The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series

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The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series Page 65

by Martha Carr

Queen Saria looked into the eyes of her son and saw the energy return to him. She strained to reach him as he smiled, putting out his hand till their fingertips touched and she felt a small wave of his energy fill her entire being. It was so familiar to her.

  "Mother… I love you."

  She looked at him and did her best to smile. "I love you with all that I am..." Her voice broke but she made herself say what she knew needed to be said. "And I send you on your way with peace. You can go. I'll be alright." Tears filled her eyes but she kept his gaze, smiling, letting her energy go out to him one last time. "My brave son."

  The light grew till it enveloped him, drawing him in till he was gone. The king pulled his wife back just as the hole sucked in air from the room in a sudden gush, creating a whirlpool in the center of the room that spread to the bedroom till it reversed and turned in on itself, disappearing with a bang.

  Several people collapsed on the floor, gasping for air. Larry threw open a window and checked on Jack and Toni. The troll gave one last stomp as he gradually shrunk back down to the size of a large dog, posting himself between Leira and everyone else.

  "It's alright Yumfuck. The battle's over. She's alright." Correk pet the top of Yumfuck's head. The troll leaned against Leira and let out a mournful trill, shrinking even further till he was only five inches tall. Correk scooped him and put him on his shoulder. "Well done, my tiny friend. Very well done."

  Leira ran to her grandmother and fell into her arms. The smell of lilacs was everywhere. Mara wrapped an arm around Leira and held out her other arm for her daughter. Eireka took her mother's hand and held it against her face.

  Leira took a step back and looked at Mara, finally noticing the young wizard still on the floor, pressed against the wall.

  "Wait a minute, I know you. I saw you at the... the bowling alley! That night!"

  Ernie from the Order of the Silver Griffins sat on the carpet, his heart pounding, surprised to be feeling anything solid.

  "You didn't have that before," she said.

  There was a wide streak of silver through his dark hair. "Am I really free? Can they come back for us?" He looked around the room, blinking in the light.

  Someone offered him a hand and helped him to get up. "You're gonna have quite the story to tell, young man," said Larry. "The women will love it! You were in the world in between and lived to tell about it!"

  Ernie's eyes widened and he saw the possibilities. "I could be popular..." he gasped.

  "I found him wandering in there getting pushed around by every magical thug that came along. I took a chance," said Mara. "Couldn't leave him in there."

  "It fucking worked." It was starting to hit Leira what they had done.

  "It fucking worked!" yelled Jack. An exhausted cheer went up from both rooms.

  "Thank you." The queen stood in front of Leira, the hard edge at last gone from her voice. There were green vines wrapping themselves around her crown and small white flowers were blooming. The queen took off her signet ring and handed it to Leira, placing it in her palm. "I was wrong about you and I'm sorry. This ring contains some of my energy. More powerful than my son. Use it when you need to and it will aid you in whatever comes next."

  Leira grasped her hand. "I'm sorry for everything you've lost. Thank you for being here, no matter the reason. You helped save someone in my family... I will never forget that."

  Leira turned to thank everyone in the room and noticed someone was missing. Turner Underwood had already slipped out of the room without anyone noticing. I wonder what will bring you out of the woodwork again.

  "I owe you all my life and the life of my grandmother," she said.

  "That's what family does for each other, honey," said Toni. "You get it now?"

  "I think I do," said Leira.

  "E.T. phone home," trilled the troll, pointing to the ceiling.

  "Where the hell did you go last night?" Leira put out her hand for the troll and he stepped into her palm. "Yumfuck," he trilled, curling up in a ball.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Leira spent the next few days staying close to home getting meals sent over from Estelle's kitchen. She gave her bed to her mother and grandmother and slept on an old air mattress in the living room. Correk offered the couch but she told him she was fine.

  Every day she stood in front of the bathroom mirror where no one else could see her and looked at the two perfectly round scars the size of a fist. One on her back and one on her chest. A souvenir and a reminder. She touched one gingerly and felt a sharp twinge.

  One morning she came out for more food and Estelle waved her over to the bar. She sat her down and pointed out the guest house was looking more like a hostel. To her credit, she didn't ask where her grandmother had been or what exactly brought her back. She was awfully good at reading what people needed.

  "Your society will drill the story out of you. I'll just eavesdrop when they do." She let out a cackle. "Till then, do the right thing. Let those ladies find their own place, get reacquainted. Your mom can afford it. Make that tall drink of water find his own place too. Time for you to build a life of a different kind this time. A happy one." She blew a perfect 'O' and marched back inside the restaurant. Most conversations with Estelle didn't involve give and take.

  "What do you know, Estelle?"

  Eireka brought it up before Leira could say anything. She had found a house for rent not too far away big enough for her and Mara. Leira hugged her before her mother could plead her case. "It's okay. I'll be over there, you two will be over here. It's okay."

  "You'll be busy with that big new job," said Eireka, brushing Leira's hair out of her face.

  "Speaking of which, I gotta go. Duty calls."

  "Go save the world, dear. We'll be here. There's time. Let's get pizza later."

  "Maybe bring Donald?"

  "That's an idea."

  Leira pulled up to the familiar house, the black poodle barking in the front window. She tucked Yumfuck into her jacket pocket and draped two jackets over her arm, picking up the three pink boxes and balancing them under her chin as she got out of the Mustang. She went up the front steps and rang the doorbell, standing back as Hagan answered the door.

  "Oh fuck me, three of those damned boxes. What, did you kill somebody? Am I the cleaner now? Not that I wouldn't do it but geez, don't ruin doughnuts."

  "Doughnuts," trilled the troll from Leira's pocket.

  "You brought the doughnut bandit with you. Couldn't find a magical babysitter? Come on in." There was a strain in his voice and sweat across his forehead.

  "I gave him his own doughnut this time. Where's Rose? I came as soon as I could."

  "She's upstairs. The damn cold has gone into her lungs. Doctors say it isn't good. They want her to go the hospital but you know Rose. Hates the place." Hagan was wringing his hands. Never saw him do that before.

  The troll leaned out of Leira's pocket and offered his half-eaten doughnut.

  "Take me to her." Leira rubbed the troll's head.

  "You think you can help?"

  Leira put the boxes down on a side table in the front hall, resting the jackets on top of them. "Let's find out. Correk told me what to do. I've got this."

  They went up the stairs and Hagan led the way into the bedroom. Rose was propped up on pillows, coughing and flushed. Leira sat down on the edge of the bed and took her hand. "Don't be afraid," she said gently, sending out a small buzz of energy to relax her.

  "Leira, why would I be afraid of you." Rose let out a hacking cough, doubling over.

  Leira waited, settling herself as she pulled up the energy, her eyes glowing. The symbols appeared on the backs of her hands.

  Rose's eyes grew wide but her chest immediately felt lighter and she took in a deep breath. It was working. Leira was pushing out the heavy energy, restoring Rose.

  "How did you do that?" Rose's color was returning to normal.

  "It's a lot like the flowers."

  "What about the flowers?"

bsp; "Never mind that dear. Not important," said Hagan quickly. "Is it done?"

  Leira got up from the side of the bed and let Hagan take her place.

  "What flowers?"

  "Well, you see..." Hagan shrugged, ready to confess.

  Leira stood in the doorway letting her eyes glow again and quietly said, "Never was, never will be," as the couple froze right where they sat. She went downstairs and grabbed the boxes and the jackets, going back outside, waiting till she was sure the spell had worn off and rang the doorbell again.

  Hagan came rushing to the door. "Leira, you'll never believe it. It's like a damn miracle! Rose is better! Damndest thing! Oh geez, what are you doing with all those doughnuts? What'd you kill somebody? And I see you brought the doughnut bandit with you. Come on in if you're coming. You stay out of sight. Rose is just feeling better."

  The troll blew a raspberry. "Elliott..."

  Hagan stared at him. "You owe me twenty bucks, at least."

  Leira started to ask but changed her mind. She followed him in, putting the doughnuts back down on the side table, draping the jackets back over the boxes.

  "I have an offer to make to you. Hear me out. I know you love being a detective."

  "Stop right there." He held up his hand. "I was gonna tell you in some more formal way, you know, over a beer but I turned in my resignation. I'm telling you I can't take training another one. Rose is not thrilled with me but I hit the wall! I could retire but I don't think she wants me under foot all day."

  "What if you could have a partner you didn't need to train?"

  "You recommending somebody for your old job?"

  "No, I'm recommending you for a new one with me."

  "What? I'd chase magical creatures with you?" Hagan fluttered his fingers.

  "Don't do your magic hands. I've told you that."

  "The Feds know you're here?"

  "Not only do they know, they gave me this to give to you. Standard uniform." She handed him one of the jackets. "I'm told you have to wear it. Or at least something like it."

  "PDA? What exactly are we part of?"

  "Paranormal Defense Agent. PDA. I didn't come up with it. There's a bump in pay and no more paperwork." Leira waggled her fingers. "It's okay when I do it."

  "You have to wear one of these things?"

  "Not exactly." Leira picked up the other jacket. It was leather with PDA in white across the back. "I came up with my own version. Still PDA but at least it's leather."

  "You really think an old human like me can hold his own chasing down some magical something or others?"

  "I'll bet my life on it." Leira inched the doughnuts closer to Hagan. "You in?"

  He shrugged. "I'd be in without the doughnuts but it's a classy touch. Together again, huh? Not a bad ending to all of this. We got a case?"

  "Remember that necklace? I have the files in my car. Correk has a few ideas. You want to take a ride?"

  Hagan slipped on the jacket. "It fits! Let me check on Rose. You know, I've really missed that Mustang. You let me drive this time?"

  "That's still a no."

  Hagan started up the stairs.

  "Hey Hagan." He stopped and looked down at Leira. "It's nice to have you back again."

  "Same to you kid. More adventures await!"

  "Wait till you hear..."


  Author Notes - Martha Carr

  Written August 29th, 2017

  It’s been a whirlwind around here lately. First, there has been the amazing response from so many fans of The Leira Chronicles. You guys have written me notes, left posts, written reviews… but not just to say how much you like the books but to send encouragement and to thank me for continuing to go for my dreams… and to say how much these books have made your days or nights a little better. There are no words to tell you how wonderful it has been or what a strong connection I feel from all of you. Who knew that I’d write about a funny troll and a tough young detective who turns out to be magical AND touch so many people. Life is very cool like that.

  The other has been the flood in East Texas. I’m in Central Texas where we got plenty of rain and wind – and for some people flooding – but not like the devastation in other parts of the state. As I write this, the offspring is in Katy, Texas with friends and a boat rescuing as many people as they can from their flooded homes. So far, in just half a day they’ve taken out six or seven boat loads. I can already tell this experience is going to change his life and for the better.

  Some of you who are reading this may be victims of the hurricane and flood and just starting to think about what to do next. May your next days be peaceful and so much easier – and if you send me your address a troll mug will be on its way to you too. It’s not much but if it makes you smile when you go for coffee, I’m happy to help. He’s a tough little dude and so are all of you. Today is a part of a long journey and this isn’t the last chapter. It’s just one of those middle ones that takes some courage to walk through to see what comes next.

  In this book is one of my favorite things to do – Comicon! I have a few pictures (okay a lot more than a few) that I have taken over the years and will be sharing on my Facebook page this week. I remember the first time I took the offspring and I kept pointing to different characters and he could name them all. I got choked up and thought, I am a good mother. It’s a nerdette kind of a thing. It’s on my bucket list to someday be on a panel at Comicon… This came true so…

  Last thing that almost happened this week… there was about 15 minutes where it looked like I might have accidentally lost this book. However, Magic Mike calmly figured out how to retrieve it. He wisely didn’t tell me till later that he wasn’t sure he could. That’s the new nickname for him – Magic Mike – (Chippenelves anyone?). I was so flustered afterwards that we both forgot to turn off Skype (I don’t know what happened on his end) and hours later when I sat down at the computer I wondered why I was watching Mr. Magic Mike walk across his living room drinking a Coke. That was a good laugh after almost losing an entire book! He mentioned something about backing up the manuscript the next time…

  That’s it for now. I’m off to work on the next book in the series, keep checking in with the offspring and take Lois the Wonder Dog for a walk. And of course, keep chatting with all of you.

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  August 30th, 2017

  Thank you! Not only did you read the book, and Martha’s Author Notes, but you made it all the way to mine, as well.

  One of the things Martha didn’t mention is that she took time off to get this book done so damned fast. It has been a total of just about two and a half weeks from her previous book (out on the 14th). Remember, that was written, edited, and sent through the JIT team all in that amount of time, which is a phenomenal effort.

  It wiped her out.

  Fortunately for her, not so fortunately for us, she has more time to get the next book done. We are working on the beats for it Thursday, I believe. (Which is tomorrow, now that I look at the time which is about 12:45 AM.)

  If you ever work with Martha, there is one aspect which is going to ‘shine’ and that is she can be very … uh… determined.

  For example, she is wiped out mentally – the book is with Stephen Campbell to get to the JIT team (Just in Time) and she pings me…

  “Is the cover good enough for creating a FB banner?”

  So, I’m off to create a FB banner… She LOVES the Facebook banner. Now I get…

  “Love the FB Banner! Can I have a this as a mug? How about now? No? When? Ok…”

  What feels like ten minutes later…

  “Don’t forget the mug…”

  I start mumbling under my breath.

  Next morning, I’m working on the stuff for Ell Leigh Clarke’s Retribution release.

  “Good morning! How are we doing on the mug?”

  We aren’t. Going on the mug, I mean. Not only because of the aforementioned release, but because I had FORGOT about the mug. I’m
done w/ my email send out and decide to work on the mug design.

  It doesn’t go too well. I can’t seem to get something I like. A few hours later, I’m back at home working and we happen to be chatting about something.

  “So, how is that mug going?” she asks me.


  I tell her that I’m going to let her go, and work on the mug. By now (the phone call) it’s about 8:00 PM.

  Forty minutes later, guess who pings me? That’s right… It’s the Carr lady. Five minutes later I finally get her the link to the new mug and thank God, she likes it.

  Otherwise, I was going to make a special mug with something rude on it and send her that. What do I get for all of this going-the-extra-mile effort?

  I get the name ‘Magic Mike’…



  One should never upset the person who can create merchandise and put it up for sale. Who KNOWS what I might do.

  I have pictures of you Carr, and I’m not afraid to use them!

  If you are curious about the new YumFuck Design. Check them out, here:

  ORICERAN Updates

  Just a quick note: We have two (2) new Oriceran releases coming out by the end of next week, be on the lookout!

  Rule Of Magic

  Leira Chronicles Book Four

  Chapter One

  The green Mustang was parked on Viewpoint Drive on the South side of Austin, a few houses down from the rancher painted the colors of a dreamsicle. Pale orange and not quite white. The tall palm tree in the front yard rustled in the wind as the large fronds lifted, pointing toward the east.

  “This is where the magical rainbow ended? Doesn’t seem like much.” Felix Hagan narrowed his eyes, looking at the broken shutters on the front of the house. “You’d think someone who knows how to use dark magic would fix up the place.”


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