Nothing But a Dare

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Nothing But a Dare Page 5

by Molly O'Hare

  Abbie huffed before crossing her arms. “I have a hard time keeping plants alive, okay?”

  Hunter pointed at the semi-living one on the table. “So, you bring them out here to show them your death garden and what awaits them?”

  Abbie ran over to the plant covering its leaves as she’d done with the rat. “Don’t tell him that. He’s gonna be my survivor. I know it.”

  Hunter scoffed as he walked over to her and the plant. “It’s already turning yellow.”

  “Shut your face.” She picked up the pot before she spoke to it. “You’re gonna be just fine. Don’t listen to stupid head over there.”

  “I think I just saw it shudder.” Hunter plucked the plant from her hands before sticking his finger in the soil. “Abbie, this thing is dry as a damn bone. When was the last time you watered it?”

  “Yesterday?” Her face scrunched.

  Hunter shook his head. “Try again.”

  “Uhh, maybe three days ago.”

  He arched his brow.

  “Okay fine. I have no idea. Maybe a week ago.” She grabbed the plant from him, placing it back on the table. “I’m trying, okay? I really am.” She walked over to the hose at the back of the house and turned it on. She then walked over to the plant on the table and at full blast tried to water it.

  “Fuck, Abbie!” Hunter snatched the hose from her hands before kinking it sending her a “are you out of your mind” look. He then lightly began dripping the water into the pot. “Are you trying to drown it now?”

  “Don’t make fun of me! I love my plants. I love them a lot. Just looking at them makes me happy! I really try. I don’t know what happens. Jeez, as soon as I bring them home, they just die. It’s like they hate me.” Abbie started hyperventilating as she threw her hands all around. “I talk to them. Pet them. Sing to them. I try to remember to water them. I love them! I want them to live, but they just die.”

  Hunter’s hand flew toward her garden. “So, you keep the ones that didn’t make it for what? To add to your garden of death?”

  She clenched her teeth. “Fuck off. I’m trying, okay? Plants make me happy. I want them all around. I used to keep them in the house, but when they die I feel bad so I’d bring them out here and hope… I don’t know to somehow revive them.”

  “What do you mean you pet them?”

  She shrugged. “You know, I pet their leaves.”

  He stared at her.

  “It’s not weird, okay? I read somewhere if you give them love they will love you back and flourish.”

  “There are so many things wrong in that sentence I’m not going to even try and decode it.”

  “No one asked for your opinion on my botany skills.”

  “What skills?”

  “Asshole.” She stomped back to the house before shutting off the hose. “Who died and made you the plant police?”

  “Apparently, the plants.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Name the time and place.”


  “Plant killer.”

  Her fists clenched at her sides. “Take that back.”

  “It’s the truth. Look, even your rat stays out of the garden. It probably knows the second he steps in there it’s game over for him.”

  “Leave Rupert out of this.”

  “I will if you promise to never buy another plant again. Even I don’t want to see them die. Hell, I bet the plants are so excited to finally be going home, but the second you take them out here they scream and realize what stage of hell they were just brought to.”

  “I’m gonna murder you.”

  “You keep saying that.” Hunter wound up the hose before placing it back where it belonged. He then grabbed the somewhat alive plant and walked back inside.

  “Where are you going with that?”


  “It belongs out here. It needs the sun.” She ran after him.

  “Actually no, do you see how yellow it is on this side?” He pointed to the leaves. “You’re giving it too much sun. Essentially, you’re burning it to death.”

  Abbie froze as she stared at him. “I am?”

  “Yeah. Didn’t it have a little marker in it when you bought it telling you how much light and when to water it?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe? Rupert likes to take those things and play with them.”

  Figures. He shook his head. “Next time, stop him. This plant only needs moderate sun.” He walked back into her kitchen, removing some of the knickknacks Abbie had on her windowsill above the sink.

  “Keep it here.” He placed the desperate plant on the ledge. “That way it will only get some sun throughout the day but you’ll also remember to water it.” He turned to her with a pointed look. “But don’t water it for at least two days. We just gave it a huge dose. You don’t want to drown it.”

  “You can’t drown plants. They’re plants,” she mumbled turning away.

  “Say’s the woman that’s drowned half the death garden out there.”

  “Stop calling it a death garden!”

  “What else would you call it?” He cocked his brow.

  “Whatever,” she spat as she walked toward the back door. “Rupert. Inside.”

  Instantly, the little rat came running back into the house. His turquoise sweater was the only thing Hunter got a glimpse of as it ran by.

  A shiver ran down his spine. That thing gave him the freaking creeps.

  Abbie stepped in front of Hunter with her arms crossed and a pout on her lips. “I guess seeing that you aren’t gonna leave anytime soon. We might as well get started on this project. A project you know damn well was perfect and you only said it wasn’t because you once again want to ruin my life.”

  Ruin her life? Was she out of her mind? The day he walked away from her had sent his world into a downward spiral.

  Abbie had it wrong.

  She was the one that ruined his life. He was just finally man enough now to do something about it. Okay, well it helped his boss told him to stop pussyfooting around and go for it but still. He was here to change that.

  Deciding it was best not to lay all that at her feet, though, he did the one thing he knew would get a rise out of her.

  He smirked. “Sounds good to me.”

  Hunter had to hold back his laugh when he saw Abbie’s eye twitch.

  She then mumbled something under her breath that he couldn’t quite hear but was pretty sure had the words “fuck face” and “ass-hat” in it.

  “I guess we can go over my notes.” She shook her head as she walked past him and to the living room, grabbing her bag on the way. She then pointed to the couch. “Have a seat. Do you want anything to drink? Water, tea, arsenic?”

  “The arsenic does sound lovely, but I think I’ll stick with water.”

  “Pity.” Without another word, Abbie headed toward the kitchen.

  Knowing she wasn’t looking his way, he admired her backside until she was out of view.

  Shit. It got better and better each time he looked at it.

  She had an ass that begged to be squeezed as he rode her from behind. Hunter groaned as images pierced through his mind.


  His dick hardened against his zipper. He needed to stop doing that. He wasn’t some snot-nosed kid anymore.

  Cursing his lower half, Hunter grabbed his bag he’d brought with him and headed to the couch. When he saw the rat sitting there, he nudged it with his bag. “Off.”

  Rupert looked at him blankly.

  “Seriously, dude, Off. You freak me out.”

  Rupert stood slowly and looked Hunter in the eyes. Then the thing turned its head over to the window. Hunter, a little freaked out at the turn of events, cast his eyes to whatever had drawn the freakishly large scrotum’s attention.

  That’s when he saw the yellow bag with the words “cat treats” on it. He looked back at the rat. “Are you kidding me?”

  Rupert meowed.

  “I don’t negotiate with terroris

  Rupert meowed louder, stretching out his long body in one of the creepiest sights Hunter had ever seen.

  “Holy shit, if I give you a fucking treat will you leave me alone and fly back to your mothership?”

  Rupert meowed again but this time he started licking his paws. “You win. Damn.” Hunter walked over to the treats. To his horror, the moment he picked up the bag the rat began jumping around like a damn dog.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing,” Abbie yelled. “He’s mommy’s perfect little boy.” Abbie appeared from around the corner. “Tell him to sit. He will.”

  “No shit?”

  “He’s a very smart boy.”

  Hunter looked at the thing. “Sit, you disgusting rat.”

  That was exactly what the thing did. Albeit, it gave him an evil eye while it did.

  A cat sat on command. “Holy hell.”

  “Told you he was smart. Now, let’s get this over with. I have better things to do than to spend my time with you.” Abbie plopped onto the couch, pulling out her notes.

  I can think of things to do with you. Deciding it was best not to get kicked in the balls today, Hunter grabbed the pad of paper he brought with him and sat next to her.

  About forty-five minutes went by while they went over in detail the information Abbie had researched on Jefferson Exports.

  Then he heard it.

  He could swear he’d heard the same noise at least three other times. Deciding to ignore it once again he focused back on Abbie’s voice.


  “All right, what the hell is that popping I keep hearing?”

  Abbie ignored him as she continued explaining the overseas exports.

  “What the hell is that? I’ve heard it at least four times now.” Hunter started looking around the room, everything looked normal except for the rat that sat on the glass coffee table licking its paw.

  “It’s nothing.” Abbie picked up her mug and took a sip before placing it back down.

  Hunter narrowed his eyes. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Really, it’s nothing.” She shrugged as she picked up her mug again taking another small sip of tea before placing it back down. “I found out something after getting Rupert.”

  Hunter’s eyes shot to the rat in concern. “Found out what?” That it was an alien sent here to kill everyone?

  “When hairless cats sit on things sometimes they suction themselves to the surface.”

  Hunter dropped his notepad as his mouth flew open. “They what?!”

  “I don’t know why you are making this a big deal?”

  “A big deal? Are you telling me that things asshole suctions itself to shit? And then it fucking pops when it gets up?” Hunter stared at the rat in total disbelief.

  “They’re called asshole kisses and if you don’t like them, you can leave. You know the way out.”

  “That’s gross as fucking hell, Abbie. Are you telling me you’re constantly surrounded by asshole kisses?”

  “It’s why I keep cleaner on hand and it’s only on some surfaces,” she defended as she shot a death glare in his direction. “You do gross shit too. Rupert can’t help it. He didn’t ask to spread his asshole love everywhere. It’s just who he is.”

  “Are you hearing yourself right now?”

  “Of course, I am. I’m the one saying it. And trust me, when I first found out I was a little freaked, too. But then I realized it was a part of him. It’s not going to stop me from loving Rupert.”

  “And you didn’t think about getting rid of it? That would have been my first thought. He leaves ‘asshole kisses’, Abbie. That’s not normal.”

  Abbie turned to Hunter with shame in her eyes directed right at him. “Give him away? Wow, you haven’t changed one bit, Hunter James.” She shook her head before reaching out for Rupert. “Why would I ever make him feel like he’s unwanted? Just ‘cause he has some weird, albeit gross issues, I’d never abandon him. The moment he came into my life he was my family. Through thick and thin. I’d never make him feel like he wasn’t worthy enough to be loved for who he is.” Abbie pulled Rupert into her lap before giving him a squeeze.

  Hunter instantly felt like a dick. He knew the exact reason Abbie would never turn him away. Hell, it was probably the same reason she hadn’t forced him out of her home.

  Abbie never wanted anyone to feel as unwanted as she did when her dad abandoned her and her mom.

  Great move, asshole. You keep racking up the points, now don’t you? Hunter cursed himself at his stupidity. He watched as Abbie held onto to Rupert as if her life depended on it.


  At that moment, something broke inside of him for Abbie. He watched the woman that he would do anything for cling so desperately to a disgusting alien, scrotum looking, rat thing.

  As Hunter opened his mouth to apologize though, all hell exploded.

  The cat who was once calm decided to let its true colors show. The colors of a fucking demon that it was. The thing started flailing around, hissing, trying to escape.

  “Really! I feed and clothe you!” she screamed as the rat flew out of her arms leaving Abbie holding her left arm tightly. “You know that purple nightshirt you had your eyes on?” She yelled at the cat. “You can eat shit. No way in hell am I buying it for you now. Dick.”

  Hunter burst into laughter causing Abbie to turn toward him. “Shove it.”

  Hunter — through his hysterics, scooted over to Abbie grabbing her arm to examine it. “I’m glad to see it’s not just me on the receiving end of your fire.”

  “You can eat shit too.” She tried pulling back her arm but Hunter held onto it tightly.

  “It looks like he got you good.” She had a few cuts up and down her forearm.

  “I’ve had worse. Try being startled awake by a naked cat that gets spooked ‘cause a branch hits a window.” She turned her angry eyes back to the demon on the coffee table looking at her like she did something wrong. She turned back to Hunter. “He sleeps at my head to keep warm. I had to go into the office explaining to everyone I got into a fight with a hairless pussy that thought my face was the enemy.”

  Hunter barked out a deep laugh. “Oh, man.” His hand went to his stomach as he tried to control his amusement. “I missed you, Abs.”

  It was like all the air in the room was sucked out. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, all the laughter died. He sat up and stared into Abbie’s eyes and for the first time since seeing her again, he saw pain.

  It was worse than a punch to the gut this time. It was like something he’d never felt before. “Abbie…”

  Abbie looked into Hunter’s eyes and no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t turn away. Hearing his nickname for her once again hurt. There was no other way to put it.

  It was like it sucked all the air out of her lungs and then kicked her in the stomach for good measure.

  “You know, Hunter, it’s been a long day. How about we pick this up tomorrow? Let’s meet in the conference room at eight.”


  She couldn’t look at him.

  Not when she needed to get herself back together. Right now, her heart hurt so bad, she was positive she was actually having a heart attack. What else could explain it?

  Deciding it was her heart’s issue and not the feelings she’d pushed so far deep inside of her coming to the surface again, she made a mental note to call her doctor.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself. “I’m tired, Hunter. You can’t deny it’s been a day for the books.” When she opened her eyes again he was staring at her.

  Sorrow written all over his face. To her surprise though, he nodded. “Tomorrow morning,” he said softly.

  “Yeah.” She gathered her notes, shoving them back into her bag as Hunter did the same in silence.

  Slowly he walked over to her front door. However, he paused when his hand touched the doorknob. He turned to her. “Tomorrow.” />
  All she could do was nod.

  He stared at her for a few seconds before turning away and walking out the front door. Once he was out of sight Abbie closed the door and fell back onto it.

  She wasn’t one hundred percent sure what happened, but she knew damn well she wouldn’t let it happen again.

  She closed her eyes as she felt her heart shatter. Just as it did the last time she saw him. She couldn’t explain why her heart did weird things for Hunter, but it did.

  And that wasn’t going to do.

  This was the one and only time she would let her guard down when it came to Hunter James.

  Abbie slid down her door as she tried to get her head to stop spinning.

  Rupert must have known something was wrong. He climbed into her lap, purring as he made himself comfortable.

  Abbie scratched under his chin. “How am I going to survive this, baby? How am I ever going to make it out still intact?”

  Chapter Seven

  The next day, Abbie walked into the conference room with her head held high. After her little freak out last night, she did some soul searching and remembered who she was.

  A Collins never surrendered.

  A Collins never backed down.

  A Collins never turned down a dare.

  She had this.

  Abbie would take each moment one at a time and when the proposal was over and they landed Robert as the newest client of WCM— which she was positive would happen. She’d leave.

  At first, she wasn’t going to quit, but after some serious thinking last night, it was the best thing for her.

  Hell, maybe at this point she could start her own advertising company.

  Who knew where she’d end up; but she did know for sure there was no way in hell she would work alongside Hunter James.

  Last night she even drafted her two-weeks notice letter and put together a tentative business plan.

  She loved WCM Advertising. They’d given her so much in her career, but this wasn’t something she was going to stand behind.

  Her mother always said she was destined to take the world by storm. Sure, Abbie always thought her mother was full of crap. You know, all that, my kid is going to change the world and stuff, but now she believed it. She could start her own advertising business.


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