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The Man in Blue

Page 28

by C. S Luis

  “It’s Mrs. Whitney’s, and she’s out today. Don’t worry, I checked. I’m not stupid. Duh!”

  I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed my bag from the car floor. I wondered how she had checked.

  “So, what’s the problem?” She asked again. I glanced over at her, wondering if I could even begin to explain my problems to her.


  I took a deep breath and said, "Have you ever felt like you've been dreaming but were wide awake?"

  She seriously looked over at me and started to nod. I felt relief until she said, "All the time; it's called acid." She laughed as I moved to exit the car. She pulled me back inside by the arm.

  "I'm just kidding; tell me what’s going on,” She suddenly became serious.

  "Do you believe people can do things with their minds?" I asked her.

  "What? You mean like read minds and shit like that?" She asked. “Like the Jedi?”

  "Yeah,” I whispered, waiting for her mind to say freak in so many ways.

  "I do actually," Alex admitted, and I could sense she was being honest. "Wish I could do that,” she admitted. “Can you imagine? That would be so awesome!” She said again. “Why? Don't tell me you can read minds.” She laughed.

  I looked the other way, unsure if I could tell her or if she would even believe me. But it was too late; we were there at that point now.

  “Can you?"

  “I can,” I admitted, waiting for the reaction in her eyes and then her lips. Everything always happened with her in that order.

  “No, really? Like actually read minds?” She spun around to the passenger side.

  “Are you serious?” She exclaimed; her eyes went wide.

  “You’re pulling my leg, right?” She asked, and for a long second all she did was stare at me, and as if by mere examination she could see it in me. So, I did what was obviously the next best thing. I gave her a show and tell.

  I locked the doors, turned the radio on, turning through the stations until I found an 80’s classic from Huey Lewis & the News, the power of love. For a moment, she just stared at me unable to say a word.

  Then, when she finally spoke she said, “That radio has never worked. How did you do that?”

  I put a finger to my head. I felt like she would start laughing at me any moment or run out of the car freaked out of her mind.

  But then she smiled and said, “Awesome!” and began dancing to the music like nothing had ever happened or what I had just said was that I had purchased a new dress in a fancy designer store. Whatever the case was, she didn’t freak.

  “I’m thinking of something very interesting,” Alex said again with that smirk on her matted face. I glanced at her, suddenly knowing what.

  “No,” I said to her. “I can’t.”

  “Yes.” She shook her head. “Oh, come on Claudia,” she begged, putting her hands together as if she were praying to a higher force. I guess she might have been.

  “This is amazing! This has to be exploited in every possible way,” she said giggling, and then she suddenly pushed my head down. “Get down!”

  “What?” I asked, but she put a finger to my lips.

  “Sssh,” she said. “It’s him!”

  “Him?” I panicked, not knowing who she meant. The radio abruptly went dead.

  “Dr. Black. I just saw him drive into the parking lot,” she whispered; when she said his name, I remembered his eerie message to me the night before.

  “Shit, if he sees us he’ll make me move my car.” She giggled. Seriously, is that all she was concerned about?

  “I’ve got to go,” I said to her, nervously trying to open the car door. She grabbed my arm.

  “Wait, you can’t go now. Just relax. I don’t think he saw us.” She peered over the dashboard and lifted her head up, grabbing her school bag.

  “Okay, come on; he’s gone. Let’s get going before he sees us,” she said while looking over at me.

  “Come on!” She motioned to me as again I shook my head at her and nearly crawled out of the car, hiding behind a truck nearby.

  “Okay.” She signaled to me. “Go!”

  We rushed inside the building just in time. I glanced back and caught sight of Dr. Black emerging from his vehicle.

  He drives a mustang? What principal drives a classic mustang? I must have uttered this under my breath as Alex grabbed and pulled me into the building.

  Dr. Black began making his way towards the side door where we were. Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me through a crowd of students and into the side stairwell to our left just as I saw Dr. Black entering the building. I lost sight of him as we raced to the second floor. The bell rang as we entered the second-floor hallway. We stopped, and I looked at the time on my phone.

  “Damn it. I’m gonna be late,” I said in frustration.

  “Forget it; let’s ditch class for today,” Alex suggested.

  “But I can’t,” I said as I heard the second bell ring and realized that now I was really late. The hallways slowly began to clear. And that’s when I saw him: Quentin. He motioned me to the far end of the hall as he ducked into a black metal doorway. I hurried away, leaving Alex in the hallway, and before she even noticed I was gone, I had ducked into the same metal door leading up a fleet of step to the roof.

  I felt guilty for leaving her behind, but right now, the only thing on my mind was Quentin. Then, that’s when I saw him standing and looking down below at the street from above. He was dressed in the same scaly leather uniform, and his black matted locks were pulled away from his face.

  I stumbled in, standing at the entrance.

  “Why did you leave so quickly last night?” I began. I knew that he had sensed me enter. But I didn’t know how.

  He slowly turned as I took a step forward and was closer than before. He merely smiled, taking in a breath, it was as if by my scent alone I had drawn him out of hiding. And now, his deep purple eyes seemed almost intoxicated as he staggered closer in the dance.

  “Forgive me. I did not want to leave…but your world does not hold the capabilities that I require to exist. That is why I often must go.”

  I gazed at him perplexed, understanding nothing, but it didn’t matter. I just wanted to be near him.

  “You mean to the place you showed me?”

  “Yes, that is my home. I can’t exist beyond its walls unless I can acquire energy from another source.” He stumbled and rushed to my side as he fell into my arms. I felt drawn to him. Immediately, his eyes became heavy with desire at my touch.

  “You’re my angel,” he hissed. I reached to touch his face; he gasped, closing his eyes at the feel of my hand on his cold skin.

  “Are you alright?” I asked trembling; he grabbed my hand, keeping it on his cheek. It was as if my touch alone delighted him immensely.

  “Believe me when I say I did not want to leave,” he hissed, opening his eyes slowly; he appeared overwhelmed, gasping slightly and breathing deeply.

  “Tell me how to help you,” I pleaded while feeling his cold face tremble at my touch. His lips quivered suddenly as they spread, releasing almost an orgasmic moan.

  “You already have, my pet,” he said once more, taking a deep breath again, and then he slowly rose and leaped onto the ledge, extending his hand out to me. He seemed alive, unlike before, almost radiant and full of vigor.

  “Come with me,” he said at once with his hand extended out for me to take.

  I looked towards the door behind, hesitated, and didn’t move.

  “You are not pleased to see me?” He asked, slightly disappointed, studying the expression of concern on my face.

  “Oh, yes more than anything,” I said with sheer excitement.

  “Then come with me, my pet! Let me take you to my world. I have so much more to show you,” he said almost in a musical voice.

  I stumbled closer. “But, Michael—he will worry,” I must have uttered in my bewildered daze.

  “He means nothing; does he, my pet?” Quentin whi
spered. “Come. I want you near me! Let me take you away, my pet!”

  The words died before I could say anything else. I felt powerless, yet stronger than I had ever felt before when he was near.

  “I couldn’t bear being away from you,” Quentin hissed, grabbing hold of my hand.

  “Nothing, no one can keep me away from you, my pet,” he said again. “Come away with me,” he pulled my arm.

  The ledge nervously came closer, and I nearly lost my step as Quentin’s body dropped back. The scream in my throat finally escaped my lips, and I closed my eyes, only to suddenly feel arms yank me to the floor. When I opened my eyes, I saw Alex staring down at me, and she was trying to wake me up.

  “Claudia!” She screamed. I blinked up at her realizing Quentin was gone.

  “What happened?” I asked. “Where?” I tried to say, but nothing coming from my mouth made sense.

  “What happened?” She asked. “You almost fell to your death, you idiot!” Alex shouted. She grabbed hold of my hand and lifted me to my feet. I stumbled but managed to regain my balance with her help.

  I looked about as I staggered beside her towards the entrance, only glancing back once before we disappeared through the door.



  The bell rang for the last time when Michael looked across the classroom. The students were all busy working on a project he had given them to do for the entire period. He looked towards the doorway when he saw Mr. Claypool poke his head through the door window and signal him over.

  “Students, continue with your assignment while I step out for a moment.” Michael said.

  The class remained quiet as if he had never said a word. A few students barely glanced up, uninterested. Michael came into the hallway to find Mr. Claypool’s worried face looking back at him.

  “Anything?” Michael asked as he took a step forward.

  The tall blond balding assistant principal shook his head.

  “Did you look everywhere?” Michael asked.

  “Michael, I’m beginning to think she’s not in school at all,” Mr. Claypool said.

  “That’s impossible. I saw her leaving with Alex Burton,” Michael replied.

  “Alex Burton, Michael?” Mr. Claypool asked skeptically.

  “Yes, I know. That’s why I’m very worried,” Michael, said as he looked into his classroom to check on his students.

  “Knowing how Burton behaves, I think they’re at the mall,” Mr. Claypool said.

  “Well, I can’t leave my class,” Michael said while pacing the hallway.

  “You want me to send Mr. Vasquez?” Mr. Claypool asked, taking out his radio.

  “No,” Michael said. “If Dr. Black finds out I sent him on an errand to find Claudia, who may be skipping, it won’t look good for Mr. Vasquez or her.”

  Mr. Claypool put the radio down in agreement.

  “So, what do you want me to do, sir?” Mr. Claypool asked.

  Michael’s worried face gazed up at him. “All we can do is keep our eyes open…if she’s with Burton, then the mall is our best bet. But that lady is gonna have a lot of explaining to do when I find her.”

  Mr. Claypool shook his head. “I’ll inform Mr. Vasquez of what’s happening.”

  Mr. Claypool lifted the radio, but Michael stopped him before he could use it. “It’s best we just keep Dr. Black out of the loop; inform Mr. Vasquez without the radio.” Mr. Claypool nodded, and Michael disappeared into his classroom.



  I managed to walk the rest of the way down with Alex behind me, giving me a strange, motherly lecture concerning the event that took place up there. We stumbled out the door into the hallway.

  “What the hell were you trying to do?” She snapped at me.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, still not sure of what had happened. I recalled being with Quentin one moment and then finding Alex shouting at me the next as I sat on the roof floor in utter confusion.

  “Claudia, you nearly fell over the edge. If I hadn’t come when I did…let’s just say we wouldn’t be standing here talking.” She looked over at me. “You don’t remember, do you? Are you okay?” Alex asked, concerned. I was surprised by her sudden transformation.

  “I’m not sure,” I said, stumbling away. “I have to go.”

  I could hear her calling from behind, but I didn’t stop. I could sense Michael’s troubled mind searching for me. He had Mr. Claypool and Mr. Vasquez looking for me. And I knew I would be in big trouble once he found me.

  The bell hadn’t rung, but I had already missed two classes when I came down to the second-floor hallway, nearly racing down the hall as I turned the corner and came crashing into Mr. Thomas. He simply looked at me and said, “Everyone’s been looking for you.”

  He motioned me with a finger to follow him. I caught sight of Alex ducking into the stairwell before I was led away in the other direction with Mr. Thomas.


  Dr. Black’s Office

  At the principal’s office

  I was expecting to see Michael’s face when I was taken to the principal’s office. Mrs. Wallace wasn’t at her desk. Dr. Black’s office door was closed. Mr. Thomas knocked; he narrowed a pair of dark eyes over at me as if to say, now you’re in trouble.

  From the other side of the door, I heard Dr. Black’s voice calling for us to enter. As the door opened and Dr. Black saw me with Mr. Thomas, he immediately dropped what he was working on. Mr. Thomas dragged me in, and we stood at the front of Dr. Black’s desk. Dr. Black gave me a welcoming smile, but I couldn’t even meet his eyes. I was both embarrassed and disappointed in myself.

  “Sorry to disturb you, Dr. Black, but I found her in the second-floor hallway coming from the roof. It appears she was skipping.”

  Dr. Black looked at me in disbelief.


  Dr. John Black

  She looked guilty when I first saw her come into my office. Perhaps she looked more embarrassed than anything else. I was happy to see her until Mr. Thomas revealed their reasons for being in my office.

  “I see,” I only said as I came from around the side of my desk to stand in front of Mr. Thomas.

  “I’ll handle this, Mr. Thomas,” I told him.

  He was a strict fellow that up until now hardly smiled. Something about me brought out his kindness that at first I doubted was there. He took his job seriously, that was for sure. He wanted to be a cop and had instead ended up as security in a school. Of course, I never asked why; it was none of my business, and it seemed he often offered reasons for things in his life when he wanted to.

  And this was no different, I figured that when he was ready, he would reveal it to me. Not that it mattered much to me. Although, it gave me an idea of anything strange going on around the school grounds that he might have been aware about.

  “Should I inform Mr. McClellan?” Mr. Thomas asked, glancing back at Claudia as her eyes blinked at the sound of Michael’s name.

  “No, no, I’ll do that myself,” I said while staring down at her. She didn’t look up at me, just stared at the floor.

  “Very well,” Mr. Thomas answered.

  “Just make sure you lock the door that leads to the roof,” I advised the security guard.

  “There is no lock, sir,” Mr. Thomas said, and I glanced at him doubtfully.

  “Well, we need to secure it. Get Mrs. Wallace to call a locksmith. We need to keep students from going up there,” I said, directing my words at Claudia; I knew she could feel my eyes on her.

  “Yes, sir,” Mr. Thomas said and exited the office.

  I closed the door behind him and walked back to where she stood, and for a moment, I didn’t say a word. Then, I moved around my desk and sat down. She stood there unable to look at me for a long while until I said, “Have a seat.”

  She nearly collapsed on one of the seats in front of my desk.

  “Am I in trouble?” She stupidly asked. I glared over at her, surprised by the que
stion. I had to discipline her and found the thoughts of doing so rather disturbing.

  Stop it, John

  Think like a responsible principal, not like John Slater.

  If you wanted an excuse to come see me, baby, all you had to do was ask, John Slater would say.

  I bit my lip trying to focus. She made it so hard to do so. The same overwhelming feelings disturbed my concentration whenever she was near.

  “I’m disappointed,” I started with a stern and firm look in my eyes. She glanced up at me, and then looked back down.

  “What were you doing on the roof?” I very calmly asked.

  “Nothing,” she whispered, but I could tell she wasn’t being fully honest.

  “Oh? Would you rather I ask Michael?” She immediately looked up. “I’m sure he would be very happy to hear that you have been skipping and putting yourself in harm’s way,” I scolded her.

  “I wasn’t,” she uttered. “I was just…late to class.”

  “Late to three classes?” I added with a smirk.

  “Are you going to give me detention?” She asked as if to say let’s get this over with.



  “That’s the least of your worries right now. What were you doing up there? Were you with someone?”

  I glanced up at him, realizing that perhaps he had already known. But I didn’t want to get Alex in trouble. But yet, I couldn’t say what was the honest truth, which was that I was up there with him. Quentin. And I panicked.

  “I was with no one,” I insisted.

  “Claudia, I’m not your enemy. I want us to be friends. I hope you understand that. I’m just concerned.” Dr. Black rose and moved around the desk slowly. “I’m sorry if I frightened you the other night,” he said again and stood facing me near his desk. “I didn’t mean to,” he honestly admitted.


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