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It's Only Acting_A Secret Billionaire Romance

Page 7

by Jackson Kane

  “You look me in the eye and tell me that you don't want me anymore.” I watched her eyes flick down, running from the truth.

  “Haven’t you read the headlines?” Olivia snorted, irritation crept into her features. “I’m not even playing on your team any more.”

  She was referring to her relationship with Samantha.

  “Bullshit. I don’t give a fuck about labels.” I pried her legs apart, pressing myself between them, and into the concrete ledge she was sitting on. She looked up at me, unsure of what to do. It didn't matter, I knew what came next. “Gay, straight, bi. The heart wants what it wants. Hell, I’d probably love you if you suddenly turned into a male hippo.”

  “Maybe you’re onto something,” Olive chuckled softly. “You turned into a jackass, and I still think about you all the time.”

  “That explains why I was always so good at the pin the tail on the donkey game.” I smiled, then slid my fingers through her hair. Cupping the back of her head, I guided her toward me. “We can't run from it. Deep down we both know you’re always mine.”

  After an eternity apart and what felt even longer being around her, but unable to touch her, I pressed her lips into mine.

  We were all alone in the universe; just me and Olivia. Distance, propriety, and career; all the barriers had finally fallen away.

  There were no paparazzi in at least fifty miles. No one knew we were here. We were safe to be two anxious teenagers again.

  Olivia fell into me like putty and I could tell that she needed me too. I hungrily ravished her full, pink lips like I'd never kissed anyone before. I knew now that there was no giving her up. Olivia was a part of me, the best part of me.

  I finally had something truly worth fighting for.

  Chapter 9



  “Are you sure this is okay?” I looked out through the glass gazebo walls. I could see why Lenny's family chose to live in the woods. The Jacuzzi was out on a hill, overlooking the naked late fall trees. The light dusting of white snow made the view something out of a fairy tale.

  “Trust me.” His deep voice was nothing but confidence, as usual. Bastien's smile was dangerous in so many ways. Could I really trust him? I trusted him when I went to that party and that turned into a disaster.

  I might not be able to trust him, but as I watched him strip off his jacket and shirt, I knew I'd never be able to resist him.

  I'd only seen him shirtless twice before. His tanned muscles made my heart skip a beat. Now he was this close and topless just for me?

  My heart felt like it might explode!

  “Famous last words.” The words slipped out barely audible, I was too mesmerized by him. I snapped my eyes back to the view, hoping he hadn't seen me drooling.

  He slipped behind me to grab something from my bag. He was so close that I could smell his deodorant. “We're all alone, Olivia,” he whispered in my ear. “Relax for once in your life.”

  Relax? Relax! Was he out of his mind? Did he know what he was doing to me?

  I played it down as much as I could, but my pulse was beating so loud that I was worried he could hear it through my bulky winter coat.

  Ka-click Pop! The sound of a can being opened right behind my ear made me jump. It was immediately followed by Bastien laughing his ass off.

  “Oh, you prick!” I yelled and shoved him.

  Bastien slipped on the wet ground and fell into the hot tub. I uselessly reached out to him, but there wasn't anything I could do to help. He flopped in ungracefully. I immediately felt terrible.

  “Ohmygod, Bastien! Are you ok!”

  Only the arm stoically holding the beer remained out of the water. A moment later the rest of him emerged, he still had that pleased-with-himself smile plastered on his face. Bastien was completely incorrigible. I shook my head, took off my jacket, and crouched by the edge of the hot tub.

  He brushed the black matted hair from his eyes and looked at me, “So, we even?”

  “Sure,” I chuckled at the sight of him soaking wet. He wore half naked and soaked really well. Did he ever look bad? “Isn't that water super hot?”

  “Nah, I just turned it up,” he said, his piercing stare growing mischievous. He put the beer down. “Hop in before you 'slip in' too.”

  “No no—” I screamed, but I couldn't get away. His strong arms held me by the waist and I was pulled into the water, clothes and all. The water wasn't scalding like I feared, not that I would've noticed it much if it was. I landed semi-on-top of him, our faces inches away from each other.

  “You are such an asshole.” I couldn't even muster fake anger at him. This whole thing was totally crazy, but also kinda fun.

  “I hate being even,” he shrugged. Beads of water ran down the side of his face and I wanted to do nothing more than lick them off.

  “Bastien, all of my clothes are soaked!” Fortunately, it was just my clothes. My phone and everything else was in my jacket. My clothes were probably ruined, but it was nice to let go and just not care.

  I suddenly realized I was sitting on Bastien's lap, my face began turning a shade redder.

  “They're gonna have to dry.” He gave me a look that said he knew I could see it. “I guess you're just gonna have to take them off.”


  This can't be real. It can't.

  Bastien kissing me?

  I'd dreamt about this moment since... Jesus, since the last time I was here. His stubble scratched my cheek and chin, setting it on fire. I pressed my lips into his, matching his intensity. It was like a dam bursting; I felt drunk all over again.

  I wanted to feel his lips all over my body.

  “This place. You did this on purpose.” I moaned the words out through hungry mashing of lips and tongues.

  His hand slipped around my back and I knew what came next, but I didn't care. If anything I wanted it. I wanted that experience. I wanted to burn. He lifted me up and slowly lowered me into the not yet scalding water.

  The memories, the heat and the strength in his hands alone, brought me to the budding edge of ecstasy.

  “I do everything on purpose, Olivia, especially when it comes to you.” He pressed me against the concrete edge and pulled my neck back opening it up to him, shock waves coursed through me.

  “But all the other girls, even in high school...” I weakly protested, my old insecurities surfacing.

  “In my head they were always you, every goddamn one.” The sound of his voice vibrated through my neck, all the way down to my pelvis, like his words walked down my stomach.

  “You're a liar, Bastien. You're the big bad wolf.” They were pretty lies that melted me to the core, but lies nonetheless. They had to be, it was how Bastien made the other girls fawn over him. “The other girls were all so much prettier and more popular.”

  I was the one that was obsessed, not him. Girls fell at Bastien's feet and he loved it.

  “I fucked them because I was terrified of you, Olivia. I knew if I touched you, I'd be lost forever. When my father came home and we moved again, I wouldn't be able to handle not seeing you anymore” Bastien's submerged hand slid over the back of my dress and grabbed my ass roughly. “Every girl I brought home had your face in my mind.”

  I'd met so many celebrities through my father over the years and the only person I'd ever touched myself thinking about was Bastien. There were even times when I was with Samantha that I was thinking of him instead.

  Now to hear all of this? It was overwhelming.

  “Tell me what you want,” Bastien demanded.

  I've wanted this for so long, but...

  Tell him? Out loud? Everything moved so quickly and felt so taboo. What if I was caught with him?

  Part of me knew that the danger he represented made all of this even hotter.

  I had sobered up a lot from the nap and the water, but I was still a little buzzed. I wasn't going to blame that though. I did want him. I'd wanted to feel him inside me for as long as I could rememb
er. I felt the reigns on the life I'd created, slip through my fingers. The word came out as a sigh, “Everything.”

  Bastien stopped kissing my neck and collarbone. That signature look of mischief washed over him, and suddenly I was terrified.

  Did I just sign a contract with the devil?

  Bastien said nothing. He just took a deep breath and plunged beneath the steaming, bubbly water. I was confused at first, then I felt my panties get ripped off, literally torn from my body.

  I gasped. It was the sexiest thing to ever happen to me.

  He wasn't going to do what I thought he was, was he?

  Bastien's tongue dove into my pussy, with reckless abandon. Waves of pleasure pulsed through my clit. The sensation was only heightened by where we were, who was going down on me and how he was doing it.

  It was Bastien eating me out. I drank in the realization like a sip of smooth, expensive whiskey.

  He carved circles into my clit then sucked it. I lurched forward several times on the cusp of coming. It was like tumbling into your favorite book. It was impossible, but also everything that I secretly wanted to happen.

  The real world faded away and everything finally made sense.

  When his tongue pushed into my pussy and began to curl, that was it, I was finished. I climaxed immediately. I was shocked. I’d never come that fast before, but I'd also never felt anything more amazing in my life.

  I moaned his name over and over, not caring if he was right or not about us being truly alone.

  A second later Bastien resurfaced, and we were both gasping for air.

  “Even underwater, you taste as good as I thought you would.” He kissed me and I wondered if I'd taste myself on his tongue. That thought got me even hotter.

  “You were down there so long.” My body was still quaking from the aftershocks.

  “I couldn't think of a better way to die, than with the taste of your pussy in my mouth.” He said, and despite the heat, I shivered at hearing the filthy language. “Shit, are you crying?”

  “No,” I lied. “It's just water.” I wiped my face. I'd just wanted this for so long. This was all too good, life didn't work like this. Everything I had now was because I struggled for it. Despite who my father was, nothing was ever handed to me.

  I heard a noise outside and braced, expecting the paparazzi to descend on us like a SWAT team, but no one came.

  Bastien pulled my hand from my eyes and thumbed away the tears. Steam condensed into water rivulets that rolled from his thick eyebrows and sped into the raising corner of his grin. “That's just nature being nature. Stop being Olivia Ward, just for tonight. No one is going to find us.”

  “Dammit, Bastien. How do you do this to me?”

  The thought of putting that person aside, taking a break from my life, thrilled me. I'd love to hit the snooze button on this whole superstar persona and just be that girl that Bastien pulled into the Jacuzzi so many years ago.

  It was almost like someone offering me to step back in time but just for one night.

  Then I remembered what happened after we got back to Bastien's house that afternoon so long ago, and I changed my mind. I would never want either of us to have to live through something like that ever again.

  I shook off the old bad memories and enjoyed what was literally right in front of me.

  “How many times do I have to tell you, Olivia?” The power in his voice shook me. It was irrefutable, like saying that the sun rises in the east. It just does. “You belong to me.”

  And I belonged to Bastien.

  I grabbed his cock through his boxers, smiling with a little bit of mischief of my own. “Then this belongs to me.”

  Bastien flexed, making his hard shaft jump in my palm. I couldn't believe how thick it was, I could barely get my hand around it. I squeezed, slowly beginning to stroke him. His dark brown eyes shut for a moment and I knew I was doing it right. I needed to feel him inside of me, all of him.

  Then my stupid phone went off.

  It was my father's ring tone. He never called me out of the blue, something must have happened. I had Bastien's hard, throbbing cock in my hand, and it felt like someone doused me with a pail of cold water.

  My eyebrows upturned and I groaned at having to take the call.

  “Don't you fucking dare,” Bastien growled, trapping my hand on his cock and squeezing it.

  “I'm sorry. I have to.” I sighed, if it wasn't the paparazzi it was the next worse thing. I watched Bastien's head lull back with disappointment as I reached over for my purse. I spilled out the contents on a nearby chair and answered the phone. If responsibility was a train, then my father's ring tone was the incoming horn.

  I just hoped I wasn't stuck on the tracks when that train came speeding through.

  “Hey, Dad. What's— Oh. Is—” I glanced over to Bastien, “Yes, of course he's with me. Thanks for letting me—.” The call was ended and for a moment I couldn't help but stare off into space as I worked out the words in my head.

  “What did Old Ironsides have to say?”

  “There was another attack.” I turned back to Bastien, my face twisted with worry. “Trish is in the hospital.”

  Chapter 10



  Bastien teased me even more, but I quickly hopped off him. I wanted to go further, but I was just terrified to do so. We came so painfully close to kissing so many times, that I had whatever blue balls was for girls.

  I wanted to jump him the whole time, but I was too nervous.

  Bastien picked up on that and didn't force me to do anything. We didn't do anything more than soak and flirt. We barely even drank the terrible beer that Bastien stole from the party.

  I didn't know if it was because we were breaking so many social rules by being together like we were, but there was something magical about the whole thing. I did know that today would go down as one of the best days of my life.

  “Hey,” I said, grabbing his hand before we left Lenny's family gazebo. “It really sucks that you're going to have to leave when your dad gets back.” A long pause followed until I could muster up the courage to say what was really on my mind. “I don't want you to go. I'm... I'm really going to miss you, y'know?”

  Bastien turned fully toward me giving me all of his attention. He smiled sharply with confidence, as was his default look, then it softened into something incredibly somber, but just for a moment.

  “I know.” He pulled my hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss. The moment passed just as quickly.

  My heart flipped in my chest at the touch of his lips.

  He slipped behind me to grab his jacket, then whispered into my ear, “Everyone will.”

  “You jerk!” I shoved him away, trying not to smile at him.

  Bastien laughed, then gave me a quick wink that said he was only joking, at least about the last part. Just looking at him, I could somehow feel it.

  He was going to miss me too.

  We left in the early afternoon so that we'd have time to dry our clothes in the dryer before I had to go back home. I doubted my father would even notice, but I didn’t want to tempt fate.

  Lenny's house was a half hour away from Bastien's so he had 'borrowed' his dad's truck to get us there and back. What Bastien didn't realize, was that we needed to put gas in it on the ride home and of course we didn't bring any changes of clothes. I couldn't help but laugh as Bastien was forced to pump gas in a soaked white towel.

  When he went in to pay, the late November chill had formed frost on his butt. He got a lot of stares from the clerk, but in true Bastien fashion, he just shrugged it off. He might have acted too cool for the cold, but I could tell from the way he stiffly jogged back to the car that he was freezing his balls off.

  “Are they still attached?” I asked, flicking my eyes down to his crotch when Bastien got back into the nice, warm truck.

  “Larry and Barry are holding on for dear life.” Bastien was shaking when he started the car. I giggled at
the names. It was rare that I could call him adorable, but this was definitely one of those moments. He turned to me and winked, his teeth chattering from the cold. “Still totally worth it.”

  We got to his house soon after, then ran for the door like our lives depended on it. It was the first time I'd ever actually been inside. When we walked to school together, I'd always waited for him to come out.

  His house was a lot smaller than mine, but so much warmer. Not physically of course, but with the embarrassing pictures on the mantle, wedding invites stuck to the fridge with magnets and worn in couches, it felt like there was a family living there.

  My father hired a Feng Shui interior designer for our mansion. We had these massive empty spaces with giant tapestries, sparsely decorated with barely functional furniture and various props and awards from the films my father worked on. I had no idea what he was going for unless my father asked for a cavernous, shrine look.

  Romeo barked from the other room and jumped up on me. I couldn't not rub his belly.

  I liked Bastien's house better, I sighed.

  Seeing what a family was supposed to look like, made me wistful. I wondered what my house might have looked like if my mom were still alive.

  Bastien gave me some clothes to wear while mine dried. I was changing in the bathroom when I heard the knock at the door. Panicked, I started looking for a place to hide. Did the bathroom have a closet?

  Bastien seemed more concerned than worried. He assured me that it was way too early for Trish to be coming over. One of the teachers at school, Ms. Lane, lived next door and would check on Bastien after school each day while his dad was away in the Marines. She was really sweet to me too, but I didn’t want her finding out I skipped class with Bastien.

  Bastien opened the door to find two men dressed in white hats and black and blue uniforms with ribbons on their chests. They were easy to identify.



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