The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series

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The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series Page 64

by Martha Carr

  "And if she says no? This is far too important." The Kilomea's voice boomed through the chamber.

  "How do you propose we find it?" It was the elderly Gnome prophet, his voice calm and measured. "The rumors are that even the Order of the Silver Griffins were unable to stop a ragtag bunch on Earth from getting away."

  "There is some powerful dark magic behind all of this," said the Wood Elf.

  "We have to find a way to flush out the necklace and the group that has it," said the Gnome, rubbing his chin.

  "And how do you propose that?" asked the Light Elf.

  "Ask them. Everyone keeps trying to take it from them but have any of us asked them what they want with it? What if our needs align more closely with theirs than we realize? This could all be a foolish race. We ask them. We go to Earth and ask them."

  "Go to Earth," gasped the Pixie.

  "It's about time we started to do something to build a bridge between our world and the humans. Start a conversation..." The Gnome let his voice trail off. The seed was planted. "We can start a rumor among the witches and wizards on Earth that we're willing to work with the renegades who have the necklace. See what it brings."

  The Light Elf gave him a long, hard look. "You make a good point. At this point, we have nothing else. I reluctantly agree."

  "Your integrity is duly noted," said the Gnome, an edge to his voice.

  "Agreed," said the Crystal prophet. They went around the room and everyone consented.

  "Then we should get busy talking to our sources. Something will surely come of it," said the Gnome. He got up to leave. He was tired of being in the room with them.

  He left without another word and made the long journey home, finally reaching the small home in the woods where he could take off the painful spell and transform. He took off all of his clothes and stood in the center of the room, bending over in pain as the tentacles began to grow from his head and his bones stretched to accommodate the taller frame.

  Rhazdon emerged, running her hands down her smooth Atlantean skin. "Those idiots," she said, scorn in her voice. "Never send an Elf to do an Atlantean's job." The tentacles bobbed on her head as she laughed, reaching for the longer robe. "Soon enough. This is all coming together. Soon enough."

  Chapter Twenty

  Leira used the card key at room 302. She held her breath as she turned the handle and stepped inside the living room of the suite. She shut the door behind her and went to the window to look out at the street below. The troll crawled out of her jacket pocket and clambered up to her shoulder, holding on to the collar of her leather jacket.

  She wanted to stand in the same place she saw her grandmother. So close.

  She pressed her hand against the window pane. I will feel your hand in mine again. Tonight. She rested her head against the glass. The troll let out a sad trill.

  Leira plucked him off her shoulder and held him in the palm of her hand, lifting him near her face. "Tonight, we run right into the gates of hell. You ready for that, little guy?" The troll held up his hand, sticking out his chest. "Are you giving me a tiny high five? I don't know why but that actually makes me feel better." She tapped his tiny hand with her finger. He smiled up at her. "Yumfuck!"

  There was a soft knock at the door and she pulled herself away from the window to answer it.

  "Your mother is a dynamo!" Toni was standing in the hallway with her mother, grasping her hand. She raised their hands in the air as if they had already won. "I just met her and I already love her!" Leira looked out into the hallway but they were the only two people who were there.

  "Are you alone?" Leira calculated how much energy they would have if the community changed their mind and no one showed.

  "Honey, there's more coming. They're parking the cars. You have to have some more faith in your family. We don't cut and run. We show up and blow up, or something like that. That sounded a lot better in the car."

  There was a soft ding as the elevator doors opened and people poured out of it, all talking at once. Jack and Larry were in the front of the pack.

  "There they are!" Larry pointed down the hall. The large group turned like a school of fish and followed behind him. To the average person it looked like an average neighborhood of friends was throwing a party in a hotel.

  "More are right behind us. We wedged everyone we could into the elevator." Jack barreled into the room, looking around at the size of the two adjoining rooms. He stopped in the center, one hand on the top of his head, the other on a hip. "It'll be a tight fit but we can form a kind of infinity symbol or wavy eight. I think it'll work."

  Leira heard the soft ding of the elevator again and peered down the hallway as another crowd of magical people piled into the hallway and waved as they spotted Leira standing by the hotel room door. She recognized a lot of them from the Jackalope.

  They actually seem glad to be here. Determined but glad. Do they get why they're here?

  By the time everyone was inside there were people standing in both rooms and the noise level had picked up till it was hard to hear over the din.

  Toni clapped her hands together. "If you can hear this clap, stop talking." She repeated it till the wave of silence spread throughout the space.

  Leira heard a soft knock at the door behind her and raised a finger to her lips, shaking her head.

  "You think someone complained?" asked Larry. Toni hushed him.

  Leira opened the door and standing in the hallway was Turner Underwood dressed in a neat, dark suit, and blue silk tie, holding his hat and cane. "What? You think I wouldn't have heard about this? Come on. Don't be foolish. I keep my ear to the ground. The Fixer not show up for such a grand occasion? No fucking way. Aside, please!" Turner strode into the room as the people parted, making a path for him wherever he chose to go.

  "I take it you know everyone here already." Leira watched how they treated him with reverence.

  "I knew their parents when they were just kids. Helped deliver a few. Hello Doris, how's the new job? That work out for you? Good to hear." He turned to Leira licking his lips, noticing the troll on her shoulder. "Hi ya, troll. Glad to see you. Small, but you can pack a punch and don't I know it! Okay, kid. This is your party. How about we get it started?"

  "Why don't we form a..." Leira didn't get very far when the air in the center of the room started to shimmer. "Correk," she said with relief. The portal opened and Correk quickly stepped through. He quickly turned back to the portal and offered up his hand as Queen Saria came forward, taking his hand and stepping down into the room. People gasped and a murmur went around the room. Her long blue velvet gown brushed against the carpet. The crown on her head still only showed small green sprouts.

  King Oriceran followed her out as the portal closed behind him. The Light Elves in the room did a small bow or curtsy as the king nodded. He turned around to see how many people were there, spotting Turner standing near Leira.

  "Turner Underwood," he gasped, rushing to hug his old friend. "You're supposed to be..."

  "Dead? I've heard. I keep a low profile but not that low. Good to see you my king. This has really become an occasion if you have decided to join us."

  "Correk made a compelling argument." The queen looked around the room, not making eye contact with anyone. A cold, hard expression on her face.

  No one was making a sound. Not even Larry who had crossed his arms over his chest with a finger pressed against his lips to keep himself from blurting something out.

  "He said this would be our chance to talk to Rolim." Queen Saria looked at Leira, studying her. "Something about you has changed since I saw you last." The queen drew closer and put a hand on Leira's arm. Leira felt the buzz of energy pass through her. The queen lifted her chin, surprised, but still with an icy stare. "You are more powerful than I realized... and more clever. I underestimated you in a few different ways." She rubbed the chin of the troll and was rewarded with a soft trill. "I see you took a piece of Oriceran with you. To be expected, after all, given your bl
oodline." She waved her hand dismissively. "For another day."

  "Leira, how can we be of service to you. Correk has told us what to expect but not your battle plan."

  "You do have one, don't you?" The Queen turned her cold look back to Leira and was met with the same one from Eireka. "Interesting," said the queen, noticing the resemblance. "A lot has changed."

  Leira ignored the taunt. She stepped into the center of the living room where the people in the bedroom could catch a glimpse of her as well.

  "Everyone find a place where you can take a hand on either side of you so we form one continuous circle. We'll need to make sure we have a continuous circuit. That's very important. But don't take anyone's hand yet. Make sure you aren't touching anyone else in any way. The black mist is powerful and dark, full of dark magic but it can't think for itself. It can only feel and sense when magic is nearby. If it senses there is an overwhelming amount of magic in the room, it may not show itself. It has to think I'm alone."

  Leira took a deep breath and let it out. "Once it appears, no one moves till Correk gives the word. No matter what happens. When he does, grab the hands next to you and hold on tight. Pull as much energy as you can from within yourself and let it flow around the circle till it builds to a critical mass and you can combine your energy with mine. You'll feel it happen. There won't be a lot of time. Our window of opportunity will be small."

  "We won't fail you," Jack said in a determined voice. People nodded their heads all the way around the room, careful not to stand too close to each other.

  "This is a very brave thing you're doing, young lady. Fixer worthy. Proud of you kid." Turner went and found a place along the wall. The queen and king went and stood next to him and everyone made room, adjusting their space till everyone fit, making a second circle in the living room near enough to connect to the bigger ring when the time was right. Correk and Eireka stood closest to Leira who turned and faced the window, surrounded by an entire magical community.

  "You can do this." Eireka took Leira's face into her hands and kissed her forehead. "My beautiful girl. Send out your energy. All the women from our line will feel this tonight and you will feel their power running through you."

  "Tonight, we fight with honor and to the end," said the king, nodding.

  Correk looked at Leira and tried to smile. "Even if this is the last good thing we do." He managed a crooked smile, the resolute look in his eyes giving him away. He was ready for the battle ahead. "Our new battle cry," he whispered. "Rush in, ask questions later and kick some ass."

  Leira lifted her chin. "Damn fucking straight we will." I'm ready.

  Leira grounded herself, pulling in the energy from beneath her feet as the troll dropped to the ground next to her, a determined look on his tiny face. Leira's eyes began to glow and she stretched her arms out wide, the symbols glowing on the backs of her hands, riding up her arms and covering her neck. She sent the energy out ahead of her, feeling for any signs of her grandmother, looking for a connection.

  It didn't take long to get an answer. Mara appeared in front of the window, watching Leira, holding her position. "You came." Mara's voice echoed in the room. She reached out toward Leira, bowing the layer between Earth and the world in between. The veil had grown even thinner.

  Leira took a step toward her, doing her best to tempt the fog to come out, and it obliged. The black mist appeared at her arms, creeping up Mara's shoulders and around her ankles, seeking out the source of the energy, feeling its way toward Leira. It was accompanied by a loud buzz that only grew louder.

  The mass of dark energy swirled around Mara's waist, hugging her but she didn't move, still staring at her granddaughter.

  The troll growled and grew to the size of a large dog, its teeth bared but he stayed by Leira's side, waiting. Leira felt a tug as the mist swirled around her stream of energy, tying knots with her energy to pull her closer. Her feet started to slide across the floor and flashes of light sparked and snapped within the dense black mist. She dug deeper and pulled more energy through her, fighting off the airy darkness.

  A surge of energy stronger than anything she had ever felt pulsed through her, and pushed back hard at the dark magic. The mist grew around Mara, making it harder for Leira to see her as it came into the room.

  Come closer bitch.

  It swirled, pushing out till it was almost touching Leira, finally tearing a hole in the world in between, creating an opening.

  "Now!" yelled Correk, grabbing the queen's hand.

  One hand grabbed another, around the room as everyone stood firm and the mist spread into the room, coiling around ankles. Correk's eyes glowed brighter. He poured out his energy around the room, joining the flow as it spun, building and building. The queen's eyes glowed an icy blue and she gripped the hands next to her giving over her magic to the fight.

  Leira's feet slid forward again. The mist was starting to overtake her.

  The energy in the room spun faster and faster till it burst forward into a ball of brilliant, white light that filled the room, enveloping Leira. "Come to me, Nana! Now!" She let the light flow through her and Correk watched as it pierced Leira in the middle of her back, blasting out in a sharp, single stream of blinding light from her chest. Her head flew back and she grimaced in pain, arching her back but she held her position, her arms out wide.

  Correk let out a loud, guttural cry, pulling harder on everything within him, sending it all out in front of him.

  The light sliced through the darkness with a thunderous clap.

  The mist faltered and drew back as Mara emerged and fell into the room, pulling a young wizard with her.

  The mist continued to recede as the light dazzled, pushing back the darkness.

  Leira felt another presence. "It's not retreating! It's regrouping!" she yelled over the loud buzz.

  Her arms began to vibrate from the effort. Things were taking an ugly turn. The living and the dead appeared at the tear in the world in between pushing each other to gain access to Earth. Leira could feel the darkness coursing through all of them. The dark magic they had practiced poisoned their energy till it squeezed the humanity out of them. They were writhing and twisting, making it difficult to tell where one body started and another ended. The warning from the Gnome's book. Whatever is in the world in between could get out. Leira felt the edges of their madness. There was nothing left of them but darkness.

  The light coursing through her started to sputter. She was growing weary as the arms reached out to claw at her, climbing over her energy, looking for freedom.

  The young wizard rolled out of the way of the mist's captives as Mara quickly took her place beside Leira, bringing her energy to the fight.

  The light pulsed into the darkness, sending out a surge through Leira with a large crack of thunder. Someone flinched at the noise and the spiral of energy hesitated, weakening Leira even further. A dead man put a foot onto the carpet, smiling, a hole through the center of his chest big enough to put a fist through, reaching for Leira. The troll bared its teeth, growing and stretching till his head brushed the ceiling and he was bent forward, his claws outstretched. He opened his mouth and roared, drowning out the hum, swiping the dead man, ripping off his head and tossing him back into the darkness of the world in between in pieces.

  The troll advanced, slamming a giant paw onto the ground, letting out another ferocious roar, rattling the windows, clawing at the darkness, shredding whatever was in his path. He put himself between the opening and Leira, blocking their path.

  The pile of lost beings retreated, pulling back as two pinpoints of light appeared on either side of the mist. Queen Saria felt a familiar thread of energy coming closer. "Rolim!" The king grasped her hand tighter, stopping her from getting too close to the tear and being pulled inside. Prince Rolim emerged from the darkness, his eyes glowing, battling with the dark beings, sacrificing what was left of himself. It was possible for the dead to still suffer in the world in between.

  "Rolim!" cr
ied his mother, pulling away from the king, trying to get to her son, watching him be destroyed all over again.

  But the second point of light grew brighter and out of the darkness came an older Light Elf with a long grey beard wearing a silver crown.

  "It's true!" gasped Correk. The lost King of Oriceran rushed to his grandson's side. His eyes glowed and his arms were lit by symbols. He fought his way toward the ragged opening.

  "The world in between only opens and closes from the inside," yelled Leira, as she looked at Correk. The old king was fighting to close the tear, even if it meant sacrificing his chance to live again outside of the world in between.

  "Tonight we fight with honor and to the end!" he yelled, ripping apart the beings, cracking their limbs, pulling them off his grandson.

  The troll roared again, reaching into the world in between, slashing the back of a dark being clinging to Prince Rolim, cutting the being to ribbons. "Mother Fucker!" roared the troll. Leira felt the rumble in her chest. The troll stomped a foot, shaking the room, dust from the ceiling raining down on everyone's head.

  Leira could feel the darkness pull back. It was weakened and unable to hold open the tear much longer. Hang on.

  The old king continued to fight, pushing the darkness back, the tear growing smaller.

  "No," gasped Correk but the hole was closing and the veil was growing thicker. Prince Rolim fell to one side, suffering even as he lay dead.

  Queen Saria finally freed herself from her husband's grasp and ran to the hole, reaching inside. It was just big enough for her to get her arm inside.

  She wanted to feel her son's energy one more time. "My brave boy," she cried, her fingers grazing his foot. Please don't let him suffer.

  A light gradually appeared behind him, enveloping the Prince. He stirred and lifted his head, pulling himself to his feet. Leira recognized the young prince she had seen in the vision. He was restored.


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