything happened. In case he had someone out there watching and waiting for the right moment to commence his payback, but I didn't think of it.


  Because Talon makes me feel safe.

  Talon and I walked in the front door at the same time, and by the looks on Julian, Mattie, and Deanna's faces, I wanted to walk right back out. Mattie quickly ushered Cody and Maya into Maya's room to play games. Then Griz walked out of the kitchen carrying a bunch of bright pink assorted flowers.

  I looked to Talon; his body went solid beside me, which I felt as his hand squeezed mine. “Did you buy me flowers?” I asked, though I already knew the answer, only I just didn't want to admit it.

  He shook his head.

  I closed my eyes. “They're from him, aren't they?”

  “There was a note, boss,” Griz barked.

  “Kitten, look at me.”

  I kept my eyes closed and shook my head. I didn't want to look at him; I didn't want to see the note, or the flowers, or the pity from anyone. I wanted to lock my family, friends, and myself away in an oblivious bubble and not think of anything.

  “She's gonna blow,” Deanna said.

  And, in fact, she was right. I felt the pressure build, the stress, and the heartache of not having enough time to mourn my parents, of having to deal with this prick again in my life. I was angry, pissed, annoyed, and sexually frustrated.

  I didn't realize I was still shaking my head until Talon captured it between his palms and tilted it. My eyes opened and saw he was just as furious as I was.

  “You can't do this right now. I'd love to let you loose, but not now, and not here with the kids. Do not let this fucker win.”

  “I need something, Talon. I need to vent really soon, honey, or I'm gonna go crazy.”

  “Girls night!” Julian cried out. I stepped out of Talon's hold and turned to him as he continued, “Or day, should I say. You need to vent, kidney bean; we'll do that in style. Drinking, massages, make-up, dancing, drinking, crying, screaming, and drinking some more.”

  “I can't, Julian—”

  Mattie emerged from the hallway saying, “No, it's a great idea. I can take care of the children. Zee, it would make you feel so much better.”

  “It's not right. Not now, I can't leave Maya and Cody alone. Not that they'd be alone...I just shouldn't.”

  “Babe, you should. Matthew can take the kids to my place with Vic, Bizz, and Stake. They'll be fuckin' safer there than anywhere.” He looked to Griz and then back to me. “I got shit I need to do, but I'll catch up with you sometime. Until then, Griz, Blue, and Pick will be with you, Hell Mouth, and Julian.”


  “No, kitten. Do this. You need an outlet; as much as I'd like you to fuckin' use me, that ain't gonna work right now. All right?”

  I nodded. “Okay, honey.”

  He smiled brightly and said, “Good.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Talon left with the flowers and note—after, of course, a hot make-out session. And yes, it was in front of everyone. I was getting the impression he wasn't unfavorable toward public displays of affection. Something I was still learning to get over myself.

  Maya and Cody were both fine with going to Talon's without me, and instead with Mattie and the bikers. I packed as Maya gabbed about how unreal it was going to be staying at Talon's, that she was going to have a huge ass—yes, she said ass, but only because Cody had—room to herself. I was going to have to have another word with Talon. Though, what had me forgiving Cody so quickly about cursing, was when Maya told me that he'd said if she got scared through the night, she was allowed to go into his room, that he'd keep her safe.

  Wasn’t that just the cutest thing?

  Before they left, I gave Cody a big ass hug for what he'd said.

  It caused him to look at me strangely, because either he didn't know why, or he just wasn't used to a mother figure showing him affection.

  Griz made himself at home on the couch watching motorbike racing, while Deanna, Julian, and I sat at the kitchen table, organizing the afternoon and night’s events. We were arguing about whether cocktails or straight shots were going to be tonight’s main choice of beverage when the front door opened, and in walked Blue and Pick. They sat down with Griz after a quick hello, and we went back to arguing while we made lunch for everyone.

  In the end, we decided to do both. Once lunch was consumed—or wolfed away where the men were concerned—Julian announced, “Massage time. Then we'll start a little drinky-poo.”

  “Whoa, hang on. I thought we were going somewhere for that massage,” Deanna said.

  Julian rolled his eyes. “Don't be silly, apple tart. I am actually a professional masseuse. I've got my table in my car and all. Girl, you won't know what hit you when I get my hands on you.”

  Julian, with the help of Griz, got his table from the car; once we moved the lounge around a bit, we placed the table in the middle. None of the bedrooms were big enough to have it in.

  The guys positioned themselves back on the couch and chair, and continued to watch television. That was, until Deanna came out in my robe. I had demanded—because it was my night—that she went first.

  “Okay, lemon drop, lay on your stomach.” Julian patted his table.

  Deanna turned a glared on the guys, who quickly looked away, then lay down. She had Julian help her remove my robe, so that all she was left wearing was her low-riding jeans. Her top half was naked. Not that you could see anything...thank goodness, or I wouldn’t be getting up there. Julian squirted some oil onto his hands and rubbed them together. As soon as he placed them on Deanna's back and started to work out her knots, she moaned low in her throat.

  “Jesus,” G
riz growled.

  I grinned.

  “I think I'm in the wrong job,” Pick said.

  I looked to Blue; he wasn't looking at Deanna at all. His eyes were on me, and once I'd turned to him, he said, “Looking forward to your turn, Babe.”

  I blushed and had second thoughts about actually having a go.

  “Blue,” Griz barked.

  Blue smirked and shrugged his shoulders at Griz. “Can't help myself,” He said.

  Julian worked Deanna for half an hour, then wrapped the robe back around her; as she got up from the table, her eyes were hooded. That was when I noticed Griz adjust himself in his pants. He so wanted her.

  “Come on, french fry, your turn,” Julian said to me.

  “Um, no. I think I'll be all right.” I gave him a small smile.

  “If I had to do it, so fuckin' do you,” Deanna called from my room, where she was probably getting ready to shower to remove the oil from her skin.

  “Unless you want me to do it, baby,” Blue said.

  “You are just askin' for it, dickhead,” Griz snapped.

  “It could be the only chance I'll get to have my hands on her sweet skin,” Blue commented like it meant nothing, his eyes on me, and my eyes were wide and worried.

  Griz elbowed him in the ribs and ordered, “Get your stupid ass outside, Wildcat don't need that shit.” He turned back to Blue. “And Talon will fuckin' kill you if you make this night crap for her.”

  Blue flinched. “Sorry, babe.” He got up from the couch and left out the front door.

  “Don't worry, Zara; he'll be all right. He'll still help out tonight,” Pick said.

  Was I right to feel bad for Blue? A part of me said no, and then another part said yes. What I didn't understand—even though they'd said some nice things about me—and couldn't comprehend, was that both Talon and Blue thought that I was an okay-type-of-gal.

  Maybe they were high most of the time?

  That was all I had to explain their interest in me.

  An hour later, I had worked out that Julian was actually a god, and I wanted to chop off his hands and sell them on eBay. I could have made millions. But because I couldn't do that, I had a shower after my near-orgasmic massage, and was now dressed in a long black and grey striped skirt, combat boots, and a black tee that read 'Rock On.' I put some make-up on and gunk in my hair to control the frizz. I piled it up, with the help of many bobby pins, on the top of my head—only Julian had to have his way and place a few ringlets hanging down. He was dressed in dark blue jeans and a teal-coloured shirt; Deanna looked wonderful in tight black pants and a silky grey shirt. What we were dressed up for, I didn't have a clue, but once I started on my third cocktail, I didn't care. It was while I was on that third cocktail and fifth shot that I broke down crying when Julian mentioned my parents. Then I went from grieving to flat-out pissed off.

  To say the least, I was so happy I had Deanna and Julian there to fuel my fire inside. We yelled and screamed. I quivered a bit, and then whispered my worries to them both as we sat at the kitchen table.

  Then I announced, “You know what? We missin' one of me gal's 'ere. I'm gonna ring Vi.”

  “We 'on't need dat bitch,” Deanna said. She was a little drunk.

  Okay, we all were.

  “Deanna,” I sighed. “Honey lumpkin, you need to learn to play nice with others. I lov' ya, but life is all 'bout expanding. Look at me, I have a hot biker boyfriend, who I so want to have sex with—”

  “Fuckin' hell,” Griz growled from the lounge room.

  “You said it, brother,” Blue griped.

  “They're kinda funny,” Pick said.

  “Don't listen in then, punks,” Deanna yelled at them.

  “Yeah!” Julian yelled as well. “Go on, cock ring, and ring her.”

  Julian's cute pet names, I noticed once he was drunk, turned dirty.

  I reached for the phone on the kitchen bench and said, “All right, I'm gonna do it.” After a long drink of water.

  I rang her mobile number; on the third ring, she picked up.

  “‘Low,” she said

  “Why ‘ello there, Miss Marcus. You know I really should have taken notice of your last name more because it’s just like Talon’s.”



  “Are you drunk?” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “Maybe a wee little bit, and I thought, I’m having a few drinks with Deanna and Julian, and I was missing someone, and that someone was you. Now get your behind here and drink with us,” I ordered.

  “I doubt Barbie wants me there—”

  “Oh, don't mind her, she's all full of shit bein' a hater.”

  “No, I'm not,” Deanna yelled beside me. I shoved her. She teetered in her chair about to fall—and I would have laughed my ass off—but then she regained her balance.

  “I can't, anyway,” Violet said. “I'm still at work and I've got some filing to finish.”

  “Hmm.” I thought for a second and then slapped the table with my hand. “I've got it. We'll come to you.”

  “Yay, an outing. Ooh, I've got to get my shoes.” Julian ran from the kitchen yelling, “Has anyone seen my shoes? We're going out.”

  “Like fuck,” Griz barked.

  “I don't think you should do that, Zee. Someone doesn't sound happy about it on your end,” Vi said.

  “Oh, pish posh. Leave them to me. See you soon, hun, and we'll bring some grog.” I hung up before she could complain about my idea.

  Griz, Pick and Blue stomped into the kitchen. They all looked good enough to eat, standing there in jeans, biker boots, and tight tees, with their arms crossed over their chests.

  “You know,” I began, “you guys are pretty good looking.”

  “You ain't charming us into doin' this shit, Wildcat,” Griz said. His dark-blue gaze shifted from me to Deanna and narrowed.

  “What? Don't look like that at me; it wasn't my idea. Still, it's a good one. We need to get out. No, scratch that, Zee needs to get out, have stress-fuckin'-free fun. It's what her boss man would want for her.”

  “Hey, yeah. Good point there.” I nodded. “Call my sex-on-legs man; see what he says.”

  Griz stalked into the lounge; his voice was low enough we couldn't hear what was being said, but he sounded outraged. Looked to me like I was going to get my way. I grinned.

  “Hell, baby, this is a bad idea, but you knew Talon'd let this fly for you,” Blue commented.

  I shrugged and tried to not look so pleased.

  “Makes me kind of thankful it ain't me dealing with this shit. If you were my woman, I wouldn't allow this.”

  I bit my bottom lip between my teeth.

  “Nah, I'm still fucking jealous.” He walked off as Griz came in.

  “Let's roll then.” He turned to Pick. “Go get your vehicle; you and Blue follow—”

  Julian ran into the room saying, “Found them, thunder cunts. They were under the bed.”

  “Julian Jacob, do not say that word around me again,” I snapped.

  “Sorry, pussy flaps.” He smiled sweetly. I rolled my eyes, and Deanna burst out laughing.

  “You three are with me,” Griz ordered.

  Excitement ran throughout my body; I couldn't keep still in the car on the way to work, which wasn't far. Really, we could have walked, but I wasn't going to push that idea. Deanna sat in the front of the tough-looking black Chrysler next to Griz; Julian was in the back with me. We kept looking at each other, smiling and giggling.

  We pulled up to the office and I got out juggling a bottle of Tequila, a bottle of bourbon, and a cocktail shaker. Julian was carrying the glasses for us to use because I knew there were none at the office, well, besides coffee cups. But that just wasn't going to happen.

  Griz came around the front of the car and barked, “Next time, you wait till I'm outta the car and the boys have pulled up and got out as well.”

  “Sorry, Griz,” I said in a little girl’s voice. Julian and
Deanna laughed. Griz's eyes narrowed.

  It turned out to be a great idea of mine. Violet was a great person usually, but a hoot when she was tipsy. We were surrounding her desk, sitting in our own chairs, talking and laughing about our first time experiences in sex. The guys were sitting back a bit, pretending not to listen as they played cards.

  “It wasn't until I met Travis that I was introduced to receiving it hard. God, I loved it when he used to pound into me, and let me tell you, he was huge. Delicious.” Vi licked her lips and grinned from the memory.

  “Christ,” Blue swore.

  “I think I need a smoke after that,” Julian said. We all laughed.

  “What about you, Barbie?”

  “The best time I've ever had sex was when—”

  “Enough,” Griz growled. “I don't wanna hear any more of this shit.”

  “Aw, but we haven't got to my turn yet,” Julian moaned.

  “No offense, man, but we had to hear about your first time; that was enough,” Pick said.

  “You know what?” I asked the room.

  Vi, Deanna, and Julian all asked ‘what?’ back at the same time, causing us to laugh again.

  “I need music.”

  “Yeah, that'd be a grand idea. I want to dance.” Violet smiled, but then it quickly faded. “But I haven't got anything here to listen to it on.”

  “Not even a radio?” Julian asked.

  “Nope. But hey, there's a bar just down the road—”

  “Fuck no,” Blue said.

  “Yes. Yes, I like that idea.” I clapped. “Come on, guys; it's just down the road, like five places away; we can walk. Nothing’s gonna happen.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  We walked into the bustling bar. The atmosphere felt great, with dim lighting, and someone singing at the karaoke machine. Pool tables were full; so were the booths and seating area at the bar. Deanna dragged me over to the bar and squeezed her way in, shouting out to the bar girl in a tight white tee that she wanted four shots of Cock Sucking Cowboys. Upon paying, she dished out the shots; on the count of three, down they went and up came my hamburger from dinner...nearly.


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