My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance)

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My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance) Page 5

by Flite, Nora

  And then, like the rest, he was gone.

  Eventually, no more came, and Corbin vanished from the main room. Alone, nothing guarding me from that strange door, my blood began racing. I was warm with excitement, wanting so badly to run down the stairs, to just look beyond that secret portal.

  Eyeballing my paint stained jeans and messy shirt, I wrinkled my nose. I can't risk looking inside, and I'm obviously out of place. What if someone saw me? I shivered at the concept.

  What if Seth found out?

  Tapping my cheek, I sighed. There was simply no way to manage it, how could I even attempt it?

  Will Corbin tell Seth I was spying?

  I didn't think so, but it was possible. Was there a 'rule' about not watching people when they arrived? I nearly rolled my eyes.

  Honestly, I was exhausted, and my thoughts roamed towards home. But facing Corbin now was... too much. Imagining his accusing eyes, I wandered down the hall to the guest room.

  Flicking on the light, I glanced around. I'd been inside briefly last night, but hadn't probed too deep.

  The bed was large, the blankets creamy. Few things could be so tempting when you're tired. I wasn't set on sleeping here, but as I tested the plush bed, discovered the private bathroom... my resistance was waning.

  It would be nice to be able to sleep here, I'd get to wake up and paint at my leisure.

  Kicking off my shoes, my attention wandered to the bureau where I had found the teal bikini. I studied the big closet, wondering if the contents could be even better.

  The bed springs squeaked as I hopped to my feet. Gripping the carved handles, I peeled the double doors open. Inside, there were hangers upon hangers of different outfits.

  Deeper, I found cupboards stuffed with shoes. Everything was brand name, high-end labels. There was jewelry stacked in layers on various small 'tree' shaped units.

  Gaping, I stepped further in, finding the dangling chain of a light bulb. Illuminated, the space seemed even wider, like a warehouse of a wardrobe.

  Touching the soft dresses, silk tops, comfortable fitness wear, I started laughing.

  Amazing. All this, just sitting here?

  Opening some drawers, I continued to find intriguing items. Bracelets, hats, sunglasses, there was even makeup. It boggled the mind. I almost stepped out, my skin tingling with unease.

  Why keep all this, what's the point?

  Then, my eyes fell on a chest in the corner.

  Curious, for how could I not be, I crouched down and brushed my hand over the surface. It didn't seem old, but who kept things like elaborate chests around? Maybe there's treasure inside. Seth the pirate, what an idea.

  Gingerly, I popped the lid.

  I was right.

  Treasure was waiting for me.

  It was exactly what I had been looking for, though I hadn't realized it. Dipping my arms into the chest, I pulled out the most perfect of finds.

  An ornate mask.


  It was a risk, I knew that.

  I knew it in my trembling skin, and deep down in my bones.

  If Seth finds out, I don't want to know what he'll do. I could be risking more than my admission into college.

  Despite this, I slipped out of the guest room. Below the railing, I saw no one, not even Corbin. The gold door was closed, calling to me with the promise of secrets...

  And answers.

  It was good that no one was around. In my current ensemble, I would have been startlingly obvious.

  Black velvet down to my ankles, strapless and smooth, the dress hugged every inch I had. I'd picked it based on what the people coming into the mansion had been wearing. I'd seen only dark colors.

  My shoes were basic flats, in case I needed to run.

  I'd also wrapped my hair up and out of the way, exposing the back of my pale neck. I'd tried to imagine what someone might recognize about me. I didn't wear my hair in any elaborate style in my day to day life.

  Most of all, though, I hoped the mask would divert any suspicion.

  It was ornate, covered in opals that I thought were too big to be real. Pure white, it was beyond gorgeous. It covered everything from my forehead to my nose.

  I'd spread some gloss over my lips, but most of it was gone; chewed away by my nervous teeth.

  Glancing side to side, like I was in some over the top spy movie, I scurried down the stairs. It was a fast process, so fast it left me dizzy. Was success so simple? No one was going to walk into the room at the last second and stop me?

  My palm curled around the handle, touching the gold door for the first time. With one last, solid inhale of air, I tugged on the brass knob. Quickly I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me. I barely held back a laugh of relief.

  Breaking the rules had given me a mild euphoria. It wasn't like me to be so bold, but...

  But I did it, and it feels good.

  I was standing at the top of a set of stairs, illuminated by orange lamps along the walls. The ceiling was low, and because the walls curved, I couldn't see what was at the bottom.

  Well, I've come this far.

  Swallowing, I began my descent. The stairs were carpeted, yellow and earthy, the walls a shade darker. It wasn't a long walk, opening into a small room below. Here, there was a set of heavy purple curtains over an archway. A small table waited on the left, clipboard resting on top.

  Pausing beside it, I read what was clearly a list of names. Was this a sign-in sheet of sorts? Running a finger down the page, I didn't recognize anyone. Quickly, it became obvious why.

  These can't be real names, can they? 'Scarlet,' 'Fang,' 'Helm?' What is going on down here?

  Distantly, through the curtains, I could hear the soft pulse of music... and voices.

  Frowning, I abandoned the list. Carefully, I brushed the curtains aside; a small crack, just enough so I could peer through.

  There, I had my first glimpse of what was beneath Seth's mansion.

  What I saw left me speechless.

  - Chapter Six -


  It was a large room, wide and with other alcoves leading off to who knew where. Dark inside, the only light sources were a few candles here and there. It gave everything a sinister aura which, as I looked on, was all too fitting.

  People stood around, talking to each other softly. If I hadn't looked twice, it would have been innocuous. But there, at the feet of many of them, there were figures kneeling. Why would people kneel at the feet of others?

  Everyone still wore their masks, which calmed me some, but the situation was nerve wracking. What kind of party was this? What the hell had Seth organized down here?

  Had he organized this?

  Fidgeting, I wondered what I should do. If I turn and leave, no one will know. I'd gone unnoticed, the attendees too involved to give me more than a glance. As I debated backing out, my curiosity partially sated, a sound reached me from one of the archways.

  It was a raw noise; animal in nature. It sent a tingle down my spine, my lower belly twitching.

  I knew what that sound was.

  It wasn't even a question.

  That's a woman moaning, but... why?

  The noise came again, a groan full of pleasure and passion. My own body heated up, just from hearing it. Around me, no one else reacted. Their calmness piqued my interest further. Did women usually sob in obscene delight down here?

  I wanted to know what was making someone create such openly erotic noises.

  Just a peek at what's further inside, then I'll leave.

  Calming my nerves, grateful for the mask that hid my blushing cheeks, I stepped deeper into the room. No one acted like I wasn't welcome; that was encouraging.

  Just one foot in front of the other.

  I glanced down as I passed one of the couples. The man had his hand on the woman's head, his fingers casually petting her long hair as he spoke to another fellow standing nearby. The lady seemed to be enjoying it, leaning into the touch with a smile on her lips. />
  Another moan floated down the hall, my skin rippling in reaction.

  Whatever is going on, she sounds like she's enjoying it.

  I rounded the passage, walking the short length of the dimly lit corridor. There, at the end, another archway waited, its curtains spread open.

  My steps slowed as I grew near, the fact that I was about to get answers making me wary. My ribs creaked with the giant swell of air I took in.

  Just do it!

  Crossing the threshold, I saw the source of the noise.

  My knees locked up instantly.

  A woman was bent over a large table, her legs spread, muscles tense and shaking. Sweat coated her thighs, her perfectly shaped ass pointed into the air. She was naked, breasts crushed beneath her on the hard surface, arms pulled forward and bound at the wrists.

  Her ankles were tied to the legs of the table, a position that exposed her glistening pussy to any eyes around.

  And there were many eyes.

  Biting my tongue to hold my gasp at bay, I scanned the people. Some stood, like me, arms folded or hands gripping drinks. Others were lounging comfortably on luxurious couches. Men, women, it didn't matter who they were...

  All of them were watching.

  On one wall, I saw another woman, her body taut where she was strapped and spread in tight looking bonds. A robe ran down her torso, winding between her breasts and highlighting their shape. From how she wiggled, it looked like she was enjoying herself.

  Everything I looked at could have come straight from some perverse BDSM catalog. I'd been on the internet, I wasn't so naïve that I couldn't say what this reminded me of.

  Leather, bondage, power and fantasy...

  Then, I saw him.

  The man who'd smiled at me when he'd entered the house.

  A vision of muscle and stoic silence, the man stood against the wall across from me. Wearing entirely all black, I hadn't noticed him initially with the dim lighting. He had on crisp pants, a thick belt. That perfect torso was exposed in detailed glory, shirt unbuttoned down the front. His hands were clad in glossy, deep-smoke gloves.

  The stranger's stance, his aura, it was intimidating. I was glad he wore a mask like all the others. I worried that if I had seen his eyes, they'd make my insides melt.

  Who is that?

  My ogling ended; loud footsteps announced a new man.

  His golden mask gazed over all of us, but his focus was on the woman tied to the table. Only she held his true attention.

  The man's body language spoke for him, making it clear he was solely focused on her. His head tilted down, eyes gliding from her ankles to her bare back.

  The gold-masked stranger stepped forward, standing behind the prone woman who gave a soft whimper. Her blonde hair was in disarray, it hid her face when she tried to peek over her shoulder.

  “Don't look,” he spat, his tone icy.

  That severity made the woman obey, and... it made my pussy throb. I don't know why I reacted so strongly. Never in my life had I seen such a casual display of dominance.

  I must have let out a tiny noise, because the man in black across from me glanced my way. His slight smile was a distraction all its own. I caught a hint of porcelain teeth, his cocky amusement thrilling me the same way the gold-masked-man's voice had.

  Gold-Mask's hand came down, brushing along the woman's lower back, tracing the curve of one ass cheek. Instantly, she moaned, and I bit my lower lip harder. It felt wrong, watching this display, but everyone in the room was just as entranced.

  Even the stoic man in black was craning forward, his arms taut over his chest.

  Stepping between the blonde's thighs, cupping her rear, Gold-Mask—as I'd begun thinking of him—spread her pliant flesh. He exposed her slick, pink folds.

  When he chuckled, my core tightened. “You're so wet, little pet. Why would that be? Do you like everyone watching you like this, showing them all how much you need to be punished?”


  The blonde whimpered, then again when the man slapped her ass hard enough to leave a red mark. “Answer me, girl.”

  “Yes!” she sobbed, arching her spine to get more of his touch. “Yes, Master!”


  I was stunned. My body was thrilling with anticipation over the whole scene. Her words sealed it; my slow boiling suspicion was right. I knew what was happening here. There was no other explanation for this over the top scene.

  But... why would Seth Hart allow a sex party down here?

  What kind of a man was he?

  “Always answer your Master when they ask you a question, girl. Your mistakes reveal why you're here, why you need training.” Gently, he ran a finger between the gap of her thighs. I was sure he must have touched her slit, because she moaned louder than before. “Would you like me to fuck you? It sounds like you want that.”

  “Yes, yes Master, oh god, please!” Squealing, she gyrated her hips. My own pussy quivered in sympathy.

  “Well,” the man she'd called Master whispered, so that I leaned forward to hear better, “Then beg for it. Promise you'll be a good pet and obey your Master from this moment on. Always.” His thumbs peeled her pussy open, vulgarly displaying her twitching clit. “And forever.”

  I licked my mouth, far too warm from watching this scene. I saw that one of the men sitting down on a plush couch had his legs spread wide. Between them, a mop of brunette hair was moving. He was receiving a blow job, right there in the open.

  No one batted an eye.

  The man in black followed my eyes. Then, oddly, he stared at me once more. I didn't like that, it made me worry I was drawing attention to myself. Did I stand out that much?

  Peering side to side, I frowned. If I am, why is he the only one watching me?

  The wet sounds of the blow job made me flinch. At my hips, I clenched my hands roughly into fists. This place is crazy! I should leave, just walk out and go.

  But I didn't.

  “Please, sir, I'll do anything! I promise.” The blonde sobbed, her hair tossing as she lost herself in her desperate need for release. “I'll always obey! Just please, please...”

  “Good girl, that will do for now.” Gold-Mask laughed, reaching down and rubbing the bulge in his pants.

  After he drew attention to his erection, I couldn't look away. Staring, the insides of my thighs damp, the sight of that hand so casually outlining his own cock entranced me.

  He freed it, the fleshy tip bouncing into the dim light. His hand, firmly gripping the base and giving it a slow pump, made me inhale audibly.

  It was too much.

  Finally, I looked away—and right at the black-masked guy across from me.

  My observing stranger tilted his head. I realized he'd heard me gasp. For a moment, I was frozen with fear. My mind buzzed, warning me to turn and run, that something awful was about to happen. Perhaps my cover would be blown, or worse.

  Soundlessly, he looked back to the bound woman and the other man.

  I breathed out in relief. He doesn't care, why am I worried? Everyone else is watching. I'm fine, I don't stand out.

  The blonde woman panted loudly, unable to move enough to rock the Master's cock into her. It was clearly torture, being tied down and teased. Blood quickened in my veins when I helplessly imagined myself in a similar predicament.

  Watching this is actually turning me on, what's wrong with me? I'd never been interested in this kind of kink before.

  Long fingers curled into her mop of hair, pulling her head back. Her lips parted in a silent cry of delight. He crouched, whispering into her ear. I couldn't hear what was said, but I wished I had.

  Whatever it was, it made the woman cry out, clear as a bell. “Yes! Yes Master, of course!”

  With a slow thrust, his plump cock slid into her from behind. I wondered what that felt like, after being tormented for so long. To finally have such a hard length filling her completely. It had to feel amazing, right? So warm and thick and...

I need to calm down!

  Reaching up, I wiped at the back of my neck. Every inch of me was alive, and still, my senses heightened more as I watched the pair fucking on the table. He moved with purpose, holding her jaw, talking or nibbling at her ear.

  The blonde had no control, the one she kept calling 'Master' was able to use her at his leisure. He chose the speed, the force, and the woman could only accept what he gave.

  I resisted a lusty hiss between my teeth when he abruptly rocked his hips, burying himself in the woman so hard the impact of flesh rang in the room.

  Shifting anxiously, I squeezed my knees. My panties were soaked.

  Again and again, he held her down and fucked her. Finally, he reached back between her legs with his slippery fingers. The way the woman squealed, I was positive he'd started rubbing her clit.

  My mind was on a ride.

  I pictured being bent over, made to scream in front of all these people; a strong man casually fucking me... teasing me towards the pressure of release...

  I wonder how that woman got into this situation?

  Suddenly, the blonde screamed, a hoarse sound that betrayed what had happened. Her thighs quivered, then they grew weak. Gold-Mask thrust into her a few more times, letting her hair go so her head could rest on the table.

  She came, didn't she? I just watched her, everyone watched her!

  My belly fluttered, flesh prickling with a growing ache. Watching the man, his arms flexing, his rhythm slowing, I was confused when he suddenly pulled free. His cock, hard and angry in the air, was coiled in his fist.

  Rapidly, he jerked his own length. The explosion of pearly liquid hit the woman's ass, coating her skin and dripping down. Standing there, he rubbed the slippery head of his cock on her hip, then tucked it away in his trousers.

  With one more final, crisp slap on her thigh, he turned towards us and smiled. “Cora, clean her up and untie her. Make arrangements for her auction.”

  “Yes, Master.” A woman, her hair in a woven, raven braid, offered him a glass of water and a small towel. She began unbinding the blonde, washing her skin as she did so.


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